Pakistani embassy organises working luncheon with representatives of business community in Tunisia

The Pakistani embassy in Tunis, on Monday, organised a working luncheon with representatives of the business community in Tunisia, as the honorary consul of Tunisia in Peshawar, Pakistan, Ammad Rasheed paid a short visit to the country. The event was attended by designated ambassador of Pakistan to Tunisia Javeed Umrani, Ambassador of Tunisia to Pakistan, Kamel Borhene and the honorary consul of Pakistan in the region of Sfax and southern Tunisia, Anouar Triki. The participants, who included three vice presidents and executive members of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA), and heads of professional federation and a representative from the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP) and Tunisian hotel Federation and various business operators discussed the investment and trade opportunities with Pakistan, the embassy said in a statement. the presidents of professional federations expressed the wish to establish relations with their Pakistani counterparts through the Honorary Consul of Pakistan in Tunisia and the Honorary Consul of Tunisia in Pakistan to discuss possibilities of undertaking joint ventures which would facilitate access for Pakistani operators to African, Arab and European markets by benefiting from the preferential conditions enjoyed by Tunisia. The Ambassador designate, Javed Ahmed Umrani highlighted ways to increase bilateral trade between both the countries such as frequent exchange of trade delegations, arranging of single country exhibition in Tunisia and signing of Preferential Trade Agreement between two countries. He further stressed that holding of upcoming 10th Joint Commission on Economic Joint Commission on Economic, Trade and Technical matters between Pakistan and Tunisia will ensure signing of a number of MoUs and holding of meetings between Joint Working Groups (JWG) in sectors such as Olive cultivation, Industries, Energy and mining. He pointed out that Pakistan with its 241 million population and 60% youth, is a huge consumer market and great exporter of skilled labor force, saying among many areas of cooperation, textiles, agriculture, electrical industries, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and surgical were key industries that came under discussion. The Tunisian Ambassador highlighted that Tunisian businessmen need to learn more about Pakistan’s markets especially in textile sector as Pakistan work on much lower tariff rates and with cheap labor and have raw material and processing units which Tunisia needs to import. On the other hand, Pakistan may take benefit from Tunisia’s free trade agreements with European Union, European countries and also benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement that was ratified by Tunisia in July 2020. Pakistan can benefit from this agreement by reaching out to African markets as part of triangular trade schemes and investment cooperation agreement with Tunisian firms and companies, said the same source.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisian diplomacy committed to its principles and constants, FM says in meeting with Prime Minister

Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani met on Wednesday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar. Nabil Ammar told the Prime Minister that Tunisian diplomacy is committed to its principles and constants and is keen to adapt to global geopolitical developments and changes in order to ensure its proper positioning and enhance its economic efficiency. During the meeting, which took place at the Government Palace in the Kasbah, Hachani praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the face of current challenges, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry. The Prime Minister, who was briefed on the progress of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed the need to continue consolidating a good working atmosphere through the adoption of the new organisational structure.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Only 8% of household and similar waste is recycled and recovered

Only 8% of household and similar waste is recycled and recovered in Tunisia, while 20% is dumped in nature and 70% is buried in landfills described as “controlled,» according to data published by the Ibn Khaldun Forum for Development (FIKD). These figures illustrate the poor management of waste, despite its economic importance, particularly in terms of renewable energy production. Tunisia produces nearly 2.8 million tonnes of household and similar waste and almost 350,000 tonnes of industrial waste classified as hazardous. One third of this waste should be treated in an environmentally sound manner. According to the document, the rest of this industrial waste remains largely stored near factories. The hazardous waste treatment centre in Jradou (Zaghouan governorate) has been closed since the 2011 revolution due to the refusal of the local population. Household and industrial waste continues to be a major source of unhygienic conditions in both urban and rural areas, and of deterioration of the environment and quality of life. The forum focused on the lack of systems for quantifying, characterising and analysing waste, both nationally and within municipalities, despite huge efforts. It added that waste management as it is currently practised, especially at the institutional and organisational level, is one of the main obstacles to promoting efficient waste management. The FIKD proposed the development and implementation of a global, integrated management strategy that would promote the reduction and recovery of waste, and that would effectively involve all stakeholders, namely municipalities, environmental structures, the population, businesses, consumers, the media and research institutions. It also recommended the introduction of a waste management fee for all producers, based on the quantities and qualities produced.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Executive reiterates “Made in Angola” products’ purchase message

State and budgeted units are compelled to purchase products with “Service Made in Angola”, from January 2024, the minister of Economy and Planning (MEP) Mário Caetano João has reiterated.

Speaking to Angola’s public television, the minister highlighted that the measure announced by the Government aims to stimulate the consumption of national production and increase competitiveness.

The measure comes into force from January 2024 and stipulates that “public institutions are obliged to purchase ‘Made in Angola’ goods and services”, products that incorporate 30% raw materials in their production.

The measure is expected to ensure that the restructuring of the Made in Angola Service encourages the increase in national production of raw materials and mainly finished products and services.

The move also helps promote products with National Added Value above 30% and also encourage the consumption of national products, thus conveying greater confidence to consumers.

The Made in Angola Service aims to mobilise companies towards economic growth, seeking to improve the competitiveness of national goods and services and contribute to the sustained balance of the trade balance.

The Executive recognises the importance of promoting and valuing national production for the development of the economy and national employment, establishing the Made in Angola service.

This service is an initiative to encourage and promote what is produced at national level, to accelerate, in a focused and effective way, the diversification of national production and mobilise the country to increase the consumption of what is produced locally.

Another distinctive feature of Made in Angola is to highlight a strategic alliance between the State and the private sector

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Tourism Indicators in Tozeur demonstrate improvement

Tourism indicators in Tozeur showed improvement from early January to August 20, in comparison with the same period last year. The number of tourist arrivals grew 36%, statistics of the regional commission show, to 103,662 visitors against 76,291 in 2022. The number of bednights posted a 27% rise with 151,734 in comparison with 119,651 in 2022. Domestic tourists made up the bulk of visitors with 58,484, followed by French nationals with 6,020, i.e. a 250% rise on last year, figures show.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Seychelles has 8 gold medals after Day 4 of Indian Ocean Island Games

Team Seychelles won six gold medals on the fourth day of the Indian Ocean Island Games in Madagascar to bring the total to eight.

The gold medals on Wednesday came from the swimming, weightlifting, and boxing events.

Swimmer Simon Bachmann won his second gold medal when he came out first in the men’s 200m butterfly in 2 minutes 4.91 seconds. In second place was a swimmer from Reunion Clement Riviere and third Victor Ah Yong from Mauritius.

Two more gold came in the weightlifting competition with Chakira Rose in the category +87kg. She earned her gold medals after clearing 102kg in clean and jerk.

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, sent a message of congratulation to Rose.

“Congratulations to our Female Weightlighter and member of the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF) Private Chakira Rose on winning 2 Gold Medals and 1 silver. Thank you for the outstanding performance and for bringing the medals home,” said Ramkalawan.

Rose won two gold medals. (State House) Photo License: CC-BY

Two gold medals were also won in the boxing finals in which Seychelles had five boxers.

Dasheil Fanchette earned the top spot in the 80 kg when he defeated Mauritian Jefferson Marguerite. Keddy Agnes won gold after he knocked out Didier Jean-Baptiste from Reunion in the first round in the +92 kg category.

In athletics, Iven Moise won gold in the 10,000 m race in 30 minutes 48.66 seconds.

Seychelles is still 4th on the medals table with 61 medals – 8 gold, 30 silver and 23 bronze while Madagascar is leading with 144 medals – 72 gold, 35 silver, and 37 bronze, followed by Mauritius and Reunion.

In the last IOIG in Mauritius in 2019, Seychelles won 111 medals out of which 28 were gold.

In team sports, the women’s volleyball team is in the semi-finals after defeating Mauritius 3-1 to finish top in Group B.

Seychelles’ men’s basketball team also won their match on Wednesday 67-43 against Mauritius in their opening match. The Seychellois side will face Mayotte on Thursday.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

President João Lourenço urges Foreign Intelligence Service to keep watchful eye

Angolan head of State João Lourenço Wednesday recommended the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) staff to keep an eye on everything going on in the world, mainly in terms of stability and security.

In his speech, made at the swearing ceremony of the new deputy director of the Foreign Intelligence Services Teresa Manuel Bento da Silva, the Statesman recalled that today’s world is increasingly troubled and marked by conflicts of all kinds.

“Just this morning we were taken aback by the reports on the instability in Gabon, a neighbouring country,” said the Angolan President.

A group of senior Gabonese military officers on Wednesday announced that they had taken power and detained President Ali Bongo, minutes after the state election body declared the winner of Saturday’s general election.

Appearing on state-run television channel Gabon 24, the officers said they represented all security and defence forces in the Central African nation.

They said the election results were cancelled, all borders closed until further notice and state institutions dissolved.

Angola’s Foreign Intelligence Service is tasked with producing information and analyses with a view to carrying out intelligence and state security measures and actions

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Air Seychelles makes emergency landing in Jeddah

An Air Seychelles flight, which made an emergency landing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on Monday night due to a technical malfunction, reached its destination in Tel Aviv on Tuesday afternoon.

According to Air Seychelles approximately 4 to 5 hours into the flight, an electrical issue occurred and the flight diverted to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which was the nearest airport.

“The Authorities in Israel and Saudi Arabia were alerted to the situation and kept in constant communication. The Saudis approved for the passengers to disembark the aircraft and all passengers and crew were accommodated at an airport hotel overnight,” said Air Seychelles.

In the morning on Tuesday, a replacement Air Seychelles aircraft was dispatched and the passengers and crew were flown from Jeddah to Tel Aviv, arriving at approximately 1.30 pm Tel Aviv time.

The airline said that the aircraft with the electrical fault will remain on the ground in Jeddah until the replacement parts have been installed. No other flights have been impacted or cancelled.

The Air Seychelles chief executive, Sandy Benoiton, said: “Safety and security of our passengers and crew are always our top priority. The crew followed all protocols and out of an abundance of caution diverted the flight to Jeddah. The Israeli and Saudi authorities were informed at every stage. The passengers gave Air Seychelles credit for the good handling of the situation and thanked the Saudis for the way they were warmly greeted.”

The emergency landing was operated under unique circumstances as the two countries – Saudi Arabia and Israel – have never established diplomatic relations. Israelis are restricted from travelling to Saudi Arabia, except under certain conditions.

“The airport confirmed that a number 2 state of emergency was declared with all the readiness was in place to provide assistance to the plane. The emergency operational management room at the airport was activated and the plane landed safely at 8:40 pm local time,” according to the Saudi Gazette news service.

Air Seychelles, the national airline of Seychelles, was established in 1978 and began long-haul service in 1983. The airline offers international and domestic flights to over 12 airlines operating at the Seychelles International Airport at Pointe Larue.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

Captain Jackson retires: Seychelles’ aviation legend celebrates 48 years as a pilot

A retiring Seychellois pilot, who has flown passengers safely across borders for over 40 years, shared that the most challenging moment of his career was missing out on family gatherings and events.

Francois Jackson, who retired as a captain for the national airline, Air Seychelles, earlier in August, met with President Wavel Ramkalawan on Tuesday.

“Being away from home was one of the biggest challenges. Being a long-haul pilot causes family life to suffer as you are away from home for 6 months of the year on average and you aren’t there for birthdays, Christmas, and other family functions,” Jackson told reporters.

For him, this topped direct career-related challenges which included keeping a good medical record, tough training, and unwavering discipline. On the other hand, he jokingly said that his greatest achievement is making it to retirement without bending an airplane.

“I managed to achieve my dreams working with the national airline. One of the bigger achievements is the number of Seychellois pilots I have trained in the early 80s. Quite a few of the pilots flying in Seychelles or overseas went through my training, so that was a personal achievement,” said Jackson.

During his meeting with the President, Jackson shared that discussions centered around Air Seychelles, his role in training local pilots, and the challenges faced.

“We talked about the new developments in routes, possibly looking at the Middle East as countries like Saudi Arabia progress out of being oil-driven into possibly getting into tourist-driven. Saudi Arabia has huge amounts of beautiful areas,” said Jackson.

Captain Jackson (left) met with President Wavel Ramkalawan on Tuesday. (Seychelles Nation) Photo License: CC-BY

Jackson operated his last flight with Air Seychelles on Thursday, August 17, 2023, touching down at the Seychelles International Airport onboard flight HM048 from Mauritius. The flight was greeted by a traditional water cannon salute in honor of his many years of service.

His relationship with aviation started in 1975 when he joined the Aeroclub in Seychelles for private training.

“My first flight was onboard a small Cessna 150, a single-engine aircraft at the Seychelles International Airport. The instructor was a Swiss woman named Agnes Robinson. I sat in this airplane, she started the engine and it started to shake. We taxied and took off, and I remember saying to myself “This is fun!” I could see why my father wanted to fly. I really enjoyed it and never looked back,” said Jackson.

Having fallen in love with flying, he furthered his studies in the United States to become a commercial pilot. Jackson joined Air Seychelles in 1989 as one of the few Seychellois pilots at the time. During his career also had the opportunity to fly with Vietnam Airlines and Etihad Airways.

Speaking of the most memorable moment of his 48 years as a pilot, Jackson shared that he experienced landing a plane with a failed engine.

“I was operating a Boeing 767 flying from the UK to an island in the South Atlantic. That was different. We had to divert to Dakar in Senegal, which luckily was only about 300 kilometers away flying on one engine, otherwise my career has been basically just good fun and smooth,” said Jackson.

He said that now that he is retired, he will be going fishing more often, but is more than happy and willing to help if the national airline or any other aviation operator in Seychelles wishes to have his services, especially in the operations part as he has a “wealth of experience in this business.”

Source: Seychelles News Agency

Decision Intelligence Leader Quantexa Awarded Google Cloud’s Industry Solution Technology Partner of the Year for Line of Business Processes

LONDON and NEW YORK, Aug. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Quantexa, a global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, announced that it has won the 2023 Google Cloud’s Industry Solution Technology Partner of the Year award for Line of Business Processes. The award comes after its Decision Intelligence Platform and solutions were made available on Google Cloud Marketplace in April 2023.

Quantexa is recognized for the strength of its line of business solutions. Their Line of Business Processes removes traditional manual data capture by connecting internal and external data and creating an accurate single view of customers. Quantexa’s advanced Line of Businesses processes capabilities were awarded in acknowledgement of the technologies ability to monitor KYC profiles and automate the detection and prioritization of real risk and opportunities.

Key capabilities included in Quantexa’s AI-enabled KYC solution are onboarding, remediation, enhanced due diligence (EDD), and perpetual KYC (pKYC). By deploying the solution, Google Cloud customers can focus their risk management efforts and facilitate trust with customers, leading to increased revenue generation. Plus, by gaining a true understanding of those they are doing business with joint customers will see benefits across the banking value chain, including improved financial crime, AML, and fraud detection.

Making the Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform available via Google Cloud has given organizations in banking, insurance, telecommunications, and government agencies the ability to connect their data across siloed systems, making it simple for global enterprise customers to trust their data and augment and automate decision-making to protect, optimize, and grow their business.

Dan Higgins, Chief Product Officer at Quantexa: Together with Google Cloud, we’ve been able to bring cutting-edge compliance and risk technology solutions to the Cloud and give our joint customers flexible deployment options. This partnership is enabling IT and infrastructure teams to be more agile and support line-of-business leaders working in an ever-evolving risk landscape. The recognition by Google Cloud further highlights our achievements in enabling organizations to leverage Decision Intelligence to master customer and risk management.”

“Google Cloud’s partner awards recognize the significant impact and customer success that our partners have driven over the past year,” said Kevin Ichhpurani, Corporate Vice President, Global Ecosystem and Channels at Google Cloud. “We’re delighted to recognize Quantexa as a 2023 Google Cloud Partner Award winner and look forward to a continued strong partnership in support of our mutual customers.”

To learn more about how your organization can benefit from Quantexa’s KYC solution and other Decision Intelligence Platform capabilities, please visit:

Notes To Editors:

The award win comes ahead of Quantexa’s Global Insurance Roadshow with Accenture, Google Cloud and Quantexa in APAC, EMEA & North America. The events will educate insurers on how to leverage AI to create hyper-personalized customer experiences and will be hosted in the following cities and dates:

About Quantexa
Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence that empowers organisations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, KYC, customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 650 employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, New York, Boston, Toronto, Malaga, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, Luxemburg, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, and Dubai. For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

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