Value of Tunisian date exports down by 2.3% (ONAGRI)

Exports of Tunisian dates have reached a value of TND 661.1 million since the beginning of the season (October 2022-June 2023), down 2.3% compared with the same period in the 2021-2022 season, according to statistics published on Tuesday by the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI).

National date exports are also down by 4.2% in volume to 110.9 thousand tonnes. The average price recorded during the first nine months of the campaign rose by 2%, i.e. 5.96 DT/kg, compared with 5.84 DT/kg during the same period of the previous season.

The Deglet Ennour variety accounted for 87.6% of the quantities exported, i.e. 97.2 thousand tonnes worth value of TND 627.6 million.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Notable rise in number of unauthorised boreholes during 2017/2021 (ONAGRI)

The rate of exploitation of deep aquifers in 2021 recorded an increase of 14.5% compared to 2017, up from 117% to 134%, according to data published on Tuesday by the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI).

This is mainly due to the “notable” increase in the number of unauthorised boreholes, from 13,463 to 21,279 in 2021.

Over the period 2017-2021, the volume exploited from the deep aquifers showed a gradual increase, from 1,668.8 cubic millimetres (Mm³) in 2017 to 1,922 Mm3 in 2021, i.e. up 15.2%.

The volume of exploited groundwater reached 914 Mm3 in 2021, a slight rise (1.2%) compared with the volume exploited in 2020.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia hosts 350,000 foreign patients in 2022 (CEPEX)

Tunisia hosted 350,000 foreign patients in 2022, 30% of whom were Sub-Saharan nationals, indicated Managing Director of the Centre for the Promotion of Tunisian Exports (Cepex) Mourad Ben Hassine.

Drawing on the latest indicators from the Central Bank of Tunisia, he said at the 6th sector-based meeting aimed at boosting exports in the health sector, held on July 13 at the Maison de l’Exportateur, that health services intended for foreigners posted a 3.5% rise of all medical services for export, compared with 2.7% in 2019.

Tunisian exports of health services are mainly geared towards the Algerian and Libyan markets, which account for 80% of exports in this sector, the official underlined.

He also pointed out that Tunisia is the leading destination in Africa in terms of patient numbers and revenues.

It is also ranked 38 out of 46 destinations worldwide in the Medical Tourism Index 2020-2021.

Participants at the meeting recommended speeding up the publication of legislation governing the healthcare intermediary sector and putting in place a national strategy to promote exports of healthcare services.

They also considered it crucial to revise the regulations governing the granting of authorisations to foreign patients and to launch air routes between Tunisia and sub-Saharan African countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Reported investments in industrial sector up 35.3% (APII)

Reported investment in the industrial sector increased by 35.3% between 2022 and 2023 (6 months), reaching the amount of 1409.1 MD, according to the bulletin for the month of June 2023, published Tuesday by the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII).

The number of reported projects rose by 7.1% to 1,644 at the end of June 2023.

These projects will help generate 2,976 jobs.

The sectors which saw an increase in investment intentions during the 1st half of this year were agri-food (+2.8%), construction materials, ceramics and glass (+260.5%), mechanical and electronic (+20.6%), chemicals (+130.9%), textiles and clothing (+103.2%) and miscellaneous industries (+21.4%).

56% of the reported investments during the first six months of 2023 were in start-up projects as they grew by 63.1% to TND 789.2 million.

Investment intentions for projects other than creation (extension, renewal of equipment, etc.) stood at TND 619.9 million, compared with TND 557.7 million during H1 of 2022.

The number of projects of this kind increased by 9.5% and the related jobs reached 9,363 at the end of June 2023.

Reported investments in fully exporting industries saw an increase of 45.8% to TND 607.2 million, resulting mainly from mechanical and electronic industries, building materials, ceramics and glass, chemicals and textiles and clothing.

The 100% foreign and partnership industrial investments went from TND 356.1 million during H1 of 2022 to TND 315.4 million during the same period of 2023, the number of projects of this type of investment recorded an increase of 16.1%.

For their part, industries whose production is oriented towards the domestic market registered a 28.2% rise, to TND 801.9 million.

As a result, 57% of reported investments in the H1 of 2023 were for non-totally export-oriented projects.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

General fill rate of dams stands at 36.1% on July 11 (ONAGRI)

The general fill rate of dams stood at 36.1% on 11 July 2023, with rates of around 42.4% in the north, 14.7% in the centre and 8.9% in Cap Bon, according to the figures for July 2023 published on Tuesday by the National Observatory for Agriculture (ONAGRI).

The Sidi Salem and Sidi Barrak dams recorded rates of 42.1% and 45%, respectively.

On the other hand, the reserves of the Barbara and Moula dams reached 97.5% and 99.3%, respectively.

Overall dam reserves stood at 837.7 million m3 on July 11, 2023, compared with 976.5 million m3 during the same period in 2022.

This shows a drop of 26.8% compared with the average for the same day over the last three years, which stood at 1035.7 million m3.

These reserves are broken down as follows: 91.4% in the north, 7.9% in the centre and 0.7% in Cap Bon.

Total inflows for the period from September 1, 2022 to July 11, 2023 were around 677.9 million m3, considerably lower than the average for the period (1841.7 million m3) and the inflows for the same period in 2022 (1081.2 million m3).

These inflows are broken down as follows: 92.3% in the north, 7.3% in the centre and 0.4% in Cap Bon.

Over the period from September 1, 2022 to July 11, 2023, 156.4 mm of rain fell across the country, with the highest amounts recorded in the north.

The rainfall recorded in May and the first half of June, which reached 56.3 mm and 12.3 mm, respectively, helped reduce the rainfall deficit compared with the average for the period.

This deficit varied between 21% in the north and 45% in the south-west.

Until mid-May 2023, Tunisia faced its fourth year of drought.

The filling rate of dams nationwide was 30.3% during the period from September 1, 2022 to May 18, 2023.

In response to this situation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries decided in March 2023 to impose a temporary ban on certain uses of water and to introduce a system of short-term rationing to deal with the country’s current water shortage.

Until September, it will be forbidden to use the drinking water distributed by Sonede networks for agricultural purposes, irrigation, cleaning public spaces and washing cars.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Blue Economy Day: Seychelles has new youth advocacy group

Seychelles has a new Blue Economy youth advocacy group, which streamed panel discussions live online as part of Blue Economy Day activities.

A group of young professionals at the Seychelles Maritime Academy met to discuss unlocking the potential of an inclusive Blue Economy and the role of the youth on Monday.

The talks, which lasted for about half an hour, were a chance for the professionals to analyse the ways through which the industry is viewed as well as the issue of how to make fisheries sustainable in the whole Blue Economy spectrum.

The activities to mark the Blue Economy Day were launched by the Minister for Fisheries and the Blue Economy, Jean-Francois Ferrari, who urged the newly appointed youth advocacy group to continue pushing the Blue Economy agenda.

Ferrari also talked about “pioneering efforts Seychelles is making to champion the blue economy.”

He said that the Blue Economy Department has already identified 112 businesses locally that “fall in line with the circular economy that the authorities in Seychelles are also extensively promoting.”

Since 2021, the French government has been working together with the Blue Economy Department to celebrate Blue Economy Day in the Indian Ocean on July 17.

This year the day is being celebrated under the theme “an inclusive Blue Economy and the Role of the Youth.”

The French Ambassador to Seychelles, Olivia Berkeley-Christmann, advised Seychelles to look at the “economic aspects as well as keeping the Blue Economy sustainable.”

The activity was held as part of the Blue Economy Day. (Blue Economy Department) Photo License: CC-BY

She said that France is willing to assist Seychelles in unlocking its potential in this area.

The first youth group for Blue Economy Advocacy group was created in May 2020, so youngsters from various backgrounds develop an interest in the sector and start a trend where the younger generation are encouraging their peers to do the same.

Created as part of a commitment made to the African Union and part of the Blue Economy Strategic Policy Framework and Roadmap, staff at the Blue Economy Department mentored the five initial members in ocean governance.

Kenny Elizabeth, a new youth group member, told SNA that he “hoped to work towards the protection of the sector especially where maritime security is concerned. For example illegal fishing and the other dangers that may negatively affect the Blue economy.”

His colleague David Boniface explained that he will cover various aspects of the relatively new topic of the Blue Economy and make sensitisation the primary focus of his time in office.

Felicita Fillipin, a nature conservationist by profession, told SNA that while she too will work towards educating the youth she will mainly focus “on making people hear their voices as well; since there are so many things that we can do in this area on this small island.”

Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 1.4 million square kilometres that covers around 99 percent of its territory.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

IOIG calendar confirmed – Team Seychelles ready for 15 sporting events

With less than 40 days to go for the 11th edition of the Indian Ocean Island Games (IOIG), the calendar of events is now confirmed while preparations are picking up steam.

Scheduled to take place in Madagascar from August 23 to September 3, the IOIG’s official website has been launched featuring news and updates, as well as the official schedule of the games.

According to the website , the opening ceremony will take place on August 25 which will also include the first sporting event, which will be football.

The site has an official message from Andre Haja Resampa, the president of the Island Games Organising Committee (COJI), who expressed his pride that Madagascar will host the games this year.

“The organisation of the Island Games 2023 is the result of hard work and the collaboration between various actors involved,” he said.

He added that Madagascar has put in every effort to guarantee the quality of the sporting facilities so that every athlete, official, and visitor can enjoy the event.

Various sites will host the 19 porting events and these include the Barea Mahamasina rugby and football stadium with a capacity to take 40,260 people. The stadium will host the rugby sevens competition.

A sports complex, CNAPS Vontorovia, in the Malagasy capital Antananarivo, will host the athletics events, while football will take place at the State Elgeco Plus in the central region.

Athletes will be housed at the Novotel Convention and Spa in Antananarivo. (Island Games Organising Committee (COJI)) Photo License: All Rights Reserved

However, work is still underway to ensure everything is ready on time, after many concerns over the country’s preparedness for the games.

The athletes will be based at the Novotel Convention and Spa in Antananarivo, which has been converted as the athletes’ village for the games.

The 19 sporting disciplines confirmed are track and field athletics, basketball 5-a-side and 3-a-side, boxing, kickboxing, badminton, table tennis, football, cycling, weightlifting, judo, wrestling, swimming, rugby sevens, taekwondo, karate, handball, petanque, tennis and volleyball.

The only disciplines that Seychelles will not be taking part in are wrestling, taekwondo, rugby and kickboxing.

Team Seychelles is expected to comprise 400 athletes and 175 coaches and officials and will leave Seychelles on three chartered flights. These will be on August 23, and August 24, while the football team will leave earlier on a commercial flight since the competition starts on day one.

Source: Seychelles News Agency