Foreign Ministry announces urgent measures for Tunisian expats in Niger

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Thursday, called on Tunisian expatriates living in Niger who wish to return to Tunisia to contact the Tunisian diplomatic mission in Ouagadougou in order to speed up their repatriation under the best and most favourable conditions as soon as possible.

The ministry said in a statement it was closely following the situation of Tunisians residing in Niger, in collaboration with the Tunisian embassy in Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso), in the light of recent developments.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Help Us Locate Our 17-Year-Old Daughter, Family Pleads

A distressed family from Kangema, Murang’a County is appealing to the general public and people of good will to help them find their missing daughter. The form-two student at Rwathia Girls High School disappeared on July 2, 2023 and has not returned home nor has she been found despite the family’s frantic search and enquiries at police stations. According to the Mother, Ms Esther Wangari, her daughter Fridah Leah Wangari Macharia just left home one day never to return. ‘Fridah just left and is yet to come back. We have made reports to the authorities and proceeded to search everywhere including hospitals nearby but the search has been futile,’ Wangari said. ‘Please if you have seen my daughter, let us know as we are going through a very agonizing moment,’ she added, and further made an appeal to the daughter in the event that she comes across the report. ‘Fridah if you read this, kindly know we are frantically looking for you, we are not at peace, please come back home,’ Wangari pleaded. Since the daughter disappeared, the distressed mother according to a family friend Jenerica Mwangi, has been unable to function normally and is on the verge of slipping into depression. ‘Help us locate the girl so that the mother can be able to work since the loss has affected her mentally, psychologically and socially,’ notes Mwangi. ‘If you have any information about her kindly report to the police station near you, help us find Fridah since our lives are at a standstill now,’ she added.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Launch Of Primary Health Care Programme In Bungoma To Increase Access

Bungoma Governor Mr. Kenneth Lusaka has reaffirmed his government’s commitment to ensure residents get quality and affordable healthcare. Speaking at Mechimeru Health Centre in East Sang’alo Ward, Kanduyi Constituency during the primary health care launch, Lusaka pointed out that the county government is dedicated towards global, national and regional efforts to accelerate Universal Health coverage. ‘This is a global agenda towards promoting health services to be more accessible, affordable and acceptable to the communities in Bungoma County,’ he said. Lusaka stated that primary health care is a holistic societal approach to health that aims at ensuring the highest possible level of health and wellbeing and equitable distribution by focusing on people’s needs. He added that his government through the implementation of primary health care will align with national priorities to strengthen access to health services, ensure quality of health services, protect people of Bungoma from financial risks of ill health and strengthen the responsiveness of the health system. Lusaka noted that his government has allocated Sh200 million this financial year for implementation of primary health care activities. ‘This is the first budget line to have ever been considered as allocation specifically for Primary Health Care since the beginning of devolution,’ he said. The governor in collaboration with development partners managed to launch primary health care caravan which will be instrumental in promoting proactive outreach services to the communities within the County to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases, cancer, and mental health illnesses and increase immunization coverage. Bungoma county government is also establishing health centres in all the county’s 45 wards with 19 health centres already in existence and plans underway to upgrade 26 dispensaries to health centres in the wards. ‘Community health promoters (CHP) will also be given health promoter kits (HPK) to enhance community level service provision,’ said Lusaka, adding ‘CHPs will be trained this July on digital data collection and given smart phones to enhance the capture of information from households.’ The Governor also announced that the community health promoters (CHPs) formerly Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) will have an increase in their stipend rising to Sh2, 500 with the National Government giving them the same amount. Deputy Governor Janepher Mbatiany, CEC Health and Sanitation Ms; Andrew Wamalwa, David Wamamili (Education and VTCs), County Assembly Health Committee Chairman George Makari were present.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Mombasa Gets First Ever Gender Based Violence Protection Centre

Mombasa County has launched a Gender Based Violence Rescue Centre to serve as a home for the victims of sexual and domestic abuse. The Maunguja Resource and Gender Based Violence Centre will incorporate all the victims of sexual and gender based abuse in the county as they find their way in pursuit of justice. County statistics reveal that a total of 5,350 registered cases of physical and emotional violence and 866 cases of sexual violence have been recorded with many more going unreported due to stigma and societal pressure. Speaking during the launch, Chief Justice Martha Koome said that the centre signals the collective responsibility approach between the various arms of government to deliver justice to the people. Koome said in support of the initiative the Judiciary will work to ensure that a legal aid centre is established within the resource centre to empower the victims of their rights. ‘The Centre is a symbol of the steadfast commitment to uphold the rights and dignity of every individual in our society. It represents a collective vow to leave no one stone unturned in the quest to eradicate violence and discrimination from the heart of our communities,’ said Koome. She said the Centre will offer comprehensive support to survivors providing them with the crucial services they require to reclaim their lives and their future. She added that legal aid, counseling services and empowerment programmes that form the cornerstone of the initiative will offer more than immediate relief to victims and also equip them with the tools they need to rebuild their lives and become active resilient members of the society. The CJ noted that for long the society has not done enough to protect women and children who face the threat or are victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). She appreciated the establishment of the centre saying it will provide a home and a refuge to vulnerable women and girls who are often forced to stay with their violators given that in most cases they do not have alternative places to run to. ‘Survivors of GBV are all around us, they are our loved ones, if you can’t identify one girl or woman you know who has been a victim of SGBV, then it’s probably the case that no woman has ever trusted you enough to share this with you,’ Koome said. ‘This is so as sexual and gender based violence is part of the landscape that women and children grow up in and live with in our society,’ she said and asked every Kenyan to fold their sleeves and join the fight to get rid of SGBV in the community and protect the victims of the ‘silent epidemic’. She also discouraged the behavior where victims and not the perpetrators are often blamed for incidents of SGBV, thus asking for joint concerted efforts to combat such a deep rooted ideology that is caused by prevailing cultural ideologies, norms, values and beliefs in the society. Koome said the battle against GVB is not one that can be won in isolation adding that the judiciary has offered its support in the fight by launching the Judiciary’s Sexual and Gender Based Violence Court Strategy through which they are working towards establishing specialized trauma -informed SGBV courts. ‘These specialized courts are designed with the understanding and sensitivity required to address the unique challenges faced by survivors of gender-based violence, ensuring that they feel heard, respected and protected during their pursuit of justice,’ she said. The CJ said the inauguration of the SGBV centre is a testament to the commitment to the pursuit of justice by all those involved in the efforts towards making the project a reality. Mombasa Governor Abulswamad Nassir said that his administration will offer unwavering commitment to eradicate gender-based violence. Nassir raised the alarm on the rising cases of GBV, particularly physical and emotional violence among Mombasa’s young men. He said the year 2022 to 2023 the county witnessed over 2,000 cases of abuse among adolescent boys and men underscoring the urgent need for collective action and awareness. ‘Our mission is to create a society here in Mombasa where every individual regardless of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs or their socio-economic status, can live a meaningful life free from fear and oppression,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County To Engage Youth In Sporting Activities

A beehive of activities is expected in Kakamega with the county government rolling out Sh10 million Governor’s Cup tournament that is expected to run from 21st August to January 2024. The tournament will feature football for both men and women, netball, volleyball for men and women and Rugby for men. The County Executive Committee Member in charge of Social Services, Sports, Youth, Gender and Culture Moffat Mandela said the tournament will be conducted at three levels from the Ward level, to the Sub County and finally at the County Level. He said Ward level competitions will start on 21st to 27th August then followed by Sub County competitions between 7th to 12th November. Finals for the Ward level competitions will be held on 26th and 27th August with the Sub County finals scheduled for 12th November. The County competitions will follow from 28th December to 1st January 2024 when the finals for football for both men and women will be held at Bukhungu Stadium. The County finals for Netball and Volleyball will be held on 30th December with Rugby finals taking place on 31st December at the Showground’s Rugby Pitch. The CEC said that there is no age limit for participants in the tournament to ensure fair competition but only residents of Kakamega will be allowed to compete. He noted that the county will not engage players who are actively involved in Football Kenya Federation (FKF) Division leagues, the National Super League (NSL), Kenya Premier League (KPL) and topflight women leagues, to give opportunity for fresh talent among locals. ‘We have a separate programme for the leagues from the county who only need support to continue with their activities but we would like to nurture new talent and give a chance to locals to play,’ he noted. The CEC also said male footballers from the tournament will be profiled on FIFA Connect to expose them to the outside market. He said intense competition is expected at the Ward Level which will take place during the school holidays where the county government will utilize football pitches of various schools for the competitions. The Sub County competition however will take place during weekends when students will be back for third term to avoid disruption of studies. The County Competitions will take place during the December Holidays when schools will be closed. ‘The only place where we would have clashed with the school calendar is at the sub county level competitions but then we will be able to run all the sub county tournaments on weekends alone,’ he added. He said the county is utilizing the Governor’s Cup to commercialize sporting activities to enable youth to earn some money. ‘This tournament aligns with the fifth pillar of the governor’s manifesto on social development which aims to promote sportsmanship, healthy living and to provide a platform for young people to showcase their talent, build networks, promote social cohesion and peaceful co-existence and to promote social economic empowerment,’ he noted. The tournament will also be used to develop a data base of sports men and women as a means of tracking them for further support and development.

Source: Kenya News Agency

PwC And KBA Presents Tax Contribution Report 2022

Price Water House Coopers (PwC) and Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) have today released the 2022 Total Tax Contribution (TTC) report of the Kenya Banking Sector. The report offers an opportunity for the Total Tax Contribution of the banking sector to be quantified and analyzed in order to facilitate data driven discussions and engagements with policy makers and regulators. The National Treasury and Economic Planning Cabinet Secretary Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u said that the tax contribution report is aligned to a greater global focus on tax transparency and sustainability. In a speech read on his behalf by National Treasury and Economic Planning Economist Mr. Dennis Olila, Ndung’u said that the banking sector has started to harness the potential of the market segments previously deemed risky including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) space, which is made possible by providing customer-centric products. ‘The sector’s efforts and investments in product innovation and risk management are laudable for enhancing variability and flexibility while serving MSME needs which includes provision of expert advice on financial management, insurance, investments and other financial solutions to MSMEs,’ Ndung’u said. The CS added that technological advancement in the banking sector has given MSMEs the power to choose fit-for-purpose financial products. Ndung’u said that the government is at the fore-front of championing access to credit by MSMEs which is evident in the recent introduction of the Hustler Fund aimed at enhancing financial inclusion by providing access to credit at low interest rates for micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Kenya. According to Ndung’u, the Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) implemented by the government has been a vital initiative in supporting credit access to MSMEs. ‘The CGS provides a de-risking product to enable banks to lend to MSMEs that would otherwise not access credit. Seven (7) banks are participating in the initial phase and efforts are underway to further revamp the CGS for greater and sustainable impact in the economy,’ he added. Also speaking at the event, KBA Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Habil Olaka stated that the financial services sector plays an important role in supporting economic growth. Olaka maintained that the banking industry remains committed to sustain efforts towards anchoring business growth despite geo-political challenges and various adverse effects both in the global and domestic macroeconomic environment. ‘This report continues to demonstrate high levels of transparency and compliance among banks, which highlights sound corporate governance. There is no doubt that the TTC also underlines the industry’s collective commitment to transparency and tax compliance. As an industry we are, therefore, happy that our members are at the forefront of tax transparency and compliance in the corporate sector,’ he remarked. At the same time, PwC Kenya’s Country Senior Partner and Regional Senior Partner, Eastern Africa, Mr. Peter Ngahu stated that the report provides valuable insight into how TTC of the banks grew by 39.94 percent in 2022 relative to 2021. This, he said, was despite a challenging environment characterized by increased inflation, prolonged drought, depreciation of the Kenyan shilling against major currencies, geopolitical tensions arising from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and election-related uncertainties.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Argentina: Angolan ambassador hands over credentials

Angolan diplomat, Azevedo Xavier Francisco,recently appointed as Ambassador to Argentina, last Tuesday handed over his credentials to President Alberto Fernandes.

According to a note ANGOP has had access to, the ceremony took place at the Casa Rosada which is the office of the president, in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital.

After the meeting, the Angolan diplomat visited the Plaza San Martín Square situated in Buenos Aires, where he laid a wreath at the General monument.

Besides Argentina, Azevedo Xavier Francisco will also represent Angola in other countries of the same Latin America region, namely Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The diplomat has a degree in Law, with a Masters in International Relations.

He was the ambassador of Angola to the Republic of Zambia from 2019 to 2023 and became Angola´s fifth ambassador to Argentina, replacing Fidelino Pelinganga.

The ambassador´s wife Tânia Patrícia Francisco, officials from the Angolan Embassy and members of the Angolan community in Argentina attended the ceremony.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

SADC: Mozambique encourages Angola’s presidency

Mozambican ambassador Osvalda Joana has considered Angola’s experience in mediation and resolution to the conflict crucial for the country’s presidency in SADC.

The diplomat made the statement to Television Girassol, ahead of the 43rd Summit of Heads of States and Governments of the Community for the Development of Southern Africa (SADC).

The Summit will take place on August 7-17 in Luanda, during which, Angola will take over a one-year term at the top job of the organisation.

“We all know that President João Lourenço was elected champion of peace, precisely because of the action he has taken in search of peace in the region”, said the ambassador.

She added that the Angolan presidency will have, among others, the challenge of peace which, in the view of the Mozambican ambassador, will be successful.

The diplomat’s statement comes in the wake of the engagement of the Angolan President in the peace and development of his country and the region.

One of SADC’s major goals is to make the region industrialised by 2063, according to the organisation’s Strategy and Roadmap, approved by the Heads of State and Government, in April 2015, for the period 2015-2063.

The objective of the strategy is to promote sustainable economic growth and development, which ultimately contribute to the alleviation and eradication of poverty and the creation of better living conditions for the region’s citizens.

SADC expects to raise the region’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate from 4 percent per year to a minimum of 7 percent, double the percentage of value added by manufacturing industry, including the share of industry-related services in GDP to 30 percent by 2030 and raise it to 40 percent by 2050.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is an inter-governmental organisation created in 1992 and dedicated to socio-economic cooperation and integration, as well as cooperation in political and security matters.

The organisation includes Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

President of Republic chairs handover ceremony

President of the Republic Kais Saied Wednesday chaired a ceremony at La Kasbah during which Ahmed Hachani took over from Najla Bouden as Prime Minister. The President was seen in by the former premier and the new PM. President Kais Saied terminated on Tuesday evening the duties of Najla Bouden Romdhane as Prime Minister and appoint Ahmed Hachani as her replacement. Hachani took oath of office on Tuesday.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Outcome of Parliament’s work at heart of meeting between President Saied and ARP Speaker

President Kais Saied met on Wednesday afternoon at the Carthage Palace with Speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), Brahim Bourderbala, to discuss the outcome of the Assembly’s work, which concluded its first regular session at the end of the past month in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 71 of the Constitution. In particular, they discussed the legislative function of the assembly and the dialogue sessions held with some government members. The President of the Republic stressed the need to combine all efforts in order to achieve the demands of the Tunisian people in life, justice and freedom and meet the various kinds of challenges facing the country. These challenges are the result of past policies, some of which are tantamount to crimes against the Tunisian people, and due to accelerated international fluctuations, which our people refuse to again fall victim to. Speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives Brahim Bouderbala had announced on Monday that the seventh legislative plenary session held by the assembly on July 31, 2023 was the last session of this first parliamentary session, as stipulated by the requirements of Chapter 71 of the Constitution and the provisions of Chapter 77 of the rules of procedure. Brahim Bouderbala stressed that the parliament is invited before the start of the next session to develop a forward-looking action plan with clear goals and thoughtful mechanisms under the the Constitution and the law.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse