Luanda – Angola registered 310 new infections, 117 recoveries and 4 deaths in the last 24 hours.
The new cases were reported in the provinces of Luanda with 209, Zaire 61, Huambo 18, Cunene 10, Huíla 4, Cabinda and Benguela with 3 each, and 2 in Lunda Sul.
The new patients, aged from 5 months to 77 years old, include 188 males and 122 females.
As for the recoveries, 94 are residents in Luanda, 19 in Huíla, 2 in Cunene and other 2 in Huambo.
The deaths occurred in Luanda 2, one in Cunene and Huambo.
Angola has a total of 32,933 positive cases, 735 deaths, 27,204 recoveries and 4,994 active cases.
Source: Angola Press News Agency