WHR Global Releases Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report

WHR Global Shapes Clients’ Policies to Ensure Benefits Offerings Are Competitive in the Market

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, announced the release of its international 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report called “Ask an Expert!”

At WHR, our mission is to provide clients with superior relocation services, and to do so, we need to be in tune with the global cost of living. To accomplish this, we created the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report, a comprehensive guide to understanding the true cost of living, not just in one city, but in many cities worldwide.

“Drawing from my own personal experience as a former expat residing in Switzerland, and a former relocation coordinator, I bring a deep understanding of the challenges and intricacies of international relocation,” said Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager at WHR. “This benchmark report and firsthand knowledge equips WHR with the ability to provide valuable insights and guidance to mobility teams, enabling them to navigate the complexities of global assignments more effectively.”

The Report includes 8.8 million price submissions from 11,000 cities, and prices benchmarked by country include rental prices for 1 & 3 bedrooms both inside and outside of city centers, common utilities costs per month, local transportation, and more. Understanding the ground realities of cost of living helps relocation teams create scalable solutions and helps businesses have more productive moves, making the transition for employees smoother than ever.

The Report allows businesses to “check the pulse” of their allowances and per diems, whether they choose to administer fixed amounts globally, or variable by location. If global mobility teams find that the allowances and per diems offered to their employees are lower than the average for that country, contact WHR today for a free consultation, including a breakdown of the benchmark report by city.

Global mobility teams may use this Report, which covers 99 countries, to benchmark the following:

  • Monthly housing allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly utilities allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Monthly transportation allowances for assignments & commuters,
  • Transportation per diems for preview and home finding trips, and
  • Meal per diems for preview and home finding trips.

Whether you are a relocation manager or a business leader, investing in the Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report today can help you make the most informed decisions for your relocation budget and employee benefits policies.

See more data and download the complete 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report “Ask an Expert” here.

The Ask an Expert 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark is intended for informational purposes only.

About WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) is a private, client-driven global relocation management company distinguished by its best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in the United States, Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted leader in global employee relocation. WHR lives by its vision and passion for Advancing Lives Forward® and Making the Complex Simple. To learn more about WHR, visit https://www.whrg.com/, or follow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Strategic Initiatives Manager

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

WHR Global publie un rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités, « Ask an Expert » 2023

WHR Global façonne les politiques de ses clients pour s’assurer que les prestations offertes soient compétitives sur le marché

MILWAUKEE, 17 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Global (WHR), un leader dans le secteur mondial de la mutation des employés, a annoncé la publication de son Rapport comparatif international sur les allocations et indemnités du nom de « Ask an Expert » 2023 !

Chez WHR, notre mission est de fournir à nos clients des services de mutation de qualité supérieure, et pour ce faire, nous devons être en phase avec le coût de la vie à l’échelle mondiale. Afin d’y parvenir, nous avons créé le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023. Il s’agit d’un guide complet pour comprendre le véritable coût de la vie, pas seulement dans une ville, mais aussi dans de nombreuses villes du monde entier.

« Fort de ma propre expérience d’ancien expatrié ayant résidé en Suisse, et en tant qu’ancien coordinateur de mutations, j’apporte une compréhension approfondie des défis et complexités de la mutation internationale », a déclaré Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratégiques chez WHR. « Ce rapport comparatif et ces connaissances de première main permettent à WHR de fournir des informations et des conseils précieux aux équipes chargées de la mobilité afin de gérer plus efficacement les complexités des missions internationales. »

Le rapport comprend 8,8 millions de soumissions de prix provenant de 11 000 villes, et les prix comparés par pays incluent les prix de location pour 1 et 3 chambres à coucher à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des centres-villes, les coûts des services utilitaires publics généraux par mois, les transports locaux et plus encore. Comprendre les réalités du coût de la vie aide les équipes de mutation à créer des solutions modulables et permet aux entreprises de prendre des décisions plus productives, fluidifiant plus que jamais le changement pour les employés.

Le rapport permet aux entreprises de comparer et contrôler leurs allocations et indemnités, qu’elles choisissent d’administrer des montants fixes à l’échelle mondiale ou variables selon les lieux. Si des équipes de mobilité internationale constatent que les allocations et indemnités offertes à leurs employés sont inférieures à la moyenne du pays en question, nous les invitons à contacter WHR dès à présent pour une consultation gratuite, comprenant un détail du rapport comparatif par ville.

Les équipes de mobilité internationale peuvent utiliser ce rapport, qui couvre 99 pays, pour comparer les éléments suivants :

  • Allocations mensuelles de logement pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de services utilitaires publics pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Allocations mensuelles de transport pour les affectations et les navetteurs,
  • Indemnités de transport pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d’un logement, et
  • Indemnités de repas pour les voyages de reconnaissance et de recherche d’un logement.

Que vous soyez responsable de la mutation ou chef d’entreprise, investir dans le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023 dès aujourd’hui peut vous aider à prendre les décisions les plus éclairées pour votre budget de mutation et vos politiques d’avantages sociaux pour le personnel.

Pour plus de données et télécharger l’intégralité du Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023, rendez-vous ici.

Le Rapport comparatif sur les allocations et indemnités « Ask an Expert » 2023 est uniquement destiné à informer.

À propos de WHR Global

WHR Global (WHR) est une société privée de gestion des mutations à l’échelle mondiale, axée sur le client, qui se distingue par la meilleure prestation de services de sa catégorie et par une technologie de pointe dont elle est propriétaire. WHR possède des bureaux aux États-Unis, en Suisse et à Singapour. Avec son taux de rétention de la clientèle de 100 % au cours des dix dernières années, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale. WHR vit grâce à sa vision et sa passion pour son crédo Advancing Lives Forward® et son principe de simplifier ce qui est complexe. Pour en savoir plus sur WHR, veuillez consulter le site https://www.whrg.com/, ou nous suivre sur LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Contact :
Sean Thrun, directeur des initiatives stratégiques

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

WHR Global Publica Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023

A WHR Global molda as políticas dos clientes para garantir que as ofertas de benefícios sejam competitivas no mercado

MILWAUKEE, July 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WHR Global (WHR), líder da indústria global de realocação de funcionários, anunciou a publicação do “Ask the Expert” (Pergunta ao Especialista), Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023.

A missão da WHR é fornecer aos clientes serviços de realocação superiores e, para isso, precisamos estar em sintonia com o custo de vida global. Para isso, criamos o Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023, um guia abrangente para entender o verdadeiro custo de vida, não apenas em uma cidade, mas em muitas cidades do mundo.

“Com base na minha experiência pessoal como ex-expatriado residente na Suíça e ex-coordenador de relocação, trago um profundo entendimento dos desafios e complexidades da realocação internacional”, disse Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratégicas da WHR. “Este relatório de referência e conhecimento em primeira mão equipa a WHR com a capacidade de fornecer informações e orientações valiosas para as equipes de mobilidade, permitindo que elas naveguem nas complexidades das atribuições globais com mais eficiência.”

O Relatório inclui 8,8 milhões de preços em 11.000 cidades. Os benchmarks the preços por país incluem preços de aluguel de unidades de 1 e 3 quartos dentro e fora dos centros das cidades, custo mensal de serviços públicos comuns, transporte local e muito mais. Com o conhecimento das realidades básicas do custo de vida as equipes de realocação podem criar soluções escaláveis, ajudando as empresas a fazer mudanças mais produtivas, facilitando muito a realocação do funcionário.

O Relatório permite que as empresas “confiram a opinião” sobre seus auxílios e diárias, independentemente de optarem pela administração de valores fixos globais ou variáveis locais. Caso as equipes de mobilidade global achem que os auxílios e diárias oferecidos aos seus funcionários são inferiores à média do país, contate a WHR hoje para uma consulta gratuita, inclusive detalhes do relatório de benchmark por cidade.

As equipes de mobilidade global podem usar este Relatório, que abrange 99 países, para comparar o seguinte:

  • Auxílios mensais de moradia para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Auxílios mensais de utilidades públicas para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Auxílios mensais de transporte para atribuições e passageiros,
  • Diárias de transporte para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia, e
  • Diárias de refeições para viagens e visitas de busca de moradia.

Seja você um gerente de realocação ou um líder de negócios, o investimento no Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023 hoje pode ajudá-lo a tomar as decisões mais informadas para o seu orçamento de realocação e políticas de benefícios para funcionários.

Para mais detalhes e fazer o download completo, clique em 2023 Allowances & Per Diems Benchmark Report “Ask an Expert”.

O benchmark Ask the Expert, Relatório Internacional de Benchmark de Auxílios e Diárias para 2023, destina-se apenas a fins informativos.

Sobre a WHR Global

A WHR Global (WHR) é uma empresa global de gestão de relocação privada, orientada para o cliente, distinguida pela sua melhor prestação de serviços e tecnologia proprietária de ponta. A WHR tem escritórios nos Estados Unidos, Suíça e Cingapura. Com sua taxa de retenção de clientes de 100% na última década, o WHR continua a se posicionar como líder confiável na relocação global de funcionários. A WHR vive por sua visão e paixão por Advancing Lives Forward™ e Making the Complex Simple. Para mais informação sobre a WHR, visite https://www.whrg.com/, ou siga-nos no LinkedIn ou Twitter.

Sean Thrun, Gerente de Iniciativas Estratégicas

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8874927

Fuel price increase leads to demonstrations and deaths in Angola

On June 1, the government of Angola, through the minister of state for economic coordination, Manuel Nunes Júnior, declared an increase in fuel prices in the country, following the government’s announcement of the gradual withdrawal of gasoline subsidies.

Thus, prices go from the previous 160 kwanzas to 300 kwanzas per litre (from USD 0.26 to USD 0.49), with the subsidy maintained for the agriculture and fishing sectors. Subsidies for other products such as diesel, cooking gas and lighting oil remain unchanged until the end of this year.

According to the Minister, the tariffs for taxi drivers and motorcycle taxi drivers will be subsidized, and they will continue to pay 160 kwanzas per litre of gasoline, with the State covering the difference, for an unspecified time. However, this subsidy does not cover all taxi drivers, so the day after the inception of the new prices, several cities in Angola woke up to demonstrations.

In reaction, there were reports of acts of violence carried out by the police against the demonstrators, mostly taxi drivers. One of the news reports even gave accounts of deaths caused by live bullets fired by the country’s security forces. Mwene Vunongue, a social activist who has been following the situation in Angola tweeted about the situation:

The strike of taxi drivers and motorcycle taxi drivers rose in Lubango.

Remember that yesterday there was a demonstration in Huambo, where the police killed 5 people.

The rise in the price of gasoline and the non-assignment of a taxi driver’s card is the central issue. pic.twitter.com/VQDc257dUn

— Mwene Vunongue (@Dasmangas) June 6, 2023

There were other reports about the demonstrations, including from journalist and Human Rights Watch senior researcher, Zenaida Machado:

Angolan police fatally shoot against protest over fuel prices. Government should properly investigate and prosecute the deaths, with a view to introducing measures to instill respect for human rights in the security forces. https://t.co/r3LOiWPs1G

Other citizens denounced the use of live bullets, which is a recurring practice of the Angolan police during demonstrations, as was noted on Twitter:

It has a name: State Terrorism. Just the fact that they advance, ostensibly, with the gun in hand and firing, without backfiring, is already something that goes beyond the red lines of any police force. The big problem is when these “terrorists” are also caught in an alley.

— Pierrot le Fou (@janelaberta_AO) June 6, 2023

However, it is recognised that popular indignation is not new, given the repressive police reactions in Angola, says Zenaida Machado:

On June 17, Angolans protested again, and just as before, the police used force and violence to prevent the march from continuing.

Without any reason, the police decided to repress a demonstration that was taking place without any kind of shock or incident. The rational person wonders why, but this goes beyond the logic of the democratic mind.#benguela#manif17jun pic.twitter.com/soVWisvIP4

— Civic Movement (@MovCivicoMudei) June 17, 2023

Ridiculous, pathetic #manif17jun https://t.co/xwn4XLx2NS

— Luaty Beirão (@LuatyBeirao) June 17, 2023

The Angolan police admitted having used force against demonstrators in the provinces of Luanda and Benguela which they sought to justify by saying this was due to non-compliance with the routes established by the authorities. However, organizers denied these allegations and accused the police of shooting at unarmed people.

Source: Global Voices

WTA Rankings: Ons Jabeur holds onto 6th spot

Tunisian tennis player Ons Jabeur held onto the 6th spot in the fresh WTA Rankings, released on Monday.

Jabeur lost her chance to wrap up a Wimbledon title yet again this time, after her defeat to Elena Rybakina last year at the same stage. She was the favorite in line for lifting the title ahead of the match, but she failed herself yet again despite defeating all the potential winners of this year- Petra Kvitova, Rybakina, and Aryna Sabalenka on her way to the match.

WTA Rankings

1 – Iga SwiatekIga Swiatek

2 – Aryna Sabalenka

3 – Elena Rybakina

4-Jessica Pegula

5-Caroline Garcia

6-Ons Jabeur

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

World Para Athletics Championship: Walid Katila bags gold

Paralympic champion Walid Katila, on Monday, bagged the gold medal in 800m T34 at the World Para Athletics Championship held in Paris, France, clocking 1:39.23.

He took the country’s medal tally to 12 medals: 7 gold, 1 silver and 4 bronze.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

National road infrastructure strategy: Minister unveils ambitious plans and cost estimates

The cost of the national road infrastructure strategy by 2035 amounts to 35 billion dinars, announced Minister of Public Works and Housing Sarra Zafrani, during a dialogue session with the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), held on Monday in Bardo.

According to the minister, this strategy aims to enhance connections between different regions of the country and neighbouring countries, as well as facilitate citizens’ access to highway and expressway networks. Additionally, it aims to construct expressways linking inland regions to the country’s main economic hubs.

Furthermore, the objective of this strategy is to improve connectivity in rural areas and ensure the maintenance of paved roads. The minister emphasised that only numbered roads, spanning a total of 19,963 km, 84% of which are paved, fall under the purview of her ministry.

The strategy presented by the minister also includes plans to expand the highway network to 1,320 km by 2035, compared to the current 743 km. Currently, 186 km of highways are under construction to connect Tunis to Jelma (Sidi Bouzid), with the project commencing in December 2022 at a total cost of approximately 1,710 million dinars. It is expected to be completed during the first half of 2026.

Furthermore, Zafrani indicated that the construction of 390 km of highways is planned for the coming years. This primarily includes the highway connecting Bousselem (Jendouba Governorate) to the Algerian border (75 km), the extension of the highway to the city of Kef (115 km), and the Jelma/Kasserine and Jelma/Sidi Bouzid/Gafsa highways (200 km).

Among the goals outlined by the strategy is also the extension of the expressway network to 2,000 km by 2035, compared to the current 1,437 km, and the expansion of the road network to 20,000 km, up from the current 11,900 km.

The strategy also aims to improve access to the road network for residents in rural areas through the development of rural circuits spanning 30,000 km, compared to the current 26,000 km.

The maintenance and upkeep of road networks are also among the priorities highlighted in the strategy. The minister noted that her department is working towards allocating an annual budget of 300 million dinars for this purpose, to maintain 500 km of roads annually.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

26% of Tunisian children live below poverty line (Moez Chérif)

26% of Tunisian children live below the poverty line, President of the Tunisian Association for the Rights of the Child Moez Chérif said on Monday.

At a press conference held in Tunis on «The Crisis of Education in Tunisia,» Chérif underlined that Tunisian children are currently facing an unprecedented crisis.

Their yearly school results clearly show regional disparities, he pointed out, adding that school failure always affects the same regions located in the northwest and the southwest of the country.

He explained that official figures in Tunisia reveal that out of 100 children enrolled in the first year, only 50 of them make it to the last year of high school (baccalaureate) and only 25% of them access colleges and universities.

In addition, 70% of pupils are not good at mathematics, and 30% of them do not master reading or writing. Chérif reiterated that Tunisian children are the country’s national project. On the other hand, he criticised the government’s failure to address this problem.

He also warned against the lack of a vision for Tunisia’s future children, their training as well as the mechanisms necessary to supervise them, reiterating that the current situation will have negative repercussions on the structure of society in the future, especially at a time when the world is experiencing several changes.

Chérif affirmed that the association supports teachers’ social rights “yet this must in no way affect the rights of pupils to education and evaluation,” he said. He called on civil society activists to mobilise to guarantee this right.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 1st day of Muharram of new Hegira year 1445

Wednesday, July 19, 2023, will be the 1st day of the month of Muharram in the new year of Hegira 1445, announced the Mufti of the Republic, Hichem Ben Mahmoud, in a statement issued for this purpose.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 18, 2023, will therefore be the 30th and last day of the month of D’hou al Hijjah in the year 1444 of the Hegira.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse