Saïed and Meloni speak over phone

President Kais Saïed, on Tuesday, had a phone call with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

The talk focused on “coordination between the two countries, particularly in view of the continuing influx of irregular migrants, behind which hide criminal networks involved in human trafficking, whether in countries in the south or north of the Mediterranean, or in sub-Saharan African countries”, according to the Presidency.

Emphasis was also placed on the need to continue the process launched in Rome on a joint initiative by Tunisia and Italy, and which will continue in the next stage in Tunisia; the aim is to tackle the root causes of irregular migration collectively and put an end to this human tragedy, the same source added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Date of municipal elections will be discussed within ISIE Board (spokesperson)

The Board of the the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) will discuss the possibility of holding the municipal elections together with the local council elections, said ISIE spokesperson Mohamed Tlili Mnasri.

Speaking to TAP on the sidelines of a press conference in Nabeul on Tuesday, Mnasri said that organising these two elections simultaneously would be “difficult”, especially logistically.

The municipal elections could take place in 2025, after the presidential elections scheduled for autumn 2024.

ISIE vice-president Naoufel Frikha said that the electoral body was ready to organise the municipal elections.

The next period will be marked by the updating of the electoral register and the organisation of awareness campaigns on the electoral process, he pointed out.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saied presents credentials to four new ambassadors

President Kais Saied presented credentials to four new Tunisian ambassadors accredited to Arab and Western countries, at a ceremony held on Tuesday at the Carthage Palace,.

They are :

– Imen Laajili Laamari, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to the Republic of Serbia.

– Ahmed Ben Sghaïer, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to the Republic of Turkey.

– Imed Rahmouni, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

– Chokri Letaïef, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tunisia to the Republic of Iraq.

During the ceremony, the new ambassadors were sworn in before the Head of State, in the presence of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Saied meets with President of parliamentary group of EPP in European Parliament

President Kais Saied, Tuesday, had a meeting at the Carthage Palace with President of the Parliamentary Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber.

The meeting focused on the strategic partnership and close cooperation between Tunisia and the European Union in various fields, as well as the need to increase investment opportunities in Tunisia.

The Head of State insisted on the need to adopt a common approach to address the issue of irregular migration. «An approach based on uprooting the causes of irregular migration rather than dealing with the consequences,» reads a statement of the Presidency of the Republic.

President Saied also reiterated the need to “fight against the criminal networks involved in the trafficking of human beings in the North and South of the Mediterranean,” the same source said.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saïed meets Minister of Foreign Affairs

President Kais Saied met on Tuesday with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, at the Carthage Palace.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss a number of issues, including the role of ambassadors in defending the interests of the Tunisian people, particularly in the context of the rapid changes currently taking place in the world.

«Their main mission is to serve Tunisia’s interests and defend its sovereignty,» according to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic.

The Head of State also pointed to the role of the consuls general and the assistance provided to Tunisians living abroad. He stressed the importance of “ensuring that their interests are protected and that they are provided with the various administrative services in the best conditions and as quickly as possible”.

The President of the Republic also emphasised the need to step up diplomatic efforts to recover the Tunisian people’s stolen assets and property abroad.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Chief Justice highlights role of guarantee judges

Supreme Court Chief Justice Joel Leonardo stressed Monday in northern Bengo province the implementation of the figure of the guarantor judge in the country’s judicial system.

Speaking at the end of his visit to Bengo province, the Justice said that the figure of the guarantor judge protects citizens against possible arbitrary decisions, in the name of their fundamental rights.

Since its entry into operation (2 May this year), guarantee judges have dealt with 146 cases in Bengo province, he said, considering “very good work”.

At the Caboxa penitentiary facility, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said that mechanisms are being refined so that there is speed in the arrival of certificates of sentences for the parole of prisoners.

He defended the need for the prisoner to be informed about the time of the liquidation of his sentence.

“I receive few complaints from the Caboxa penitentiary establishment, but I have just been informed of four or five cases of expired sentences and we will see these cases”, he underlined.

On his visit to Bengo province, Joel Leonardo inspected the functioning of the Dande Comarca court, the only one in Bengo province.

He also held separate meetings with the judicial magistrates and with workers from the Dande district court

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Angola encourages implementation of UN peace agenda

Angola has defended the strategic role of the UN Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, during an open session of the Security Council of that intergovernmental organization held in New York.

Angola’s stand on the issue was expressed Monday by the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Francisco da Cruz.

Delivering his speech, the diplomat encouraged the continued strengthening of collaboration and strategic coordination among Member States.

He said that strategic coordination should also include local, national, regional, continental and international institutions, in order to take advantage of comparative strengths and resources.

In the ambassador’s opinion, the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda must remain at the forefront of debates and decisions, taking into account the strategic role of the young population in the world and in Africa, in particular.

He noted that Angola commends and encourages the UN Security Council to regularly convene meetings in this format in order to discuss and update programmes and respective implementation processes.

Francisco da Cruz named peace, security and stability as cornerstones for the successful implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063.

He highlighted that this fact allows for a comprehensive approach to the challenges, including those related to civic education.

The open session of the Security Council took place under the theme “Strengthening the Implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda for a Peaceful and Stable Africa

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

Residents Urged To Maintain Environmental Cleanliness

Kirinyaga residents have been urged to embrace high standards of cleanliness within their homes, businesses, and surroundings in a bid to achieve a healthy community.

Elizabeth Warui, the acting Chief Executive Officer of Bingwa Sacco, said a clean environment helps to keep at bay bouts of diseases that emanate from a filthy and neglected environment.

Speaking when she led the company’s staff in a day-long communal clean-up project in Kerugoya town and its outskirts, Warui said that exposure to unclean environments often hampers individual progression and consequently a struggling economy, as everyone is a vibrant contributor to a growing economy.

The participants, who partnered with Kirinyaga County staff from the environment department, cleaned Kerugoya town market, Kerugoya streets, and the nearby residential areas of Miringa-iri, Kimuri, Saiti, and Mukinduri.

‘One way of growing the economy is by promoting a healthy community and seeing to it that we create a clean environment for our staff and the people working within our surroundings. We don’t want a scenario where medication is the order of the day in situations we can control and prevent,’ she said.

Warui lauded the local county government for its efforts in consistently keeping the local towns clean and collecting trash on time. She added that the county’s good work in achieving a clean environment challenged them to join the course and become participants in the impressive job.

‘Our participation was one way of appreciating their work and encouraging them to continue with the impressive work of keeping our environment clean. We are elated and satisfied with the thoroughness with which they do their work, and this says a lot that the county indeed prioritises the health of our people,’ she added.

Joseph Murimi, the Sacco’s Head of Operations, echoed her sentiment, saying their involvement was one of the ways of recognising and motivating the county workers.

‘I arrive in town at seven, and I find the town sparkling clean. This says that the relevant county workers take their job seriously and are up to the task. So in the spirit of appreciating their work, we decided to join in to show our support,’ he added.

Murimi said the company also partners with other stakeholders in various activities, such as helping the less fortunate in society and people living with various forms of disability, among other projects, as part of their corporate social responsibilities.

He acknowledged that the market’s users, both sellers and buyers, are part of their customer base and require a clean environment for their daily activities.

Kerugoya locals lauded the company’s move, saying proper environmental management is a collective responsibility and not a preserve of the government’s role.

‘We need to be disciplined while disposing of trash so as to continue keeping the environment clean. Let us not dispose of the dirt anywhere but instead use the provided dustbins so as to enable ease in its collection,’ one of the locals said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

KDF Recruitment Kicks Off Countrywide

The Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) have officially commenced their 2023 nationwide recruitment campaign with the aim of strengthening their ranks and enhancing the nation’s security capabilities.

Vice Chief of the Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Jonah Mwangi, while addressing journalists at the Defense Forces Headquarters in Hurlingham, Nairobi, today emphasised the importance of diversity within the KDF and explained that recruitment is necessary to address human resource and capacity gaps within the organisation, adding that transparency and accountability will prevail during the recruitment process.

‘The recruitment process encompasses three main categories: officer cadets, recruits, and the Defense Forces Constabulary. Under the Officer Cadet category, sub-categories include General Service Officer Cadet, Graduate General Service Officer Cadet, and Specialist Officer Cadet. These individuals will undergo training to become commissioned officers in the KDF,’ he explained.

‘The Recruit category focuses on enlisting General Duty Recruits, including artisans, tradesmen, and women. Successful candidates in this category will undergo military training and later become service members within the KDF. The Defense Forces Constabulary category involves the recruitment of Defense Forces Constables, selected from ex-Kenya Defense Forces Service Members and ex-National Youth Service Uniformed Individuals,’ he added.

To ensure widespread participation, the KDF released a recruitment advertisement on July 30, 2023. Lieutenant General Mwangi expressed his confidence in the advertisement’s effectiveness in attracting potential candidates.

He said the recruitment process is decentralised, with 374 recruitment centres established across the 47 counties of Kenya. The interviews for candidates will take place from August 28 to September 8, 2023, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

The official start of in-person interviews was declared on Monday, August 28, 2023. Specialist Officer Cadet and Tradesmen and Women candidates were required to submit their applications through the Ministry of Defense (MOD) Portal by Sunday, August 27, 2023. Successful applicants from these categories will be notified through print media between September 17 and 24, 2023.

Lieutenant General Mwangi assured the public of the transparency and accountability of the recruitment process.

He also warned against any attempts to manipulate the system, urging candidates to avoid engaging with anyone claiming to have influence over recruitment outside the designated centres.

Lieutenant General Mwangi called upon the public to uphold the KDF’s values and report any suspicious activities related to the recruitment process. Hotline numbers (0726419709 or 0726419706) were provided for reporting such incidents.

However, the successful candidates in the cadet category will proceed to the Kenya Military Academy in Lanet, Nakuru County, for further processing. Meanwhile, confirmed General Duty Recruits and Tradesmen and Women will attend training at the Kenya Defense Forces Recruit Training School in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Soil Testing Initiative To Enhance Food Security

A rapid soil testing campaign has been rolled out in nine counties in the Western Kenya region to sensitise small-holder farmers on the importance of soil testing for improved agricultural productivity.

The United States of America International Development Agency (USAID) Funded: Feed the Future Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems (KCDMS) targets 100,000 small-holder farmers from Homa Bay, Bungoma, Kakamega, Kisii, Migori, Kisumu, Busia, Vihiga, and Siaya counties.

Speaking today during the launch of the campaign in Kakamega County, KCDMS Deputy Chief of Party Judy Odongo said already more than 30,000 farmers have tested their soils, which seeks to establish the soils’ acidity or alkalinity levels (pH) in order to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.

The campaign also seeks to provide farmers with accurate and reliable soil nutrient information to make informed decisions regarding fertilisation and crop selection.

‘These small-holder farmers constitute a significant portion of the region’s agricultural sector and stand to greatly benefit from the improved soil management practices,’ she said.

Kakamega County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Mr. Benjamin Adama, who flagged off the campaign, welcomed the initiative, noting that local farmers will be able to maximise their yields and boost food production.

‘Poverty levels in Kakamega County currently stand at 31 per cent of the population, and with this kind of intervention and partnership, we believe farmers will be able to maximise yields and boost food security, which is a key pillar under the county government,’ he added.

He said the Kakamega County Government is strengthening the agricultural extension service with recruitment of 1,000 enumerators who will be expected to take specific details of farmers so as to know the economic activities they engage in as well as avoid duplication of services from various partners in the sector.

The campaign comes against the background of low food productivity in the country attributed to decrease of plant nutrients due soil acidity.

According to USAID, soil testing clinics will be set up in the county and will be equipped with modern soil testing kits, manned by qualified agronomists and technicians.

Farmers will be encouraged to bring soil samples from their fields for testing, access personalized soil health reports, including nutrient levels, pH and get recommendations for appropriate fertilization and crop choices.

Source: Kenya News Agency