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Luanda – National Assembly approved the second deliberation of the Draft Constitutional Revision Law, under the terms of the ruling of the Constitutional Court, the body responsible for the preventive inspection of the Constitution.

The draft resolution was approved with 149 votes in favour, five against and 49 abstentions, during the 11th Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the 4th Legislative Session of the IV Legislature of the National Assembly.

The Parliament scraped from the Constitutional Revision Bill the norms declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court (TC).

They include the obligation of sending reports to the President and Parliament by the High Courts (Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Audit Court and Military Supreme Court) and Superior Council of Judiciary.

The TC states that the requirement for the submission, by the Superior Courts and the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSMJ), of annual reports of their activities to the President and the National Assembly, violates the principle of separation and interdependence of the sovereign bodies, which is within the material limits of constitutional revision.

The remittances of the reports are expressed in articles 181, number 5, 182, number 4, 183, number 4 and 184 number 6, of the Constitutional Revision Law.

The Constitutional Court clarifies that the principle of separation of powers determines the specialty of functions of the sovereign bodies, without submission to one another.

In its judgment, the TC maintains, however, the other aspects contemplated in the Constitutional review process intact.

Source: Angola Press News Agency