Mental Health Hovers Over Olympics, on its Way to Mainstream

At the Tokyo Olympics, mental health was the breakout star. Amplified by some of the world’s top athletes, it shook up those Games and made everyone take notice.

Six months later, in Beijing, the conversation has evolved: The subject pops up regularly, but no one is shocked when it does.

Many athletes have spoken about their struggles, but often in a no-biggie, nothing-to-see-here way. A difficulty is mentioned, then the conversation moves on. After star gymnast Simone Biles pulled out of competition in Tokyo because she wasn’t in the right headspace, retired Olympic swimming phenom Michael Phelps memorably said that “It’s OK to not be OK.”

And now, thanks in part to people like Biles, it seems it’s OK to talk about it, too.

“I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned after the last Olympics is being as open as possible,” snowboarding sensation Chloe Kim told reporters after she took the gold medal Thursday in the halfpipe competition.

It was Kim’s second Olympic gold. She initially threw that first one, earned in Pyeongchang four years ago, in the trash — a story that epitomizes the dissonance between the cheery face many champions show the world and the torments they face behind the scenes.

“After my last Olympics, I put that pressure on myself to be perfect at all times, and that would cause a lot of issues at home. I would be really sad and depressed all the time when I was home,” Kim told reporters after easily securing the top spot on the podium — but also failing to land a new trick she is working on.

“I’m happy to talk about whatever I’ve been experiencing,” she said. “Honestly, it’s really healthy for me.”

It wasn’t just Kim who was talking about it. After snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who came to Beijing as the two-time defending slopestyle champion, finished ninth, she posted on Instagram that her “mental health and clarity just hasn’t been on par.”

Skier Mikaela Shiffrin was particularly honest after she failed to finish either of her first two races in events that are specialties of hers. She said that she had been feeling pressure, something every elite athlete feels and is distinct from the more complicated mental health challenges many have been talking about.

But Shiffrin also plumbed greater depths, acknowledging that she was angry with her dad, who died in 2020, for not being there to support her.

After finally managing to complete a race Friday — shockingly, even that had become an open question for the star — she posted on Instagram about the ups and downs of competition.

“There’s a lot of disappointment and heartbreak going around in the finish area,” she wrote.

As several elite athletes stumbled in Beijing, they were often quick to remind the world that they’re human, too. Shiffrin even has a paid post on Instagram, in which the tagline is: “Yeah, I am human.” A far cry from the usual vaunting of athletes as something much more than that.

This is what many hoped for after Tokyo — that as more athletes acknowledged what they face behind the scenes, the stigma around talking about mental health would recede and the issue would merely become one more challenge in the mix.

“I think that it really has become normalized with so many athletes talking about their mental health, and there has been such a push for parity with mental health and physical health,” said Jess Bartley, director of mental health services for Team USA.

“I think, in the experience I’ve had with a lot of these athletes, it’s really relieving to be able to talk about it, to have folks understand, to have the audience understand what may be coming up that might have impacted their performance,” she said. “Just in the same way that you hear about a sprained ankle.”

Bartley works with athletes to prepare how they’ll respond to questions about their mental health just as she works with them on preparing their performance. Some feel comfortable revealing those struggles; others don’t.

Louie Vito, a snowboarder who competed for Italy in Beijing, puts himself in the latter camp. He’s glad that mental health is being talked about more openly — he readily admits framing some of his struggles in that way was eye-opening for him — but he would prefer to keep much of that private.

“I think some people would rather deal with their mental battles in their inner circle,” he said. “To me, it’s not a right or a wrong on how you deal with it as long as you’re aware and it doesn’t become detrimental to you. I don’t think you have to talk about in public.”

And he acknowledged that many people are still embarrassed to talk about these issues.

Yet so many do keep talking — encouraged by a generation of younger athletes determined not only to be heard but to ensure that this subject is no longer something to be dramatically revealed, but simply addressed like anything else important.

Amanda Fialk, who is the chief clinical officer at The Dorm, a mental health treatment program for young people, is heartened by the increasingly open conversations happening. But she warns that true change will take much more time to take hold.

She underscores that there are vast cultural differences — across countries and between communities within any given country — that affect access to and the stigma around mental health care.

“I am also mindful that old habits die hard,” said Fialk, who was a competitive figure skater when she was younger. “It is going to take continued talking about these issues and continued efforts to normalize talking about all these issues for the change to not just be a change, but to become a new normal.”

Source: Voice of America

Moxico: Luena under blackout after a truck hit medium voltage pylon

Luena – The capital of the eastern Moxico province was partially left without power after a runaway truck ploughed into a pylon of the medium voltage power, ANGOP has learnt.

The incident occurred when the brakes of the vehicle transporting aggregates, belonging to a Chinese company, failed and hit a pylon in the Alto Luena neighborhood, but no human casualties have been reported.

The truck driver, Lucas Cabamba, said that the vehicle was in a state of suspension, which forced him to direct the vehicle to the pylon that supports electrical cables, leaving large part of the city under blackout.

Speaking to the press, the director of the provincial office for the technical and infrastructure sector, Honório Sacuparica, said that the situation may last two days.

But he guaranteed that the technicians in the sector are making all effort to fix the damage.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

WHO: Measles Increase a Danger to Malnourished Afghan Children

The World Health Organization warns a sharp rise in measles cases in Afghanistan is threatening the lives and well-being of millions of malnourished children.

More than 35,300 suspected cases of measles and 156 deaths have been reported in Afghanistan from January 2021 through January of this year. What is setting off alarm bells ringing is the sharp, rapid rise in cases last month.

The World Health Organization reports a 40% increase in the number of measles cases in the last week of January. Although the number of deaths is relatively low, the WHO warns many children are likely to die from the disease in the coming weeks.

WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier says measles-related deaths are not always reported in Afghanistan, so the toll is likely to be much higher than the figures suggest.

“The rise in measles cases is especially concerning because of the extremely high levels of malnutrition in Afghanistan,” Lindmeier said. “Malnutrition weakens immunity, making people more vulnerable to illness and death from diseases like measles—especially children. In addition, measles infections can cause immune system suppression and immunologic amnesia, which increases susceptibility to all pathogens.”

The World Food Program says Afghanistan is facing the worst food crisis on record. It says 1 in 3 people are going hungry and some 2 million children are malnourished. The WFP warns 14 million children are expected to face potentially life-threatening levels of hunger, noting that malnutrition rates already are soaring.

Measles is an extremely contagious viral disease. Lindmeier says unvaccinated young children are at highest risk of getting sick and dying from it.

In December, he says, an immunization campaign was carried out in response to a measles outbreak. He says the campaign reached 1.5 million children in some of the most-affected provinces.

“Now, WHO is helping to plan for a larger measles outbreak response immunization campaign, which will start in May, or earlier if possible, aiming to reach more than 3 million children nationwide,” Lindmeier said. “Support from WHO includes helping with the process needed to secure additional vaccines and devices, as well as the operational funds and the support for planning the campaign.”

The WHO says strengthening routine immunization is the best way to protect people, especially children, from getting measles. The agency urges governments to make sure at least 95 percent of their populations receive two doses of measles-containing vaccine.

Source: Voice of America

MPLA committed to improving social conditions of communities

Luanda – The Provincial Committee of the ruling MPLA party in Luanda reiterated Saturday its commitment to creation of policies aimed at improving the social conditions of the population, with stress to education and health sectors.

During massive rallies held simultaneously in Luanda’s 41 districts and 14 communes, MPLA also presented its 2022 political agenda to its militants.

A special campaign was also held to ensure the integration of the new members.

Addressing a rally in Talatona municipality, the coordinator of the provincial executive committee of the party, Djamila dos Santos, mentioned education, health, national unity and peace consolidation as the axes of agenda that deserve priority of her political organisation.

Djamila dos Santos urged the MPLA militants and friends for commitment to ensure the victory in the next elections scheduled for August this year.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Covid-19: Angola reports 69 recoveries, 13 new cases

Luanda – Angolan health authorities announced Saturday 69 recovered patients and 13 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours.

Among the recoveries, according to the daily report, 20 live in Lunda Norte, 17 in Luanda, 15 in Zaire, 13 in Cabinda and 4 in Cuando Cubango.

The new cases were diagnosed in Luanda, with 9, Cuando Cubango with 2, Huíla 1 and Zaire 1.

The list includes 8 male and 5 female patients, whose ages range from 5 to 72 years.

The laboratories processed, in the last 24 hours, 2,041 samples by RT-PCR, with a daily positivity rate of 0.6 percent.

Angola has a total of 98,514 cases with 96,274 recoveries, 1,898 deaths, and 342 active patients.

Source: Angola Press News Agency