Luanda – The Angolan deputies on Thursday unanimously approved the rule on in-person electoral registration in localities without access to Civil Identification Services.
The norm in question is included in the addition of article 241A (On-site Electoral Registration) of the Project of On-site Revision of the Constitution being discussed, in speciality, in the National Assembly.
The norm refers that (…), “while the conditions for universal access to the National Identity Card are not created in the country, the electoral registration can be done in person in the localities without access to the Civil Identification services”.
MPLA deputy João Pinto said that the norm, which clearly shows the reality of the country, aims to ensure greater inclusion in the citizenship system.
Mihaela Weba, UNITA deputy, had a contrary opinion, for whom this should be a great concern for the country, “due to the fact that, so far, it has not been possible to give citizenship to all Angolans, even with the approval of a law for the massification of civil registration”.
The legislators also unanimously approved Chapter II of Title IV of the Constitution, referring to the addition of articles 116 A, on the Management of the Executive Function at the End of the Mandate, and 132 A, on the replacement of the Vice-President of the Republic.
The addition of Article 116A states that “during the period between the electoral campaign and the inauguration of the President of the Republic, the President of the Republic in office shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the executive function and shall not perform any acts that may condition or restrict the exercise of governmental activity by the President of the Republic elect.
Number two of that same article states that (…), “in the event of duly justified necessity and urgency, the acting President of the Republic may perform acts that are not merely day-to-day management”.
Source: Angola Press News Agency