Josh Tsui, PDG de Floship, s’apprête à prononcer un discours sur les aspirations des dirigeants concernant l’avenir de la technologie logistique et recevoir un prix lors du The Lead Innovation Summit à New York

M. Tsui évoquera les ambitions futures de la société ainsi que sa feuille de route stratégique, notamment la circularité des chaînes d’approvisionnement et les capacités d’IA du portail

NEW YORK et HONG KONG, 05 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, prestataire leader des solutions de chaînes d’approvisionnement circulaires mondiales, a annoncé aujourd’hui sa participation à The Lead Innovation Summit, une conférence stratégique de premier plan pour les décisionnaires mondiaux et les dirigeants des secteurs de la vente au détail et de la consommation d’aujourd’hui. La conférence aura lieu dans la ville de New York les 12 et 13 juillet.

Le PDG de Floship, Josh Tsui, fera un discours sur les aspirations le mercredi 12 juillet pendant les questions-réponses de la session « Optimisation des opportunités du commerce numérique » de Dawit Heck, de Bain Capital Ventures. M. Tsui partagera des informations sur Floship, sur sa vision stratégique, ainsi que sur les ambitions transformationnelles de la société, notamment ses réflexions sur l’avenir de l’intelligence artificielle générative dans l’e-commerce, avec un public de plus de 2 000 dirigeants de grandes marques mondiales de distribution.

Dans le cadre de ce discours, M. Tsui fournira des informations sur l’écosystème des chaînes d’approvisionnement circulaires globales de Floship, illustrant la façon dont il relie chaque élément de base à travers la chaîne de valeur du fabricant, les systèmes d’entrepôt, les mécanismes de livraison et les solutions de retours via une plateforme entièrement intégrée.

De même, pendant The Summit, Floship fera partie des sociétés reconnues sur la Leading 100 List de The Lead lors d’une cérémonie de remise de prix, mettant à l’honneur des startups technologiques innovantes qui façonnent l’avenir des entreprises brand-to-consumer, surtout concernant l’aide apportée à ces entreprises dans l’adoption des chaînes d’approvisionnement circulaires.

« C’est un moment extrêmement palpitant pour Floship, et je suis honoré de la reconnaissance portée à nos innovations sources de bouleversements concernant le modèle business-to-consumer. La circularité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et l’IA générative sont des domaines prioritaires de la chaîne d’approvisionnement extrêmement importants pour les commerçants car ils travaillent main dans la main afin de minimiser l’utilisation de matières premières, réduire les quantités excessives de déchets mis au rebut et automatiser les nombreux processus manuels intensifs », a déclaré M. Tsui. « Nous croyons que The Lead Innovation Summit fournit la toile de fond nécessaire pour continuer à raconter cette histoire à un public conscient de la nécessité de construire des chaînes d’approvisionnement plus durables et plus intelligentes, en tirant parti de technologies qui permettent aux consommateurs, aux entreprises et à l’économie d’être plus efficaces avec moins de ressources. »

Les chaînes d’approvisionnement circulaires impliquent que la société réutilise ou revalorise les déchets et les retours des clients pour convertir ces ressources en produits nouveaux ou reconditionnés. Cette stratégie est essentielle pour développer des partenariats mondiaux. Floship a récemment annoncé ce genre de partenariat avec FedEx, conçu pour fournir de meilleurs services d’exécution et de logistique aux détaillants de l’e-commerce dans le monde entier. Ce partenariat permet aux clients de FedEx opérant dans l’e-commerce d’accéder au réseau mondial d’entrepôts de Floship et aux puissantes capacités de sa plateforme logistique afin de rationaliser leurs opérations d’exécution du commerce en ligne. Dans le même temps, les clients de Floship seront en mesure de tirer parti des réseaux FedEx mondiaux ainsi que de toute une gamme d’options de transport FedEx étendues afin d’optimiser leurs opérations.

The Lead Innovation Summit est l’endroit vers lequel convergent plus de 2 000 leaders des communautés de la mode, de la beauté, de l’habitat, de la consommation et de la vente au détail afin d’apprendre des marques à grande échelle, des natifs du numérique et des catalyseurs de la technologie et d’entrer en contact avec eux. Ce sommet de deux jours rassemble plus de 140 conférenciers remarquables et comprend 45 sessions de contenu ; il analyse chaque aspect de l’activité direct-to-consumer d’une marque, en ligne et hors ligne.

À propos de Floship
Les solutions d’écosystème de chaîne d’approvisionnement circulaire mondiales de Floship couvrent tous les aspects de la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale, assurant des efforts opérationnels minimaux pour les entreprises d’e-commerce tout en dépassant leurs attentes, permettant aux propriétaires d’entreprises de se concentrer sur la stimulation de la croissance et de la flexibilité en termes d’investissements, tout en gagnant en tranquillité d’esprit. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur ou suivez-nous sur LinkedIn.

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Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Pour tout complément d’information à propos de Floship, veuillez contacter :

James Linacre, Responsable des RP et communications

Tél. : (+852) 5333 9420

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8869031

Floship CEO Josh Tsui to Deliver Executive Vision Talk on Future of Logistics Technology & Accept Award at New York’s Lead Innovation Summit

Tsui to touch on the company’s future ambitions & strategic road map including supply chain circularity and the portal’s AI capabilities

Floship CEO Joshua Tsui

Floship CEO, Josh Tsui

NEW YORK and HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solutions provider, today announced its participation in The Lead Innovation Summit, a leading strategy conference for global decision-makers and executives in today’s retail and consumer industries. The conference takes place in New York City between 12 & 13 July.

Floship CEO Josh Tsui will deliver his Vision Talk on Wednesday, 12 July during the session “Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity” fielding questions from Dawit Heck of Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui will share information about Floship, his strategic vision, as well as the company’s transformational ambitions including his thoughts on the future of generative AI in e-commerce to an audience of 2000+ executives from major global brand retailers.

As part of his talk, Tsui will share information about Floship’s holistic circular supply chain ecosystem, illustrating how it connects every core component across the value chain from the manufacturer, warehouse systems, delivery mechanisms, and returns solutions through a wholly integrated platform.

Also at The Summit, Floship will be among the companies recognized on The Lead’s Leading 100 List in an award ceremony, which honors innovative tech start-ups that are driving the future of brand-to-consumer businesses, especially in helping these businesses adopt circular supply chains.

Floship Leaders- Headshots_Josh

“It is an extremely exciting time here at Floship, and I’m honored that we’re being acknowledged for our disruptive innovations toward the business-to-consumer model. Supply chain circularity and generative AI are extremely important supply chain focus areas for merchants as they work hand-in-hand to minimize the use of raw materials, reduce excessive amounts of discarded waste materials, and automate many manually intensive processes,” said Tsui. “We believe the Lead Innovation Summit provides the necessary backdrop to continue to tell this story to an audience who are cognizant of the need to build more sustainable and intelligent supply chains by leveraging technologies that empower consumers, businesses, and the economy to be more efficient with a leaner amount of resources.”

Circular supply chains involve a company reusing or repurposing waste and customer returns to convert those resources into new or refurbished products, and this strategy is critical in building global partnerships. Floship recently announced one such partnership with FedEx that is designed to provide enhanced fulfillment and logistics services to e-tailers worldwide. The partnership gives FedEx’s e-commerce customers access to Floship’s global network of warehouses and powerful logistics platform’s capabilities to streamline their e-commerce fulfillment operations. At the same time, Floship’s customers will be able to leverage FedEx global networks as well as a full range of FedEx extensive transportation options to optimize their operations.

The Lead Innovation Summit is where 2,000+ leaders from the fashion, beauty, home, consumer & retail innovation communities converge to learn from and connect with scaled brands, digital natives, & technology enablers. The two-day summit features more than 140 stand-out speakers and 45 content sessions and breaks down every aspect of a brand’s direct-to-consumer business, online and offline.

About Floship
Floship’s global circular supply chain ecosystem solutions cover all aspects of the global supply chain, ensuring minimal operation effort for e-commerce businesses while exceeding their expectations, allowing business owners to concentrate on driving growth and investment flexibility while gaining peace of mind. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

E   W
Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

For more information about Floship, please contact:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Phone: (+852) 5333 9420


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8868173

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, Fará Palestra de Visão Executiva Sobre o Futuro da Tecnologia Logística e Receberá Prêmio no Lead Innovation Summit de Nova York

Tsui falará sobre as ambições futuras e o roteiro estratégico da empresa, incluindo a circularidade da cadeia de suprimentos e os recursos de IA do portal

NOVA YORK e HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Floship, fornecedora líder global de soluções de cadeia de suprimentos circular, anunciou hoje a sua participação no The Lead Innovation Summit, uma conferência líder estratégica para decisores e executivos globais das indústrias de varejo e para consumidor. A conferência será realizada em Nova York entre 12 e 13 de julho.

Josh Tsui, CEO da Floship, apresentará sua Vision Talk na quarta-feira, 12 de julho, durante a sessão “Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity”, respondendo às perguntas de Dawit Heck, da Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui compartilhará informações e visão estratégica da Floship, bem como a ambição transformacional da empresa e sua opinião sobre o futuro da IA generativa no comércio eletrônico com uma audiência de mais de 2.000 executivos de grandes varejistas de marcas globais.

Como parte da sua palestra, Tsui falará sobre o ecossistema holístico da cadeia de suprimentos circular da Floship, ilustrando como ele conecta todos os componentes principais da cadeia de valor do fabricante, sistemas de armazenamento, mecanismos de entrega e soluções de devolução por meio de uma plataforma totalmente integrada.

Durante o The Summit, a Floship será uma das empresas reconhecidas da Lista Leading 100 da The Lead, em uma cerimônia de premiação que homenageia startups de tecnologia inovadoras que estão impulsionando o futuro das empresas de marca para consumidor, especialmente ajudando essas empresas a adotar cadeias de suprimentos circulares.

“É um momento extremamente emocionante para Floship, e me sinto honrado por estarmos sendo reconhecidos por nossas inovações disruptivas em relação ao modelo business-to-consumer. A circularidade da cadeia de suprimentos e a IA geradora são áreas de foco da cadeia de suprimentos extremamente importantes para os comerciantes, pois trabalham lado a lado para minimizar o uso de matérias-primas, reduzir quantidades excessivas de resíduos descartados e automatizar muitos processos intensivos manualmente”, disse Tsui. “Acreditamos que o Lead Innovation Summit serve como o pano de fundo necessário para que possamos continuar contando essa história para um público que reconhece a necessidade de construir cadeias de suprimentos mais sustentáveis e inteligentes, aproveitando tecnologias que capacitam consumidores, empresas e a economia a serem mais eficientes com uma quantidade menor de recursos.”

As cadeias de suprimentos circulares envolvem uma empresa que reutiliza ou reaproveita resíduos e devoluções de clientes para converter esses recursos em produtos novos ou recondicionados, e essa estratégia é fundamental para a criação de parcerias globais. A Floship anunciou recentemente uma parceria assim com a FedEx que foi projetada para fornecer serviços aprimorados de atendimento e logística para varejistas eletrônicos em todo o mundo. Essa parceria proporcionará aos clientes de e-commerce da FedEx acesso à rede global de depósitos da Floship e aos recursos da potente plataforma de logística para agilizar suas operações de atendimento de e-commerce. Os clientes da Floship poderão aproveitar as redes globais da FedEx, bem como uma ampla gama de opções de transporte da FedEx para otimizar suas operações.

O Lead Innovation Summit é onde mais de 2.000 líderes das comunidades de moda, beleza, casa, consumo e inovação de varejo convergem para aprender e se conectar com marcas em escala, nativos digitais e facilitadores de tecnologia. A conferência de dois dias conta com mais de 140 palestrantes de destaque e 45 sessões de conteúdo e divide todos os aspectos do negócio direto ao consumidor de uma marca, on-line e off-line.

Sobre a Floship
As soluções de ecossistema de cadeia de suprimentos circular global da Floship abrangem todos os aspectos da cadeia de suprimentos global, garantindo um esforço operacional mínimo para as empresas de e-commerce excedendo suas expectativas e permitindo que os proprietários de empresas se concentrem em impulsionar o crescimento com a flexibilidade do investimento e, ao mesmo tempo, ter tranquilidade. Saiba mais em ou siga-nos no LinkedIn.

E   W
Level 7, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Para mais informações sobre a Floship, contate:

James Linacre, Líder de Relações Públicas e Comunicações

Telefone: (+852) 5333 9420


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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8869031

Over 900,000 South African have already left so where are they going? Could Dominica be the answer?

Roseau, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — South Africa has been in the news for all the wrong reasons in the past few months, with ongoing rolling blackouts hampering business, soaring interest rates and most recently the prospect of the country being isolated by international partners due to its ties with Russia.

Many South Africans are now actively looking outside their border for better personal and business prospects. South Africans are demanding more and better from their government – over 900,000 South Africans have already left the country according to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ 2020 International Migrant Stock report in 2022. The UN report, said by the end of 2020, 914,901 South Africans were living in other countries and territories, up from 786,554 in 2015.

With countries around the world increasing their global competitiveness, many nations are offering investors lucrative benefits that attract the best talent and brightest businesses to their shores.

One such nation is the Commonwealth of Dominica – an island nation that is one of the safest countries in the world according to the 2023 World Citizenship Report.

Dominica has been attracting global citizens for nearly three decades through its Citizenship by Investment Programme – a process that allows an investor to obtain a second or alternative citizenship by investing in the country’s economy.

By contributing to either the Economic Diversification Fund or investing in Real Estate, South Africans should know that they will have access to a stable economy, a currency pegged against the US dollar and greater mobility to access the best hospitals, business hubs and education facilities.

Economic Diversification Fund 

The Economic Diversification Fund financially supports socio-economic initiatives to develop Dominica’s economy. These include construction and infrastructure developments, agriculture, information technology and tourism. There are currently multiple initiatives that are from the private and public sectors that focus on the economic development of Dominica. An example of these can be seen with the latest developments of the new international airport.

Prime Minister of Dominica, Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit shared with the public that “Significant work has been done, we discussed with the developers and contractors to advance the work to have a shorter period of time to complete the construction. The discussions are being held, and a strategy is being placed forward to advance the work.” The progress has created hope for the government and the citizens of Dominica.

Another example is the construction of the world’s longest cable car that will transport passengers from Roseau Valley through the tropical rainforest to the world’s second-largest Boiling Lake, creating new experiences for tourists and visitors to view the Nature Island of the Caribbean from the sky.

These are some examples that have guaranteed Dominica’s local citizens to be employed during the projects and create permanent employment once the projects are fully operational.

The minimum contributions for applications are as follows:

  • US$100,000 (ZAR1,800,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$150,000 (ZAR2,700,000) for the main applicant and spouse;
  • US$175,000 (ZAR3,200,000) for the main applicant and up to three dependants;
  • US$50,000 (ZAR910,000) for any additional dependant 18 years of age or older.

There are instances whereby additional fees will apply that depend on the applicant’s primary citizenship and personal circumstances.

Real Estate 

Real estate investment option starts from US$200,000 (ZAR3,600,000) for government-approved properties that offer South African investors the opportunity to invest in selective properties available in breathtaking locations around Dominica.

There are additional government fees applicable per application that consist of the following:

  • US$25,000 (ZAR450,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$35,000 (ZAR600,000) for the main applicant and up to three dependants;
  • US$50,000 (ZAR910,000) for the main applicant and up to five dependants;
  • US$25,000 (ZAR450,000) for any additional dependants.

The award-winning The Residences at Secret Bay are one of the luxurious properties that South African Investors can leisure in the benefits of a beautiful eco-friendly property that offers excellent returns on investments.

The Due diligence fees in the Economic Diversification Fund and Real Estate investment options, per application, are:

  • US7,500 (ZAR137,000) for the main applicant;
  • US$4,000 (ZAR73,000) for the spouse;
  • US$4,000 (ZAR73,000) for any dependants 16 years of age or above.
Chantal Mabanga
Commonwealth of Dominica
+44 (0) 207 318 4343

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8869063

Yona National Park receives giraffes from Namibia

Fourteen giraffes, from Namibia, arrived this week in Angola, as part of the re-stocking programme of the species in the Yona National Park, located in the municipality of Tombwa, south-western Namibe Province.

According to the Tombwa administrator, Abelardo Lemba, there are five males and nine females, which over the next few days will undergo a process of adaptation to the climate of the location.

Speaking exclusively to ANGOP on Tuesday, he informed that conditions are being created for the mating of giraffes, without giving a date for the first practical results.

To him, at the time it is difficult to know the number of giraffes in the park, but the data points to a large reduction, given the poaching activity.

“We hope that they can adapt to our environment and reproduce”, said the municipal administrator, adding that the park has been facing vandalisation from poachers, who have also caused a significant reduction of its fauna, including the giraffes.

The Yona Park, proclaimed as a reserve in 1937 and officially designated a national park in 1964, is the biggest in Angola and is located in the southwest of the country, in Namibe.

With a length of 15,000 kilometres, it has two mobile dunes, vast plains and rugged cliff mountains, and is home to various species such as oryx gazellas, ostriches, zebras and other reptiles.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Public Health Intensifies Vaccination Of Stray Dogs In Kapsowar

Efforts to address the issue of stray dogs in Kapsowar town, Marakwet West Sub County, have intensified, resulting in the euthanization of 30 dogs. Area Public Health Officer Jane Kiprop reported that the process of baiting the stray animals commenced at Sisiya market and Sinon, with the ultimate objective of eradicating the stray dog population in Kapsowar town. To mitigate the potential risks posed by these stray dogs, Arnold Kiplagat, the Veterinary Officer of Marakwet West, urged dog owners to bring their pets for vaccination against diseases in the upcoming week. Kiplagat emphasized the importance of vaccinating dogs to prevent the spread of diseases like rabies, as the neglect and lack of vaccination of these stray dogs make them highly susceptible. To ensure the safety of both the community and livestock, the vaccination campaign will encompass all markets within the region. The recent surge in the number of stray dogs and the corresponding increase in reported dog bite incidents in various markets prompted the urgent need for action. In a similar endeavor, Tot Ward in Marakwet East Sub County underwent a comparable operation targeting stray dogs. This initiative successfully eliminated 40 dogs that posed a potential threat to public safety. The coordinated efforts between public health officials, veterinary officers, and local communities aim to address the escalating problem of stray dogs in the area. By implementing measures such as vaccination campaigns and euthanization programmes, the authorities hope to curb the spread of diseases and reduce the incidence of dog-related incidents in the markets and towns of Marakwet West Sub County. Residents need to complement these efforts by ensuring their dogs are properly vaccinated and kept under control, thus contributing to a safer environment for both humans and animals.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Mudavadi Roots For Cross-Border Peace

The Chief Cabinet Secretary, Musalia Mudavadi, has underscored the need for communities living along the borders to coexist peacefully. Speaking during the launch of the conference for border communities on peaceful co-existence and regional integration in Namanga, Kajiado County, Mudavadi said borders should not be barriers but rather bridges to facilitate development. He cited poorly defined and unmarked borders that continue to impeach the achievement of strong and sustainable regional integration. ‘Historically, borderlands have borne the burden of poverty, insecurity, displacement, climate change, inadequate food and water, and other problems,’ he said. Seamless cross-border mobility has also been affected by poor cohesion-building mechanisms, shared natural resources, and gender insensitivity, which predispose border communities to the threat of insecurity and strife. He said that external vigilance was essential for peaceful coexistence and integration. ‘Our aim is to transform borders into bridges of peace, cross-border trade, and regional integration,’ he said. He cited the establishment of joint survey and demarcation teams and MOU agreements on the management of borders, among others, as key strides made in resolving the challenges. He said borders should make significant contributions to the Gross Domestic Product through investments. He cited underperforming economies, joblessness, acts of terrorism, poverty, cross-border conflicts, and electoral disputes, among others, as the challenges facing the East African region. He said it was against this backdrop that peace and security have become critical themes in the continued development discourse. The conference will provide new impetus to the collective realization of economic growth and prosperity as crucial inputs for a peaceful and prosperous region. It also provides an opportunity for us to take stock of what we have achieved in the integration process, tackle shared challenges, and explore innovative dialogues for mutual understanding and our collective benefit. Together, we should succeed.

Source: Kenya News Agency

57th Hammamet International Festival, July 8-August 12

The 57th edition of the Hammamet International Festival (FIH) will be held under the theme “Let’s Color the World,” on July 8-August 12 at the open-air theatre in Hammamet. The detailed programme for this edition was revealed on Tuesday at a press briefing held at festival’s seat, the Dar Sebastien – International Cultural Centre of Hammamet. The Tunisian participation accounts for 40% of the festival’s programme, which features a total of 31 shows. The Steering Committee announced a set of cultural and intellectual events due July 12-August 7. It will kick off with a Tunisian-Italian meeting under the theme: “Between the Mediterranean’s two shores.” In addition to foreign shows from countries such as Spain, Mali, Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago, the festival will see the participation of artists from Canada, France, Belgium and the United States of America. North African countries will be largely present too with shows by artists from Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania, as well as other Arab shows from countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Tunisia will be present through authentic music shows and foreign co-production performances. Detailed programme: July 8 : PROMETHEUS | The blue kangaroo, Simone Mannino (Italy – Tunisia) July 9 : Eya Daghnouj, « Al Naghar » (Tunisia) July 10: Mohamed Jebali, « Ech Esser » (Tunisia) July 11 : Zaho (Algeri / Canada) July 13 : Nawel Skandrani – Black and White Circus (Tunisia) July 14 : JenJoon (Tunisie) / Kaso (Tunisia) July 15 : Massar Egbari (Egypt) July 16 : Ana Crisman – Arpa Jonda (Spain) July 18 : Mounir Argui – Blackout (Tunisia) July 19 : Mehdi Trabelsi and Abir Derbel – Le Serment des Chemins (Tunisia) – Wajdi Cherif Quintet (Tunisia) July 20 : Ibeyi (France / Cuba) July 21 : Kenny Garrett and Sounds From The Ancestors (USA) July 22 : Aziz Maraka (Jordan) July 23 : Marwan Khoury (Lebanon) July 24 : Slim Abida – Asymétrie (Tunisia) – Amine M’raihi feat Lynn Adib- NoMad Spirits (Tunisia) July25 : Adel Bondka – Vive l’artiste (Tunisia) July 27 : Hatem Derbal – Chawq (Tunisia) July 28 : Olivier Laurent – Brel (Belgium) July 29 : Noura Mint Seymali (Mauritania) and Nidhal Yahyaoui (Tunisia) – « Hattaya » July 30 : Saber Rebai (Tunisia) August 1 : Imed Jema – « Salam » (Tunisia) August 2 : Imed Alibi and Khalil EPI – « Frigya » (Tunisia) – Acid Arab feat Sofiane Saidi (France / Algeria) August 3 : Fatoumata Diawara (Mali) August 4 : Dali Chebil and Mohamed Ben Salha – ‘Denya’ (Tunisia) August 5 : Samer Mohamed Ismail – ‘Casting’ (Syria) August 6 : Walaa Jundi (Lebanon) August 8 : Fadhel Jaziri – Kaligula 2 (Tunisia) August 9 : Emel Mathlouthi (Tunisia) August 10 : Muslim (Egypt) August 11 : Queen Omega and The Royal Souls (Trinidad and Tobago) August 12 : « Voice of women » (Tunisia)

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tourism indicators in Mahdia post improvement since start of year

Hotel units in Mahdia recorded during the period from January 01 to June 30, 2023, an increase of 43.24% in overnight stays, i.e. 324,409 overnight stays, according to statistics from the local tourism authority. The occupancy rate in the region’s 29 hotels rose by 22.4%, with the average length of stay reaching 4.7 days, up 37%. During the same period, the number of tourists grew by 4.51% compared with the previous year, to 69,558 visitors. French tourists topped the list with 5,276 visitors compared with 2,731 during the first half of 2022 (an increase of 93%), followed by Germans with 6,484 visitors compared with 2,896 last year (an increase of 9.1%), and Russians with 3,694 tourists compared with 1,316 last season (up 7.1%). In terms of the number of overnight stays, German tourists took the lion’s share with 18% of all overnight stays recorded in the region since the start of the year, followed by Tunisians (17%), Czechs (12.5%), French (9.6%), Russians (9%), Poles (6.2%) and British (3%). The tourism sector plays an important role in the development of Mahdia, providing around 4,000 direct jobs and helping create an economic dynamic for other activities related notably to transport, traditional industries and catering in the region.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kasserine: Young man dies during clashes with police in Sbeitla

Clashes continued on Tuesday afternoon between police and local residents in Sbeïtla (governorate of Kasserine) after a 24-year-old man was shot dead. The clashes broke out after the police raided an illegal gambling den, Ahmed Al-Hamdi, the first delegate of Sbeitla, told TAP. He added that the owner of the premises called his neighbours to the rescue and attacked the security units with shotguns, who had to respond by using tear gas. The young Ahmed Souli, who was nearby, was shot and died of his injuries, according to witnesses who accused the police of killing the 24-year-old in the El Maahed housing estate, where exchanges of gunfire were heard. The body was taken to Kasserine regional hospital for an autopsy to determine the cause of death, said Abdelghani Chaabani, Regional Health Director. According to the Sbeitla delegate, several security units have been deployed in the region to restore calm and protect public and private establishments, especially as some young people ransacked the municipal depot after the incident and stole some motorbikes.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse