Luanda – Angolans begin Friday 9th a new period of restrictions imposed by the Government as part of preventive measures and fight against Covid-19.

The new measures, which were announced by minister and Head of Civil Affairs Office to the President of Republic, Adão de Almeida, are part of the update of the Presidential Decree on the Situation of Public Calamity.

They include the increase in the workforce in Luanda, from 50 to 75 percent, in public and private services.

While, the sectors of education, health, defence forces and public order, media, energy and water, ports and airports, bank agencies and solid waste collection services, should keep their workforce at 100 percent.

Easing was also reflected on the opening, on weekends, of restaurants and other services, as well as cultural activities, such as non-dancing shows, as well as cinemas, from 6 am to 10 pm.

Strict compliance with biosecurity measures and with only 50 percent of their occupancy capacity remains also mandatory.

In order to prevent the import of new variants of the disease, the Government also maintains a ban on the entry of non-resident foreign citizens, coming or passing through Brazil and India.

A curfew was also announced, from 11 pm to midnight until 5 am.

The country keeps cordon sanitaire to prevent the import of the virus.

Upon arrival, the mandatory home quarantine regime is maintained for a period of up to 10 days.

Citizens with a positive test for the new Coronavirus are subjected to home isolation, being subject to fines for violating the provisions established in the diploma.

Source: Angola Press News Agency