Luanda – The United States of America (USA), Canada, India, Qatar, Côte d’Ivoire, Spain and the G7+ are, as of Saturday, associated observers of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP).

The 13th Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP also approved the accession, as observers, of Ireland, Peru, Greece, Romania, the Ibero-American Conference and the European Public Law Organization.

According to the Resolution on the Granting of the Associated Observer Category, which came out of the Conference, the new observers must share the principles and objectives of the community, in a partnership established on the basis of political-diplomatic concertation, in the various areas of cooperation and in the promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese language.

In the category of consultative observer, the Association of Teachers of Portuguese in Galicia, ProCult – Angolan Organisation for Incentives to Private Investment in the Cultural Sector, the Association of Pharmacists of Portuguese Speaking Countries (AFPLP), the Federation of Portuguese-speaking Lawyers (FALP) and the City of Lisbon Foundation were approved.

As goodwill ambassadors of the CPLP, with a four-year mandate, renewable for an equal period, Leonardo Santos Simão was nominated for political and diplomatic concertation, Filipe Silvino de Pina Zau for the Portuguese language, and Nelson Évora and Patrícia Mamona for youth, sport and gender equality.

The CPLP is an organisation formed by Portuguese-speaking countries, whose objective is the deepening of mutual friendship and cooperation between its members.

Founded on 17 July 1996, in Lisbon (Portugal), the CPLP is made up of nine states, namely Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea, East Timor, Guinea Bissau and Portugal, the country that hosts the organisation’s headquarters.

Source: Angola Press News Agency