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Luanda – The President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, Thursday called for closer economic cooperation with Ghana for the benefit of both peoples.

Speaking at the swearing in ceremony of the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Angola to Ghana, João Baptista Domingos Quiosa, the President of the Republic said he hoped that the new Angolan diplomatic representative would help to strengthen cooperation ties and promote a closer relationship between the two countries and their economies, in the interest of both peoples.

João Lourenço praised the fact that Ghana is a country on the West African coast, with very good references, in terms of political and economic stability, which has always maintained deep historical ties with Angola.

João Baptista Quiosa, after signing the term of office, swore loyalty to the motherland, to cooperate in the accomplishment of the State’s higher purposes and defend the fundamental principles of the order established in the Constitution, as well as committed himself to fight corruption, nepotism, abstaining from practices that harm the public interest, under penalty of being held civil and criminally responsible.

In statements to the press, Ambassador João Domingos Quiosa pointed out as the main challenges of his mission to attract private investment from Ghana to the country, as well as to strengthen political, economic and cultural cooperation, within the framework of Pan Africanism and the South-South partnership.


Throughout his career, João Baptista Quiosa has already held several positions, such as first secretary of the Angolan Embassy in the Netherlands, counsellor in Russia and head of department in the International Cooperation directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Relations (Mirex).

Source: Angola Press News Agency