Investors Express Optimism As KPA Modernises Lamu Port

The project director of Bahari Wind Power Company, Susan Nandwa, has revealed plans to use the Lamu Port to install 22 wind turbines, which will produce 90 megawatts (MW), on 3,206-acre land in Mpketoni’s Baharini Village.

Speaking to the media today in Lamu, Susan Nandwa expressed optimism over Kenya Ports Authority’s (KPA) bringing in three new state-of-the-art cranes that will aid in speeding up service delivery at the Lamu Port.

‘The three new ship-to-ship (STS) cranes will reduce the logistical expense that the Bahari Wind Power Company had projected in importing 22 new turbines,’ she stated.

Bahari Wind Power Company already has a signed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Kenya Power.

‘We are, however, calling on the national government to waive the moratorium put on all independent power producers to allow for such projects to go on,’ she said, adding that it will aid in creating jobs both directly and indirectly.

The Wind Power Project is expected to create at least 1,000 jobs directly, with Ms
. Nandwa expressing confidence that, with adequate support, the initiative will be a boon for the region.

The project, whose construction is still awaiting the national government’s decision to lift an energy supply moratorium on IPPs, is owned by Kenwind Holding Limited.

She further urged Parliament to lift the moratorium it placed on energy generation and supply by independent power producers (IPPs) to operate in the country.

It is expected that the Bahari Wind Power Project will have the largest turbines in the region and is set to be the third biggest wind farm in Kenya, after 310 MW of Lake Turkana wind and 100 MW of Kipeto wind.

The 90 MW wind farm will cost U$180 million (Sh18 billion) and will have 22 turbines, with each turbine generating 4 MW.

She further noted that the national government has already set up a good road infrastructure from the port to the Mpeketoni area, where the project will be set up, noting that at least 10 kilometres of a new road network will be needed from Mpeketoni town
to where the wind farm site will be set up.

‘It is inspiring to note that the government is committed to boosting investor confidence, with the county government supporting Thika Textile Mills in setting up a Sh 100 million cotton ginnery in Sinambio area this year and a cashew nut processing plant in Hindi town,’ Nandwa said.

She further noted that investor confidence has been further boosted by the strides the government has made in ensuring that Lamu is a safe place to do business and a sure destination for a good return on investment, as well as great potential area for socioeconomic development.

‘The national government has committed a lot of resources, both in terms of personnel and commitment to ensuring Lamu is a safe place for investors to come and invest in,’ she added.

The Bahari Wind Power Company senior official also revealed that the Rapid Action Plan process which was aimed at coming up with a formula for resettling affected farmers, was also complete, with plans underway to ensure that the
county and national governments aid in facilitating completion of the compensation process.

The Lamu Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Ikhwan Omar, lauded the milestones being made by KPA and the national government in ensuring the Lamu Port becomes a viable logistics hub and a leading employer in the county.

He further reiterated the Lamu business community’s commitment to ensuring that the Lamu Port is put to good use, with several businesses expected to come up as the Lamu Port continues to modernise.

Omar further noted that the Lamu Port will further enable the setting up of special economic zones around the Lamu Port area, with more investors being wooed into making use of the port.

Al Bashayer Meat Company, an Omani-based firm, has also been intermittently scheduling the export of livestock through the Lamu Port since 2022.

The meat processing company has also acquired 100 acres of land adjacent to the Lamu Port, where it has established a holding ground for the animals for export.

Source: Kenya News

Medical Officer To Testify In Sexual Assault Case Against Former Teacher

A medical officer will testify at a Kericho court in a case involving a former school teacher facing charges of sexually assaulting five girls, aged between the ages of 8 and 12 years.

The accused, Nicanor Kirwa Yego, 60, who was arraigned before Kericho Senior Resident Magistrate Fredrick Nyakundi was dismissed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for defiling a student, seven years ago.

A dismissal letter dated July 31, 2017 from TSC tabled before the court indicated that the accused used to be a teacher and was dismissed from the service after he sexually assaulted a student of Kapsabet School for the Deaf Vocational Training Centre.

The prosecution has so far produced before the court nine witnesses who have given collaborative evidence against the accused person.

The prosecution charged Yego with committing sexual assault contrary to Section 5(1)(a) of the Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006.

The accused denied committing the offences on diverse dates between June 2012 and July 13, 2022 at Master
‘B’ village in Belgut sub-county within Kericho County that he sexually assaulted the five girls aged 12, 11, 10, 8 and 7 years.

He also faces alternative charges of committing indecent acts with children.

medical report dated July 19, 2022 from Kericho County Referral Hospital indicated the accused had undergone a mental assessment test revealing he was of sound mind and fit to stand trial.

The accused was escorted back to remand custody at Kericho GK prison and he will be brought back to court on May 30, 2024 when the medical officer from Kericho County Referral Hospital Stanley Sitenei will testify in the case.

The case was fixed for a further hearing on May 30 2024.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Mombasa Unclogs Drainage Ahead Of Heavy Rains

The County Government of Mombasa is ramping up the construction of new drainage systems and unclogging of stormwater drainages’ as the March, April, and May (MAM) heavy rains begin.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Transport and Infrastructure, Daniel Manyala, said when he supervised the ongoing works along Nyerere Avenue and Old Town, they learnt a lot from last year’s El NiƱo rains that wrought havoc in the port city.

According to an advisory from the Kenya Meteorological Department, CECM Manyala stated that they have gone out of their way to prepare for any eventuality as the county expects above-normal rains.

‘We have mapped out all the black spots that usually flood during rainy seasons. We have initiated some small-scale construction works to ensure we solve the flooding problem with finality,’ he said.

The Bamburi outfall facility (Mbaraki-Nyerere Avenue) works are funded by Trademark to solve the problem of flooding along the stretch.

‘The work is about 60 per cent done; even wit
h the rains that we witnessed yesterday, there were no flooding at all in this section. On the island, unclogging works on drainage systems are ongoing, and most parts of the island have not flooded,’ said Manyala.

To ensure a seamless flow of information, Mombasa has created a disaster response team up to the village level.

‘Through our Serikali Mashinani department, We have been able to create a system where information of whatever eventuality befalls our people can flow. We don’t anticipate a major problem because we are well prepared,’

He said the county has put in place measures for an accident that occurred in Makupa not to recur when three county employees, while unclogging drainage, drowned and died.

‘It was an accident; we have to ensure that the unfortunate incident does not happen again. We have enhanced our safety mechanism for our staff; we have brought things that we didn’t have; we have improved our training; and our team is ready to face any eventuality,’ stated Manyala.

On road construct
ion, the County Government has engaged the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to always provide road designs to make sure the surrounding areas are taken into consideration during road construction.

On the Nyali-Mtwapa, he noted that the drainage system is not to the satisfaction of the county government, saying the 1.5-metre box culvert was below the expected standard of 4 metres, noting ‘it is still better than nothing.’

He said the technical teams of state agencies and county governments should work together to come up with local solutions when designing projects. He noted that County Governments play a key role in planning and should be involved at the project inception stage.

Source: Kenya News Agency

KALRO Launches 2nd Strategic Strategic Plan Aligned With BETA

The government’s focus is on promoting sustainable agricultural practices that increase crop yields, manage post-harvest losses, conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and mitigate climate change effects.

Dr. Kipronoh Ronoh, Principal Secretary, State Department for Agriculture said prioritising development and dissemination of climate-smart agricultural technologies such as introduction of drought-tolerant crop varieties, implementing water-efficient irrigation techniques, adopting integrated pest management strategies and mechanising agricultural processes is therefore essential.

Dr. Ronoh was speaking Tuesday during the official launch of the 2nd Kenya Agricultural Livestock Research Organisation’s (KALRO) Strategic Plan 2023-24-2027-28, which is aligned to the government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

The PS however said that despite extreme weather events, erratic climate patterns, and the adverse impacts of climate change, Kenya’s agriculture sector has demonstrated re
markable resilience contributing on average 22 percent of the country’s GDP annually.

‘Agriculture plays a vital role in sustaining livelihoods, ensuring food security, and driving overall economic growth. By investing in climate-smart agriculture and mechanisation, we can ensure that farmers are better equipped to adapt to changing environmental conditions and mitigate the impacts of climate change on crop production,’ he said.

Kenya’s food systems, he noted, are in the middle of a digital revolution, highlighting the need for access to technology and digital connectivity for all stakeholders in the sector for dissemination of real-time agricultural information.

Digital agriculture, the PS added, significantly boosts crop productivity and resilience by empowering farmers to make informed decisions and improve their farming practices.

‘Utilising digital technologies is vital for advancing the shared objectives of ensuring food security, alleviating poverty, and promoting environmental sustainability,’ he

He acknowledged the valuable contribution of KALRO in aligning its strategic plan with the government’s BETA noting that KALRO’s efforts to address climate change issues through the development of drought-tolerant varieties within the BETA value chains, as well as tackling emerging pests and diseases associated with climate change, are commendable.

‘I am pleased to recognise that KALRO’s strategic plan aims to prioritise the critical issue of addressing the shortage of quality seeds. By producing basic seeds for the BETA crops, KALRO is taking a proactive step towards ensuring the availability of certified seeds, which is essential for enhancing agricultural productivity and resilience,’ Dr. Rono said.

Dr. Eliud Kireger, Director General KALRO said the strategy’s key areas will be focused on bolstering crop and livestock productivity and quality, advancing sustainable practices and technology in agriculture, and utilising biotechnology for comprehensive development.

He added that it will also be adv
ancing knowledge dissemination and practical training centres, as well as fostering county-level innovation networks for crop and livestock development, enhancing seed production, defining research priorities for crop and livestock in the country and also creating a funding framework for agricultural research.

Dr. Kireger explained that in order to implement the strategy in the period given, a total of Sh55 billion will be required.

‘We will be sourcing funding from allocations from the national government, grants and contributions from development partners, private sector partnerships, collaborative through Collaborative Projects and also internally generated revenue,’ he said.

Between 2017 and 2022, Dr. Kireger said KALRO had already developed and released 109 crop varieties, commercialised 47 varieties, distributed 69 million clean planting materials and produced 9,470 metric tonnes of basic and certified seeds.

‘In those five years, we have also developed 250 crop protection technologies, empowered fa
rmers with climate-smart technologies for enhanced productivity and climate resilience and developed 15 technologies to reduce postharvest losses and sustain productivity gains,’ he added.

In the livestock sector, Dr. Kireger said they had distributed nationwide 657 dual-purpose cattle breeds, 655 sheep and goats, and over 1.7 million improved indigenous chickens.

KALRO, he added, had also disseminated 13 improved livestock management practices and developed and released 29 new grass varieties, formulated 25 on-farm feed rations and developed a thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine, and developed two medications for trypanosomiasis and deworming.

‘We have also introduced beneficial insects: black soldier fly for feed, green bottle fly for medical use, stingless bees for honey, and biocontrol agents. We launched silkworm-derived feed, constructed a milk processing plant, established a feed processing unit and increased hatchery capacity for KALRO-improved indigenous chicken,’ Dr. Kireger said.

The DG ackn
owledged the government and the development partners whose funding and support he said have been pivotal for KALRO to achieve the milestone so far made while at the same time also appreciating national, regional and international strategic partnerships.

KALRO, a government body that streamlines the operations of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS), has 17 research institutes located across the country.

The institutes are responsible for implementation of the organisation’s research agenda through a network of 21 research centres and 34 sub-centers covering all the agro-ecological zones in Kenya.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Youth Turn Up In Large Numbers For KWS Recruitment

Hundreds of youths today turned up at Raila Stadium, Homa Bay to participate in the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rangers’ recruitment exercise.

The KWS Deputy Director Samuel Tokore who led the recruitment said they were recruiting only 19 youth in the county based strictly on merit.

The youth arrived in droves to the stadium early morning to try their luck in the recruitment.

‘The youth turned up in large numbers but we are going to pick the number allocated to the county strictly based on qualifications. We are doing it in a free and fair manner,’ Tokore said.

He noted that some youths turned up with copies of academic certificates instead of originals leading to their disqualification from participating in the rigorous exercise.

‘We do not allow anyone with copies of academic certificates to go beyond the verification stage,’ Tokore said.

The lowest academic qualification to be considered in the exercise was a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade of D (plain).

Tokore said that
the youth who had graduated from the National Youth Service (NYS) were given priority in the recruitment.

The KWS rangers are involved in wildlife conservation efforts including the fight against poaching, addressing human wildlife conflict and other activities aimed at protecting wild animals in the country.

The youths who succeeded in the exercise said they were delighted with the outcome and that the process was free and fair.

However, those who didn’t qualify expressed their dismay at the high level of unemployment in the country.

‘I have tried my luck three times to join disciplined forces including this one but I have not succeeded. My efforts have failed again today. A recruitment officer told me that one of my legs was not straight,’ one of the candidates said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

All Set For Second Edition Roan Antelope Marathon In Homa Bay County

The county government of Homa Bay is set to host the second edition of the Roan Antelope half marathon.

County Executive Committee Member for Trade Polycarp Okombo said over 5000 participants were expected in the race.

He said the race was one of the efforts to conserve the roan antelope, which faces imminent extinction.

The antelope is only found at Ruma National Park in Homa Bay County.

According to Kenya Wildlife Service, there will be only 12 roan antelopes by 2020.

‘We have taken deliberate steps to market Ruma National Park and save the roan, the race is expected to generate money for conservation efforts.’ Okombo said.

He said that before the first edition of the Roan Antelope Marathon last year, some people did not know the existence of Ruma National Park.

According to the county tourism department, at least 3000 people visit Ruma National Park every month.

Okombo said hosting the marathon will enable KWS and the county government to boost conservation efforts in the park.

The participants i
n the marathon will register for between Sh1000 and Sh1500.

‘The hospitality industry will get a boost from the large number of guests. Having more guests will open up investment opportunities in tourism,’ Mr Okomo said.

During the race, runners will compete within a sanctuary created by KWS.

The 5.6-square-kilometre sanctuary keeps the animals safe from predators and poachers.

Mr Okombo said the race organisers have set aside Sh 1.25 million to be paid as prizes to the winners.

‘Winners in the male and female categories will get Sh 250,000 each while runners-up in the two categories will get Sh 100,000 each. All top ten runners will be awarded,’ he said.

During the two-day event, members of the Luo community are expected to participate in a cultural event that is meant to promote their culture.

Okombo said participants will sail across the lake from Homa Bay town to Mbita before moving to Ruma National Park.

‘Everyone will have an opportunity to watch animals on the first day. We will also showcase t
he Luo culture, including history, cuisine, traditions, songs and dances,’ the county executive said.

Okombo invited investors to develop an eco-lodge at Ruma National Park where tourists will stay.

He said having an accommodation facility at the park will create job opportunities for local residents.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kiambu County Launch Sh500 Million Bursary Fund

Kiambu County government has today launched the annual bursary fund of Sh500 million for the 2024 academic year to support needy students in the county.

Governor Kimani Wamatangi also issued a sum of Sh200 million targeting over 38,000 students as the first disbursement.

Beneficiaries in day schools will receive a minimum allocation of Sh5,000 and Sh10,000 for those in boarding schools, an increase from previous allocations.

Speaking during the launch at the Kiambu County headquarters, Wamatangi said the move to raise the bursary fund targets increasing the number of beneficiaries in the county.

‘By expanding the bursary fund, my administration aims to increase the number of beneficiaries and enhance the amount allocated to each student,’ Wamatangi said.

Wamatangi further added that his administration has tripled the bursary fund from Sh100 million a year to Sh300 million benefiting 77,000 students in Kiambu last year.

‘Previously, the county allocated Sh100 million annually for bursaries over 10 years
. However, since taking office, I have tripled the fund to Sh300 million,’ he said.

The disbursements were Sh100 million in March last year, Sh100 million in July, and another Sh100 million in November, benefiting a total of 77,000 students, the governor explained.

Additionally, he said that they are working towards disbursing the remaining Sh300 million equally in June, August and December this year.

While speaking to Bursary Committee members, Wamatangi said he plans to increase the bursary fund from the current Sh500 million to Sh700 million by 2025.

‘In 2025, I plan to take the motion back to the MCAs to increase the bursary kitty from Sh500 million to Sh700 million and by 2026 I have no doubt, the Kiambu bursary fund will be at Sh1 billion,’ said Wamatangi.

The governor in an ambitious move, also wants to ensure that by the end of 2026, all secondary day schools will be free for all students.

Deputy Governor of Kiambu County, Rosemary Kirika, lauded the governor’s efforts in disbursing the funds to
support parents in educating the children noting that it gives every child in Kiambu an equal opportunity.

Source: Kenya News Agency

KeNHA Kicks Off Planned Dualling Of Moiben Junction-Eldoret Airport Highway

The Kenya National Highways Authority, KeNHA, has kicked off preparations to rehabilitate and dual Moiben-Eldoret airport-Mlango highway in Uasin Gishu county.

The anticipated first phase of the dualling of the road that will start from Chepkoilel junction, through Eldoret town, Eldoret Airport, and Mlango on the Uasin Gishu/Nandi county’s border will go a long way towards easing traffic congestion in Eldoret town which is expected to be elevated to city status soon.

Uasin Gishu County Governor Dr Jonathan Bii held a consultative meeting on Tuesday with officials from KeNHA to discuss ways of ensuring smooth implementation of the Moiben Junction-Mlango Dual Carriageway modernization project.

KeNHA officials who declined to be named as they are not allowed to address the press, explained that the dualling would start from Chepkoilel junction to Mlango, while rehabilitation would start from Moiben junction in the first phase of the anticipated project.

The 21.5-kilometre road will start from Mlango-Eldoret
International Airport, Eldoret town, and Moiben Junction to enhance mobility within and outside Uasin Gishu County.

The scope of the project will include link roads in the six sub-counties of Ainabkoi, Soy, Kesses, Moiben, Kapseret, and Turbo.

The engagement focused on key areas to be considered during the first phase of implementation with the county boss asking the team to prioritise local manpower and have good plans for compensating residents who would be affected by the project.

‘My administration has plans to construct a museum and we urge KeNHA to extend a hand as part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives to support us in the success of that project. We also urge you to support the beautification of our established arboretum and rehabilitation of river Sosiani and other ongoing environmental programmes,’ Governor Bii pleaded.

‘As captured under agenda number six of the Nguzo Kumi blueprint, road infrastructure enhancement and expansion are among the key foci that are essential in supp
orting the economic and social growth of our residents,’ he noted.

To kick off the project, KeNHA started stakeholder engagement and public consultative forums for the implementation of phase one in Moiben Centre on Monday and Eldoret Polytechnic today (Tuesday).

The KeNHA officials said the consultations would also be done in Kapseret, Kesses, Ainabkoi, and Turbo to ensure all concerns from the public are captured.

The forums will focus on house design review of Moiben junction-Eldoret town-Eldoret International Airport (21.5 km) and feasibility study, environmental and social impact study, preliminary engineering design, and preparation of tender documents for the dualling and rehabilitation of Eldoret International Airport-Kapsabet (33.5km) road.

The County Executive for Roads Eng. Joseph Lagat asked KeNHA to consider the improvement of identified link roads along the road which would enhance the transportation of goods and services, especially in accessing social amenities and markets.

‘Our engineers
have already identified the link roads that we would like you to support in improving bitumen standards around shopping centres, social amenities, and government institutions along the project route,’ he said.

When complete, the entire project will incorporate dualling and rehabilitation of 33.5 kilometres of road from Eldoret International Airport to Kapsabet town.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi Commits To Safeguard The Boy Child

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s spouse, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has made a commitment to safeguard the boy-child from destructive choices and behaviours.

Speaking in Kakamega when she met the Association of Pentecostal and Evangelical Clergy of Kenya (APECK), Pastor Dorcas said she will lead rehabilitation of boys who are addicted to drugs.

She noted that the rescue efforts will also target those who have fallen into other forms of addiction such as immorality which is destroying their lives and the moral fabric of society.

Pastor Dorcas called upon the church and other religious organisations to provide safe spaces and accommodate those who will undergo rehabilitation, while asking church leaders to also play a role in rehabilitating the lost boys.

‘We need to transform their hearts and thoughts so that they can get freedom. It is our duty as the church, mosques and temples to go after children and protect them from satanic agendas,’ she noted.

She disclosed that the National Government is also inten
sifying efforts to tame those manufacturing and distributing harmful illicit brews to protect children from destruction.

Kakamega Deputy Governor, Ayub Savula, asked the national government to implement the Michuki laws to reduce the increasing number of road accidents that have claimed lives of Kenyans.

He also asked for police officers to heighten security surveillance in Matungu Sub-county, where there seems to be a resurgence of conflict, leading to attacks and killings.

‘We have already lost three people in Matungu Sub-county in the last three weeks over attacks,’ he pointed out.

Wife of the Kakamega Governor, Prof. Janet Kasilly Barasa, who was present during the meeting called for collaboration among stakeholders to address a myriad of societal challenges such as drug addiction, widows, sexual and gender-based violence, and HIV/AIDS in the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Electric Mobility Taskforce Hold Public Participation Forum

The Electric Mobility (E-Mobility) Taskforce team held a public participation forum in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, to gather views from the public on the Draft National E-Mobility Policy, Kenya.

Ibrahim Kinyanjui, a taskforce member, pointed out that the major concern is creating awareness about e-mobility’s role in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

‘Understanding is the main issue from this forum and others; in terms of how to charge, where, how long it covers per charge, there is a lot of awareness that needs to be done for people to understand and adopt electric vehicles.’

He assured the members of the public that there is no phasing out of the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

E-mobility’s coming to market is one of the steps the government is taking in line with the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) it submitted in 2020 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, which committed to reducing emissions by 32 percent by 2030.

‘The reason w
hy the government decided to introduce electric vehicles (EVs) is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,’ he said.

The County Commissioner (CC), Dr. Eddyson Nyale, applauded the efforts by the transport sector to continuously innovate new and improved means of transport through technology.

He added that the transport sector has revolutionised over the years and with the introduction of EVs, the transport sector will immensely contribute to development of infrastructure in the country.

‘Transport has evolved over the years, when people used boats, chains, bridges and now vehicles. The vehicles themselves also change with time, like a bus that was used before and may vary in terms of shape and the capacity that it carries presently, an indication that the transport sector is ever-growing,’ he noted.

Nyale said that the National E-mobility Policy will contribute to the national development of environmental growth and sustenance through emission of clean energy gases, which are safe for the environment.

He adde
d that the move by the road sector to come up with a policy for roadside hospitality facilities will provide a strategic position for the electronic chargers, where EVs can recharge on the roads.

‘Those roadside facilities by public works could be one of the avenues for one to apply and install a charging centre, as people are taking their meals, their vehicles are charging and people carry on with their journey. Let us not only focus on petrol stations but also lay down this strategy through public works using the Mtito Andei approach,’ added Nyale.

The County Commissioner affirmed that the introduction of EVs will not only bring growth to the country’s infrastructure but also create employment opportunities for the people.

County Executive Committee Member (CECM), Public Service Management, Administration and Devolved Units, Elijah Kosgei, assured the Task Force that the county government of Uasin Gishu fully supports the new technology due to its many benefits to the people of Kenya.

He explained that
EVs are relatively cheap, as they would only require charging as compared to other vehicles, hence enabling people to save on fuel.

Kosgei further noted that EVs will reduce air pollution, hence stopping the continuous depletion of the ozone layer, which has brought about the effects of climate change globally.

Kosgei underscored that the introduction of EVs will have an impact on the business environment and urged the petrol station to be willing to adapt to the changes that will come with the introduction of the EV.

‘It will create employment opportunities for our unemployed youths, hence giving them a source of income,’ he added.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) North Rift Region Chairman, William Ong’are, said that the draft policy should also identify the role played by the private sector and other government agencies to the economy in terms of transport, so as to bring on board all stakeholders for successful implementation.

Source: Kenya News Agency