Abu Dhabi’s artificial intelligence university establishes dedicated robotics and computer science departments to meet surging global demand

MBUZAI Students

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) has established two new departments and four associated graduate programs dedicated to robotics and computer science, catering to the surging global demand for these disciplines, which is expected to hit USD $225 billioni and $140 billion, respectively, by 2030ii.

The new departments complement the university’s existing computer vision (CV), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) departments, which are ranked among the top 20 globally by CSRankings.

Aligned with the formation of the new departments, the university has launched master’s and Ph.D. programs in robotics and computer science. These programs will help further develop the UAE’s wider AI ecosystem and strengthen its position as an international hub for AI research and innovation.

MBZUAI President and University Professor, Eric Xing, said: “The addition of these two new departments represents MBZUAI’s lasting effort in developing a solid foundation for research excellence and innovation in artificial intelligence. The university will continue to bring into Abu Dhabi world leading faculty and researchers in the fields and to empower students to become pioneers with highly sought-after skills in developing advanced AI tools and applications across industries. Given the digital renAIssance we find ourselves in, skills in these disciplines are increasing in demand.”

The Robotics Department will focus on rigorous, high-impact, original research, emphasizing robot learning and robot algorithms rather than the development of new robot hardware. The Computer Science Department will provide unparalleled technical depth in the foundational technologies that have given rise to the phenomenal growth and impact of IT in the past four decades.

MBZUAI Acting Provost, Professor Timothy Baldwin, said: “MBZUAI is at the forefront of AI education and research, making our programs distinctive and globally competitive. The Robotics Department will focus on human-centered and autonomous robotics research, as well as the development of the next generation of robotics practitioners with deep skills in both AI and robotics, supporting careers at the cutting edge of academia, industry, and government.”

Robotics is a transformative technology, revolutionizing sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation. Research indicates strong demand for robotics expertise in the coming years, with the robotics technology market expected to surpass US$225.6 billion in value by 2030iii. This demand will be critically hampered by a predicted global talent shortage, with up to 85 million jobs potentially going unfilled by 2030 due to a lack of skilled people to fill themiv. Similarly, the global computer science job market is also booming, with projections of a 14.5% CAGR from 2021 to 2027 and an estimated 3.5 million jobs by 2026v.

Applications for the 2024 admissions year will open on September 1, 2023. For more information, visit mbzuai.ac.ae or contact admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

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Zenas BioPharma annonce la publication d’une étude de phase 2 sur l’obéxélimab, un traitement expérimental pour la maladie liée aux IgG4 (ML-IgG4), dans The Lancet Rheumatology

L’étude a montré que l’obéxélimab produisait une amélioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rémission clinique complète, chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 active

Les résultats soutiennent la poursuite du développement de l’obéxélimab pour le traitement de la ML-IgG4 et potentiellement d’autres maladies auto-immunes à médiation par les cellules B

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 02 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, une société biopharmaceutique mondiale déterminée à devenir un leader dans le développement et la commercialisation de traitements basés sur l’immunité, annonce que The Lancet Rheumatology a publié les résultats d’une étude de phase 2 évaluant l’obéxélimab pour le traitement de patients atteints de la maladie liée aux IgG4 (ML-IgG4). Sur la base des résultats de cette étude, un essai de phase 3 chez des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 est en cours afin d’évaluer davantage l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’obéxélimab administré par injection sous-cutanée.

La ML-IgG4 est une maladie fibro-inflammatoire chronique à médiation immunitaire qui peut toucher plusieurs organes, notamment les glandes salivaires principales, les orbites, les glandes lacrymales, le pancréas, l’arbre biliaire, les poumons, les reins et le rétropéritoine. Environ 20 000 patients sont diagnostiqués comme étant atteints d’une ML-IgG4 rien qu’aux États-Unis. Bien qu’elle soit de plus en plus reconnue, il reste nécessaire de poursuivre la recherche et de trouver des options thérapeutiques efficaces pour les personnes qui vivent avec cette maladie invalidante.

Dans le monde entier, l’utilisation de glucocorticoïdes est largement considérée comme la norme de soins pour traiter la ML-IgG4. Il n’existe aucune option de traitement approuvée pour cette condition. Bien que couramment utilisés, les glucocorticoïdes et les traitements de déplétion des cellules B disponibles conduisent rarement à des rémissions à long terme sans traitement, et sont associés à un risque élevé de toxicité chez ces patients. Ces traitements altèrent également les réponses vaccinales, y compris celles contre le SRAS-CoV-2 et la grippe.

Dans une étude pilote prospective ouverte à bras unique et centre unique visant à évaluer l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’obéxélimab dans le traitement des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 (inscription NCT02725476 sur clinicaltrials.gov), l’obéxélimab a démontré une forte amélioration sur l’IgG4-RD Responder Index, qui mesure l’activité de la maladie, en inhibant la fonction des cellules B, sans les épuiser.

Le manuscrit publié, intitulé « Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action » (L’obéxélimab pour le traitement des patients atteints de maladie liée aux IgG4 : une étude pilote ouverte à bras unique visant à évaluer l’efficacité, l’innocuité et le mode d’action) est disponible en ligne et figurera dans le numéro d’août de The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428-E429].

Ci-après figurent les principales conclusions du document :

  • L’obéxelimab a produit une amélioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rémission complète (score de 0 sur l’IgG4-RD Responder Index), chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 active.
  • Lors du traitement à base d’obéxélimab, des réductions des cellules B en circulation, y compris les plasmablastes, ont été observées sans preuve de mort cellulaire.
  • Par ailleurs, une réduction des cellules B en circulation et un rapide retour à des niveaux quasi-normaux après arrêt du traitement suggèrent que l’obéxélimab pourrait mener à une séquestration des cellules B dans les organes lymphoïde ou la moelle osseuse.
  • L’obéxélimab s’est révélé bien toléré. La majorité des effets indésirables liés aux traitement étaient de grades 1 ou 2, les plus courants étant des réactions liées à la perfusion gastro-intestinale, modérées pour la plupart.

« Nos conclusions constituent un pas en avant considérable dans notre compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents de la maladie liée aux IgG4, ouvrant la voie à des stratégies de traitement plus ciblées », a déclaré John Stone, MD, MPH, professeur de médecine à la Harvard Medical School, et de la chaire de médecine Edward A. Fox au Mass General Hospital. « Notre équipe est honorée de voir ses recherches être reconnues par The Lancet Rheumatology, et nous sommes immensément reconnaissants aux patients qui ont participé à cette étude révolutionnaire. »

À propos de l’obéxélimab

L’obéxélimab est un anticorps monoclonal, humanisé, non cytolytique, bifonctionnel et expérimental de phase 3 qui imite l’action de complexes antigène-anticorps en liant la CD19 et le FcγRIIb afin d’inhiber l’activité des cellules de lignée B. Dans plusieurs études cliniques de stade précoce pour diverses maladies auto-immunes, 198 sujets ont été traités avec l’obéxélimab. Dans le cadre de ces études cliniques, l’obéxélimab a démontré une inhibition efficace de la fonction des cellules B sans les épuiser, donnant lieu à un effet thérapeutique encourageant chez les patients atteints de diverses maladies auto-immunes. Zenas a acquis des droits mondiaux exclusifs sur l’obéxélimab auprès de Xencor, Inc.

Davantage d’informations sur l’étude de phase 3 (INDIGO) pour le traitement de la maladie liée aux IgG4 sont disponibles sur clinicaltrials.gov : NCT05662241.

À propos de Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma est une société biopharmaceutique mondiale déterminée à devenir un leader dans le développement et la commercialisation de traitements immunitaires pour les patients dans le monde entier. Avec un développement et des opérations cliniques à l’échelle mondiale, Zenas fait progresser un portefeuille mondial approfondi et équilibré de thérapies auto-immunes potentielles premières et meilleures de leur catégorie dans des domaines où les besoins médicaux ne sont pas satisfaits, tout en répondant aux exigences de valeur de l’environnement dynamique mondial des soins de santé. Le portefeuille de la société continue de croître grâce à notre stratégie de développement commercial fructueuse. Notre équipe de direction expérimentée et notre réseau de partenaires commerciaux stimulent l’excellence opérationnelle pour apporter des thérapies potentiellement transformatrices afin d’améliorer la vie des personnes confrontées à des maladies rares et auto-immunes. Pour tout complément d’information sur Zenas BioPharma, veuillez consulter le site www.zenasbio.com et nous suivre sur Twitter à l’adresse @ZenasBioPharma et LinkedIn.

Contact auprès des investisseurs et des médias :
Joe Farmer, président et directeur de l’exploitation
Zenas BioPharma

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8886118

Zenas BioPharma Publica Fase 2 do Estudo Clínico do Obexelimabe, um Tratamento Investigativo da Doença Relacionada à IgG4 (IgG4-RD), no The Lancet Rheumatology

Estudo revelou que o obexelimabe produziu melhora clínica rápida, forte e sustentada, incluindo remissão clínica completa, na maioria dos pacientes com IgG4-RD ativa

Os resultados apoiam o desenvolvimento contínuo do obexelimabe para o tratamento de IgG4-RD e potencialmente outras condições autoimunes mediadas por células B

WALTHAM, Mass., Aug. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zenas BioPharma, uma empresa biofarmacêutica global comprometida em se tornar líder no desenvolvimento e comercialização de terapias imunológicas, anunciou a publicação da Fase 2 do estudo que avalia o obexelimabe para o tratamento de pacientes com a Doença Relacionada à IgG4 (IgG4-RD) Com base nos resultados deste estudo, a Fase 3 do estudo em pacientes com IgG4-RD está em andamento para investigar ainda mais a eficácia e a segurança do obexelimabe administrado como uma injeção subcutânea.

A IgG4-RD é uma doença fibroinflamatória crônica imunomediada que pode afetar múltiplos órgãos, incluindo as principais glândulas salivares, órbitas, glândulas lacrimais, pâncreas, árvore biliar, pulmões, rins e retroperitônio. Cerca de 20.000 pacientes são diagnosticadas com IgG4-RD somente nos Estados Unidos. Apesar da crescente visibilidade da doença, ainda há necessidade de mais pesquisas e opções terapêuticas eficazes para indivíduos que vivem com essa doença debilitante.

Em todo o mundo, o uso de glicocorticoides é amplamente considerado o padrão de tratamento para o tratamento de IgG4-RD. No momento não existe nenhum tratamento aprovado para esta condição. Embora comumente usados, os glicocorticoides e as terapias de depleção de células B disponíveis raramente levam a remissões livres de tratamento a longo prazo e estão associados a um alto risco de toxicidade para os pacientes. Tais terapias também prejudicam as respostas vacinais, incluindo as do SARS-CoV-2 e da gripe.

Em um estudo piloto prospectivo, aberto, de braço único e centro único para avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do obexelimabe no tratamento de pacientes com IgG4-RD (registro clinicaltrials.gov NCT02725476), o obexelimabe demonstrou forte melhora no IgG4-RD Responder Index, uma medição da atividade da doença, inibindo a função das células B, sem esgotar as células B.

O manuscrito publicado, intitulado “Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action,” está disponível online e constará na edição de agosto do The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428-E429].

As principais conclusões do artigo são as seguintes:

  • O Obexelimabe apresentou melhora clínica rápida, forte e sustentada, incluindo remissão completa (pontuação 0 no IgG4-RD Responder Index), na maioria dos pacientes com IgG4-RD ativa.
  • Durante o tratamento com obexelimabe, foram observadas reduções nas células B circulantes, incluindo plasmablastos, sem evidência de morte celular.
  • Além disso, a redução das células B circulantes e o rápido retorno aos níveis quase normais após a descontinuação do tratamento, sugerem que o obexelimabe pode levar ao sequestro de células B em órgãos linfoides ou na medula óssea.
  • O Obexelimabe foi bem tolerado. A maioria dos eventos adversos relacionados ao tratamento foram de grau 1 ou 2, com os eventos adversos mais comuns sendo eventos relacionados à infusão gastrointestinal, a maioria dos quais foram leves.

“Os resultados são um passo significativo na compreensão dos mecanismos subjacentes da Doença Relacionada à IgG4; abrindo caminho para estratégias de tratamento mais direcionadas”, disse John Stone, MD, MPH, Professor de Medicina da Harvard Medical School e Edward A. Fox Chair em Medicina do Mass General Hospital. “Nossa equipe tem a honra de ter nossa pesquisa reconhecida pelo The Lancet Rheumatology, e somos imensamente gratos aos pacientes que participaram deste estudo inovador.”

Sobre o Obexelimab

O obexelimabe é um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado de Fase 3 bifuncional, não citolítico, de investigação que imita a ação dos complexos antígeno-anticorpo por ligação a CD19 e FcγRIIb para inibir a atividade das células da linhagem B. Em vários estudos clínicos em fase inicial de diversas doenças autoimunes, 198 indivíduos foram tratados com obexelimabe. Nestes estudos clínicos, o obexelimabe demonstrou inibição eficaz da função das células B sem a redução das células, e um efeito encorajador no tratamento de pacientes com várias doenças autoimunes. Zenas adquire da Xencor, Inc. direitos mundiais exclusivos do obexelimabe.

Mais informações sobre a Fase 3 (INDIGO) do estudo para o tratamento de Doenças Relacionadas à IgG4 estão disponíveis em clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241.

Sobre a Zenas BioPharma

A Zenas BioPharma é uma empresa biofarmacêutica mundial comprometida em se tornar líder global no desenvolvimento e comercialização de terapias imunológicas para pacientes em todo o mundo. Com desenvolvimento clínico e operações globais, a Zenas está avançando um portfólio global profundo e equilibrado das melhores terapêuticas autoimunes em potencial em áreas de alta necessidade médicas, atendendo aos requisitos de valor do dinâmico ambiente global de saúde. O pipeline da empresa continua a crescer por meio da nossa estratégia de desenvolvimento de negócios de sucesso. Nossa experiente equipe de liderança e rede de parceiros de negócios impulsionam a excelência operacional para oferecer terapias potencialmente transformadoras para melhorar a vida das pessoas que enfrentam doenças autoimunes e raras. Para mais informação sobre a Zenas BioPharma, visite www.zenasbio.com e siga-nos no Twitter em @ZenasBioPharma e LinkedIn.

Contato com Investidores e com a Mídia:
Joe Farmer, Presidente e COO
Zenas BioPharma

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8886118

County Assembly Halts Employment Of Health Workers

Nyandarua County Assembly has stopped the ongoing recruitment of county health workers, citing lack of transparency.

The assembly now wants the exercise repeated, starting with re-advertisement of the positions to ensure transparency, inclusivity and confidence in the process.

County Assembly members said that the exercise has locked out already-serving contract workers who had applied for the positions.

‘The County Public Service Board (CPSB) failed to consider contract staff for positions they applied for and for which they were qualified, a move that is discriminatory and against the principles of equity, social justice and good governance.

‘Some people who had applied for the positions may no longer be interested in participating in the interviews,’ said nominated MCA Stephen Mureithi.

The members agreed that within a week, the Board should provide the assembly with all information required for qualified people to apply for the positions.

The Board members will also appear before the Committee on Public Service, Administration and Devolution on Wednesday next week for grilling on the recruitment process.

Source: Kenya News Agency

UHC Programme Benefits 70,000 Poor Kiambu Households

A total of 70,600 poor households in Kiambu County are set to benefit from the Universal Healthcare (UHC) programme after the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) ratified their registration.

The programme is being implemented by the county Government in collaboration with NHIF, with the county covering 100 percent of the beneficiaries’ premiums.

NHIF CEO Samson Kuhora, who spoke to journalists after a meeting with Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi, said this is a pilot intervention to manage and support health care needs for the people of Kiambu.

‘NHIF will procure health care for about 70,600 identified and registered households. This is about 280,000 residents of Kiambu County being covered for health insurance, if we assume that every household has a minimum of about four members,’ said Kuhura.

The National Health Insurance CEO Samson Kuhora with Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi in a meeting to discuss the implementation of the health coverage scheme to 70,600 beneficiaries of Kiambu County, at the governor’s office in Kiambu Town.

He added that plans were underway to ensure that beneficiaries with chronic conditions receive a unique scheme to cater to their specific treatment.

‘The ailments covered include mental health, dental, surgery and cancer treatment; thus, we intend to register another 30,000 households to be done in 30 days from today,’ added Kuhura.

The parastatal, in partnership with the county government, has also installed biometric identification gadgets in 90 level two and level three hospitals to ensure all facilities will be NHIF accredited.

On his part, Kiambu Governor Wamatangi said the initiative aims to cushion poor and vulnerable households spread across all 12 subcounties from the high cost of accessing medical services.

‘In the project’s first phase, the county has already provided finance for 100,000 households with NHIF, and the county plans to register the second phase beneficiaries within the next month,’ said Wamatangi.

Kiambu County is also building 13 new level three hospitals, renovating existing level 4 hospitals and installing new equipment worth almost Sh200 million to ensure they can provide quality healthcare services under the UHC.

‘We aim to reach at least 400 families (one million people) by next year, focusing on the needy… This intervention is to make sure that every citizen of this county can access health care within a kilometre of their residence,’ the Governor said.

The registration of poor families was launched by former President Uhuru Kenyatta on October 31, 2020, with the aim of ensuring all Kenyans access preventive, promotional, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services at a minimum cost.

Source: Kenya News Agency

28-Year Old Man Appeals For Medical Support

A 28-year-old man from Kacherere village, Kaujakito location in Teso South Sub County, is appealing to the government and well-wishers to come to his aid by raising Sh4.5 million required for his treatment in India.

Sylvester Ekamuren Omada, who visited Busia County Information Office, said that his spinal illness began in 2013 immediately after he completed his Form Four examinations at Apokor Secondary School.

‘I began treatment at Alupe, Tororo, Mbale in Uganda; Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret; Mediheal Hospital; St. Luke’s Hospital in Eldoret; Kenyatta National Hospital; Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kakamega General Hospital before retiring home,’ he said.

Omaada added that his treatment is very expensive and his family has sold all its belongings, but all in vain.

Sylvester Ekamuren Omada being assisted rise up from the floor by his sister Teresa Atelu and brother in law Linus at Busia Information Office.

‘My neighbours have also tried to help me and they are now tired,’ he said, adding that he cannot stand on his own without support.

He now appeals to well-wishers to help him raise Sh4.5 million to enable him seek further treatment in India.

Roseline Okatete, a neighbour, said that they have tried to assist Sylvester and appealed to well-wishers to come to his aid.

Linus Atelu, brother-in-law to Sylvester, also appealed for support, adding that they have sold all their property, including land, to pay his medical bills.

Teresa Atelu, a sister to Sylvester, said that they have been spending Sh. 4,000 for his treatment per day, but they have not realised any improvement.

‘I have sold everything that I had and I’m asking the government to come to the aid of our brother,’ she said.

Any support can be sent to pay bill number 8047937 or M-pesa no. 0729087988.

Source: Kenya News Agency

20 EASTRIP-China Scholarships Awarded To East African TVET Lecturers

The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), in partnership with the People’s Republic of China and the World Bank, has awarded twenty (20) scholarships to lecturers and tutors from Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutes (TVET) across East Africa for postgraduate studies at top Universities in China.

The scholarships were awarded to lecturers and tutors from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania as part of capacity building on the academic and technical capacity of faculty members from Regional TVET Centres of Excellence.

The scholarship is part of the East African Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASPRIP), funded by the World Bank, to improve the quality and relevance of TVET programmes in the region.

Out of the 20 scholarships awarded, 8 are from Ethiopia, 6 are from Kenya, and 6 are from Tanzania, with 30 percent of the total scholarships being awarded to females.

In a press statement, the Executive Secretary, IUCEA, Prof. Gaspard Banyankimbona, expressed gratitude to the People’s Republic of China and the World Bank for the financial support that has made the scholarship possible.

‘I would like to thank the People’s Republic of China, through the Ministry of Education, and the World Bank for their financial support towards the EASTRIP China TVET Scholarship programme,’ he said.

Banyankimbona stated that the scholarship supports the institution’s commitment to transforming the TVET systems in East Africa by building capacity of TVET faculty to enhance their skills and knowledge and improve the quality and relevance of TVET programmes.

‘This will have a profound impact on reducing youth unemployment through practical hands-on skill development,’ he added.

The selected candidates went through a rigorous multilevel selection process involving the college management, IUCEA, the China Scholarship Council, and Chinese universities.

To qualify for the EASTRIP-China TVET Scholarships, applicants needed to be employed and nominated by an institution that hosts EASTRIP Regional Flagship Technical Institutes (RFTIs), as demonstrated by a working bond agreement between the institution and the candidate.

They also had to apply for further studies in a field of study that is relevant to EASTRIP priority areas and further demonstrate academic excellence.

Among the six Kenyans who qualified for the scholarship programme are Mbuya, Felix Omondi from Kenya Coast National Polytechnic College to pursue MSc. Food Science and Engineering at Shanghai Ocean University, Karani Moses Mwenda from Meru National Polytechnic to pursue MSc. Building Environment and Equipment Engineering at Liaoning Technical University and Kennedy Victoria Banchiri from Meru National Polytechnic to pursue MSc. Urban and Rural Planning at Beijing Jiaotong University.

Others include Cassim Mariam Namukabo from Kisumu National Polytechnic College to pursue Masters in Arts and Design at Kenya Shihezi University, Ndwiga Beatrice Makena from Meru National Polytechnic to pursue MSc. Electrical Engineering at Nanjing Normal University and Omayio Erick Mbeka from Kisumu National Polytechnic College to pursue MSc. Mechanical Engineering at Chang’an University.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kabarnet Town Gets An Ultra-Modern Recreational Park

Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi has commissioned the first ever ultra-modern recreational park in Kabarnet town that will benefit residents and organised groups that for a long time have lacked space to undertake social activities.

Mr Cheboi said that the park established concurrently with market wholesale shades and a back street road, Jua Kali-Anyiny road, funded jointly by county government and World Bank at a total cost of Sh 56 million will enhance the provision of socio-cultural services within the fast-growing county headquarters.

‘The park is very important because of its proximity to the hospital, which can provide a good relaxing space for patients as well as other residents who might want to use its serene environment to undertake physical exercises for healthy living,’ Governor Cheboi said.

Speaking Wednesday at Kabarnet Public Park grounds, the county boss added that the market wholesale yard will provide a conducive environment for small-scale traders who have been undertaking their businesses along roadside and congested streets.

Baringo governor Benjamin Cheboi addressing a gathering at Kabarnet Public Park grounds on Wednesday during the commissioning of municipality projects worth Sh 56 million. Photo by Vincent Miningwo

Governor Cheboi, accompanied by his deputy, Eng Felix Kimaiyo, County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa and Secretary for Urban and Metropolitan Development in the state department of Housing and Urban Development, Eng Benjamin Njenga, challenged the town traders to work very hard now that they have been facilitated to engage in 24-hour business so as to uplift their household livelihoods.

He urged residents to make good use of the market facility and avoid roadside hawking, and he said his administration will soon crack the whip on those who defy the directive.

Meanwhile, the governor said the new Jua Kali-Anyiny road will open up and decongest Kabarnet-Eldoret highway, which poses a great risk to market vendors.

He added that they are also developing critical infrastructure within major towns across the county, including cabro paving of pedestrian walkways, drainage works, installation of CCTV cameras and street lighting to promote urban settlements.

In his remarks, the Deputy Governor lauded the construction works of the three projects, which were said to have been completed in less than a year, beating the timeline stipulated in the construction frameworks.

Eng Kimaiyo encouraged the youth to take advantage of the public park in pursuing their creative content and earn income.

Baringo governor Benjamin Cheboi (second right) presides over the commissioning of Kabarnet Public Park on Wednesday

Eng Njenga, who supervised the construction of the three critical municipal projects, said there is need for the Baringo county government to charter more municipalities for them to get funding from Kenya Urban Support Programmes (KUSP).

The secretary said that his department has signed a five year collaboration agreement with the county administration and has already pumped Sh 120 million into the establishment of four market centres in Eldama Ravine, Kabartonjo, Marigat and Tangulbei in Tiaty East.

He called for maximum support in the implementation phase of the four markets in order to boost the economy of the common mwananchi.

Kabarnet ward MCA Ernest Kibet said the population of Kabarnet town, the county headquarters, is growing at a very fast rate; hence, there is need for key stakeholders to find ways of addressing sanitation challenges within the town.

Kibet also encouraged investors to expand facilities in the town, calling on landowners to pave the way for industrialization and commercialization of urban settlements.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Thika Courts Introduces E-Case Filing

Court users in Thika can now file their cases online, after the introduction of an electronic filing system, ending years of struggle of physically appearing in court to file cases.

This, according to Chief Magistrate Stella Atambo, will streamline operations, enhance efficiency and enable the court to quickly expedite justice.

Addressing the media from her office, Atambo said the E-filing system launched recently in Kiambu courts by Chief Justice Martha Koome is a great milestone towards the ongoing judicial reforms and seeks to bring quality services closer to Mwananchi.

She said law firms, lawyers and even non-lawyers would be able to file cases online from their offices, thus saving time and money.

She added the platform would help reduce overcrowding in corridors of justice witnessed in past and address case backlogs.

This comes as the government has moved towards digitising most of its services to streamline operations, make services easily available to citizens and enhance efficiency.

‘The e-filing system is intended to help improve operational efficiency in the Thika courts by doing away with the physical presence and journeys that would have previously been required in order to file a case,’ Atambo said.

She appealed to all court users to take advantage of the digital platform, saying a caretaker desk has been put in place to guide litigants through the process.

Shadrack Osano, one of the court users, welcomed the new platform at the court, saying it was easy to understand and time-saving.

He said it was exhausting to have to physically appear in court to file cases, and that the streamlining of operations should be replicated in all the courts in the country.

‘This is the first time I’m using this platform. It will save us a lot, as we will do nearly everything online, from case registration to searching for cases and even paying for court fees via mobile money or credit cards. So it is a welcome move,’ Osano said.

He also noted with concern how files used to disappear when filed physically.

Fredrick Mariga, a Thika-based lawyer, applauded the court, saying lawyers would now not be required to attend court as they would be doing most of their job right in their offices.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Asky Airlines launches Lomé/Luanda flight

Asky Airlines started direct flight connections with Togo’s capital (Lomé) and Angola, with an inaugural flight that landed in Luanda on Wednesday with 55 passengers.

In this route, Asky Airlines is to have three flights per week, namely arriving in Luanda on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with departures from the Angolan capital to Lomé scheduled for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

ANGOP has learnt that the return ticket is to cost USD 600 for the economic class.

Asky Airlines, headquarted in Togo, flies to 24 destinations in 21 countries of Central and West Africa, including Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau and São Tomé and Príncipe. It carries out 200 flights per week, with an average transportation of 200,000 passangers weekly.

This African airliner has been operating for 13 years.

After witnissing the arrival of the inaugural flight, the secretary of State for Tourism, Hélder Marcelino, said to the press that this new air connection will boost businesses, tourism and other services in Africa.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)