Luanda – The minister of State and Chief of the Civil Affairs Office to the President of Republic Adão de Almeida said Monday that the System of the Independent Administrative Entities has a specific regulation.
This was during a Parliamentary session that discussed the Draft Law on General Regime on the Administrative Independent Entities, held in special terms on Monday.
“The law has this particularity, the way it addresses a complexity of recipients, very specific independent administrative entities. It has no vocation to regulate all the independent administrative entities, and some of them are left out, as the case of National Electoral Commission”, the official.
According to the minister of State, it was difficult to find a general regime that would apply to all independent administrative entities.
The official clarified that the Law is applicable to independent administrative entities that, when created by the law itself, subject to its regime.
Adão de Almeida noted that the law that approves and creates the National Electoral Commission (CNE) does not subject it to this regime.
Another independent administrative entity which is not included in the aforementioned regime is also the National bank of Angola (BNA).
The MPs approved, in the special terms, with suggested alterations and accepted, the First title (General Dispositions), Second title of the first chapter (Management Policies and Principles) and the second chapter (Bodies, Services and Personnel).
The article 17 of the second chapter that discusses the composition and designation of the Board of Directors of the Independent Administrative Entity could not obtain consensus and was approved separately with 10 votes in favor, non against and two abstentions.
The article 11 of the first chapter on the Independence Principle, was changed to Functional Independence Principle to remove the idea of a total independence of the Independent Administrative Entities.
Source: Angola Press News Agency