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The agreement was signed by the attorney general of the Republic, Hélder Fernando Pitta Grós, and by the ambassador of the Swiss Confederation in Angola, Nicolas Herbert Lang.

According to the attorney general, the agreement provides for cooperation in the areas of notification of judicial acts, taking statements, searches, spontaneous transmission of information, effective asset recovery and freezing assets.

He said that asset recovery had been one of the main priorities of the Angolan state’s criminal policy.

The ambassador of the Swiss Confederation expressed the interest of his country in helping to fight financial crime, especially embezzlement, bribery and money laundering, committed at the State’s expense and to the detriment of the people.

He explained that Swiss law provides that money of illegal origin, if proven, is returned on the basis of a legal assistance procedure.

He said that, with that protocol, it would be more difficult to profit from corruption and other criminal acts, both in Angola and Switzerland.

Source: Angola Press News Agency