Popular Current calls for setting date promptly for presidential elections

Tunis: The Popular Current Monday called for setting speedily a presidential election date.

Issuing a decree regulating these elections will help wrap up the controversy, the party further said in a statement released Monday following a central committee meeting.

The Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) board will meet shortlty, said member Najla Abrougui.

A press conference will be held to announce the election calendar.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Media Asked To Uphold Ethical Journalistic Reporting

Journalists in Kenya have been tasked to continuously seek the correct information during their reporting as this was the only way of keeping the country united amidst various challenges facing traditional journalism today.

Various speakers during the celebration of the International World Press Freedom Day in Kapsabet town, Nandi County, emphasised on upholding accepted journalistic ethics by always adopting balanced reporting.

Nandi County Government Public Service Board Chief Executive Officer Nancy Cheruto who represented County Secretary Dr. Francis Sang told journalists working in Nandi that had gathered in Kapsabet AIC Bible College to uphold the standards of unbiased reporting as Kenyans generally trusted what is reported in the media.

‘You are the agents of peace and that tasks you to always stick on correct information and ensure all that you report keep this country safe,’ Cheruto said.

The County CEO however tasked the journalists to report on rampant conmen who have swindled innocent Kenyans
their hard earned money.

Cheruto described the rate in which conmen steal locals’ money as alarming and challenged the Nandi Press Club and other journalists across the country to investigate alleged people who go round promising desperate Kenyans non-existent jobs after paying certain fees.

‘The media should help us in educating locals on how they can easily detect conmen who constantly promise locals non-existent offshore jobs,’ she said.

The Public Service Board CEO also expressed concern over the increasing number of people who have been conned money on mobile platforms.

She further suggested that journalists should the lead in informing the locals how to keep safe during their mobile money transactions.

Church representatives who attended the World Press Freedom Day thanked the press constantly enlightening Kenyans on various issues affecting them.

They also called on the journalists to stick to ethical standards reporting and maintain their trust which Kenyans have bestowed upon them.

The Interna
tional World Press Freedom Day was marked in Nandi after Nandi Press Club organised a march through Kapsabet town and climaxed at African Inland Church Bible College where a tree planting exercise took place led by the Kenya Forest Service.

Several partners also attended the celebration to mark the theme: ‘A Press for the planet: Journalism in the face of Environmental Crisis.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Conservator Leads Journalists In Tree Planting Drive

Kisii County Forest Conservator Safari Opiyo has lauded journalists in Gusii region for their efforts in promoting environmental conservation by planting over 400 trees in Kisii and Nyamira Counties as part of the World Press Freedom 2024 celebrations.

Speaking at Kisii School on the outskirts of Kisii town after leading the scribes in a tree planting exercise, Mr. Opiyo said the tree planting initiative will not only mitigate the effects of climate change, but also increase the tree cover and forest cover in the counties.

‘Despite the fact that the forest cover in Kisii is high, we have to continue planting trees so that the effect can be felt in those areas that have the deficiency in forest cover,’ noted the Forest Conservator.

He pointed out the importance of planting trees during the rainy season saying the survival rate of the tree seedlings planted in the rainy season is high.

Opiyo encouraged the scribes and residents to grow trees in institutions because they are assured that they will be nurture
d and protected instead of being tampered with by human beings.

The journalists planted a variety of tree species including fruit trees, agroforestry trees and fodder trees that provide timber, wood fuel, medicine use as well as environmental gains in the communities.

Other learning institutions that benefitted from the tree planting initiative include Kereri Girls in Kisii Central Sub County and Rangenyo primary school in Nyamira South Sub County.

This comes after the Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy partnered with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and Kisii National Polytechnic to plant 6500 trees in Kisii County.

The trees were planted at Kanunda (2500 trees), Sakawa (3,000 trees) and Kiamwasi (1000 trees) primary schools in Kitutu Central Sub County, and geared towards meeting the county’s target of planting 10 million trees by 2032.

Kisii County has a tree cover of 26.6 percent and aims to achieve 30 percent tree cover by 2032.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governors Sign Peace Deal To End Border Conflict

Kisumu County Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o and his Kericho counterpart Erick Mutai have signed a peace pact to bring to an end the perennial border conflict at Sondu town.

This follows a wave of flare ups between two communities residing at the border town disrupting businesses and leading to loss of lives.

The deal brokered by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) will see the two counties suspend revenue collection at the border town until the boundary is clearly determined by the relevant State agencies.

Through the deal signed in the presence of NCIC Chairperson Rev. Samuel Kobia and Commissioner Phillip Okundi, the two leaders committed to enact legislation to support coexistence and peace in the area.

The legislation will also see the two county governments implement joint political and development projects to enhance coexistence.

Other initiatives include the formation of cross border conflict resolution mechanisms and the establishment of a peace park at the town within 60 days

Governor Nyong’o said the peace pact would also prioritize youth empowerment in the two counties to address the question of marginalization.

His administration, he said, was committed to dealing with the conflict once and for all to ensure a peaceful future for the residents of Sondu.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Church Mobilizes Aid For Flood Victims, Calls For Long-Term Flood Mitigation Measures

Archbishop Martin Kivuva of Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa has urged the government to mull the construction of large dams to avert the recurring floods that have led to the death of more than 200 people.

Speaking Sunday during the golden jubilee celebration of St. Joseph Catholic Church-Tudor Parish headed by Rev. Fr. Richard Airo, Most Rev Archbishop Kivuva prayed for fortitude for families who have lost their loved ones as a result of the heavy rainfall that has wreaked havoc in several parts of the country.

‘The government should construct large dams to harvest the water because it is a big waste. Although there are floods after a short while the waters will subside and flow into the ocean and they will not have been helpful. They have caused devastating effects,’ said Most Rev Archbishop Kivuva.

He called for proper planning for the dams to harvest waters from the rivers for domestic, irrigation and generation of hydroelectric power.

Experts, he stated, have likened the heavy rains wreaking havoc in
several parts of the country to be akin to the ones witnessed in 1961 when people were relocated to other parts of the country.

‘The disasters should teach us lessons to put in place emergency systems that will offer quick response to victims,’ said Rev. Kivuva, appealing for collaboration instead of blame games to assist victims.

‘As a church, we have encouraged our stakeholders to contribute food and clothes to be distributed to victims in the centres they are holed in,’ he added.

All the parishes under the catholic archdiocese of Mombasa have been told to inform their worshippers to contribute to alleviating the suffering of flood victims.

On the doctor’s strike, Kivuva urged the medics to avert more crises and return to work to take care of Kenyans affected by the raging rains albeit they have not reached a consensus with the government.

On his part, Malindi Catholic Diocese Bishop Willybard Lagho said flood is not a new phenomenon in the country or the world but the main setback is, ‘We don’t seem t
o learn from the past’

‘If someone constructs a house on a riparian land or a waterway there will be problems. Our biggest challenge as a country is that we have allowed the construction of houses on waterways and authorized construction of new buildings without improving the drainage,’ said Bishop Lagho.

‘Our engineers and leaders must introspect because some of the disasters are man-made and could be avoided,’ he added.

Bishop Lagho revealed that three catholic sponsored schools in Malindi are marooned in water because farmers have cultivated on river banks.

He urged parents to monitor their children’s behaviours to ensure they are firm in their faiths and not go astray.

‘As a nation, we need to improve on our morals and good morals must be built from religion. Religion plays a pivotal role in shaping the morals of our children and leaders to be equitable,’ stated Bishop Lagho.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Project To Tackle Poor Sanitation

Two informal settlements in Kisumu will benefit from a modern sanitation project that will cost Sh19.5 million.

Manyatta and Obunga slums will have the unique facilities that will revolutionize the poor sanitation as it did in Nyalenda and Nyamasaria.

This is timely intervention especially with current flooding challenges. The project is being implemented by Seureca East Africa Ltd in partnership with the national government.

The funding has been channeled through Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVSWDA) with Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company as a key partner.

Seureca sanitation expert Caroline Mwangi said that the project has restored hope for a cleaner environment as reaffirmed during a public participation forum held at Magadi primary school.

Mwangi told the forum composed of landlords/ladies that project has two categories of toilets; a modern pit latrine and a power flush type of facilities.

The modern pit latrine category cannot be connected to a sewer line as Koyango area whe
re it would be domiciled on a pilot basis has its own unique challenges including a low water table.

On the other hand if the residents built a power flush type, it could be advantageous as it could be remodified for connection to a sewer line, she explained.

Mwangi said it was in this light that Seureca East Africa Ltd convened the forum for local landlords and ladies to help in the management and curb environmental degradation.

Speakers at the forum blamed the introduction of pampers in place of napkins terming this a tragedy. Local residents often woke up to find piles of pampers dumped at the doorsteps or gates at night.

It emerged that pampers and sanitary towels are the major things that clogged toilets and drainage and ultimately ended up in Lake Victoria after being swept away by the raging flood waters.

‘We have already built more than 200 such sanitary facilities (latrines) across the country translating to a whooping Sh130 million. However, many more people are lined up to benefit,’ she said.

wangi, an environmental expert and her colleague Eng. Dorothy Ronoh said the VIP latrine (1st type) measured 2.5m × 3m × 3m (depth), width and length with a capacity of 22,000 litres, and can hold 0.9 Kg of fecal matter and 2 litres of urine per person per day. This is why landlords/ladies were advised to sign an MoU with Seureca alongside other partners that they would help empty the toilets.

Kisumu has a high water table, she explained, and this is why the depth of the facility (1st type) was made shallow hence could not exceed 2.5 m to 3 m as the maximum.

However, she added, the range would be dependent upon the condition of the soil that also determined the extent the excavation could reach.

On the other hand, the proposed public ablution block would measure 20meters × 20meters size of land while the proposed management model would be the Dwellers Drive approach.

This goes to explain why respective Ward and Village Administrators alongside local elders will play a leading role complete with a checklis
t to boot.

The project also has a strong Monitoring and Evaluation structure after it emerged elsewhere that some landlords and ladies unfortunately turned public toilets or the VIP facilities into personal properties thus locked out other beneficiaries.

Mwangi termed this as unfair for other beneficiaries or tenants as they automatically lacked a place to go for a call for nature.

‘You need to give people the dignity they deserve. This is why we enter into a contractual agreement with landlords, Seureca and its partners,’ she reiterated.

To this end, she added, we have in place a legal representative to ensure the rights of all beneficiaries are protected.

A caveat has also been put on the private land so that anyone who wants to buy such land must abide by the rule that the project continues benefiting the public.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kwale Rolls Out Hybrid Gala Goats Distribution Exercise

Kwale county government has kicked off a hybrid gala goats distribution exercise to various farmers across the coastal county.

The gala goats’ issuance is aimed at improving local breeds in order to improve the market weights of the meat goats from 30kg to 45 kgs.

Governor Fatuma Achani said that the main objective of the project was to improve meat production for food security and household income through improvement of the meat goats’ local breeds.

Governor Achani says the hybrid gala goats will boost meat and milk production in the coastal region.

She says the gala goats will interbreed with local ones to produce high quality breeds that would produce more milk and quality meat.

Speaking at the county headquarters, Achani says the livestock distribution programme seeks to increase food and nutrition security, better market access and increase household incomes.

The coastal county boss says the bucks (male gala goats) take between 15 to 24 months to maturity.

Achani says the devolved government is co
mmitted to making sure smallholder livestock farming is prospering in the county.

She said the distribution exercise will see a total of 540 gala goats distributed to 12 wards of Kwale.

She said the administrative wards are Kinango, Ndavaya, Puma, Samburu Chengoni, MacKinnon, Mwavumbo, Kasemeni, Mwereni, Mkongani, Tsimba Golini, Kubo and Ukunda wards.

Achani accompanied by her Deputy Chirema Kombo and the County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture Roman Shera said the devolved unit is determined to create an opportunity for profitable goat farming in the region.

Achani also launched the distribution exercise of gala goats to Wanamezea and Usalama groups of Mbuguni Village in Tsimba Golini ward, Matuga Sub County.

During the exercise, a total of 228 gala goats at a cost of Sh3.6 million meant for cross breeding purposes as well as rearing of goats to increase household incomes through sale of improved meat and milk goats were distributed.

Achani said the county government would go out of its way t
o support the diversified breeding of better-quality livestock varieties that are disease-resistant and high-yielding.

She said the initiative was being undertaken through the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development (KEMFSED) programme under the theme ‘improving livelihoods of coastal communities.’

The Governor says the gala goats are fast-growing breeds with very high fertility rates compared to other local goat breeds, thus most farmers preferred them for commercial goat farming purposes.

She said the small livestock farmers in the county have since been trained in goat keeping, nutrition, breeding and disease prevention to ensure the success of the project.

Achani says this initiative aims to empower local farmers and enhance their income-generating capabilities.

‘By providing livestock keepers with high-quality breeding stock, we are equipping them with the necessary resources to improve their livelihoods and contribute to the development of our county,’ she said.

‘We are going to scal
e up the goats based interventions to benefit stallholder farmers and lift many livestock keepers out of poverty,’ she added.

The Governor also stressed the need for enhancing value chain development in the dairy sector at county level through production of milk products such as yogurt, cheese and butter.

Achani revealed that the purpose of the project was to improve goat production, food security and income generation through the sale of goats.

She said as the county government continued to prioritize the agricultural sector, she is confident that these initiatives would have a positive and long-lasting impact on the lives of local smallholder farmers.

Hamza Suleiman, a local farmer, said since gala goats grow larger and faster than local goats, the farmers could take the gala goats to the market sooner and sell them for good money.

He said the hybrid breeding county initiative would support farmers from a business point of view by improving the benefiting households’ income levels.

The farmer observed
that the hybrid breed goat rearing would in the long run bring stability and income to farmers in Kwale.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nyangores River Burst Its Banks Displacing Over 100 Families

Nyangores River, situated in Bomet County, has burst its banks, leading to the displacement of more than 100 families residing in Raiya and Chebirir villages.

The residents of these villages, located on the outskirts of Bomet town, woke up to find their homes engulfed by flood waters from the swollen river.

In response, a multi-agency team comprising Red Cross personnel and security officers swiftly initiated evacuation efforts to ensure the safety of affected families.

A temporary shelter has been established in Raiya village to accommodate over 50 displaced families.

County Commissioner Dr. Omar Ahmed led the evacuation operation, reassuring the families that they were relocated to secure locations away from the flooded areas.

Dr. Ahmed affirmed, ‘Families living along river Nyangores have been evacuated with immediate effect and relocated to nearby churches. Efforts are underway to supply them with food and non-food items through the Red Cross.’

Members of the Red Cross, along with disaster managemen
t officers from the County Government, navigated the flooded areas in boats, rescuing trapped children and women from marooned homes.

Catherine Soi, one of the affected residents, recounted her shock upon waking up to find her house submerged. ‘We made calls, and the security team and Red Cross officers responded promptly, whisking us to safety using boats,’ she said, lamenting the loss of belongings left behind in the flood waters.

Aaron Kirui, another affected resident, bemoaned not only the displacement but also agricultural losses. ‘My one-acre maize farm has been submerged and my three cows are confined to a small area. We are forced to navigate the floods frequently to feed them,’ he explained, appealing to the government for assistance with shelter and food.

In Chebirir village, several families, totaling over 40 individuals, were evacuated as flood waters encroached upon their homes. These families have found temporary refuge at Chebiri Primary School.

Joseph Sanga, a resident of Chebirir, urged t
he government to provide food supplies for the affected families, highlighting the imminent risk of hunger if assistance is not forthcoming.

Felix Langat, Chief Officer of Public Health and Medical Services, warned of potential waterborne disease outbreaks due to the heavy rains.

He emphasized the need for preventive measures, including the distribution of mosquito nets to mitigate the risk of malaria.

As Bomet County grapples with the aftermath of the flooding, collaborative efforts between county and national authorities are essential to provide relief and safeguard the well-being of affected communities.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Residents Brave Downpour To Benefit From Free Medical Care

Hundreds of Ugenya residents braved a chilly weather characterized by downpour to benefit from a free medical camp, courtesy of the Eliud Owalo Foundation.

The event, held at Sega township primary school grounds, saw both the old and young throng the grounds, thanking the organisers for coming to their aid in the wake of the on-going doctors’ strike.

Addressing the media, Information, Communications and the Digital economy Cabinet Secretary, Eliud Owalo said the foundation was augmenting the Kenya Kwanza government’s efforts to provide quality health care to Kenyans.

Owalo said healthcare was at the centre of the Kenya kwanza government’s plan, adding that healthy citizens would always be productive in whatever they do.

The CS at the same time called on Kenyans to take advantage of the on-going rains to plant more trees.

He further urged Kenyans to heed President William Ruto’s call on those living close to river banks to move to safer grounds.

‘In the last one week, we have witnessed loss of lives of K
enyans in their prime ages because of floods. Our people need to heed President William Ruto’s statement that they have to move away from river banks so that we do not expose ourselves to unnecessary danger,’ said the CS.

Acting Director General of Health in the Ministry of Health Dr Patrick Amoth who led a team of doctors hailed the organisers of the camp, saying that such events helped medical officials to carry out community diagnosis of various ailments.

Dr. Amoth said that the Ministry of Health has put in place adequate measures to ensure safety and health of Kenyans who have been forced to seek shelter in various camps because of floods.

‘Arrangements are in place to ensure we chlorinate water in the camps and also safe disposal of waste,’ he said adding that immunization teams were also carrying out outreaches to ensure that women and children under five years were well protected.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Gor Mahia Beats Murang’a Seals 3-1 At Sportpesa Arena

Gor Mahia on Saturday beat Murang’a Seals 3-1 in the much-anticipated SportPesa Derby at St. Sebastian Park in Murang’a.

The high stakes game took off at 3.00pm with Gor Mahia taking an early lead with a goal by Austin Othiambo, a lead that was however short-lived as John Kiplangat of Murang’a Seals scored leaving the teams with one goal each at half time.

In the second half, Murang’a Seals conceded a second goal by Benson Omalla from a penalty and later a third goal from the same player minutes to the final whistle.

Gor Mahia head coach Jonathan Mackinstry said his team had a good start to the game and ended up controlling up to 70 percent of it.

He noted that the Seals were a good opponent that brought energy and aggressiveness giving Gor Mahia a worthy challenge.

‘We only need to keep winning to stay ahead of our competitors and look after ourselves expecting our opponents to come full throttle,’ Mackinstry said.

The coach sustained an ankle injury in the changing rooms during half-time that he said
may keep him away for two or three days of training.

Murang’a Seal’s head coach Juma Abdalla said he was satisfied with the way his players played saying that they were resilient and becoming more confident.

‘The boys played as we had trained. Although we missed a few chances, their overall performance was good as the players are now more confident,’ he said adding that the boys were ready for their next match against Tusker.

On his part, the SportPesa Communications Manager Willis Ojwang said they were thrilled to be part of the historic match that was a demonstration of talent and a celebration of football, unity and sportsmanship.

The win against Murang’a Seals puts Gor Mahia 12 points clear on the board at the top of the division ahead of what might be a tough game against Shabana next week.

Source: Kenya News Agency