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Luanda – The Minister of State and Head of the Civil House of the President of the Republic, Adão de Almeida, highlighted this Tuesday the fact that the first Punctual Revision of the Constitution, an initiative of the President of the Republic, was approved without any vote against.

The National Assembly definitively approved the text of the first initiative for the partial ordinary revision of the Constitution of the Republic of 2010, 11 years after it came into force.

The Bill for the Ordinary Partial Revision of the Constitution of 2010 was approved by 152 votes in favour (MPLA, FNLA and PRS), no votes against and 56 abstentions by UNITA, the CASA-CE coalition and independent deputies.

According to the Minister of State, the punctual revision of the Constitution sought some objectives that were achieved.

The first note, he said, was the fact that it was approved without any votes against.

The fact that all political forces have contributed to the process and, in the end, none of them voted against the Constitutional Revision Project, is elucidative of the advance that we have achieved with it”, he expressed.

Adão de Almeida said that with this constitutional revision, there will be a better structuring and a better balance in the relationship between the Parliament and the Executive, in the measure in which the mechanisms of political supervision of the Parliament over the Government will be clarified.

Source: Angola Press News Agency