Luanda – The Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Media (MINTTICS) on Saturday encouraged Edições Novembro to modernise its media and provide an increasingly impartial, balanced and diversified information service.
In a message alluding to the company’s 45 years of existence, the ministerial department also points to the need for greater attention to be paid to human resources, as part of the programme to constantly improve social and working conditions.
“There is an increasing need to enhance the technical-professional skills and knowledge of the workers, especially for the main makers of the titles, with a view to continuously improving the content and to correspond to the wishes of the readers, with a view that it be guided by factual, richer information and with several perspectives, whether through opinion articles or the news itself,” the message reads.
However, MINTTICS emphasises the quality of the text and the creativity of the journalists, the image and the editing, diversity and greater impartiality of the information in the sense that it is more accurate and more understandable to all audiences.
In the view of MINTTICS, the public media are more attractive, with a diversity of themes, reports some once unthinkable and opinions of columnists with other political thoughts, increasing plurality and their credibility.
Source: Angola Press News Agency