Young creators’ exhibition due on Saturday, Sunday

Luanda – Angolan Youth Institute (IAJ) will hold Saturday in Luanda the 4th Edition of Mostra National Exhibition of young Angolan Creators 2022.

The winners will represent the country at the 10th Edition of the Biennial of the Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), to be held in Cabo Verde.

The institute’s director, José Mateus, said the fourth Edition will gather 200 exhibitors from all over the country.

The event is also expected to promote creativity, artistic innovation and cultural entrepreneurship among young people.

The Mostra is a festival of young artists held annually since 2013. This year it will take place on the 5 and 6 September.



Source: Angola Press News Agency

German organisation invests over €400,000 in Cunene


Ondjiva – The German international organisation “Bread for the World”, spent 460, 000 euros on the project called “Building the resilience of communities”, in the southern Cunene province.

The one-and-a-half year project will be implemented by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).

It is expected to benefit 16,000 people in the municipalities of Cuanhama, Ombadja, Namacunde, Cahama and Cuvelai (Cunene province),

The national coordinator of the Lutheran World Federation, Adão Mateus, told Angop that the project is divided into three different components.

“The first component consists of empowering communities to be resilient to drought, the second supporting women with microcredit for agriculture, manufacture of soap, raising small animals and building cisterns on the sidewalk,” he said.

Adão Mateus explained that the project will be launched in the next few days, in Ondjiva city, aimed at benefiting the most needy communities.

The Lutheran World Federation is a supranational entity which bring together several churches of Lutheran affiliation from around the world.



Source: Angola Press News Agency

The greater Horn of Africa’s climate-related health crisis worsens as disease outbreaks surge

Brazzaville ‒ New analysis by World Health Organization (WHO) has found that the number of reported disease outbreaks and climate-related health emergencies in the greater Horn Africa have reached their highest-ever level this century, deepening a health crisis in a region where 47 million people are already facing acute hunger. Most parts of the region are battling the worst drought in at least 40 years, with an unprecedented fifth rainy season failure now anticipated, while other parts face flooding and conflict.

“Climate change is having an impact here and now on the health of Africans in the greater Horn of Africa. The failure of four consecutive rainy seasons has scorched the earth and pushed people out of their homes in search of food and water,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “It is critical that world leaders reach agreement on stemming the rise in temperatures at the 27th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP27) which is very appropriately taking place in Africa. As a continent we are the least responsible for global warming, but among the first to experience its tragic impact.”

Analysis of the seven countries in the greater Horn of Africa – Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda – recorded 39 reported outbreaks, flooding and other acute public health events between 1 January and 30 October 2022. This is already the highest annual reported number since 2000, with two months left in the year. Outbreaks of anthrax, measles, cholera, yellow fever, chikungunya, meningitis, and other infectious diseases account for more than 80% of the acute public health events reported, with drought, flooding and other disasters accounting for 18%.

Millions of children under the age of five years are estimated to be facing acute malnutrition, increasing their risk of not only starvation, but also of severe outcomes during a disease outbreak due to weakened immunity. Malnourished children are more susceptible to common childhood diseases. Globally, 45% of under-5 deaths are associated with malnutrition.

“In the past four years, the number of people facing acute hunger in the greater Horn of Africa have more than doubled. We must put a stop to this exponential rise in misery. Between malnutrition and death there is often disease. The dire conditions in the greater Horn of Africa are a perfect storm for outbreaks, which unless we act quickly will flare up with increasing intensity,” added Dr Moeti. To mount an effective emergency response to the crisis on our doorstep, we need US$124 million, but have only received 34% of our request up to now.”

Vaccination coverage in the region of life-saving childhood vaccines is well below the necessary threshold to prevent disease outbreaks. In most countries of the region, measles vaccination coverage is too low to prevent cases and all greater Horn of Africa countries have had to deal with measles outbreaks in 2022.

Drought is not the only extreme weather event the region is fighting. South Sudan is experiencing its fourth consecutive year of flooding with 40% of the country under water. Heavy rains and flash floods continue to affect tens of thousands of people across neighbouring Sudan. The floods have destroyed or damaged thousands of houses and tens of health facilities, water sources, and latrines in 15 states. Additionally, livestock and a wide area of agricultural land have been affected by floods, which contribute to food insecurity.

Food insecurity, resulting from flooding and drought, along with conflict, the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, and high food and fuel prices, has forced people to flee their homes and the region now has 4.5 million refugees and asylum seekers as well as 12.7 million internally displaced people. The displacement of people often means they will miss out on the healthcare they need, including preventive care. Crowded temporary shelters with poor water and sanitation conditions can contribute to an increased risk of outbreaks.

In response to the deepening health crisis, WHO is focused on ensuring that vulnerable populations, especially children have access to essential health services, protecting populations from diseases through immunization campaigns, detecting and responding to outbreaks and providing treatment for severe acute malnutrition, among other actions.

WHO has mobilized over US$7 million in supplies and equipment for the greater Horn of Africa including US$3 million in kits to severe malnutrition, or diseases such as cholera and measles. The Organization has also trained thousands of health workers across the region on the management of acute malnutrition.

“WHO urgently needs partners to come together to support the food insecurity response in the region,” says Dr Egmond Evers, acting Incident Manager, WHO greater Horn of Africa response “We must ensure a strong health response to prevent disease and death from health risks related to the food insecurity. We need more essential medical equipment and supplies, vaccines, medicines, and kits to support essential health services. We must step up critical actions like vaccinations and improve surveillance to prevent outbreaks from getting out of hand. We cannot delay any longer. We must act now.”

WHO held a press conference today with Dr John Rumunu, Director-General of Preventive Health Services, Ministry of Health, South Sudan, Lt. Col Dr Henry Kyobe Bossa, Incident Commander for Ebola outbreak, Ministry of Health, Uganda, Dr Egmond Evers, Acting Incident Manager for Greater Horn of Africa Food Insecurity and Health and Dr Patrick Otim, WHO Africa’s Incident Manager for the Ebola outbreak in Uganda.



Source: World Health Organization. Africa

CCTV+ : Script de « In the Name of Youth »

PÉKIN, 3 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Ruijin, berceau de la République populaire de Chine, a donné naissance à quantité d’innovations dans l’histoire. Le village de Songping est un site historique. Sur un mur, on peut lire quelques essais, aux lignes grossières mais au style délicat, qui semblent être des griffonnages d’élèves. En fait, ces essais ont été écrits par les soldats de l’Armée rouge, qui ont étudié ici il y a environ 90 ans.

Dans les années 1930, le Kuomintang a mené un « encerclement et une répression » militaires et un blocus économique féroces dans la zone soviétique centrale. En 1933, l’école de communication de l’Armée rouge des ouvriers et des paysans chinois a été créée sur la colline de Pingshan, dans le village de Songping, pendant cette guerre dévastatrice. Un groupe de jeunes soldats de l’Armée rouge, âgés de 16 à 17 ans, dont les connaissances ne dépassaient pas le niveau de l’école élémentaire, étudiaient assidûment la technologie radio afin de construire le réseau de communication de l’Armée rouge.

Quatre-vingt-dix ans se sont écoulés depuis. Les jeunes étudiants d’aujourd’hui ne sont sûrement pas en mesure de ressentir la faim et la soif de connaissances des jeunes de cette époque. Après 90 ans, nous ne pouvons plus déchiffrer ce que ressentaient les jeunes soldats lorsqu’ils ont peint ces graffitis sur ce mur. Cependant, on peut y voir des vestiges de leur vie. C’est ici qu’ont été consignées leurs voix fortes et leur jeunesse florissante. C’est au cours de ces années qu’ils se sont courageusement lancés sur le champ de bataille de la communication, après une brève période d’apprentissage.

Les adolescents d’autrefois sont devenus des silhouettes pâlissantes dans l’océan du temps, mais leurs essais inscrits sur ce mur sont encore clairs. Ce que ces traits rudes et délicats représentent, c’est l’esprit indélébile de l’Armée rouge. Après 90 ans, le souhait qui se cachait derrière ces graffitis s’est déjà réalisé. La loyauté, la foi, le dévouement et les sacrifices de générations de communistes ont permis le grand renouveau de la nation chinoise. Les ombres du passé sont révolues, mais la marque rouge sur la terre du Jiangxi ne s’est jamais effacée et restera toujours radieuse.

Vidéo –

‫تلفزيون الصين المركزي (سي سي تي في+): كلمات باسم الشباب

بكين، 3 نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022 / PRNewswire / — أنشأت Ruijin ، أوج جمهورية الصين الشعبية، بدايات لا تعد ولا تحصى في التاريخ. قرية سونج بنج هي موقع تاريخي. كتب على الجدار بعض المقالات، خشنة في السطور ولكن أسلوبها رقيق، ويبدو أنها رسومات مبتكرة للتلاميذ. في الواقع، جنود الجيش الأحمر الذين درسوا هنا منذ حوالي 90 عامًا هم من كتبوا هذه المقالات.

في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي، نفذ الكومينتانغ “تطويقًا وقمعًا” عسكريًا عنيفًا وحصارًا اقتصاديًا في المنطقة السوفيتية الوسطى. في عام 1933، تم إنشاء مدرسة الاتصالات للجيش الأحمر للعمال والفلاحين الصينيين في بينغشان هيل في قرية سونج بنج أثناء الحرب المدمرة. مجموعة من جنود الجيش الأحمر الشباب، تتراوح أعمارهم بين 16 و 17 عامًا، مستواهم أقل من مستوى المدرسة الابتدائية، درسوا بجدية تكنولوجيا الراديو لبناء شبكة اتصالات للجيش الأحمر.

لقد مرت 90 سنة منذ ذلك الحين. قد لا يكون الطلاب الصغار اليوم قادرين على الشعور بالجوع والعطش لمعرفة شعور الشباب في تلك الأيام. بعد 90 عامًا، لم يعد بإمكاننا فك رموز شعور الجنود الشباب عندما رسموا الشعارات على الحائط. ومع ذلك، يمكننا أن نرى آثارًا لحياتهم هنا. هذا هو المكان الذي تم فيه تسجيل أصواتهم المرتفعة وشبابهم المزدهر. خلال تلك السنوات، هرعوا بشجاعة إلى ساحة معركة التواصل فقط بعد فترة قصيرة من التعلم.

أصبح المراهقون ذات يوم شخصيات متلاشية في محيط الزمن، لكن مقالاتهم على الحائط لا تزال واضحة. ما تمثله الضربات القاسية والعطاء هو الروح التي لا تمحى للجيش الأحمر. بعد 90 سنة، تحققت بالفعل الرغبة وراء الكتابة على الجدران. أدى الولاء والإيمان والتفاني والتضحيات التي قدمتها أجيال من الشيوعيين إلى النهضة الكبيرة للأمة الصينية. لقد ولت ظلال الماضي، لكن العلامة الحمراء على أرض جيانغشي لم تتلاشى أبدًا وستظل دائمًا لامعة.

الفيديو –