Nabeul 2-Local Elections: Two candidates in Ain Tebournouk and Grombalia East enter race

Candidates for the local council elections Sana Ammar and Anis Khalfaoui in the constituencies of Ain Tebournouk and east Grombalia (Grombalia delegation) are stepping up their election campaign for the local council elections.

Sana Ammar told TAP that her programme focuses mainly on rehabilitating the El Masri and Tahouna dams and agricultural tracks, expanding irrigated agricultural areas in the region and promoting the archaeological site at Ain Tebournouk.

Anis Khalfaoui undertook for his part, to work for opening the Grombalia technical inspection centre, restructuring the general mechanics training centre and building a multi-disciplinary teaching hospital in the region.

According to data from the IRIE in Siliana, two candidates are running in Ain Tébournouk for a seat on the Grombalia local council, and eight candidates are vying for a seat on the east Grombalia local council.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections – Tunis 1: 18 candidates in running in El Menzah delegation

The number of candidates running for the El Menzah local council seats stands at 18, including 14 candidates in the direct elections and 4 candidates with disabilities chosen by sortition.

Candidates in the five constituencies (El Feth, El Manar, El Manar 1, El Menzah and 1er Juin) under the jurisdiction of the Tunis 2 local electoral authority, in direct elections, are divided between 8 males and 6 females.

The number of voters registered in the various constituencies for the El Menzah local council had reached 3,866 by the end of November. The operation to update registrations will continue until December 8, 2024.

The El Menzah delegation covers an area of 10,035 square kilometres, accounting for 3.48% of Tunis governorate, and is home to 39,684,000 people.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Port of Mombasa’s Efficiency Draws New Global Shipping Lines

Mombasa – The Port of Mombasa has been attracting new vessels and liners from global shipping companies, with the latest entrant being Jolly Oro, a full container vessel operated by the Mesina Line. This influx of international shipping lines is a testament to the confidence they have in the port’s efficiency and productivity.

According to Kenya News Agency, William Ruto, speaking at the KPA Kipevu Headquarters, the port is now drawing new key players in the maritime and shipping line industry. These companies, which previously did not conduct business at the port, are now showing interest due to the port’s comparative efficiency. Factors contributing to this shift include the port’s low turnaround time, investment in advanced technology, equipment, and human capacity.

“We are seeing global shipping lines diversify to offer new lines of services in our port, which is informed by the kind of efficiency we have demonstrated. We have received a number of maiden voyages and expect more this December,” Ruto stated. He noted that while many regional ports face challenges like congestion due to fluctuating global economic dynamics, the Port of Mombasa has effectively prepared to counter these issues.

The expansion of key berths at the port and the acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment have enabled it to operate at optimum levels. “Berth occupancy has increased to more than 82 percent thanks to the expansion of key berths including our new berth number 22 and the streamlining of other terminals has greatly increased efficiency and productivity,” Ruto added.

Massimiliano Riccardi, Ports, Terminals and Logistics Worldwide Manager for the Ignazio Messina line, commended the swift operations at the port. He affirmed that the Messina line would continue to use the Port of Mombasa due to its efficiency, especially in the face of the challenges other ports are experiencing.

“We are investing a lot of resources especially in the container business and with the kind of efficiency and productivity shown by the port of Mombasa, Messina will continue to make it our port of choice,” said Riccardi.

Number of births in Tunisia decreases by 23% between 2017/2021 (INS)

The number of births in Tunisia decreased by 23% between 2017/2021, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

The number of births in 2021 reached over 160,000 births, compared to more than 209,000 in 2017, the same source said.

The two governorates of Sfax and Tunis recorded the highest number of births during the same period with over 13,000 births each in 2021.

According to the INS, «this decline seriously affects the age pyramid in Tunisia and reveals an aging of the population, particularly after the end of the demographic transition phase in 2010.»

On the other hand, the number of marriage contracts in Tunisia increased by 9% in 2021 compared to 2020, bringing the number of marriages to over 71,000 in 2021 compared to 65,000 in 2020.

Despite this positive increase, the general trend is going down as the number of marriages decreased by almost 25% between 2017 and 2021, going from 95,000 in 2017 to 71,000 marriages in 2021.

The same statistics show a significant increase in the numb
er of deaths in 2021, to more than 107,000 deaths compared to nearly 80,000 deaths in 2020.

The increase in the number of deaths is caused by the COVID-19, which has claimed the lives of almost 29,500 Tunisians since the outbreak of the pandemic according to statistics from the Health Ministry.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Two candidates for Local Elections in Oued Ali Belhani and South Sidi El Heni begin campaign

The two candidates for the upcoming local elections in Sousse, in the electoral district of Oued Ali Belhani, Sana Ben Ameur Ben Youssef, and Om SaSd Ben Abdallah Ben Midassi, South Sidi El Heni district, are actively pursuing their electoral campaigns through direct engagement with voters.

Candidate Sana Ben Ameur told TAP that her electoral programme focuses on finding solutions to facilitate the initiation of agricultural projects, promote public transportation, enhance the healthcare sector, and develop the infrastructure of educational institutions in the region.

On her part, candidate Om SaSd Ben Abdallah Ben Midassi has based her electoral programme on strengthening participatory democracy, developing the healthcare sector by establishing an ER Department at the local hospital in the region, and recruiting specialised doctors.

Candidate Ben Youssef is in competition with another candidate for a seat on the local council of Ouled Ali, while Ben Midassi is in the race with three other candidates to g
ain access to the local council of South Sidi El Heni.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Kais Saied chairs ceremony commemorating assassination of trade union leader Farhat Hached [Upd 1]

President Kais Saied chaired a ceremony marking the 71st anniversary of the assassination of Farhat Hached at the martyr’s mausoleum in the Kasbah, Tunis, in the presence of members of the martyr’s family led by his son Noureddine Hached.

The ceremony was attended by Secretary General of the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT), Noureddine Taboubi, members of the union’s executive committee, the Governor of Tunis and several members of the President’s cabinet.

The Head of State laid a wreath at the martyr’s tomb before reciting the Fatiha (opening verses of the Koran) in memory of the late union leader.

The President of the Republic spoke to members of the family of Farhat Hached, recalling his struggles and despair in defending the homeland and part of the history of the national trade union movement.

For his part, Noureddine Hached, son of the late trade union leader, announced during his meeting with the President of the Republic that his father’s house on the island of Kerkennah would be handed over
to the Tunisian General Labour Union to be turned into a museum for Farhat Hached, with the agreement of all his family members.

The President of the Republic went to Rades, where he inaugurated the memorial at the place where the national leader Farhat Hached was assassinated.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Rising Unemployment Leads University Graduates to Pursue Technical Education

Kithimani – Amidst increasing unemployment rates, a growing number of university graduates in Kenya are enrolling in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) courses to gain hands-on skills for job readiness. This trend was evident during a recent graduation ceremony at the Kilimambogo Highway Building and Technology College in Kithimani, Yatta Sub County, where more than 20 of the 200 graduates were university alumni.

According to Kenya News Agency, the shift to TVET courses has been driven by the challenges of securing employment with only a university degree. Peris Wanjiru and Kurgat Kadime, who graduated from Mt. Kenya University, opted for Plant Operator courses at the technical college. Wanjiru recounted her experience of unsuccessfully job hunting for years before deciding to join TVET for practical training to become more marketable. Kadime, from Kajiado County, chose to train as a plant operator, citing the scarcity of professionals in this field in his region. “In our County, we have very few plant operators and I hope to get a job soon,” Kadime said, contrasting this with the limited job prospects he faced with just a university degree.

Bani Muhachi, another graduate from the Coast region, urged President William Ruto to negotiate for employment opportunities for the youth in his bilateral labor deals with foreign countries as a way to address the unemployment crisis. The ceremony’s Chief Guest, Douglas Kibe, emphasized the importance of hands-on and marketable skills in helping graduates secure jobs and contribute to the country’s infrastructural development. He pointed out the necessity to shift from purely formal and theoretical education to skill-based learning to propel Kenya towards becoming an industrialized and developed economy. Kibe noted that the establishment of devolved units in Kenya has opened doors for youths with technical skills, especially with the National Government’s focus on infrastructural development. “There has been a great need for technical expertise where the government has been relying on services from abroad, but this is slowly diminishing with young Kenyans equipping themselves with necessary skills,” Kibe sta
ted, highlighting the increasing self-reliance in technical expertise within the country.

Kwale County Enhances TVET Programs to Tackle Youth Unemployment

Kwale County – Governor Fatuma Achani of Kwale County has emphasized her administration’s commitment to strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as a strategic approach to address youth unemployment in the coastal county. Governor Achani pointed out the necessity of technical training for those who do not transition to higher education institutions after secondary school.

According to Kenya News Agency, The county government is focusing on providing technical skills to bridge the growing skilled labor deficit and enhance hands-on experience in the region. Governor Achani believes that TVETs are crucial for improving labor market access and livelihood opportunities for many young people who lack the necessary skills for job market integration.

Since the onset of devolution in 2013, the number of TVETs in Kwale has increased from 12 to 43 across 20 administrative wards. These technical institutes offer diverse training programs in fields such as engineering, carpentry, refrigeration, welding, masonry, mechanics, electrical, plumbing, tailoring, catering, and beauty trades. The proliferation of TVETs aims to equip young people with relevant skills for productive societal roles and sustainable livelihoods.

“We are equipping TVETS to provide learners with the technical skills needed to eke out a living,” stated Governor Achani, highlighting the importance of skill acquisition and vocational training. The county is committed to enhancing access and improving the quality and relevance of vocational training in the labor market.

TVETs are instrumental in achieving Kenya’s Vision 2030 development agenda, a national government program launched in 2008 to transform Kenya into a middle-income economy by 2030. Governor Achani encouraged the youth to join TVETs to gain practical skills and improve employability.

During her address at the graduation ceremony of the Kamale TVET center in Samburu sub-county, Governor Achani announced the county’s plans to upgrade local TVETs to centers of excellence with a budget of Sh10 million, recruit additional staff, and link graduates with potential employers. The initiative aims to provide youths with technical skills and opportunities to enhance self-resilience and sustainability.

The event, also attended by Deputy Governor Chirema Kombo and County Executive Committee Member for Social Services and Talent Management Francisca Kilonzo, highlighted the county’s efforts to address the severe shortage of skilled artisans like plumbers, carpenters, welders, and mechanics.

Foreign Minister discusses counter terrorism issues with Head of Japanse delegation

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, had a meeting, Tuesday, in Tunis, with Ambassador in charge of International Cooperation for Countering Terrorism and International Organized Crime Akira Sugiyama, who is leading his country’s delegation to the 3rd Session of the Security Dialogue between Tunisia and Japan.

During the meeting, the minister expressed Tunisia’s will to boost bilateral cooperation, namely in the field of countering terrorism and organized crime, reads a statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The minister called for holding a dialogue that would address the root causes of terrorism in order to fight it effectively.

The Head of the Japanese delegation welcomed the high-level cooperation between the two countries, reiterating the Japanese government’s willingness to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various areas, particularly in the security field.

The 3rd Session of the Security Dialogue between Tunisia and Japan took place Tuesday in Tunis.

Source: Agence
Tunis Afrique Presse

Parliament starts reviewing 2024 budget of Youth and Sports Ministry

The budget dedicated to the Youth and Sport Ministry (MJS) for 2024, amounts to 992.164 million dinars, representing 1.18% of the State budget.

the budget is divided between 627,213 MD for salary expenses, 57,990 MD for management expenses and 102,861 MD for interventions.

Addressing MPs, Parliament Speaker, Brahim Bouderbala, listed the achievements made by Tunisian athletes in all sporting disciplines.

«The youth of Tunisia represents a genuine force for the country despite the challenges the sports sector has faced over the past decade,» Bouderbala said, stressing the need to promote the empowerment of young people in Tunisia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse