Use of debt to finance growth only way to secure sustainability (report)

Tunis: The use of debt to finance growth factors and create growth is the only way to secure public debt sustainability, the Tunisian Institute of competitiveness and quantitatives studies (French: ITCEQ) said.

“This would help steer a way out of this vicious circle,” further reads a recent report entitled “Sustainability of the Public Debt in Tunisia: Dynalmics and Challenges.”

The snowball effect will also be mitigated and the country will move away from the scenario of economic restructuring with all its negative impact on the economy, said the ITCEQ.

The institute urged the need to diversify sources to finance the State budget which means better productive capacities and a reform of the taxation system. This would also help contain the budget deficit.

Increased rationality and efficiency need to be at the core of reform. Strengthening the investment dynamic through a better business climate to reboot private investment and continuous action to protect enterprises and households at this is juncture are
also highly recommended to consolidate the public finance position and secure the sustainability in the long run of public debt.

There is also need to combat informality, undertake structural changes in the economy by targeting high-value-added and knowledge- intensive sectors and promote digital and ecological transition.

The public debt outstanding amounted to TND 127.2 billion (80.2% of the GDP) in 2023 against TND 25.640 billion (39% of the GDP) in 2010, ITCEQ said referring to figures provided by the Finance Ministry.

The debt per capita edged up from TND 2,430 in 2010 to TND 10,300 in 2023, that is + 330%.

The structure of public debt is dominated by external debt with an average rate of 64% between 2011 and 2023. External debt accounts for 64% of the government deby outstanding in 2023 against 61% in 2010.

Since 2021, recourse to domestic debt has grown as a result of bigger financing needs of the State budget and tighter conditions of external funding.

Lending in foreign currency is the main fea
ture of domestic debt. Yet, external debt is more than ever dominated by budget support mobilised in the multilateral framework.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Minister of Tourism: 80 cruises or some 220,000 tourists opt for Tunisia as cruise tourism takes off

Monastir: Tunisia is experiencing a revival in cruise tourism, with some 80 cruises scheduled for this year, mainly to the ports of La Goulette, Sousse and Zarzis, representing some 220,000 arrivals, Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts Mohamed Moez Belhassine told reporters on the sidelines of a visit to inspect work at a hotel in the tourist area of Monastir.

Belhassine stressed that his ministry is seeking to develop cruise tourism.

He added that during the current year, the ministry aims to confirm the good results achieved last year, when the number of arrivals reached about 4.9 million tourists and tourism revenues approached 7 billion dinars.

The focus will be on the quality of tourism services, infrastructure, reception, tourist transport, tourist environment, tourist accommodation and archaeological and historical sites, he said, stressing that achieving quality is everyone’s responsibility, including the citizen’s responsibility in the field of cleanliness and care for the environment.

The Minist
er then visited the Monastir Marina, where he listened to a presentation on the expansion project of the Monastir Marina, which currently has 300 moorings and 57 hotel apartments with a capacity of 210 beds, and is expected to reach 400 or 450 moorings with the expansion project.

This project, which has received preliminary approval from the Coastal Protection and Development Agency, is currently in the process of completing the legal procedures.

He also listened to a presentation on the preparation and repair of the main entrance to the marina at an estimated cost of 600,000 dinars, as well as the obstacles preventing the desired development of Monastir Marina.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Ministry of Public Works to launch road maintenance programme

Tunis: The Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Spatial Planning will before May 2 start implementing an incentive programme for road maintenance, the ministry said, adding that 193 property development companies have renewed their participation in the programme.

These figures were presented on Saturday at the 1st meeting of regional directors of public works, housing and spatial planning for 2024, chaired by Minister Sarra Zaafrani Zenzri.

The ministry said it had issued a call for tenders to appoint a consultancy firm to revise the texts of the permits and measures relating to the administrative specifications for technical inspectors.

The ministry said that in May 2024 it would launch projects to maintain the damaged parts of the 209 km of numbered roads.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Localised fog expected late Sunday on eastern coasts (INM)

Tunis: The weather on Sunday night will be partly cloudy in most areas, with localised fog on the eastern coasts late at night.

According to the National Institute of Meteorology, winds will blow from the east, relatively strong to moderate near the coasts and in the south, and light to moderate in the rest of the regions.

Temperatures will generally range from 14 to 18 degrees Celsius overnight, reaching 21 degrees in the south, while Monday morning temperatures are expected to range from 18 to 32 degrees Celsius.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Scaling up cooperation between Tunisia and Cameroon in vocational training fiels discussed

Tunis: Scaling up cooperation between Tunisia and Cameroon in vocational training and employment field took centre stage at a meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar and Cameroonian Minister of Employment and Vocational Training Issa Tchiroma Bakary, said a Foreign Affairs Ministry press release on Saturday.

The meeting falls under the participation of a Tunisian delegation in the 11th session of the Tunisian-Cameroonian Joint Committee held in Yaoundé, Cameroon on April 26-27.

The two sides agreed on the need to further scale up the Tunisian-Cameroonian cooperation in vocational training field by holding the first session of the Joint Tunisian-Cameroonian Technical Committee in this field as soon as possible.

A visit will be organised for the benefit of the Cameroonian Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training to Tunisia to familiarise with the Tunisian experience.

Minister Ammar underscored quality of the expertise that Tunisia has built up in the voc
ational training field, voicing willingness to share its experience in this field with Cameroon.

The Cameroonian Minister expressed for his part, his country’s willingness to make the most of Tunisia’s pioneering experience in the vocational training field, affirming that Cameroon is in dire need to upgrade the local labour force so as to achieve the development goals set by the country’s authorities.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

National Council of Regions and Districts: Rules of Procedure Committee to convene on April 29

Tunis: The committee in charge of drafting the National Council of Regions and Districts’ Rules of Procedure will convene for the first time on April 29 to elect a chairman, a deputy-chairman and a rapporteur, committee member Haythem Sfar said.

The National Council of Regions and Districts “fully cooperates with the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), he told TAP on Saturday, adding that the possibility of drawing inspiration from the ARP’s Rules of Procedure has not been ruled out as these are two equivalent legislative chambers.

The rules of procedure committee includes 19 members, they are:

-AlaS Ghazouani (Jendouba)

-Haythem Sfar (Mahdia)

-Salem Mekni (Beja)

-Haythem Trabelsi (Ben Arous)

-Abderraouf Klai (1st district)

-Hamdi Omrane (3rd district)

-Mohamed El Ayech El Jamii (Kasserine)

-Ali Mejri (Beja)

-Néji Ben Kilani (Sfax)

-Mohamed Ali Bahrouni (Kairouan)

-Ahmed Gara Ali (Nabeul)

-Ali Hissoumi Bayouli (Tataouine)

-Jalel Karoui (Tunis)

-Samir Hasnaoui (Kef)

-Samia Souissi (Sid
i Bouzid)

-Saida Chekir (Ariana)

-Omar Jaidi (Zaghouan)

-Chaker Ben Belkacem (Nabeul)

-Syrine Gsara (Monastir).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

FM meets with GeCAM’s president Célestin Tawamba in Yaoundé

Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, met the President of the Cameroon’s employers organisation (GeCAM), Célestin Tawamba, on the sidelines of the Tunisian-Cameroonian Joint Commission held in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on April 26 and 27.

On this occasion, the FM stressed the importance of strengthening communication between businessmen from the two countries and exploiting all the opportunities for bilateral cooperation, as part of the benefits offered by the two countries’ accession to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), according to a press release issued by the Foreign Ministry.

For his part, Tawamba stressed the importance of establishing an African development model that takes into account the continent’s specificities, resources and potential.

The meeting was also attended by Samir Majoul, President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia reiterates call to combat irregular migration in Mediterranean at Security Council session

TUNIS: Tunisia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York Tarek El-Adab reiterated Tunisia’s call to pool efforts to combat the irregular migration phenomenon and its security repercussions, and to root out its underlying causes, notably the development gap between the two Mediterranean shores and the effects of successive global crises.

At a Security Council Open Debate on the Role of Young Persons in Addressing Mediterranean Challenges held on Friday in New York, Al-Adab underlined that it is not possible to talk about restoring security and stability in the region at a time when the occupation, war crimes, genocide, forced displacement and all kinds of violations that the Palestinian people have been facing for decades are continuing and worsening as a result of the violation of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy by the occupying forces.

He pointed out the importance of the young people’s role in building cohesion, resilience and sustainability of societies, u
nderscoring the need to pay more attention to the category of young people by encouraging them, integrating them into their societies in an effective and institutional manner, broadening their participation in decision-making and policy-making and offering them education and training that meet their needs and aspirations and the sustainable development goals.

“Tunisia reiterates commitment to continue to bet on young people and to ensure their active participation, and calls for the adoption of global participatory approaches to meet joint challenges,” El Adab said, reaffirming Tunisia’s willingness to make of young people bearers of a message of peace, work and construction and key players in the creation of a peaceful, united, balanced and sustainable Tunisian, Mediterranean and global society.”

The Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations indicated that “the repercussions of the security challenges in the Mediterranean region affect everyone without exception, and require the boosting of
cooperation and solidarity as part of global participatory approaches to deal with the root causes of these risks and find effective solutions, laying emphasis on the active participation of young people who are the most exposed to the effects of these challenges.”

He called on the international community and the Security Council to shoulder their legal and moral responsibilities to put an end to the aggression of the occupying forces against the Palestinian people and the violation of their most fundamental rights.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

FM stresses Tunisia’s commitment to supporting investors abroad during visit to Tunisian companies in Cameroon

Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, on the sidelines of his visit to Cameroon, visited two Tunisian companies based in this African country, STUDI INTERNATIONAL and SCET TUNISIE, to learn about their activities and identify the concerns of Tunisians working for the two companies.

The Minister expressed his deep pride in the presence of Tunisian companies in Cameroon, ‘which represent a major asset for Tunisia abroad and an important contribution to the country’s development efforts,’ according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday.

During these two visits, he stressed the Tunisian government’s willingness to support Tunisian investors abroad and to help them develop cooperation with all African countries in order to raise it to the level Tunisia aspires to.

The Foreign Minister is visiting Cameroon on April 26 and 27, at the head of a Tunisian delegation for the 11th session of the Tunisian-Cameroonian Joint Commission.

Source: A
gence Tunis Afrique Presse

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade to pay working visit to Tunisia Monday

Tunis: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó will pay a working visit to Tunisia on Monday at the invitation of Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad.

‘This is the fourth visit since his appointment and comes within the framework of the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries since 1956 and the intensification of political consultations initiated in 1996.’

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, the talks will provide an opportunity to discuss ways of enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation in various fields, especially in the context of the forthcoming Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in addition to deepening consultations on a number of current regional and international issues of common interest.

Tunisian-Hungarian relations date back to 1956, when Tunisia became the first Maghreb country and the fourth in the Arab world (after Iraq,
Egypt and Syria) to establish diplomatic relations with Hungary.

In January 2013, Tunisia decided to upgrade its diplomatic representation in Budapest to the level of ambassador, which was warmly welcomed by the Hungarian authorities.

For its part, Hungary has been providing continuous political support to Tunisia since 2011, which has been reflected in an increased frequency of visits, as well as its support for the decision to remove Tunisia from the European blacklist of high-risk countries in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing, its support for Tunisia’s request to extend the deadlines for the recovery of stolen funds, and Tunisia’s accession to the European Framework Research and Innovation Programme “Horizon Europe 2021-2027”.

The first meeting of the Joint Commission was held in Tunis on March 11-12, 2010 at the level of Secretaries of State, while the fifth meeting of the Joint Committee was held for the first time at the level of Foreign Ministers on June 20-21, 2010 in the Hunga
rian capital Budapest.

As for the volume of trade, the total amount of Hungarian direct investment in Tunisia does not exceed TND 490,000, through three companies based in Tunisia, while bilateral trade has witnessed a remarkable increase since Hungary joined the European Union in 2004, as Hungary is the 24th customer of Tunisia and the 29th supplier in 2019.

Regarding cooperation in the field of tourism, 2022 recorded a return to the normal pattern of the flow of Hungarian tourists to Tunisia, with the entry of about 15,000 tourists, while 2023 recorded a significant increase, with the number of tourists reaching 20,570.

There are no regular direct flights between Tunisia and Budapest.

On another level, the two countries are linked by an agreement on judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, recognition and enforcement of judgments and extradition, signed in Budapest on December 6, 1982 and ratified by the Tunisian side on April 6, 1984.

The number of Tunisian citizens living in Hungary is 1
,314, of whom 149 have dual nationality. The professional composition of the community includes 646 students, 75 pupils, 253 workers and 206 managers and professionals.

Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar visited Hungary last year to participate in the fifth session of the Joint Economic Commission and the third Tunisian-Hungarian Business Forum.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse