Verifone lance une nouvelle marque

Verifone dévoile une nouvelle marque et un site Web d’entreprise inédit afin d’illustrer son offre de plateforme de paiements de premier ordre

CORAL SPRINGS, Floride, 01 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, Verifone change d’image de marque pour mettre en lumière ses solutions de paiement innovantes en introduisant un nouveau logo, une nouvelle identité de marque et un site Web mondial inédit de manière à s’aligner sur une vision actualisée. Verifone est désormais l’« expert en commerce et architecte des paiements » partenaire de toutes les entreprises dans le monde. Le portefeuille robuste de produits et services de Verifone tient cette promesse en couvrant les solutions de paiement numérique, les dispositifs de paiement sécurisés, les paiements en tant que service hébergés sur le cloud, l’acquisition de marchands, la technologie de point de vente, les connaissances commerciales avancées via la science des données, les pratiques de services gérés et plus encore.

Après avoir reconstitué l’intégralité de son offre et de sa culture d’entreprise sous un nouveau leadership, l’identité renouvelée de la marque correspond à l’innovation et la passion d’une nouvelle Verifone. La reconnaissance et la confiance que les consommateurs accordent au nom Verifone devaient être préservées tout en mettant simultanément en lumière la focalisation accrue de Verifone sur le numérique, son approche priorisant l’avenir et sa position de leader sur la place de marché. La nouvelle iconographie communique la nature connectée, modulaire et évolutive des paiements dans la vie moderne, et elle présente le rôle architectural que joue Verifone dans les paiements et le commerce. Tous ces éléments sont réunis sur le nouveau site Web mondial de Verifone où les consommateurs, marchands et autres parties prenantes se voient présenter une nouvelle expérience Verifone plus intuitive. La nouvelle marque est extensible à travers les unités commerciales et sur toute la planète.

Avec un demi-billion de dollars de transactions qui traversent son cloud via des dispositifs de paiement ou des sites Web et applications soutenus par Verifone, Verifone permet véritablement un commerce mondial. Verifone se démarque dans le domaine des paiements où la plupart des entreprises doivent toujours assembler des offres fragmentées de différents fournisseurs pour répondre aux besoins complexes de la clientèle. Verifone est le seul fournisseur à disposer d’un ensemble d’outils flexible et complet qui rationalise et réduit les coûts de toute entreprise pour l’acceptation de paiements.

« Le monde du commerce évolue constamment, et c’est cet environnement dynamique que nous avons simplifié et que nous continuons de révolutionner. Verifone s’est lancée dans l’espace des technologies financières il y a plus de 40 ans, faisant rapidement évoluer ses offres de services pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les petites et grandes entreprises », a déclaré Mike Pulli, PDG de Verifone. « Nous sommes le partenaire de commerce indispensable pour les entreprises du monde entier, car nous proposons des solutions avec une architecture préparée pour l’avenir. Notre nouvelle marque correspond à notre réflexion accordant la priorité au numérique, notre état d’esprit axé sur les employés et notre innovation accélérée. Nos clients, de même que leurs clients, comptent sur Verifone chaque jour. »

Ces dernières années, Verifone s’est intensément concentrée sur la création de nouvelles capacités et fonctions de paiement innovantes, étendant considérablement la pile de solutions et ouvrant de nouveaux marchés. En raison de l’expertise commerciale de la société, ses solutions peuvent facilement être adaptées sur presque tous les marchés verticaux. Depuis les détaillants complexes opérant dans l’omnicommerce à l’échelle mondiale jusqu’au moindre fournisseur local présentant ses produits lors d’un marché agricole, Verifone prépare les piles technologiques et les écosystèmes de paiement pour l’avenir.

Pour découvrir la nouvelle identité de Verifone, visionnez la vidéo de présentation et consultez son nouveau site Web mondial d’entreprise à l’adresse De nouveaux sites Web nationaux entreront en service au cours des semaines et mois à venir.

À propos de Verifone

Verifone est l’architecte de paiements façonnant les écosystèmes des expériences de commerce en personne et en ligne, comprenant tout ce dont les entreprises ont besoin, des dispositifs de paiement sécurisés aux outils d’e-commerce, en faisant l’acquisition de services, de connaissances commerciales avancées et bien plus encore. En tant que leader mondial des technologies financières, Verifone alimente la croissance de l’omnicommerce pour des sociétés dans plus de 165 pays et se voit accorder la confiance des institutions financières de premier plan, des petites entreprises et des marques les plus connues dans le monde. La plateforme Verifone se base sur quatre décennies d’innovation et de sécurité sans concession, gérant annuellement plus de 12 milliards de transactions équivalant à plus de 500 milliards de dollars sur les canaux physiques et numériques.

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Verifone Lança Nova Marca

Verifone revela nova marca e site corporativo para exemplificar sua oferta de plataforma de pagamentos líder da classe

CORAL SPRINGS, Flórida, July 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verifone se renova para destacar suas soluções de pagamento inovadoras, introduzindo um novo logotipo, identidade de marca e site global para se alinhar com uma visão atualizada. A Verifone agora é parceira “Payments Architect and Commerce Expert” (Expert de Arquitetura de Pagamentos e Comércio) para todas as empresas em todos os lugares. O robusto portfólio de produtos e serviços da Verifone cumpre essa promessa, pois abrange soluções de pagamento digital, dispositivos de pagamentos seguros, Pagamentos como Serviço hospedados na nuvem, aquisição de comerciantes, tecnologia de ponto de venda, insights avançados de negócios por meio da ciência de dados, práticas de serviços gerenciados e muito mais.

Depois de recriar a oferta e toda a cultura da empresa sob a nova liderança a identidade da marca renovada combina com a inovação e a dedicação de uma nova Verifone. O reconhecimento e a confiança do consumidor no nome Verifone precisavam ser preservados, com o destaque simultâneo do foco digital elevado da Verifone, a abordagem voltada para o futuro e a posição de liderança no mercado. A nova iconografia transmite a natureza conectada, modular e em evolução dos pagamentos na vida moderna, sendo um exemplo do papel arquitetônico que a Verifone desempenha nos pagamentos e no comércio. Tudo isso acompanha o novo website global onde consumidores, comerciantes e outras partes interessadas são introduzidos a uma experiência nova e mais fácil de usar da Verifone. A nova marca se aplica a todas as unidades de negócios e em todo o mundo.

Com meio trilhão de dólares em transações na sua nuvem nos dispositivos de pagamento ou sites e aplicativos da Verifone, a Verifone realmente viabiliza o comércio global. A Verifone se destaca no espaço de pagamentos, onde a maioria das empresas ainda junta ofertas fragmentadas de vários provedores para atender às necessidades complexas dos clientes. A Verifone é o único provedor com um conjunto de ferramentas abrangente e flexível que agiliza e reduz os custos para qualquer empresa aceitar pagamentos.

“O mundo do comércio está em constante evolução, e é esse ambiente dinâmico que simplificamos e continuamos a revolucionar. A Verifone entrou no espaço Fintech há mais de quatro décadas, evoluindo rapidamente as ofertas de serviços para atender às necessidades de todas as grandes e pequenas empresas”, disse Mike Pulli, CEO da Verifone. “Somos o parceiro comercial essencial para empresas em todo o mundo, com a nossa oferta de soluções com uma arquitetura à prova do futuro. Nossa nova marca representa o nosso pensamento digital, nossa mentalidade focada nos funcionários e nossa inovação acelerada. Nossos clientes e clientes dos nossos clientes confiam na Verifone todos os dias.”

A Verifone tem se concentrado intensamente em recursos e capacidade de pagamento novas e inovadoras nos últimos anos, expandindo significativamente o conjunto de soluções e permitindo a abertura de novos mercados. A experiência em comércio da empresa significa que suas soluções podem ser facilmente adaptadas em quase todas as verticais. De varejistas complexos, globais e de omni-commerce a um fornecedor local em um mercado de agricultores, a Verifone prepara os ecossistemas de pagamento e conjuntos de tecnologia para o futuro.

Para ver a nova identidade da Verifone, assista ao vídeo do lançamento e visite o novo site corporativo global em Novos sites específicos de cada país serão lançados nas próximas semanas e meses.

Sobre a Verifone

A Verifone é a arquiteta de pagamentos que molda os ecossistemas para experiências de comércio online e presencial, incluindo tudo o que as empresas precisam – desde os dispositivos de pagamento seguros a ferramentas de eCommerce, aquisição de serviços, insights avançados de negócios, e muito mais. Como líder global em FinTech, a Verifone impulsiona o crescimento do omni-commerce para empresas em mais de 165 países, e conta com a confiança das marcas, pequenas empresas e grandes instituições financeiras mais conhecidas do mundo. A plataforma Verifone foi criada com o nosso histórico de quatro décadas de inovação e segurança intransigente, que atualmente gerencia anualmente mais de 12 bilhões de transações no valor de mais de US $ 500 bilhões em canais físicos e digitais.

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Head of State visits Benguela Province

President João Lourenço is travelling Monday to the centre-west Benguela Province for a two-day working visit, with a view to checking issues relating to services of rail and logistical support to the Lobito Corridor.

The information was disclosed Sunday, in Luanda, by the secretary for Communication and Press Affairs of the President of the Republic, Luís Fernando.

ANGOP has learnt that the heads of State of Zambia, Hakainde Hichilema, and of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Féliz Tshisekedi, will also be present in Lobito Municipality of Benguela on Monday morning.

Luís Fernando also said that on Tuesday a vast programme was planned to mark the launch of the Lobito Corridor strategic service, with information to be provided about its operation.

It includes information about which companies have joined the consortium, for the expansion and progress of that important route for the flow of goods and movement of people.

The three statesmen will return to their respective capitals late Tuesday afternoon.

The Lobito Corridor extends from the port of Lobito, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and crosses Angola from west to east, passing through the provinces of Benguela, Huambo, Bié and Moxico.

It includes the mining camps in Katanga Province in the DRC and the town of Copperbelt in Zambia.

The Lobito Corridor represents the shortest route to a port from the rich mining fields of DRC and Zambia.

However, for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) the corridor is seen as an important means of development for the region, with benefits for Angola and its neighbouring countries.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

National Programme of Youth Tourism for Summer 2023 gets underway

The National Programme of Youth Tourism for Summer 2023 got underway Sunday in Rimel, Bizerte.

This programme will be implemented in partnership with various youth organisations and sports associations, Minister of Youth and Sports Kamel Déguiche said as he gave the go-ahead.

It is geared towards some 153,000 young people across the country. Sixty-one holiday camps are scheduled with focus on sports, volunteering, the creation of digital content, ecology, electronic games, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Eighteen activity sessions in seaside cities are also on the agenda along with a further six in beach camps.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Informal employment in Tunisia reaches 43.9% (WB report)

Informal employment in Tunisia reached 43.9%, far higher than in most other countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, according to a new World Bank (WB) report titled “Informality and Inclusive Growth in the Middle East and North Africa.”

Egypt and Morocco also reported high rates, 62.5% and 77.3% respectively, it emerges from this report released in June. The three countries are at the core of the report as they provide a good overview of the situation in the region.

“The state of affairs in Tunisia is different from the one in Egypt, while Morocco is somewhere in between. The three countries indeed present different charasteristics in relation to the legal and institutional frameworks, the economy as well as factors that impact informality,” the report said.

Informality, which is not inevitable, is driven by legal, regulatory and institutional challenges.

The size of the informal economy depends on a combination of several factors, including the way social protection systems are designed, the burden of legal provisions and taxation, the enforcement of laws, business registration processes, resolution of commercial disputes, access to loans, corruption and unfair competition.

In the MENA region, there are two main areas with institutional weaknesses. These are inadequate social protection systems which are characterised by little coverage and poor redistribution, in particular with regard to health and ageing.

This situation produces informality and hinders productivity growth, especially as it is coupled with factors such as minimum wage laws, complex dismissal procedures and poor enforcement of labour regulations.

To combat the informal economy in the MENA region and achieve stronger and more inclusive growth, governments need to start by establishing a social protection system which allows all citizens to access basic health services and entitles elderly people to benefit at least from minimum income.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kaouther Ben Hania’s Les filles d’Olfa scoops ARRI award

Tunisian Kaouther Ben Hania’s docufiction Les filles d’Olfa (Four Daughters) won ARRI Award, the top prize at the Munich International Film Festival.

ARRI award is given to the best international film in the CineMasters competition section.

The feature film is an international co-production between Tunisia (Cinetelefilms prod), France and Germany. It made its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival (June 16-27) where it was shortlisted in the official competition.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

JAP – Hammamet-2023: TAP, partner in success of games

TAP news agency, the media partner of the Tunisian National Olympic Committee and the organising committee of the 2nd African Beach Games (JAP Hammamet-2023), held June 23-30, provided daily coverage of the African competition.

The agency mobilised 30 staff members, including journalists reporting in three languages (Arabic, French and English,), photographers and technicians. A field team was dispatched to Hammamet and another was tasked with the dissemination of the news at the headquarters of the agency.

TAP Sports Editor-in-Chief Zouheir Ourimi said this mobilisation demonstrates conviction of the key role of TAP, as a national public news provider, in covering a large-scale sports event taking place in Tunisia.

“TAP published over 550 news stories in three languages, hundreds of photos and several videos,” Ourimi added. Results of different events were published instantly in addition to statements and various stories, all of them were shared by various national, Arab and international media outlets.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Sixty-five illegal crossings foiled, fourteen boats seized

Sixty-five illegal migration attempts were thwarted during Eid of Idha feast, the Directorate General of the National Guard said on Sunday, and 2,068 migrants were rescued.

Coast guards in Sfax, Kerkennah and Mahdia foiled 47 illegal crossings and rescued 1,879 migrants, including 1,858 Sub-saharan Africans.

A further eighteen attempts were thwarted by coast guards in Nabeul, Sousse and Monastir and 189 Tunisian migrants were rescued.

Fourteen boats were seized.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Father Gustave Lafortune celebrates 60 years of Roman Catholic priesthood in Seychelles

Father Gustave Lafortune, now 86 years old, celebrated 60 years of priesthood on June 30 for his service to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Seychelles.

Hailing from the eastern district of Cascade, Gustave Charles Baromee Lafortune was born on November 3, 1936. From humble beginnings, Lafortune was a sickly child who at a young age showed devotion to the church by serving as an altar boy and assisting the nuns who lived in his community.

A bright child, Father Lafortune did his primary schooling at Cascade, followed by five years at Seychelles College. He then proceeded to Switzerland for his A-level and theology studies at the College Royale Abbaye College of St. Maurice in September 1956.

Longest serving Seychellois Catholic priest

Father Lafortune started his journey into the priesthood in Fribourg Switzerland, where he also did his studies at the Capuchins Convent and at the Abhaye College of St. Maurice—surrounded by his Capuchins brothers, Bishop Francois Charier – a close friend of Bishop Olivier Maradan of the Victoria Diocese at that time, who ordained Lafortune on June, 30 at the Saint Michel College Chapel in Fribourg. After one year in the parish of Morges in Lausanne, Father Lafortune returned to the islands.

He arrived back on Mahe on December 21, 1964, and on December 24, Father Lafortune celebrated the Christmas eve mass at the St Andre parish of his native district of Cascade. Over the years Father Lafortune worked in several parishes on Mahe and Praslin; these included Mt. Fleuri, Plaisance, Baie Ste Anne, Cascade, Anse Royale and Anse Boileau.

The former Bishop of the Catholic Diocese in Seychelles Denis Wiehe celebrated a special mass at the St Andrews Parish at Cascade in 2015 to honour the work done by Father Lafortune. (Joe Laurence, Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY

Singer, songwriter and poet

Aside from his priestly duties, Lafortune loved the arts and is a renowned songwriter and singer. Poetry is something which he also loved, and which he started to write in his childhood. Over the years he worked and released 4 cassettes of his songs. These were mostly gospel songs that were very popular, sung not only in church but also played on the local radio.

Amongst his composition are “Wi nou kapab viv lamour Zezi Kri” (yes we can live the love of Jesus Christ),”En soley pe leve” (A Sun is Rising), the latter is still popular today

Special homage to Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 to 2005. Born in Poland, John Paul II was the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX. He was one of the most travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate.

Pope John Paul II visited Seychelles in December 1986 and Father Lafortune composed a special song to coincide with John Paul II’s visit, marked by a mass attended by thousands, who braved the rain on that day.

Editor of L’Echo de Iles – longest publication of the island nation

In 1974, Lafortune returned to Fribourg, Lausanne where he followed a course in journalism, and upon his return to Seychelles he was appointed as editor of L’Echo des Iles – a Roman Catholic publication.

On September 1, 1935, the mouthpiece of the Roman Catholic Mission was launched by Father Maurice Roh entitled L’Action Catholique. In 1957 it was renamed L’Echo des Iles. The publication, which comes out every fortnight, is the only publication in Seychelles that has not missed any publications since its inception.

Leaving his mark in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Seychelles

Lafortune retired officially from the church in 2015. Today, his days are spent quietly at the St. Therese parish, where he moved after living at the Domus – the official residence of Catholic priests.

Father Lafortune is known for his devotion, his compositions – songs and hymns in Creole still being sung at mass in churches today – his work with church groups such as Neo Catechumenal, as well as with catechism.

Lafortune was instrumental in building three chapels — the Christ the King Chapel at Anse la Blague, and the Mont Plaisir Chapel on the second most populated island of Praslin, and La Salette Chapel in the western district of Anse Boileau, where Lafortune worked in the parish of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, for nearly 20 years, the longest time he had served in any parish.

Source: Seychelles News Agency