Tunisian community in Gabon urged to exercise utmost caution

Tunisia stressed the importance of the rule of law and the restoration of constitutional order in Gabon, saying it was following with great interest the successive political and security developments in the country.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Thursday, Tunisia called on all Gabonese parties to exercise restraint and uphold the supreme national interest in order to preserve the security, stability and safety of their country, in line with the aspirations of the Gabonese people.

I also urged all members of the Community residing in Gabon to ‘exercise the utmost caution, to avoid areas of tension and to contact our diplomatic mission in Yaoundé through the various means of communication that will be made available to them for this purpose.’

A group of military officers from the Gabonese army announced on Wednesday that they had seized power and placed President Ali Bongo under house arrest, hours after the electoral commission announced that he had won a third term in office.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ISIE: Working session with delegation from national television and radio

President of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE), Farouk Bouasker, on Thursday, held a working session with a joint delegation of Tunisian Television and Radio institutions led by the Director General of Radio, Henda Ben Alaya Ghribi, and the Director of Wataniya 1, Abdelmajid Mraihi.

The working session was devoted to identifying ways of launching an electoral education campaign as part of the preparations for the elections to the National Council of Regions and Districts.

The aim was to publicise the provisions of Decree-Law No 2023-10 of March 8, 2023 on the organisation of municipal elections and the composition of regional and district councils, according to an ISIE press release.

Bouasker took the opportunity to highlight the important role played by the two institutions and the media during the previous elections.

For their part, the members of the delegation expressed their willingness to support the electoral commission’s efforts to make the forthcoming elections a success and to provide it with all the necessary technical and human resources.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Stock market closes Thursday’s session on positive note

The stock market closed Thursday’s session on a positive note as the benchmark index rose by 0.3% to 8939.3 points, with a trading volume of TND 2.2 million, reads the daily analysis of broker Tunisie Valeurs.

SOPAT’s stock was the top gainer. The poultry producer’s shares rose 4.6% to TND 2.040, generating transactions worth TND 118,000.

SOTETEL also showed a strong performance during the session. The specialist of telecommunication networks saw its share edged up 3.2% to TND 4.200, generating TND 47,000.

Ennakl shares closed on a gloomy note. The car dealer’s shares fell 4.2% to TND 11, generating a trade volume of TND 18,000.

Similarly, the session closed on a negative note for SOTIPAPIER with shares dropping 2.4% to TND 5.980 (TND 52,000 in traded volume).

Carthage Cement emerged as the most active shares. The share price of Tunisia’s No. 1 cement company stood at TND 2.270, injecting nearly TND 500,000 of capital into the market.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

SDGs index: Tunisia falls to 70.1 points

Tunisia has regressed in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) index, from 71.4 points in 2021 to 70.1 points in 2022, ranking second in Africa and 60th in the world.

This ranking was announced on Thursday during a preparatory workshop for Tunisia’s participation in the SDG Summit to be held in New York, USA, on September 18 and 19.

“We are halfway, Tunisia is committed to achieving the 2030 Agenda given its importance in terms of planning, social justice and economic and social growth,” said Minister of Economy and Planning Samir Saïed.

He said his department, in collaboration with other ministries, is working to create a monitoring and evaluation system for the National Development Plan (PND 2023-2025) that is aligned with the SDGs.

At the international level, Saied recalled that about 12% of the goals have been achieved, while about 30% show no movement or regression from the 2015 baseline, adding that this issue will be discussed at the next summit in New York.

UN Resident Coordinator in Tunisia, Arnaud Peral, stressed that Tunisia is facing several challenges, namely the aftermath of COVID-19, the Russian-Ukrainian war, climate change and water scarcity.

The UN official pointed out that Tunisia ranks first in Africa in terms of achieving the SDGs, particularly in the areas of health, education and social security.

Some figures have not recorded the development needed to meet the aspirations of Tunisians, especially those living in Tunisia’s interior regions, Peral said.

“We are working together to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs,” he said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation sign MoU

During a business visit to Jordan from August 29 to 31, representatives of the Tunis Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCITUNIS) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and encourage investment.

The memorandum was signed at the closing ceremony of the “Intellectual Property Capacities for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Mediterranean Region» (IPMED), funded by the ENICBCMed Mediterranean Basin Programme, a cross-border cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the European Union (EU) under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). It brings together Tunisia, Jordan, Italy and Greece, according to a press release issued by CCI Tunis.

The CCI Tunis delegation held bilateral meetings with businessmen and investors from the Amman Chamber of Commerce, during which they reviewed investment and trade opportunities between the two countries and ways to develop them to promote joint trade.

CCITUNIS also signed a cooperation agreement with the Palestinian-Jordanian Business Forum with the aim of creating a network between Tunisian, Jordanian and Palestinian businessmen, identifying joint employment opportunities and exchanging experiences.

The two parties agreed to exchange economic information and data on investment and the business climate.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Cangandala National Park with 115 Giant Sable Antelopes

Angola’s northern Malaje province Cangandala National Park currently has a population of 115 animals of the giant sable antelope species, including adults and calves.

Around 200 sables are registered in the Luando Integral Reserve, according to the park administrator, Victor Manuel Paca.

Paca said that the last count was carried out in 2022, as part of the species’ annual census.

The giant sable antelope project began in 2004 and Victor Manuel Paca considers the current numbers to be satisfactory.

In January 2004, a group from the Center for Studies and Scientific Research at the Catholic University of Angola, led by Pedro Vaz Pinto, obtained the first photographic evidence of the only herd remaining in the Cangandala National Park.

The team which headed to the park, located 25 km south of the capital city of Malanje province, confirmed the persistence of the population after a harsh period of war.

The repopulation of the protected sanctuary allowed the ANGOP journalists to see a herd of around 60 animals in the pasture.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Luando Integral Reserve had around 2,500 sables, while the Cangandala National Park had 200, numbers that would drastically reduce years later due to poaching.

As for the inspection, Victor Manuel Paca said that Cangandala Park has 82 inspectors. “We are satisfied in this sense.

The biggest concern has to do with means, such as vehicles, raincoats, uniforms and boots, to improve the work of inspectors”, he said.

“The pursuit of hunters sometimes takes place over a distance of 14 kilometers. The last action of its kind was carried out in the southern part of the park and culminated in the arrest of three hunters.

We have been doing awareness raising work in the communities. We have had support from chieftains and teachers, he said.

In human terms, he said, the Luando reserve has 20 inspectors, controlled by the Technical Unit. Due to the action of poachers, he adds, the northern part of the park was the area most affected by the fires, with the devastation of 400 hectares.

“There is an effort by the Executive to maintain inspection in conservation areas, with the recruitment of former soldiers who previously undergo training in environmental matters, with a view to facilitating the repopulation of Palanca”, noted the official.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Angola, United States Trade falls US$2.3 billion

Angola-United States trade fell from US$20.9 billion in 2008 to the current US$2.3 billion, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Angola (AmCham-Angola) Pedro Godinho has said.

Pedro Godinho said the decline represents more than 90 percent.

The source recalled that the majority of the value recorded in trade between the two countries resulted from the export and sale of oil, but he would not elaborate the reason of the drop.

Speaking to the press at the end of another Business Forum, ahead of sixth anniversary of AmCham-Angola, he pointed to strengthening the improvement of the business environment in the country as one of the necessary mechanisms to reverse the current commercial and economic situation between the countries.

Specifically, Pedro Godinho pointed to the facilitation and speed of processes for the entry of potential investors into the country as one of the aspects that must be improved, to attract more American companies.

Therefore, he suggests that access for businesspeople interested in investing in Angola be done within 24 or 48 hours, similar to what happens in dozens of countries around the world where Americans also have investments.

According to Pedro Godinho, it is also necessary to start thinking about the possibility of exempting entry visas for investors, as in other regions of the world, with a view to the growth and socioeconomic development of Angola, a country that has the potential to do part of the group of 30 most developed countries in the world (G30).

“Improving the business environment in Angola is crucial for attracting more American investors to the country, a fact that will diversify and expand commercial exchanges,” he stated.

Given this scenario, the president of AmCham assured that he will continue to work with the Angolan government authorities on improving the specific aspects that have hindered the entry of more investors into Angola.

Also, the source guaranteed that his association will excel in transferring knowledge from the USA to Angola, through technical-professional training and investment in academia, also including the cultural aspects of both countries, taking into account the historical- culture that unites the two peoples.

On the other hand, he praised AmCham-Angola’s role during the six years of its existence in the country, for fulfilling its purpose, which is essentially based on enhancing commercial, economic, cultural and academic relations.

As a result, he highlighted, the country currently has the presence of 60 American companies that operate in different areas, with stress to six in the oil sector and the rest operating in sectors such as construction, telecommunications, service provision, among others.

Still, he mentioned that Am-Cham’s intermediation has also contributed to the travel of different entities and representatives of American financial institutions to Angola in recent years.

As example, he said, last July, the president of the Exim Bank of the United States of America (USA), Reta Jo Lewis, made US$900 million available to invest in the renewable energy sector in Angola.

Additionally, he recalled, the Development Finance Corporation (DFC), a Development Fund for US private companies, is also available to finance 250 million dollars for the Lobito Railway Corridor (Benguela – Angola).

This project will connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, passing through the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia.

American companies interested in investing in Angola

On the occasion, the US ambassador to Angola, Tulinabo Mushingi, highlighted that, in 2023, at least 14 companies expressed their interest in investing in various sectors of the Angolan economy.

According to the diplomat, these investors are getting closer and closer to transforming their business projects into reality, as a result of the cooperation of the Angolan government authorities.

Among the various sectors in which these companies operate, he highlighted the installation of silos for the storage of agricultural products, as well as the construction of 186 metal bridges as the priority infrastructure for investors.

Along with these investments in sight, the ambassador stated that there is still a long list of American businessmen interested in investing in Angola.

“In addition to security and good governance, we are promoting a new Angola, which needs a new strategy for attracting investors. Therefore, if the business environment improves, many American companies will come to invest in the country”, said the diplomat.

Apart from businesspeople, members of the Angolan Government participated in the AmCham Business Forum, held on Wednesday night in Luanda.

Also a delegation of 60 American citizens, linked to the Wiliam Tucker Society, which brings together descendants of the first Angolans to arrive in the US, more than 404 years ago, attended the event.

Among the individuals present at this event, the former Vice President of the Republic of Angola, Bornito de Sousa, also stood out.

As a special guest was the chairperson of the Association of Engineers of Angola (OEA), Paulino Neto, who presented the strategy to strengthen cooperation between Angolan and American experts.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Angola is an affiliate of the United States Chamber of Commerce, founded by President William Taft in 1912.

AmChams operates in more than 118 countries around the world and aim to promote cultural, academic, commercial and economic ties between the United States and its partners.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

President João Lourenço, Congo’s counterpart address situation in Gabon

Angolan head of State João Lourenço is meeting with his counterpart Denis Sassou Nguesso in Oyo city, Republic of the Congo, according to the information published Thursday on Presidency’s Facebook Page.

João Lourenço arrived in the Republic of the Congo Thursday for political consultations on the situation in Gabon.

A group of senior Gabonese military officers on Wednesday announced that they had taken power and detained President Ali Bongo, minutes after the state election body declared the winner of Saturday’s general election.

Appearing on state-run television channel Gabon 24, the officers said they represented all security and defence forces in the Central African nation.

They said the election results were cancelled, all borders closed until further notice and state institutions dissolved.

Angola, Congo and Gabon belong to the Central African States sub-region.

President João Lourenço was designated African Champion of Peace and Reconciliation by the African Union.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Angola and Congo condemn military takeover in Gabon

Heads of State of Angola João Lourenço and Congo Dennis Sassou N’Guesso condemned Thursday the seizure of power by force in Gabon, having called for respect for the physical integrity of President Ali Bongo Odimba, his family and senior entities in State institutions.

This followed a short visit the President João Lourenço paid to Congo, at the invitation of his Congolese counterpart. The two Statesmen dicsussed the latest developments related to the unconstitutional change of Government in the Gabonese Republic, which took place on the 30th of this month.

According to the final communiqué of the meeting, the two Heads of State urged all actors to give priority to the political dialogue as a way of preserving the peace, unity and serenity of the Gabonese people.

The document states that both Statesmen highlighted the need to convene an extraordinary summit of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).

The objective is to provide the organisation with leadership in order to avoid a legal vacuum and ensure its permanent activities, taking into account what happened to Gabon.

They also highlighted the excellent historical, friendly and cooperative relations that exist between the Republics of Angola and Congo and decided to maintain regular consultations on issues of common interest, contributing to the preservation of peace in the sub-region.

Angola, Congo and Gabon belong to the Central African States sub-region.

The President João Lourenço was designated African Champion of Peace and Reconciliation by the African Union..

A group of senior Gabonese military officers on Wednesday announced that they had taken power and detained President Ali Bongo, minutes after the state election body declared the winner of Saturday’s general election.

Appearing on state-run television channel Gabon 24, the officers said they represented all security and defence forces in the Central African nation.

They said the election results were cancelled, all borders closed until further notice and state institutions dissolved.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Angola could become one of main suppliers of agricultural products to Europe – diplomat

The ambassador of the Netherlands, Tsjeard Hoekstra, expressed this Wednesday, in central Huambo Province, his intention to include Angola in the list of main suppliers of agricultural products to Europe, through the logistics platform of Caála and the Lobito Corridor.

The diplomat, who was speaking during a meeting with members of the provincial government of Huambo and local businesspeople about the valences of operationalizing the logistics platform in the municipality of Caála, said that the intention is to make Angola one of the main exporters of first class products (fruits and vegetables) to Europe.

He underlined that the Netherlands has vast experience in logistics and transport, positioning itself in a unique market in Europe, with one of the largest inland ports, which make it one of the best connected countries in the world.

In addition to logistics, he also highlighted agriculture, taking into account the fact that, after the United States of America, it is the second largest exporter of agricultural products, through its innovative technology, which has resulted in high levels of production.

He recalled that the Netherlands leads the production and supply of fruits and vegetables, where Angola can be included as soon as possible.

Tsjeard Hoekstra said that since 2019, the Netherlands has been focusing on developing the agribusiness potential of the Lobito Corridor, where research and feasibility studies have been carried out, for the development of partnerships and consortia, between the Dutch private business sector and the Angolan government.

According to the diplomat, as well as Angola, the Netherlands, also known as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a coastal nation, but low and flat, where many people live in a confined space below sea level, which, in order to survive, was forced to organize and adapt to changing complex social and economic challenges.

He said that in the fruit and vegetable sector, the Netherlands meets the needs of millions of people, with emphasis on avocados, where it is the largest exporter in the world.

The diplomat highlighted the ongoing work on the diversification of the Angolan economy, through the development of the agriculture sector, the construction of logistics and transport platforms, in particular the Lobito Corridor.

In his view, Angola has unexplored agricultural potential, fertile land, favourable climate and water resources to boost food production, with the capacity to supply its population and, at the same time, become an exporter of first-class products.

He added that Angola is at a crucial stage, focused on the implementation and construction of multipurpose logistics platforms, where the province of Huambo, specifically the municipality of Caála, was selected to host one of the infrastructures, which will allow perishable products to be transported and stored at low temperatures, being an essential step to boost the production of fruits and vegetables for the local and European market.

For her part, the governor of Huambo Province, Lotti Nolika, said that the meeting served to showcase local potential, especially in the field of tropical fruit production, with a view to boosting the projects and initiatives of both countries.

She mentioned that Angola and the Netherlands “have healthy and long-standing relations ties”, which will be reinforced through the private consortium for the construction of the Caála logistics platform, as this region of the Central Highlands appears to be a major producer of avocados and wild fruits.

Angola plans to build 21 logistics platforms by 2038 through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), and the construction of three platforms is currently underway, namely Luau, in the province of Moxico, Luvo and Soyo, both in Zaire.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)