Illegal fishing along Gabès coastline caused death of over 450 sea turtles

Illegal fishing along the Gabès coastline, from El Hicha to Oudhref towards Oued Chaaba in Zarat, has caused the death of more than 450 sea turtles over the last three months.

President of the Association for the Protection of Southern Tunisian Wetlands Naoufel Hamouda pointed out that drowning is the main reason why sea turtles die, as a result of illegal night fishing, which coincides with the turtle egg-laying season.

Hamouda recalled that the Association for the Protection of Southern Tunisian Wetlands was able to save 8 sea turtles in 2022, including a rare one.

He also urged the relevant authorities to combat illegal fishing, which is damaging the marine ecosystem.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Migori Youth Receive Digital Literacy Training

Over 300 youth and women from Migori County have received virtual training that aims to increase their digital economy literacy.

The training was conducted at Migori Teacher’s Training College by Kenya Virtual 21, a Public Relations (PR) and Marketing Firm that targets social media starters and entrepreneurs.

Kenya Virtual 21 founder Eliseba Okeyo noted that the aim of the seven-course module was to equip social media entrepreneurs and start-up users on how to create, manage and package content on social media platforms for income generation.

More than 300 youths and women from Migori County have received virtual training that aimed to increase digital economy literacy.

Okeyo said that the digital literacy programme under the theme ‘Where ideas grow’ was trailed to equip youth and women on how to monetise their skills in social media and digital economy platforms.

The programme also tackled how social media starters can grow followers to reach a threshold that can help them generate income, have media visibility and create brand awareness.

She urged both the county and national governments to partner with like-minded digital companies and help create more infrastructure that can enable digital literacy at the grassroots level.

‘Digital economy is the way for youth to address literacy levels, improve their living standards and create employment in the country,’ said Okeyo.

The official encouraged the youth not to only use social media as an entertainment tool but to use it to generate income and empower themselves economically.

Peter Ologi, a freelance journalist and one of the beneficiaries of the programme, said that the training will enable him to sharpen his digital skills.

Most of my Journalism work is online and the course will enable me to market my Journalism content online, create more followers and earn a decent income, noted Ologi.

The Kenyan government created digital platforms like Ajira to help the youth attain online money-making skills through coaching and guidance by digital economy experts.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Civic Groups Studying Pitfalls Of Last Elections

The Consortium for Election and Research Advocacy (CERA) in partnership with the Uraia initiative has begun conducting a nationwide survey aimed at addressing the shortfalls of last year’s general election.

The survey which targets IEBC officials, Faith-based leaders, political parties’ officials and NGOs charged with conducting civic education will be conducted in randomly selected counties for the next one month.

Addressing the media in Bondo during the kick-off of the month long study, CERA team leader Andiwo Obondo disclosed that the findings and recommendations of the study will be presented to various election stakeholders in Kenya to better prepare for the 2027 general elections.

‘In September we shall present our recommendations to election observers under the umbrella of Elog, donors hosted by the UNDP, the Civil Society Organisations under the Uraia and various government agencies charged with conducting elections in the country so that they can better prepare for the next general elections and avoid pitfalls of previous elections’ Andiwo said.

Andiwo stated that the survey will take a three pronged approach namely the perception survey which will be conducted in 16 counties which have been randomly selected, the county consultation approach which will be done in eight counties and the opinion poll conducted through telephone interviews to randomly selected registered voters throughout the country.

He disclosed that the survey will also seek to address the low turnout of the youth in last year’s elections with the view of finding ways of encouraging the youth and women not only to turn up and cast votes but also to vie for various elective positions.

‘Less than half of the 12 million registered youth turned up to cast their votes in the last general elections, their failure to cast their votes significantly contributed to the close calls between the two leading presidential candidates creating a dilemma of a ‘no clear’ winner and ensuing court battles. We must find a way not only to encourage our youth to participate in vote casting but also to vie for the elective posts,’ Andiwo stated.

The survey team leader further revealed that the study intends to find ways on how political parties can be used as vehicles towards achieving better election and democracy in the country by giving recommendations that would strengthen the political party’s nominations which significantly affect the general elections.

Andiwo observed that although civic education has been conducted since 1990s in the country, little can be shown about the impact of the civic education and therefore the study will focus on finding out why civic education is failing despite heavy investment made by both the government and other non-state actors.

‘We want to find out why despite all the civic education there is always outcry after every election. We want to look at who are targeted with civic education, the scope of civic education and the election laws which may be used by individuals to manipulate election results irrespective of the fact that they have received civic education,’ Andiwo observed.

Source: Kenya News Agency

UNDP Unveils Its Digital Public Infrastructure Portfolio

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has unveiled its Digital Public Infrastructure portfolio and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy in support of the implementation of Kenya’s Digital Transformation Agenda.

Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy (MICDE), Eliud Owalo said that the collaborative initiative is well aligned with Ministry’s National Digital masterplan’s five pillars of digital infrastructure, digital services and data management, digital skills, digital entrepreneurship and effective alignment to policy, legal and regulatory frameworks.

‘By equipping workers with the necessary digital skills, as envisaged in this partnership and breaking down data silos, automating government services, and fostering the growth of digital jobs and businesses, both parties aim to bedrock the future of Kenya on a solid sustainable and inclusive digital foundation,’ said Owalo.

Speaking on Monday at a Nairobi Hotel during the signing of the MoU, the CS said, ‘The Government of Kenya recognizes that to achieve our digital agenda we will continually need partners on the deck. As witnessed in this forum, we have representatives from various MDAs, diplomatic missions, private sector organisations and non-governmental institutions.’

UNDP Kenya Resident Representative, Anthony Ngororano said that Kenya is leading the way in digital transformation on the African continent; however, the digital divide remains a challenge.

‘Our partnership with the MICDE aims to address this and unlock Kenya’s full digital economy potential,’ said Ngororano.

The partnership also aims to drive inclusive digital transformation and bridge the digital divide in Kenya and across Africa.

Collaboration among various stakeholders is paramount to fully unlock the potential of Africa’s digital public infrastructure.

Governments, private sector entities, and civil society organizations must work together to create an enabling environment that promotes investment, supports research and development, and nurtures local talent. Collaboration at regional and continental levels can further enhance knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and the development of scalable solutions to address common challenges, ultimately paving the way for a prosperous and inclusive future.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governor Urges County Officials To Boost Revenue Collection

Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o has appealed to the senior county officials to unleash their innovative potential and skills to help improve the county’s revenue streams and attain the domestic revenue collection targets.

Prof. Nyong’o told the County Executive Committee Members (CECMs), newly appointed Chief Officers and Directors that his administration is banking on their performance to steer the lakeside county to greater heights in service delivery as well as to surpass the county’s collection revenue targets.

The County boss made the remarks during an induction meeting organised for the CECMs, Chief Officers and Directors at a Kisumu hotel on Monday.

He decried the dwindling revenue basket in the county in light of the turbulent economic times being witnessed in the entire country.

‘Our resource envelope is growing thin because we have not met our domestic revenue targets. Settle down as quickly as possible, identify and activate all revenue streams in your departments, then start bringing in the money,’ Prof. Nyong’o stressed.

Kisumu County has projected to collect Sh. 1.8 billion as its own source of revenue in the Financial Year 2023-24 out of its Sh. 12.3 billion budget estimates.

He warned the officials against using their positions to enrich themselves and create room for self-aggrandisement. Instead, Nyong’o advised that they should view the opportunity as a privilege to serve the people.

‘Working for the government is not just about getting a paycheck but also about the mission of making a difference in the lives of people we serve,’ he underscored.

At the same time, Nyong’o challenged his top management team to remain committed to fulfilling the projects he promised Kisumu residents.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Tourists Asked To Visit Maasai Mara To Witness Wildebeest Migration

Both International and domestic tourists are being asked to visit the Maasai Mara Game Reserve to witness the attraction of about three million wildebeest who will start crossing the Mara River.

While addressing the press at Sekenani gate, Stephen ole Minis, game warden at Maasai Mara game reserve, said 80 percent of tourists are in Mara, ahead of the wildebeest Migration that started last week.

Minis noted that a big herd of Wildebeests is building up in the neighbouring Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to cross the Sand River to the Kenyan side, Maasai Mara Game Park.

Minis encourages Kenyans to come to witness the wonders at a cheap price, where the animals cross from the neighbouring Serengeti National Park from Tanzania to Kenya while crocodiles find them and eat them.

‘It’s a Kenyan resource, a Kenyan park, and all Kenyans should come and enjoy the scene and it’s affordable to all visitors,’ said Minis.

He also predicted profits up to approximately 90 percent compared to 2019, where a profit of Sh.164 billion was obtained, showing a positive sign in terms of revenue collection.

Minis thanked the county government of Narok for the implementation of Maasai Mara Management Plan, saying it took the governor three months to implement it; therefore, things will progress on the right path henceforth.

A Photograph of Tourist in the game park along the Sand River waiting to witness herd of wildebeests to cross to the Kenyan side

‘We will use the plan to put everything in place in the park; things will go the right way as put in the management plan,’ added Minis.

However, Minis said this is the best time for visitors to visit the park and witness the crossing of the wildebeest from Tanzania to Kenya, although their movement is entirely dependent on seasonal rainfall patterns.

Similar sentiments are echoed by Jackson Ole Mpario, the Chairman of the 24 Maasai Mara Conservancy Associations in the park, who admits that there is an increase in wild animals and tourists according to the census done in 2021 by Kenya Wildlife Services, the Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI), and with county government.

Asokan Ponnusamy, a photographer from Singapore, expresses the expectation of witnessing the crossing of the wildebeest after missing it five years ago while appreciating the warm welcome he receives from the locals.

Cathy Gannersen, a tourist from California, United States of America, who travelled with his spouse, did not hide his happiness because she had witnessed rich traditional culture, the friendship and happiness of the locals that she witnessed when returns home.

Antony Meja, a tour guide with over 18 years’ experience, predicted this year’s will be the best season ever witnessed compared to other seasons.

The wildebeest, together with the zebras, cross aggressively from Serengeti National Park to Kenya’s Maasai Mara Game Reserve, marking the beginning of their new diet and breeding season for the next five months.

Tourists are required to pay between 80 and 70 dollars, which translates to Ksh. 10,000 and above, as a fee to enter the park, while locals are required to pay 1,000.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nyong’o Undergoes Successful Spinal Surgery In Kisumu

Kisumu County Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o has undergone a successful spinal surgery at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH).

The surgery, conducted by a team of neurosurgeons based in the United States of America (USA), Germany and JOOTRH, becomes the first of its kind to be carried out at the referral facility, which is run by the County Government of Kisumu.

Nyong’o, who was admitted to the facility on Friday afternoon, underwent the specialised surgery courtesy of the Kisumu Neuroscience Initiative, organised by Dr. Bethwel Raore from Atlanta, Georgia; Dr. Victor Awuor from Columbus, Ohio and Dr. Timothy Ogutu from Dusseldorf, Germany.

The neurosurgery team led by Dr. Bethwel Raore and Dr. Lee Ogutha teamed up with JOOTRH doctors, anesthesiologists and nurses under the coordination of the facility’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. George Rae, to make the operation a success.

Nyong’o, who had been complaining of back pain, was diagnosed with a condition known as Cauda Equina Syndrome, where tissue stenosis compresses nerves.

He lauded the team for undertaking the operation professionally with limited resources.

‘Everything has gone extremely well and I am grateful to the hospital CEO, Dr. George Rae and his team for taking very good care of me,’ he said.

‘I was discharged home the next day on Saturday and I am recovering well. This has given me tremendous relief on my nerves, which were compressed,’ he added.

He appreciated the efforts of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) doctors, nurses and nutritionists for exemplary service.

The historic operation, he said, was proof that, with adequate skill development, complex surgeries can be performed in the country.

‘It is now very clear to me that even with the existing resources, both human and technical, we have the capacity to treat conditions that we sometimes shy away from and end up sending huge personal resources elsewhere,’ he said.

Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyongo with a team of doctors who operated him at JOOTRH

Nyong’o, who went back to the facility to thank the doctors, asked the County Department of Health to enhance the quality of services at all levels to enhance access to quality health care at affordable and accessible rates.

‘I take this opportunity to congratulate JOOTRH and I am proud to give my stamp of approval to the health services you provide. I encourage you to always put the client first. Thank you for literally saving my back,’ he said.

For the last eight years, the neurosurgery team has been visiting Kisumu to help build capacity for JOOTRH and give back to the community.

Head of the delegation, Dr. Bethwel Raore, said the goal of the initiative is to build capacity for neurosurgery at the facility to help the community and the country.

‘We are sons of the soil, so we are here to give back to the community through building capacity for this hospital. We thank all the patients, including the governor, for trusting us,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

AFROCAN: Morocco dominate awards

Morocco national basketball team dominated the individual awards of the second edition of the AFROCAN, which ended Sunday night in the Angolan capital, Luanda.

The Moroccan team, winners of the competition had two players in the “ideal five”, with Kevin Franceschi being elected MVP of the competition.

Pitchu Manga of the Democratic Republic of Congo was the top rebounder, while his counterpart, Evarist Shonganya, was the top scorer of the competition having joined the “ideal five” of the competition.

Rwanda’s Dieudonne Ndizeye was the three-point top scorer, while Gabon took the fair play award.

Here’s the Ideal Five: Jihad Benchilikha and Kevin Franceschi (Morocco), Dieudonne Ndizeye (Rwanda), Mike Fofana (Côte d’Ivoire) and Evarist Shonganya (DRC).

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

FILDA 2023: 38th edition kicks off Tuesday at Special Economic Zone

The 38th edition of the Luanda International Trade Fair (FILDA) starts Tuesday at the Luanda and Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE), with the participation of 1,202 exhibitors.

Running until July 22 under the motto “Digital economy, the new world frontier”, the fair will have the participation of the United States of America Embassy in Angola, marking the debut of this country in the event.

This edition will mark the return of Brazil to this event, under the participation of the Brazilian Entrepreneurs Association and the country’s Embassy in Angola, the organizers have disclosed.

Portugal, Italy, Indonesia, Turkey, Germany, Japan, among others, are also part of the range of countries that will exhibit at FILDA 2023.

The 37th edition of FILDA took place in July 2022, in a 21,000 square metres area of the ZEE, bringing together 629 exhibitors and 15 countries, having received more than 32,000 visitors.

The Luanda International Fair is a stage to showcase and promote national production, which emphasises the diversification of the economy, business and the promotion of employment.

As the largest multi-sectoral fair, FILDA has been the main showcase for the presentation of national companies, brands, products and services.

The fair promotes exchange and diversification, bringing together national and foreign entrepreneurs in all of its editions to establish business contacts, commercial and diplomatic relations with Angola.

Since its first edition in 1983, FILDA has been seen by exhibitors as a showcase of Angola’s capabilities and potential to stimulate the increase of national production and launch of new economic bridges.

Until 2016, FILDA was organised by different management entities, with the Ministry of Economy and Planning as promoter of the event and Eventos Arena as organizer since the 33rd edition.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

New Seychelles Hospital Fund launched

Seychelles’ President Wavel Ramkalawan announced in his National Day message, that the government has decided to build a new modern hospital at Mont Fleuri and that the details will be provided later.

He estimated that such a project can cost at least SCR 1 billion ($75.4 million) and launched an appeal, for everyone to make a contribution.

Bank accounts have been opened for this project and if all goes well, construction will start in 2024.

Bank accounts for the ‘New Seychelles Hospital’ Fund

Central Bank of Seychelles

Account Name: New Seychelles Hospital – SCR

Account Number: 14196

Account Currency: SCR (Seychelles Rupees)

IBAN: SC76SSCB11010000000000014196SCR

Central Bank of Seychelles

Account Name: New Seychelles Hospital – USD

Account Number: 14195

Account Currency: USD (United States Dollars)

IBAN: SC80SSCB11010000000000014195USD

Central Bank of Seychelles

Account Name: New Seychelles Hospital – EUR

Account Number: 14194

Account Currency: EUR (Euros)

IBAN: SC83SSCB11010000000000014194EUR

Central Bank of Seychelles

Account Name: New Seychelles Hospital – GBP

Account Number: 14197

Account Currency: GBP (British Pounds Sterling)

IBAN: SC70SSCB11010000000000014197GBP

Persons wishing to make a contribution can transfer their funds directly to the accounts. Anyone wishing to make donations in other currencies may do so in the Seychelles Rupees (SCR).

State House has also announced the creation of a National fundraising committee for the project. Persons wishing to apply to be members of that committee can send their names and details to Nadine Jack at the President’s Office via email addresses: or before July 31, 2023, or call Telephone number: + (248) 429 5603 for more information.

Source: Seychelles News Agency