Tunindex closes Wednesday’s session down 0.01%

Tunis: Tunindex closed Wednesday’s session slightly down by 0.01% to 9,492.4 points with a heavy volume of TND 10 million, said broker Tunisie Valeurs.

The stock market has posted a good 8.5% performance since the start of the year.

ONE TECH HOLDING shares were the best performers after rising by 4.4% to TND 8.140, feeding the market with a capital of TND 876,000 and becoming one of the most dynamic on the market.

DELICE HOLDING shares were the most active during the session. The stock price edged up 1.3% to TND 11.850.

SMART TUNISIE shares also performed well, rising by 3.7% to TND 17 and generating TND 131,000.

CELLCOM shares fell by 4.2% to TND 2.070, with a low volume of TND 1,000.

ATB shares also dropped by 3.4% to TND 3.140, generating only TND 95,000.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

MPs start considering bill on Tunisia’s accession to amended protocol to WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

Tunis: MPs at the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday started at a plenary session to consider the organic bill 2023/51 approving Tunisia’s accession to the amended protocol to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), in the presence of Minister of Trade and Export Development Kalthoum Ben Rejeb.

This bill n°51 for 2023 provides for the approval of the amendment of the provisions of the protocol on patents, which are classified as industrial property.

At the start of the plenary session, MPs observed a minute’s silence and recited the Fatiha in tribute to the souls of the Palestinian martyrs in the new mass massacre perpetrated by the Zionist entity on Sunday evening in the Rafah refugee camp.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

AfDB 2024 Annual Meetings: Ouerghi calls for reviewing international financial system

Tunis: There is need to review the international financial system, especially the multiparty system so that it becomes fairer and meets the sustainable and inclusive development needs of African countries, said Economy and Planning Minister Feriel Ouerghi.

There is also need to provide the right conditions for promoting the private sector in Africa so as to support the efforts of governments and countries in socio-economic development, she added while taking part in a governors’ discussion on “Mobilising Finance for Private Sector Development in Africa,” held on the fringes of the African Development Bank Group’s 2024 Annual Meetings, held on May 28-29 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Ouerghi also met, on the sidelines of these annual meetings, with AfDB President Akinwumi Adesina and AfDB Director General for North Africa Mohamed El Azizi.

Attended by AfDB Deputy Director General for North Africa Region Malinne Blomberg, Ouerghi expressed hope to scale up cooperation with the Bank over the next period, especially in te
rms of funding priority public and private projects.

She also called for flexible, advantageous financing to be mobilised to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

On this occasion, she commended the AfDB’s efforts to speed up preparation of studies on the creation of the “Bank for Youth Entrepreneurship” project, reiterating Tunisia’s readiness to provide the necessary institutional and logistical support to the newly created African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation (APTF) in Rwanda.

For his part, Adesina affirmed the AfDB’s continuous support to the the reform process in Tunisia and voiced readiness to examine priority projects requiring financing.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia celebrates 76th anniversary of International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

Tunis: Tunisia is observing on Wednesday the 76th anniversary of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, held this year under the theme of “Fit for the Future, Building Better Together.”

Tunisia commended the important role played by the UN peacekeepers in protecting the security of conflict zones and their valuable contribution to peacemaking in the world, reads a Foreign Ministry press release.

“Tunisia is among the pioneering countries in UN peacekeeping missions, as its first participation in a UN mission dates back to 1960 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

“Convinced of peace as being a noble human value and a goal of the United Nations, Tunisia pursues its efforts to strengthen its contribution to peacekeeping missions through the deployment of a significant number of military, police and prison experts.

“In fact, the total number of our country’s contribution to UN peacekeeping missions amounts to around 900 military, security and penitentiary officers in six missions, five of whi
ch are in Africa. Tunisia is therefore ranked 20th among countries contributing to peacekeeping missions,” the ministry said.

“Major Ahlem Douzi was presented with the 2024 United Nations Trailblazer Award for Women Justice and Corrections Officers in a renewed testimony of the great confidence in our national military, security and penitentiary officials within UN peacekeeping missions and a recognition of their valuable contribution to the consolidation of international efforts for the maintenance and promotion of international and regional peace and security,” reads the statement.

Tunisia reiterates commitment to continue its active support for peacekeeping efforts and protection of civilians and encourage the use of preventive diplomacy and the peaceful settlement of conflicts, in order to promote the culture of peace and the foundations of security, stability and development in Africa and in the world.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

“Deep patriotism of Tunisian Diaspora will bring victory in war of national liberation”, President Saied tells TAP

BEIJING: “The patriotism shown by the Tunisian community in China is proof of their commitment and devotion to Tunisia, despite being thousands of kilometres away from their homeland,” President Kais Saied told TAP on Wednesday evening in Beijing.

“I was moved by their deep sense of belonging to the homeland and their nationalism,” he added.

The Head of State recalled that “the whole world is fighting a war of liberation. In Tunisia, we are fighting a war of national liberation on all fronts.”

The President affirmed that “with such competent members of the community and with such a deep sense of belonging to Tunisia, the war of national liberation will surely be crowned with a clear victory.’

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saied meets with members of Tunisian community in Beijing [Upd 2]

Tunis: President Kais Saied met Wednesday, in the company of his wife Ichraf Chebil, with members of the Tunisian community in China.

The meeting, which took place at the seat of the Tunisian embassy in Beijng, was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar, Minister of Public Works and Housing and acting Minister of Transport Sarra ZaSfarani Zanzari as well as senior advisers at the Presidency of the Republic.

Addressing Tunisian expatriates, the Head of States said he is happy to meet with them. He urged them to take pride in belonging to Tunisia.

He also spotlighted the long-standing ties binding the two countries as well as achievements made in cooperation with China.

He praised China, in this connection, for the ability it has always demonstrated in accelerating the delivery of projects – the El Menzeh Cultural and Sports Centre being an eloquent illustration.

The two countries, the President said, are driven by the will to move forward with partnership in he
alth, transport and infrastructure.

The Silk Road brought about cultural exchange and gave impetus to trade between China and Arab countries, he further said. Tunisia played a key role in buttressing these trade relations.

The President reiterated, in another connection, Tunisia’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.

He shed light on the solidarity shown across the globe with the Palestinian people against the heinous crimes perpetrated by the Zionist entity in full disregard of international law and while building on an alleged legitimacy.

The whole of the Palestinian land is the property of Palestinians, he further argued.

The President listened to the proposals put forward by expatriates in a number of Chinese cities, including the creation of a centre of research and studies in connection to Tunisia-China relations and international relations. This in addition to encouraging and promoting cultural and artistic production in Tunisia.

The Tunisian community includes students in scientific and
arts subjects, mainly medical sciences and IT.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

National Guard Special Unit conducts mock exercise at Amilcar oil field

Sfax: The special unit of the National Guard carried out a mock exercise on Wednesday at the Amilcar oil facility, Nakta, Mahres delegation, Sfax governorate.

The operation consisted of thwarting a terrorist attempt to blow up the oil facility by five terrorists who hijacked a bus carrying workers and then stormed the facility, taking control of the administrative building and holding a number of hostages.

Spokesperson for the General Directorate of the National Guard, Brigadier General Houssam Eddine Jebabli, told TAP that the aim of this operation was to highlight the readiness of the special unit to confront anyone who would tamper with Tunisia’s security, given that the threat of terrorism is still present in all countries of the world.

He also stressed that such operations send a message that the special units of the National Guard, with all their specialisations, are a safety valve for Tunisia.

Jebabli explained that the mock exercise, which lasted 45 minutes, began with a self-protection system for
the sensitive oil facility, relying on the Guard units present at the site until the security group was notified.

The National Guard District of Sfax, with its various specialisations, then moved in to carry out rapid interventions, such as cordoning off the site, until the specialised unit of the National Guard of Sfax arrived and took control of the situation. This was achieved by first negotiating with the terrorist group, then storming the compound, eliminating the terrorist group and freeing the hostages.

The security forces treated the hostages as suspects, considering that they might be terrorists.

For her part, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines, Fatima Thabet Chiboub, said: “This mock exercise is part of the national strategy drawn up in cooperation between the ministry and the security services, including the National Guard and Civil Protection, and in coordination with the regional authorities.

The aim of this strategy is to “ensure the readiness of all security units to secure sensitive in
stallations, especially oil and gas installations”.

She highlighted the importance of the Amilcar oil field in ensuring energy independence, as it provides 35 per cent of Tunisia’s gas production.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ARP: 57 MPs call for speedy consideration of initiative to amend Decree 54

Tunis: 57 MPs from different parliamentary blocs and unaffiliated members on Wednesday submitted a request to Parliament’s Bureau to expedite the consideration of a legislative initiative related to the revision of Decree 54 on combating crimes related to information and communication systems, which has been submitted to it since last February.

“The 57 MPs deposited their request at the Registry of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday and it is up to the Bureau to refer our legislative initiative to the Committee on Rights and Freedoms, as required by internal law, in particular Article 123,” Mohamed Ali (Sovereign National Line Bloc), rapporteur of the Committee on Rights and Freedoms and one of the signatories of the request for urgent consideration, told TAP.

This article “gives MPs the right to present legislative initiatives, provided that they are presented by at least 10 MPs,” he added.

In his statement, the MP recalled that 40 MPs had submitted a legislative initiative to ame
nd this decree on February 20 and had not received a “written response from the Bureau of the Parliament, despite the fact that the request was brought to its attention on more than one occasion”.

He stressed that “the ARP Bureau has no right to confiscate the right of MPs, to exercise prior censorship or to impose an internal vote on members of the Bureau for the consideration of any legislative initiative submitted by MPs”.

A few days ago, during an event held by the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), MP Mohamed Ali stated that the legislative initiative proposed since 20 February to revise Decree No. 54 included chapters 5, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22 and 23. In particular, it concerns chapter 24, which, according to him, “is the chapter that poses a real problem and is the main subject of the revision, given its harsh provisions and its use to restrict freedom of expression”.

The idea behind the submission of the initiative to amend Decree No. 54 was “to take the debate on it out of the public sphere
and put it on its natural and real legislative path,” he pointed out.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Defence Minister honours Major Ahlem Douzi, winner of a UN award

Tunis: Minister of National Defence Imed Memmich, on Wednesday, honoured Major Ahlem Douzi, serving in the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), at a ceremony attended by the Chief of Staff of the Army.

The United Nations recently awarded Major Ahlem Douzi the 2024 United Nations Trailblazer Award for Women Justice and Corrections Officers, at a ceremony held at the UN headquarters in New York.

The Defence Minister congratulated Major Ahlem Douzi and praised her success in flying the national flag on the international stage, especially in peacekeeping missions around the world, according to a ministry statement.

Memmich commended the achievements of female military personnel, their dedication to duty and the prominent role they have come to play in the national army, which inspires pride and admiration.

He wished Major Ahlem Douzi continued success and excellence in her future career path.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Fourth review of Tunisia’s trade policy by the WTO to take place soon

Tunis: The fourth review of Tunisia’s trade policy by the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to be made in the next few months, Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani said during a cabinet meeting, held Tuesday evening. It was devoted to examining the file of Tunisia’s trade policies undertaken with the WTO.

Hachani called on all ministries and structures concerned to contribute effectively to the success of this meeting, recalling that the last three exams were organized in favor of Tunisia, namely in 1995, 2005 and 2016, reads a statement of the Prime Ministry.

Ministers agreed that Tunisia must seize this opportunity to convey a positive image, particularly with respect to transparency in the economic and trade fields in the country. It should also promote the ongoing reforms which have been introduced in recent years so as to attract more foreign direct investments, the same source said.

They also reiterated the need to present the measures taken by Tunisia to boost economic and trade cooperation with African cou
ntries and diversify the country’s economic partners, particularly those from Asia.

The Prime Minister recalled that Tunisia is one of the founding members of the WTO which was established in 1995.

The WTO is an institution whose mission is to foster trade between its member countries as well as promote investment throughout the world.

Trade Policy Reviews are an exercise stipulated in the WTO Agreements through which trade and related policies of Member countries are regularly reviewed and evaluated.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse