Universities announce launch of “We4lead” project to promote gender equality

The University of Tunis El Manar and the University of Sousse, Thursday, officially announced the launch of the “We4lead” project, which seeks to provide equal gender opportunities and increase women’s access to leadership positions in higher education institutions in the Mediterranean region.

At a press conference held in Tunis, Project Coordinator Boutheina Ben Hsine underlined that this initiative aims to encourage female academics to access decision-making positions and run for elections of university rectorships and presidencies.

This project is part of the “Erasmus+” programme funded by the European Union, with the universities of Aix Marseille and the Lebanese University overseeing its implementation in collaboration with the University of Madrid, the universities of Constantine and Mostaghanem (Algeria), and the universities of Tunis-El Manar and Sousse.

She highlighted that this initiative represents the first project within the framework of good university governance. It includes training courses
and awareness campaigns to encourage women academics and researchers to progress in the scientific path as well as raise awareness on the need to combat gender-based violence; she added.

Director-General of International Cooperation at the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry, Malek Khochlef, underscored that women represent 66% of the total students in Tunisian universities, 56% of researchers, and approximately 50% of the university staff. Yet, their participation in university decision-making positions remains low.

Khochlef emphasised the importance of the “We4lead” project in promoting the status of women and their access to leadership positions in the academic space. It also seeks to achieve the fifth Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda related to gender equality.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections: Candidates present their platforms in Manouba

Houyem Jendoubi, a candidate for the local elections in the town of Tebourba, has launched her campaign by meeting citizens face to face and distributing leaflets.

She promised to promote cultural activities, fight illegal trafficking, improve municipal services and launch small projects in her area.

For his part, Moez Mouelhi, candidate in Denden South, intends to reduce unemployment by creating communitarian enterprises, protecting the environment and developing projects in the region.

Manouba City candidate Amira Ayachi also presented her programme, which focuses on the key role of local councillors, who should concentrate on meeting citizens’ demands, making their voices heard and communicating their concerns to the authorities.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Mining Department Goes Digital To Curb Graft

The government has embarked on the process of digitising its core systems to improve efficiency and combat corruption in the mining sector.

Mining Principal Secretary Elijah Mwangi has noted that his department was aware that corruption had adverse effects on their work, hence the risk of rolling back the main gains achieved in reforming the sector.

Speaking in Murang’a, Mwangi noted that among the major milestones achieved is the adoption of Online Mining Cadastre, a revolutionary online platform that grants miners’ rights for acquiring and allocating mining zones.

The PS stated that the system had made it easier for miners to access the platform and select an allocation area.

The system has reduced conflict and fights over mining zones by allowing prospective miners to know which areas are allocated and which are left untouched.

The department is prioritising the digitization of critical systems and operations to combat graft in the sector.

The department is also prioritising the digitization of expl
osives inventories, critical systems, and operations to combat graft in the sector.

Other digitised systems include royalty’s management systems, library resource management systems, artisanal mining digital registers, and geo-data information management systems.

Mwangi highlighted that the adoption of digital systems is enhancing the mining sector’s contribution to national development goals under the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

The initiatives involve formalising artisanal miners into strong marketing cooperatives, empowering them, and providing support through training, partnerships, and linkages between miners and other bodies.

Over 60 marketing cooperatives have been registered and have started undergoing training to equip the officials with critical skills ranging from digital marketing capabilities to value addition and legal compliance.

Meanwhile, the government has been pushing for the formation of artisanal mining cooperatives as part of an overarching objective to formalise opera
tions and enhance regulations.

Mwangi announced that cooperatives of artisanal miners will be linked to supply materials for affordable housing construction through an agreement between the relevant ministries.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Haykel Ben Mahfoudh: ICC needs to meet aspirations of peoples, states when prosecuting crimes with religious, ethnic motives

Tunisian Haykel Ben Mahfoudh said he is committed, in his quality as a Tunisian and Arab judge, to upholding a legal approach based on claiming legitimate rights and their enforcement.

This was as he gave an interview to TAP following his election along with seventeen more judges from a pool of twenty candidates to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

This legal approach is likewise premised on the right to truth and the right of victims to fair and equitable compensation, he said.

Doctor in international human rights law, Mahfoudh said he had not been elected as a named individual but rather in his quality as a legal expert coming from a Tunisian, Arab-African and Mediterranean legal tradition firmly rooted in criminal justice and the protection of human rights.

With regard to the ICC mission, Haykel Ben Mahfoudh said there is need to meet the aspirations and expectations of peoples and states, particularly when delivering rulings on crimes and breaches motivated by cultural, religious or ethnic consi
derations, or in connection to environment or else war crimes.

This election is unprecedented for a Tunisian and Arab judge since the court saw light of day in 2002. His nomination was supported by the Presidency of the Relpublic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not to mention the efforts expended by diplomatic missions.

The aim was to harness support for his nomination as a “Tunisian” and “Arab” magistrate in a bid to “break into” the system of international criminal justice.

The election comes against the backdrop of protests across the globe to denounce atrocities in Gaza and call for a fairer and more equitable international justice.

Ben Mahfoudh said the ICC is neutral, efficient, diligent and representative of states. It enjoys trustworthiness in the interantional community and embodies the firm conviction that justice is the only way to establish security in the world.

As things stand now, Mahfoudh said, it is imperative to back this court so that it can fully and sovereignly discharge its mis
sion, nothwithdtanding criticism on all fronts of its credibility. The supremacy of law, the judge said, has always been the best guarantee of security which Humanity has amid excesses.

States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, a total of 123 countries, cast their votes in the election of judges. Effectiveness, independence, impartiality and geographical representativity are the main criteria.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisian Agro-ecological Transition Network sees light of day

The Tunisian agro-ecological transition network, bringing together 8 associations active in the sustainable and environmental agriculture fields, was create so as to federate a movement for agro-ecology, the network’s founding members said at a conference held Thursday at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (French: INAT).

This network’s founding members include the Tunisian Association of Permaculture (French: ATPE), the Association for Chenini Oasis Safeguard (French: ASOC), the Children of the Earth network (French: RET) and the Tunisian Association for Environmental Agriculture (French: ATAE).

The network aims to integrate agroecology into public policies and to reduce chemical inputs by 50% by 2035.

“It also aims to include agro-ecology in the learning and education process, improve the organic matter content of the soil and develope agro-forestry in the cereal system,” said Yosra Chaibi, President of the National Union of Operators of the Organic Sector (UNObio), another founding association
of this network.

The new network, which also includes the Association for Sustainable Agriculture, the Association les Amis de CAPTE and the Lella Kmar El Baya Agricultural Cooperative, also seeks to transform the monoculture of olive trees into tiered polyculture and to contribute to the restoration of ecosystems so as to improve biodiversity.

The programme of this network, which remains open to other associations and non-profit organisations including agricultural development groups, researchers and private enterprise, includes online training workshops and the drafting of agro-ecology specifications, said Rim Mathlouthi, ATP President.

The announcement of the creation of this network was made during the agro-ecology day organised by the 8 associations.

This event included presentations on agroforestry for agroecology, Moringa oleifera, organic farming labels, the 4 agronomic pillars of agroecology and stories from young people involved in agroecology.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

FM emphasises commitment to cooperation with Switzerland on fund recovery and migration policies

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar, on Thursday, met with Swiss Federal Councillor for Justice and Police Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, in Berne as part of his visit to Switzerland.

He reiterated the Tunisian authorities’ commitment to continue cooperation with the competent Swiss authorities to recover embezzled and diverted funds abroad, said a Foreign Ministry press release.

Minister Ammar emphasised that Tunisia’s determination to recover embezzled funds is a matter of principle rooted in upholding the values of the rule of law, combatting smuggling, money laundering, and illegal transfers.

In this context, both parties agreed to further strengthen bilateral judicial cooperation to expedite procedures for unlocking this case.

On another note, the meeting shed light on Tunisian-Swiss cooperation in several areas, including the field of migration.

Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to promoting cooperation in this matter within the framework of a Tunisian-Swiss
partnership agreement on immigration.

The FM recalled Tunisia’s stance on the migration phenomenon, emphasising that our country deeply believes in the need to implement a comprehensive approach that includes dimensions of sustainable development, employment, and security.

The aim is to achieve effective management of migration flows and enhance circular migration, particularly through the implementation of the bilateral agreement concerning professionals and youth, while addressing the root causes of the phenomenon.

He also underscored the importance of streamlining the issuance and renewal of residence permits for Tunisians with family ties to Switzerland or those wishing to pursue higher education there.

In this regard, the Federal Councillor praised the successful integration of the Tunisian community residing in Switzerland, noting that it actively contributes to the development of the host country.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Monastir-Local elections: Candidates in Jemmal pledge to boost investments in region

The two candidates for the next local elections (December 24), Fethi Maher and Bassem Ben Dhiab, in the Jammal Jawfiya constituency (Monastir Governorate) are continuing their electoral campaign and meeting citizens.

Candidate Fethi Al Maher promised his voters to help with the creation of an irrigated area and an artificial lake for rainwater collection, make the region an agricultural hub, find solutions to environmental problems caused mainly and boost local investments.

Candidate Bassem Ben Dhiab pledged to provide all necessary conditions conducive to investment, promote intelligent industry, exploit the industrial zone optimally and strengthen professional training centers so as to meet the labor market’s needs.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

I Watch calls for filling vacancies in judiciary

The “I Watch” organisation has called for vacancies in the judiciary to be filled in order to safeguard the interests of litigants and citizens.

In a statement released on Thursday, the organisation stressed the need to break with the policy of not filling vacancies in state bodies, which it said “allows evasion of accountability and prosecution”.

“I Watch” recalled the vacancies observed since January 2023 in the position of first president of the Court of Auditors and, for 67 days, in the position of first president of the Court of Cassation.

It also criticised the lack of response from the Ministry of Justice, despite being aware of the retirement dates of the first two presidents of the aforementioned courts.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Jendouba-Elections: Two candidates in Fernena and North Jendouba step up their campaigning

Candidates for Beni Mtir (Fernena delegation) and Essouani (North Jendouba delegation) Zouheira Skhiri and Imène Bouslimi launched their campaign for the December 24 local elections.

The two candidates call for upgrading infrastructure, creating projects and jobs, and modernising public services for the benefit of the local population.

Zouheira Skhiri’s programme focuses on upgrading the N65 regional road and the N17 national road in Béni Mtir, Jendouba and Tabarka, relaunching blocked projects, promoting tourism and protecting the Béni Mtir dam from sewage.

Candidate Imène Bouslimi underlined that she would work to ensure that streets would be paved to break the isolation of villages and facilitate access to farms and production sites and promoting female entrepreneurship.

The Essouani imada in north Jendouba is home to a population of 3,465 and covers an area of 4,370 hectares, while the Béni Mtir imada in Fernena is home to 896 inhabitants spread over 180 hectares.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Foreign Minister and Swiss counterpart discuss ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation

Cooperation between Tunisia and Switzerland and ways to strengthen it were the main topics of a meeting that brought together Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians abroad Nabil Ammar and Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of the Swiss Confederation, on Thursday at the Federal Palace in Bern.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, the two sides reviewed various aspects of bilateral cooperation and ways to strengthen it, especially within the framework of the Swiss development cooperation strategy in the MENA region for the period 2021-2024.

They underlined the need to seize the opportunity of the next bilateral events, in particular the 3rd session of the Tunisian-Swiss Political Consultations to be held in Tunis at the beginning of 2024, in order to consolidate this dynamic within the framework of the new Swiss regional strategy for the period 2025-2028. Nabil Ammar invited his host to pay a working visit to Tunisia in the nea
r future.

The Foreign Minister also raised the issue of looted assets frozen abroad, including in Switzerland, stressing that the Tunisian authorities attach absolute priority to speeding up and completing the process of repatriating these funds, which will help Tunisia to meet its development needs by its own means.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss current regional and international issues, in particular the Palestinian question.

In this regard, the Minister reiterated Tunisia’s principled position in favour of the Palestinian cause, while stressing that peace and stability in the region can only be guaranteed in the long term after the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state and the recovery by the Palestinian people of all their legitimate rights.

For his part, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis reaffirmed his country’s willingness to step up consultations and exchanges with Tunisia in the coming period in the context of cooperation and economic partnership, wh
ile expressing his understanding of the importance of the issue of looted assets.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse