Zaire: Soyo Naval Base ensures maritime, river security – governor

The recently re-inaugurated Naval Base located in Soyo municipality, northern Zaire province, will boost the security on the province’s sea and river coast, said the local governor Adriano Mendes de Carvalho on Monday.

He believes that the infrastructure will bolster the fight against fuel smuggling, illegal immigration and fishing, as well as tax evasion and others evils in the region.

The Naval Base of the Northern Region of the Angolan Navy (MGA) was reopened by the President João Lourenço, after expansion and modernisation works.

The ceremony took place head of the 47th anniversary of the creation of the Angolan Navy (MGA), celebrated on July 10.

In his speech, Adriano Mendes de Carvalho highlighted the efforts of the Angolan Executive to provide greater consistency, dignity, security and protection to the strategic and economic goals installed in the northern region of the country.

He recognised, on the other hand, the commitment of the State’s central structures to development of the province of Zaire, having highlighted the implementation of many structuring projects in the region in different fields.

Soyo Naval Base is a support unit for the North Naval Region, which, in addition to Zaire, includes the provinces of Luanda, Bengo and Cabinda

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Vice-President chairs 1st Ordinary Session of HIV/AIDS Fight Commission

The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, will Tuesday in the Province of Luanda lead the First Ordinary Session of the National Commission for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Major Endemics (CNSLS-GE).

According to a note from the Vice President’s support office, among other items on the work programme of the 1st Ordinary Session, the presentation of the Summary of the Main Results and Challenges of HIV/AIDS and Major Endemic Diseases and the situation on the Draft Presidential Decree Updating the CNLS-GE and approval of its Regulations will be addressed.

The commission, which is headed by the Vice-President, aims to coordinate and guide the entire fight policy, promote the involvement of the different partners of the government, mobilise the necessary resources and develop actions to improve knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the Great Endemics that plague the country.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Seychelles considers joining Single African Air Transport Market

Seychelles is still evaluating whether or not to sign an agreement to be part of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM), an initiative of the African Union (AU), said a top government official on Tuesday.

The Single African Air Transport Market seeks to promote connectivity, boost intra-African trade and tourism, and enhance economic integration among African countries.

“One of the reservations we have is that we are protecting our aviation industry, including Air Seychelles. We want to ensure that when we do sign this agreement, we will protect Air Seychelles, and at the same time we will do all that is necessary to expand as a regional airline,” said the Minister for Transport, Anthony Derjacques, at the opening of a two-day workshop.

The workshop taking place in Seychelles is being organised by the Department of Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

More than 30 African nations have formally endorsed the SAATM as the knowledge cut-off in September 2021, while the full implementation and realisation of its advantages are continuing activities.

The African Union’s Agenda 2063, which envisions a wealthy and interconnected Africa, includes SAATM, which was introduced in January 2018.

The aim of SAATM is to remove obstacles to flying, like high taxes, regulatory constraints, and restricted market access by encouraging more airlines to fly to and from Africa. This will in return increase flight frequency, bringing down ticket prices, and enhancing air connectivity throughout the continent.

By gradually opening up the African skies, SAATM will enable airlines from member nations to freely access each other’s markets.

The aim of the workshop in Seychelles is to sensitise nations that have not yet signed the agreement by giving a better idea of the SAATM plans, with the hope of convincing them to be part of the project.

“The main of this workshop is to create awareness of the benefit of SAATM within these 29 member states,” said Adikiny Olwenge, an air transport and aviation expert at the COMESA.

He added that “out of the 29 COMESA member states, only 13 have signed the agreement and so we are now creating awareness for them.”

He said that the COVID-19 pandemic showed the importance of such agreements. If it was in place, it would have allowed continuous trade on the continent, rather than each country shutting down completely, which caused a lot of issues, especially for those that depend greatly on imports.

Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, imports 90 percent of its food and has in the past two years started refining its plans for food security.

Some African governments and airlines have criticised the project especially those with smaller airlines saying that the agreement would lead to a few big airlines dominating the market, thus stifling competition.

However, analysts from the Africa Development Bank have predicted that the SAATM would lead to cheaper flights, greater passenger volumes and economic benefits.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has commended the African Union for launching the single market but warned that more work would be required to effectively implement the policy.

Abdérahmane Berthé, secretary general of the African Airlines Association (AAA), said that the difficulties countries encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic have helped push for the implementation of the SAATM.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

New ideas for diversification discussed at Seychelles Tourism Forum

Diversification of tourism markets, segments and products, and the need to have a sustainable tourism sector, were the top topics of discussion at the Seychelles’ Tourism Marketing Forum for 2023.

Present at the Tourism Marketing Forum held on Tuesday, were over 120 partners from the tourism sector – representatives of small and large accommodation establishments, boat charters, destination management companies (DMCs), and tour guides, among others. Also present were representatives from the tourism department.

This is the first year that the marketing meeting of the department takes this format, where the partners of the industry were engaged in deeper discussions. Also present were two international experts from the Adventure Travel and Trade Association (ATTA),

The principal secretary for tourism, Sherin Francis, said, “We have seen best practices when attending international events that sometimes we need someone to help us with the thinking process when approaching a specific theme.”

Francis added that “the first presentation allowed us to learn that there are certain areas that we do not talk about enough and the first panel discussion focused mostly on diversification. That’s diversification of the market, segments, and products. There have been a lot of discussions on repeat clientele and how to valorise them.”

In this segment, participants learned more about the importance of diversification, planting the seed for sustainable long-term results, and being inclusive.

Through the discussions on sustainable and conscious tourism approaches, participants received more information on the importance develop sustainable strategies and maximize from different markets.

One of the experts from ATTA, Hannah Pearson, talked about the importance of thinking through a destination’s tourism strategy to make sure that it is sustainable both from an economic point of view, but also in the general climate and environmental aspect.

“With the right strategy from the beginning, it’s a lot easier and brings a lot more benefits to everybody. So it’s really exploring what tour operators can do towards sustainability, and that it’s a journey. More and more, travellers are looking for sustainable tourism options nowadays,” said Pearson.

Before her working session, the other expert, Jullian Dickens, outlined that there is a need to take a more quality over quantity approach to experience development.

During her presentation, participants learned more about what can be achieved through collaboration and working together, and ways to improve or enhance the existing experiences or products on offer.

“We looked at existing experiences or products that they have on the islands and how to incorporate the concepts of transformation in those experiences that exist now, or new experiences or itineraries,” said Dickens.

Tourism is the top economic contributor for Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean.

Source: Seychelles News Agency