Ammar receives Jordan’s Ambassador to Tunisia on end of his mission

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar, on Monday, received Jordan’s Ambassador to Tunisia Maher Tarwaneh, on the occasion of the end of his mission. Ammar commended the efforts exerted by the Jordanian Ambassador all along his mission in Tunisia and his contribution to supporting the long-standing fraternal relations binding the two countries and two peoples, pointing out the importance to further foster them, especially in the context of the upcoming bilateral events, foremost of which is the Tunisian-Jordanian Joint Higher Committee, scheduled in Amman in the coming period, according to a department press release. The Jordanian ambassador underlined for his part, the strong relations of cooperation between the two countries, affirming his country’s willingness to further boost them. He also expressed his deep thanks to the Tunisian authorities for the support and for making things easier to discharge his mission in the best conditions.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia reiterates condemnation of Quran burning, urges protection of Palestinians

Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Mounir Ben Rejiba vehemently condemned the repeated desecration and burning of copies of the Holy Quran in Sweden and Denmark. He stressed that such acts deliberately offend and provoke Muslims and constitute a blatant attack on the sacred beliefs of Islamic communities and an affront to their identity. Such acts undermine the spirit of understanding, tolerance and respect for religious and cultural diversity. Addressing the eighteenth extraordinary session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was held virtually on Monday, Ben Rejiba called for urgent action by the concerned nations and European institutions to raise awareness of the grave consequences of these irresponsible attacks. He stressed the moral and legal responsibility in countering these acts, which feed extremism and all forms of religious-based hatred and violence. The Secretary of State praised recent decisions by the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council to combat hate speech and the desecration of holy sites. He called for the implementation of an international action plan to criminalise and bring to justice those responsible for such attacks, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry. The need to join efforts to combat Islamophobia, hatred, bigotry and racism was also stressed, in line with the principles of the OIC and in accordance with international treaties promoting tolerance and peaceful coexistence among nations. Another aspect of Tunisia’s statement reaffirmed its unwavering support for the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with Al-Quds as its capital. Amid the critical developments in the Palestinian issue, particularly with regard to Al-Quds, Tunisia stressed the importance of Palestinian reconciliation efforts to strengthen unity. Furthermore, Tunisia urged resistance to attempts to change the existing situation in occupied Al-Quds and emphasised the need to protect the Palestinians. This call is in line with the President’s appeal, which recognises that there can be no security and peace in the region without the restoration of the stolen rights of the Palestinians and the establishment of their state in full freedom and sovereignty on their land. The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the OIC, chaired by Mauritania, concluded with the adoption of a resolution on the crime of desecration and repeated burning of copies of the Holy Quran. The meeting also issued a statement condemning the recent intrusion into the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saied meets French and Jordanian ambassadors at end of their mission

President Kais Saied met on Monday at the Carthage Palace, successively, with the Ambassador of France in Tunis, André Parant, and the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Tunis, Maher Tarawneh, who paid him a farewell visit at the end of their mission to Tunisia. During the two meetings, they discussed the “friendly and partnership relations” between Tunisia and France and the “brotherly relations” between Tunisia and Jordan, as well as the upcoming events for the two countries and ways to intensify efforts to further develop joint cooperation in all fields, according to two separate statements issued by the Presidency of the Republic.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Outcome of Russia-Africa summit discussed at meeting between President Saied and Foreign Minister

President Kais Saied discussed the outcome of the Russia-Africa summit held in recent days, as well as bilateral meetings that took place on the sidelines of the summit, during a meeting on Monday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar. Saied reaffirmed Tunisia’s position of adhering to the constants of its foreign policy while maintaining its national sovereignty, which stems from the will of its people, and its position in favour of a new, fairer world order. He was quoted in a press release by the Presidency as saying that the peoples of the so-called developing countries were still suffering from the previous world order, «which had reached its limits, and that it was time for these countries to become active on the international scene.» The President of the Republic expressed Tunisia’s «pride in the respect it enjoys in all international forums as a result of its principled positions based on this new approach.» The meeting also discussed the diplomatic and consular reshuffle and the need to speed it up so that the new ambassadors and consuls can take up their posts as soon as possible. The need to apply objective criteria in the selection process was stressed so that the ambassadors «best represent Tunisia and put the interests of the homeland and the sovereignty of the state above all considerations,» according to the same statement.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President João Lourenço reiterates commitment to women’s empowerment

The Head of State, João Lourenço, on Monday in the Province of Luanda expressed his commitment and determination towards social and political empowerment of women and congratulated them on he celebration of the African Women’s Day which is being marked today (31).

In a post on the social network Facebook, João Lourenço considers the emancipation of women “a path of no return” and recognised in them “the gift of generating, caring for and managing families, but also the genius of creating ideas and leading nations”.

The Angolan statesman congratulated the ladies “for the achievements they have reached in the long struggle for their empowerment”.

African Women’s Day has been celebrated annually since 31 July 1962, a date agreed during the African Women’s Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

At the same conference, the Pan African Women’s Organisation was established.

The date serves to honour women for the important role they play in preserving and transmitting civic and moral values, as well as strengthening the cohesion and unity of families, as they constitute the essential fringe of society

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)