Business School Graduates Enter White-Hot Job Market as Employers Signal Growth, Confidence in Their Credentials

MBA and business master’s degrees remain hot commodity despite recession fears and COVID challenges

RESTON, Va., June 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association of leading graduate business schools, today released its annual hiring report, the GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey – 2022 Summary Report. The report explores the state of employer demand for graduate business school talent (MBA and business master’s degree recipients) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and includes responses from nearly 1,000 corporate recruiters and staffing firms around the world. While rising inflation and the war in Ukraine were just at the onset during the time when the survey was conducted in February and March 2022, hiring projections of graduate management education (GME) graduates remain bullish this year, with 92 percent of corporate recruiters expecting to hire newly minted MBAs. Promisingly, 2 in 3 responding corporate recruiters describe the current direction of their organization as expanding or growing (67%) and a similar proportion plan to increase their overall headcount (65%). Also, most recruiters (63%) project that demand for new business school talent will increase in the next five years, with business master’s hiring intention the highest among recruiters for East and Southeast Asia and Middle East companies.

“The latest GMAC findings of the Corporate Recruiters Survey show that nearly 9 out of 10 corporate recruiters feel confident or highly confident in the ability of business schools to prepare students to be successful in their organizations,” said Sangeet Chowfla, president and CEO of GMAC. “That’s an extraordinary figure. It shows that despite the pandemic and the limitations it brought on student mobility, public and mental health, and remote learning, business schools managed to find ways to build an impressive cohort whom corporate recruiters and staffing agencies worldwide continue to bank on as prime sources for talent.”

Other Key Findings

MBA starting salaries continue to provide a premium and Business master’s median starting salaries are on the rise

Recruiter responses suggest companies in the United States plan to offer increased starting salaries to business master’s graduates in 2022 compared to last year. In addition, median MBA starting salary levels eclipse those being offered to bachelor’s graduates by 22 percent to 40 percent across the world regions for which there is sufficient sample to report. Median starting salaries are largest in the United States, where the median starting salary offered to new MBA hires this year ─ US$115,000 — has remained unchanged for the past three survey years. In the current inflationary environment, the relative stability of median MBA salaries suggested by the survey findings means the real value of MBA salaries is declining.

In a likely response to combat the effect of inflation, corporate recruiters look to benefits packages—including educational assistance—to meet the changing needs of new graduates. Educational assistance like tuition reimbursement and scholarships has become an increasingly common benefit, with 54 percent offering it in 2022—up from 35 percent last year.

U.S. international hiring bounced back to pre-pandemic levels with potential of continued growth for 2022

The world regions with the highest percentage of recruiters affirming that they plan to hire international candidates in 2022 are the Middle East (52%) and Western Europe (40%). In the United States, this year’s survey results suggest an improving situation for international MBA and business master’s graduates. Looking back at last year’s actual hiring, 43 percent of U.S. recruiters confirmed they hired international talent in 2021—a bounce back from 35 percent in 2020 and 41 percent in 2019. In this year’s survey, 56 percent of U.S. recruiters say that they either plan to make international hires in 2022 (35%) or are willing to (21%), up from 48 percent that said the same in the 2021 survey. Furthermore, 83 percent of U.S. tech companies say they either plan to make international hires in 2022 (62%) or are willing to (21%)—the most of any U.S. industry.

“As travel restrictions ease around the world and student mobility continues to bounce back, we are thrilled to have more international students back on campuses across the country. Our mission is to help our students find success and our graduates reap the benefits of the strong job market in the U.S.,” said incoming GMAC Board Member and Dean of Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou.

Global corporate recruiters appear to be becoming more accepting of online degrees—with the noteworthy exception of the United States

The percentage of global recruiters who view graduates of online and in-person GME programs equally increased from 34 percent in 2021 to 60 percent in 2022, suggesting a significant growth in the acceptance of online programs. However, the notable outlier is corporate recruiters in the United States—where the lion’s share of the world’s online MBA enrollments are. Among responding U.S. corporate recruiters, just 29 percent agree that they view graduates of online and in-person GME programs equally, the lowest of any world region and down from 33 percent of respondents from the 2021 sample.

“The growth of online MBA programs has been so strong in the United States that for the first time, the total number of enrollments in online programs exceeded that of full-time, in-person MBA enrollments in the 2020-21 academic year, according to data from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB),” said Sabrina White, vice president of school and industry engagement at GMAC. “Business schools are presented a unique opportunity to align expectations and outcomes for graduates and employers as online delivery emerges from the pandemic as an important part of the graduate management education industry.”

About the Report
First launched more than two decades ago, the Corporate Recruiters Survey of 2022 was conducted by GMAC, together with survey partners EFMD and the MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), in association with the career services offices at participating graduate business schools worldwide. In a change from previous years, GMAC Research worked with a market research firm to recruit additional participants to make the overall sample more globally representative. In total, 941 respondents from 38 countries completed this survey, including 539 corporate recruiters and 402 from staffing firms. Recognizing that nearly all responses in previous years came from corporate recruiters, only 2022 responses from corporate recruiters were leveraged to create multi-year comparisons. However, the robust sample of corporate recruiters and staffing firms allowed us to develop geographical snapshots in 2022 that were less apparent in previous years.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. Founded in 1953, GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry, as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s websites, including, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master’s programs. BusinessBecause and The MBA Tour are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

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Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
202-390-4180 (mobile)

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Les diplômés d’écoles de commerce ne connaissent pas la crise face aux prévisions de croissance des recruteurs, qui valorisent toujours autant leurs qualifications

Les titulaires de MBA et de master de commerce restent très recherchés sur le marché de l’emploi malgré les craintes de récession et les défis liés au COVID

RESTON, Virginie, 29 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), une association internationale de prestigieuses écoles de commerce, a publié aujourd’hui le rapport sommaire de son enquête annuelle menée auprès des recruteurs d’entreprise intitulé GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey – 2022 Summary Report. Recueillant les réponses de près de 1 000 recruteurs d’entreprise et cabinets de recrutement du monde entier, le rapport étudie l’état de la demande des employeurs en jeunes talents d’écoles supérieures de commerce (titulaires de MBA et de masters de commerce) dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19. Alors que l’inflation galopante et la guerre en Ukraine n’étaient encore qu’à leurs balbutiements lorsque l’enquête a été menée en février et mars 2022, les intentions d’embauche de diplômés d’écoles d’études supérieures en management (GME) restent à la hausse cette année, puisque 92 % des recruteurs d’entreprise envisagent de recruter de nouveaux titulaires de MBA. De manière encourageante, 2 recruteurs d’entreprise sur 3 décrivent l’orientation actuelle de leur organisation comme étant en expansion ou en croissance (67 %) et une proportion similaire de recruteurs envisagent d’augmenter leurs effectifs globaux (65 %). De plus, la plupart des recruteurs (63 %) prévoient que la demande en nouveaux talents issus d’écoles de commerce augmentera au cours des cinq prochaines années. Les perspectives d’embauche de diplômés de masters de commerce les plus réjouissantes concernent les recruteurs d’entreprise d’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est et du Moyen-Orient.

« Les dernières conclusions du GMAC de l’enquête menée auprès des recruteurs d’entreprise montrent que près de 9 recruteurs d’entreprise sur 10 se sentent confiants ou très confiants dans la capacité des écoles de commerce à préparer les étudiants à réussir au sein de leur organisation », a déclaré Sangeet Chowfla, président-directeur général du GMAC. « C’est un chiffre époustouflant. Cela montre qu’en dépit de la pandémie et des freins qu’elle a induit en termes de mobilité des étudiants, de santé publique et mentale et d’apprentissage à distance, les écoles de commerce sont parvenues à former un vivier impressionnant de candidats sur lesquels les recruteurs d’entreprise et de cabinets de recrutement du monde entier continuent de miser en tant que sources de talents de premier plan. »

Autres principales conclusions

Les salaires de départ des titulaires de MBA restent attractifs et les salaires de départ moyens des diplômés de master de commerce sont en hausse

Les réponses des recruteurs suggèrent que les entreprises aux États-Unis prévoient de revoir à la hausse les salaires de départ des diplômés de master de commerce en 2022 par rapport à ceux de l’année dernière. En outre, les niveaux de rémunération de départ moyens des titulaires d’un MBA sont de 22 à 40 % plus élevés que ceux qui disposent d’un baccalauréat, dans toutes les régions du monde où l’échantillon est représentatif. Le salaire moyen de départ est plus attractif aux États-Unis, où le salaire moyen de départ des nouveaux employés titulaires d’un MBA enregistré cette année, soit 115 000 USD, n’a pas évolué au cours des trois dernières années. Dans le contexte inflationniste actuel, la stabilité relative du salaire moyen des titulaires de MBA suggérée par les résultats de l’enquête montre que la valeur réelle des salaires des titulaires de MBA est en berne.

Afin de lutter contre les effets de l’inflation, les recruteurs d’entreprise se tournent vers une série d’avantages, y compris les aides à la scolarité, pour répondre aux besoins changeants des nouveaux diplômés.Les aides à la scolarité, comme le remboursement des frais de scolarité et les bourses d’études, sont devenus un avantage de plus en plus courant, 54 % l’ayant proposé en 2022, contre 35 % l’année dernière.

L’embauche internationale aux États-Unis est revenue à son niveau d’avant la pandémie avec un potentiel de croissance continue pour 2022

Le Moyen-Orient (52 %) et l’Europe occidentale (40 %)sont les deux régions du monde avec le pourcentage le plus élevé de recruteurs prévoyant de recruter des candidats internationaux en 2022. Aux États-Unis, les résultats de l’enquête de cette année suggèrent une amélioration de la situation pour les diplômés internationaux de MBA et de masters de commerce. Si l’on observe le recrutement effectif de l’année dernière, 43 % des recruteurs aux États-Unis ont confirmé avoir embauché des talents internationaux en 2021, un chiffre en hausse par rapport à 2020 (35 %) et 2019 (41 %). Dans l’enquête de cette année, 56 % des recruteurs aux États-Unis déclarent qu’ils prévoient de recruter à l’international en 2022 (35 %) ou qu’ils sont disposés à le faire (21 %), contre 48 % en 2021, une tendance à la hausse. En outre, 83 % des entreprises technologiques nord-américaines déclarent qu’elles prévoient de recruter à l’international en 2022 (62 %), ou qu’elles sont disposées à le faire (21 %).

« Alors que les mesures de restriction relatives aux déplacements s’allègent dans le monde entier et que la mobilité des étudiants repart à la hausse, nous sommes ravis d’accueillir davantage d’étudiants internationaux sur les campus du pays. Notre mission est d’aider nos étudiants à réussir et nos diplômés à tirer pleinement profit du solide marché de l’emploi aux États-Unis », a déclaré Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou, nouveau membre du Conseil d’administration du GMAC et doyenne de la Tepper School of Business de Carnegie Mellon.

À l’échelle mondiale, les recruteurs d’entreprise semblent de plus en plus accepter les diplômes en ligne, à l’exception notable des États-Unis

Le pourcentage de recruteurs internationaux qui considèrent de manière égale les diplômés d’études supérieures en management (GME) en ligne et en présentiel a augmenté, passant de 34 % en 2021 à 60 % en 2022, suggérant une croissance significative de l’acceptation des programmes en ligne. Cependant, les recruteurs d’entreprise aux États-Unis sont une exception, et c’est pourtant dans cette région du monde que les inscriptions en ligne sont les plus importantes pour la formation en MBA. Parmi les recruteurs d’entreprise aux États-Unis qui ont participé à l’enquête, seulement 29 % s’accordent à dire qu’ils considèrent les diplômés des études supérieures en management (GME) en ligne et en présentiel de la même manière. Ce chiffre, en baisse par rapport aux 33 % des répondants de l’échantillon de 2021, est le plus bas de toutes les régions du monde.

« La croissance des programmes de MBA en ligne a été si forte aux États-Unis que, pour la première fois, le nombre total d’inscriptions aux programmes en ligne a dépassé celui des inscriptions de MBA à temps plein et en présentiel au cours de l’année universitaire 2020-21, selon les données du label américain Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) », a indiqué Sabrina White, vice-présidente de l’engagement scolaire et industriel au GMAC. « Les écoles de commerce se voient offrir une opportunité unique d’aligner les attentes et les résultats des diplômés et des employeurs compte tenu du fait que les programmes en ligne gagnent du terrain depuis la pandémie dans le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management. »

À propos du rapport
Lancée pour la première fois il y a plus de vingt-ans, l’enquête Corporate Recruiters Survey a été menée auprès des recruteurs d’entreprise en 2022 par le GMAC, en collaboration avec des partenaires de l’enquête EFMD et MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), en association avec les bureaux des services de carrière des écoles supérieures de commerce participantes dans le monde entier. Contrairement aux années précédentes, GMAC Research a travaillé avec un cabinet d’études de marché pour recruter d’autres participants afin de rendre l’échantillon global plus représentatif à l’échelle mondiale. Au total, 941 répondants de 38 pays ont participé à cette enquête, dont 539 recruteurs d’entreprise et 402 recruteurs de cabinet de recrutement. Reconnaissant que les réponses des années précédentes provenaient en grande majorité de recruteurs d’entreprise, seules les réponses des recruteurs d’entreprise de 2022 ont été exploitées pour créer des comparaisons pluriannuelles. Cependant, le solide échantillon de recruteurs d’entreprise et de cabinets de recrutement nous a permis de développer des aperçus géographiques en 2022 qui étaient moins visibles les années précédentes.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) est une association des meilleures écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Fondé en 1953, le GMAC fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Plus de 12 millions d’étudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et The MBA Tour sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

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Contact auprès des médias :

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Responsable principale des relations avec les médias
202-390-4180 (mobile)

Un PDF accompagnant ce communiqué de presse est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Seegene to pave way for PCR testing at local clinics with EU-approved multiplex test and fully automated PCR solution

SEOUL, South Korea, June 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ096530), South Korea’s leading molecular diagnostics (MDx) company, has obtained EU approval for its Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/FluA/FluB/RSV Assay that is compatible with the company’s fully automated ‘AIOS’ (All-in-One System). This is expected to help small hospitals, local clinics, and public health centers effectively identify COVID-19, influenza A and B and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).


Syndromic assay for four respiratory viruses

The Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/FluA/FluB/RSV Assay can detect six targets associated with the four respiratory viruses. The targets include three distinct COVID-19 genes (S, RdRp, N) to reliably identify positive cases even as new variants emerge. The test also includes two internal controls for proper sampling and testing validation. The product can deliver results within two hours when extraction-free, making it both time and cost-efficient.

‘AIOS,’ first fully automated high throughput MDx system for syndromic testing

AIOS, which will be released in July, supports “hands-free” PCR workflows – from nucleic acid extraction to PCR setup, gene amplification and results analysis. As AIOS is a fully automated (sample in – result out) system, it can be operated by those without PCR experience. AIOS is also compact in size and has over 30 compatible assays for syndromic testing to boost efficiency and utility, in contrast to conventional automated PCR solutions in the market that are bigger and have fewer applicable assays that detect only one to three specific targets.

AIOS is the world’s first fully automated and “assembled” solution that composes independent and detachable instruments required for PCR, unlike other solutions that operate as a single unit. This makes AIOS convenient to use and maintain, while authorization procedures will be easier as existing instruments and assays can be applied. Such features are expected to allow small hospitals, local clinics, and public health centers to integrate AIOS into their workflows for PCR tests, which had been limited before due to lack of instruments or specialists to operate PCR solutions.

Safe return to normalcy with Seegene’s ‘In-life PCR’

Healthcare specialists have warned of a resurgence of COVID-19 as early as summer – alongside an increase in flu and cold cases – as immunity from COVID-19 vaccines wane and virus-prevention measures are eased. In response to these concerns, Seegene recently launched the ‘In-life PCR’ initiative to embed PCR tests into our routine by increasing affordability and accessibility. It is aimed at detecting viruses especially among asymptomatic people to help end the COVID-19 outbreak as well as curb widespread transmission to prevent new pandemics. Using the Allplex™ SARS-CoV-2/FluA/FluB/RSV Assay and AIOS, Seegene hopes to establish the foundation for routine testing.

*Syndromic testing refers to the process of simultaneously targeting multiple pathogens that have similar symptoms using a single test.

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XCMG Drilling Rigs Support Public Transportation and Hydraulic Engineering Infrastructures in Kenya

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — XCMG (SHE:000425) drilling rigs, including XR400, XR400E and XR360, are deployed to multiple construction projects to support the local public transportation and hydraulic engineering infrastructure development.

In Nairobi, Kenya, XCMG’s rotary drilling rigs XR360 and XR400E are participating in the construction of the airport express way.

“XCMG is committed to providing the advanced construction technologies and high-end construction equipment that would achieve mutually complementary growth with our international partners, we also persist in serving with the well-rounded aftersales services,” said Wang Min, Chairman of XCMG.

XCMG was among the earliest Chinese construction companies to enter the African market. In Nairobi, Kenya, XCMG’s rotary drilling rigs XR360 and XR400E are participating in the construction of the airport express way, the fully-closed and full interchange road adopts Kenya’s A-level national road standard and China’s I-grade bridge load standard, with two-way four/six lanes and design speed of 80 kilometers/hour.

Upon completion, the express way will effectively improve the traffic conditions of the Nairobi Airport section and greatly improve the road traffic capacity of the major interchange hubs, further promoting the economic exchanges between different urban areas across Nairobi.

In Kenya’s Garissa County, the Bura diversion irrigation project of the country’s National Irrigation Board is currently under construction. The 100-kilometer-long project will introduce the water from the Tana River to the farmlands to boost the agricultural yield in the Bura region, and XCMG’s XR400E rotary drilling rig is improving the construction speed significantly.

The model has a working height of 26 to 27 meters, and a weight of 120 tons, it can reach 103 meters in depth and 2.8 meters of maximum diameter of the pile foundation hole. The XR400E is the largest rotary drilling rig introduced to the East African market. Guaranteeing reliable performance, broad operation range and high construction efficiency, it’s being used in many major projects across Kenya.

In the meantime, XCMG Foundation’s XDN1500-R pipe jacking machine jointly developed with CPP’s fourth engineering branch has successfully launched operation in the water conveyance and distribution project in Yunnan Province (diverting from Dianzhong to southeast side of Kunming City).

XCMG Foundation’s R&D team has optimized and upgraded the equipment in accordance to the project’s geological and engineering needs, to not only solving construction risk, but also improving construction efficiency and service life of the components.

For more information, please visit XCMG.

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Huawei Awarded the Global First Carbon Footprint Verification for Inverters Issued by BSI

SHANGHAI, June 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On June 28, Huawei was awarded the world’s first Carbon Footprint Verification (CFV) for solar inverter products issued by the British Standards Institution (BSI).

A globally-renowned standards body, BSI is a special adviser to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and a producer of standards such as the world’s first carbon footprint standard PAS 2050. This CFV proves Huawei’s capability to evaluate the carbon footprint of products throughout their lifecycle and acknowledges Huawei’s efforts in reducing carbon emissions, increasing the share of renewable energy, and promoting circular economy. Huawei’s development concept – green, low-carbon, and sustainable – underpins the entire lifecycle of inverters and is accredited by BSI. It is of great significance to establish and develop a carbon footprint management system in the photovoltaic (PV) industry.

Driven by China’s goals of achieving carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, the PV industry, as a major contributor to renewable energy, is experiencing explosive growth. Although PV power generation is widely recognized as an important way to reduce carbon emissions, not all PV products themselves are low-carbon. According to the Clean Production of Solar PV in China report, PV plants cannot achieve zero carbon emissions for 1.3 years of the 25-year lifecycle. As such, reducing the carbon footprint is critical to the decarbonization of energy systems. To this end, it is important to understand and manage the carbon footprint as well as carbon emissions impact during the manufacturing of PV system components. In Europe and other parts of the world, carbon footprint is a mandatory option for device bidding. Only advanced green manufacturing enterprises with low carbon footprints can help customers develop low-carbon and high-quality PV projects.

Looking ahead, Huawei will continue to strengthen its low-carbon capabilities, use innovative technologies to develop more products with low carbon footprints, and accelerate carbon emission reduction for itself and its customers, moving towards a sustainable, greener, and better future together.

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‫ تحفة شركة Wemade لألعاب ال MMORPG لعبة MIR4 تكشف عن محتوى PVP جديد – Bicheon Heist

تم الكشف عن محتوى PVP جديد للعشيرة ل !MIR4

سيول، كوريا الجنوبية، 28 يونيو 2022  — /PRNewswire/ سيتم الكشف عن محتوى PVP جديد من لعبة MIR4 ، وهو Bicheon Heist ، في 28 يونيو 2022.

“دافع عن Darksteel أو تعرض للسرقة!”

إضافة إثارة جديدة إلى قارة MIR Bicheon Heist كل يوم جمعة من الساعة 10 مساء حتى الساعة 11 مساء بدءا من 1 يوليو. تم فتح قبو Darksteel تحت الأرض في قلعة Bicheon ، ويجب على العشيرة التي تحكم قلعة Bicheon ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع حلفائها، الدفاع ضد مخططات Heisters الذين يسعون إلى نهب Darksteel من القبو. أفضل 20 عشيرة في الخادم غير متحالفة مع المدافعين قادرة على المشاركة كـ Heisters .

إذا دمر ال Heisters البوابة الحديدية التي تسد مدخل قبو Darksteel وهزم الوصي الرئيسي المهدد “ Cheol Mujin ” الذي يحرس Darksteel ، فستكون العديد من صناديق Darksteel ملكًا لهم. يمكن أيضًا الحصول على مكافآت إضافية مثل قطع الكنز الأسطوري والأحجار الصوفية والأحجار المظلمة التي تحتوي على المواد اللازمة لصياغة كنوز الروح الأسطورية.

كما تمت إضافة بعثات حصرية لمحتوى إكسبيديشن. يمكن للاعبين تجربة مهام أكثر تنوعًا عبر الخوادم وسيتلقون غنائم وفيرة للمساعدة في تقدم شخصياتهم أثناء إكمالهم لهذه المهام.

سيتم أيضًا تقديم بطل الرياح الأسطورية الجديد وهو Dark Crown ولي عهد Wooska خلال التحديث. بطل الرياح الأسطورية هذ صعب للغاية ومتخصص للغاية في الدفاع البدني. للاحتفال بإصدار Dark Crown ولي عهد Wooska ، ستصبح علامة تبويب استدعاء خاص متاحة حتى تحديث 26 يوليو. عندما يتم استدعاء الروح الأسطورية من خلال الاستدعاء الخاص خلال هذه الفترة، سيكون لدى اللاعبين فرصة بنسبة 100% للحصول على الروح الجديدة والبطل Dark Crown ولي عهد Wooska .

من معركتي إلى حربنا! يمكن العثور على مزيد من المعلومات حول MIR4 على الموقع الرسمي.

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Scientists’ Model Uses Google Search Data to Forecast COVID Hospitalizations

Future waves of COVID-19 might be predicted using internet search data, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.

In the study, researchers watched the number of COVID-related Google searches made across the country and used that information, together with conventional COVID-19 metrics such as confirmed cases, to predict hospital admission rates weeks in advance.

Using the search data provided by Google Trends, scientists were able to build a computational model to forecast COVID-19 hospitalizations. Google Trends is an online portal that provides data on Google search volumes in real time.

“If you have a bunch of people searching for ‘COVID testing sites near me’ … you’re going to still feel the effects of that downstream at the hospital level in terms of admissions,” said data scientist Philip Turk of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, who was not involved in the study. “That gives health care administrators and leaders advance warning to prepare for surges — to stock up on personal protective equipment and staffing and to anticipate a surge coming at them.”

For predictions one or two weeks in advance, the new computer model stacks up well against existing ones. It beats the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “national ensemble” forecast, which combines models made by many research teams — though there are some single models that outperform it.

Different perspective

According to study co-author Shihao Yang, a data scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the new model’s value is its unique perspective — a data source that is independent of conventional metrics. Yang is working to add the new model to the CDC’s COVID-19 forecasting hub.

Watching trends in how often people Google certain terms, like “cough” or “COVID-19 vaccine,” could help fill in the gaps in places with sparse testing or weak health care systems.

Yang also thinks that his model will be especially useful when new variants pop up. It did a good job of predicting spikes in hospitalizations thought to be associated with new variants such as omicron, without the time delays typical of many other models.

“It’s like an earthquake,” Yang said. “Google search will tell me a few hours ahead that a tsunami is hitting. … A few hours is enough for me to get prepared, allocate resources and inform my staff. I think that’s the information that we are providing here. It’s that window from the earthquake to when the tsunami hit the shore where my model really shines.”

The model considers Google search volumes for 256 COVID-19-specific terms, such as “loss of taste,” “COVID-19 vaccine” and “cough,” together with core statistics like case counts and vaccination rates. It also has temporal and spatial components — terms representing the delay between today’s data and the future hospitalizations it predicts, and how closely connected different states are.

Every week, the model retrains itself using the past 56 days’ worth of data. This keeps the model from being weighed down by older data that don’t reflect how the virus acts now.

Turk previously developed a different model to predict COVID-19 hospitalizations on a local level for the Charlotte, North Carolina, metropolitan area. The new model developed by Yang and his colleagues uses a different method and is the first to make state- and national-level predictions using search data.

Turk was surprised by “just how harmonious” the result was with his earlier work.

“I mean, they’re basically looking at two different models, two different paths,” he said. “It’s a great example of science coming together.”

Using Google search data to make public health forecasts has downsides. For one, Google could stop allowing researchers to use the data at any time, something Yang admits is concerning to his colleagues.

‘Noise’ in searches

Additionally, search data are messy, with lots of random behavior that researchers call “noise,” and the quality varies regionally, so the information needs to be smoothed out during analysis using statistical methods.

Local linguistic quirks can introduce problems because people from different regions sometimes use different words to describe the same thing, as can media coverage when it either raises or calms pandemic fears, Yang said. Privacy protections also introduce complications — user data are aggregated and injected with extra noise before publishing, a protection that makes it impossible to fish out individual users’ information from the public dataset.

Running the model with search data alone didn’t work as well as the model with search data and conventional metrics. Taking out search data and using only conventional COVID-19 metrics to make predictions also hurt the new model’s performance. This indicates that, for this model, the magic is in the mix — both conventional COVID-19 metrics and Google Trends data contain information that is useful for predicting hospitalizations.

“The fact that the data is valuable, and [the] data [is] difficult to process are two independent questions. There [is] information in there,” Yang said. “I can talk to my mom about this. It’s very simple, just intuitive. … If we are able to capture that intuition, I think that’s what makes things work.”

Source: Voice of America

Instagram Hides Some Posts That Mention Abortion

Instagram is blocking posts that mention abortion from public view, in some cases requiring its users to confirm their age before letting them view posts that offer up information about the procedure.

Over the last day, several Instagram accounts run by abortion rights advocacy groups have found their posts or stories hidden with a warning that described the posts as “sensitive content.” Instagram said it was working to fix the problem Tuesday, describing it as a bug.

In one example, Instagram covered a post on a page with more than 25,000 followers that shared text reading: “Abortion in America How You Can Help.” The post went on to encourage followers to donate money to abortion organizations and to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strip constitutional protections for abortion.

The post was covered with a warning from Instagram, reading “This photo may contain graphic or violent content.”

Instagram’s latest snafu follows an Associated Press report that Facebook and Instagram were deleting posts that offered to mail abortion pills to women living in states that now ban abortion procedures. The tech platforms said they were deleting the posts because they violated policies against selling or gifting certain products, including pharmaceuticals, drugs and firearms.

Yet, the AP’s review found that similar posts offering to mail a gun or marijuana were not removed by Facebook. The company did not respond to questions about the discrepancy.

Berlin photographer Zoe Noble runs the Instagram page whose post referencing abortion was blocked for viewing. The page, which celebrates women who decide not to have children, has been live for over a year. Monday was the first time a post mentioning abortion was restricted by Instagram, although Noble has mentioned it many times before.

“I was really confused because we’ve never had this happen before, and we’ve talked about abortion before,” Noble said. “I was really shocked that the word abortion seemed to be flagged.”

The platform offers no way for users to dispute the restriction.

The AP identified nearly a dozen other posts that mentioned the word “abortion” and were subsequently covered up by Instagram. All of the posts were informational in nature, and none of the posts featured photos of abortions. An Instagram post by an AP reporter that asked people if they were experiencing the problem was also covered by the company on Tuesday and required users to enter their age in order to view it.

The AP inquired about the problem on Tuesday morning. Hours later, Instagram’s communication department acknowledged the problem on Twitter, describing it as a glitch. A spokesman for Instagram-owner Meta Platforms Inc. said in an email that the company does not place age restrictions around its abortion content.

“We’re hearing that people around the world are seeing our ‘sensitivity screens,’ on many different types of content when they shouldn’t be. We’re looking into this bug and working on a fix now,” the company tweeted.

Tech companies like Meta can hide details about how posts or keywords have been promoted or hidden from view, said Brooke Erin Duffy, a professor at Cornell University who studies social media.

“This can all take place behind the scenes, and it can be attributed to a glitch,” Duffy said. “We don’t know what happened. That’s what’s chilling about this.

Source: Voice of America

Covid-19: Angola vaccinates over 27,000 people

Luanda – Angola has vaccinated, in the last 24 hours, 27,021 people.

According to the daily bulletin released Wednesday, the main provinces are Luanda (4208), Huíla (3792), Uíge (3427), Huambo (3195), Uíge (2138) and Kwanza Sul (2061).

The cumulative points to doses 20 693 292 administered, of which 13 288 990 with one dose 7 238 901 with full doses and 818 023 with booster doses.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

AU commissioner Josefa Sacko defends scientific research

Luanda – The African Union Commissioner Josefa Sacko said on Wednesday in Lisbon that scientific research should be the basis of policy and decision-making, to enable understanding and sustainable management of the continent’s oceans and seas.

The ambassador was speaking at the panel on the theme: “accelerating innovation, science and technology and promoting the involvement of women and youth in Africa’s oceans and seas, in the context of the ocean decade”, on the sidelines of the oceans event, under the aegis of the United Nations, in a co-organisation of Portugal and Kenya.

“Let me be clear, innovation is not always technological, it can also be social in nature, where we improve systems and make them more resilient,” she maintained.

According to the AU commissioner, women in coastal communities are working to reduce nutrient loss and food waste in innovative ways. Meanwhile, they face the crisis of plastic pollution, which must be given attention by technological tools to ensure safety at sea.

“It is time we shall stop considering them as a liability and instead give them the space and resources they need to contribute to the advancement of our continent,” she said.

Source: Angola Press News Agency