The members of the Technical Committee of the Provincial Food Security Council (CT-CPSA) met on Friday, September 20 in ordinary session in Leo to discuss the food and nutritional situation in the said province. This meeting, the first of its kind in 2024, was chaired by the provincial director in charge of Agriculture, Yaya Tabouret.
The search for food and nutritional security is the leitmotif of the Ministry in charge of Agriculture in all these actions, through its decentralized services. It is with this in mind that a session of the Technical Committee Provincial Food Security Council (CT-CPSA) of Sissili took place on Friday, July 20, 2024 in Léo.
For the representative of the regional director in charge of Agriculture for the Centre-West, Roland Nestor Sandwidi, this meeting is being held as a prelude to the preparations for the general assembly of the regional food security council under the theme: “Contribution of the agro-pastoral and fisheries offensive to achieving the food and nutritional situ
ation in Burkina Faso.
The participants were entitled to a communication on the situations of the agro-pastoral, food and nutritional campaign of the province made by Arnold Kaboré of the provincial directorate of Agriculture of animal and fisheries resources of Sissili.
According to Mr. Kaboré, the rainfall data are below expectations compared to the same period of the past campaign.
The communicator, however, clarified that the distribution in time and space is satisfactory.
He indicated that the province of Sissili experienced a normal start to the 2024-2025 wet season agricultural campaign with dry sequences recorded in the 3rd decade of July and the 1st decade of August.
In his opinion, there is hope for a good campaign if the rains continue until mid-October.
“The food situation of households is passable and we are seeing availability of food but prices remain high,” he noted.
The session allowed participants to formulate recommendations relating to food and nutritional security in the Sissili pr
This involves, among other things, strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the development of micro-projects to support IDPs and vulnerable people in the province, seeking funding for the regular holding of CT-CPSA sessions, and capitalizing on humanitarian interventions in the province of Sissili.
The prospects include, among others, the provision of phytosanitary products effective against caterpillars to the provincial directorate of Agriculture, an increase in the quantity of inputs from producers and the subsidization of basic foodstuffs.
The provincial director of agriculture, animal and fisheries resources, Yaya Tabouret thanked everyone for their full participation in the discussions.
Mr. Tabouret asked for everyone’s involvement for the successful implementation of the recommendations to the great delight of the populations of the Sissili province.
Source: Burkina Information Agency