Immanuel Africa Gospel Church Kericho Holds Free Medical Camp

Immanuel Africa Gospel Church (AGC) Kericho in partnership with Kericho County government held a free medical camp to celebrate their 50th anniversary the of Church’s impactful mission to the community.

The one day medical camp held at Matobo Primary school that focused on screening for non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes saw over 1,000 patients from various areas within Kericho County benefit from free consultation, diagnosis, medications and referral for further specialized care to Kericho County Referral Hospital and Tenwek Hospital in Bomet County.

Speaking to the press, Kericho Health Services Chief Executive Officer (CEC) Ms Brenda Bii said Kericho County government would continue to partner with various hospitals in the county as well as those in Bomet County to engage in preventive healthcare measures to prevent life threatening non-communicable diseases in communities.

‘We are happy to participate and show support to all the partners and we look forward to further engagemen
ts. As a department, we are focused on preventive health care more than curative healthcare. This forum has provided data and statistics that we shall later analyze to know the cases that are affecting our residents in Kericho County on a day to day basis,’ said Health CEC Bii.

Senior Pastor AGC Kericho Rev. Joyce Tonui said they were celebrating their 50th anniversary since the inception of the Church in Kenya as part of their outreach to touch the lives of communities.

‘We want to thank our partners and as we celebrate the 50 years, we pray that we will be able to do even more in society. We trust we shall be able to provide medical care as well as medicines to as many people as we possibly can,’ said Rev. Tonui.

In an interview with KNA, a surgeon at Tenwek Mission Hospital Dr. Daniel Mwenga said they had received a peculiar case of a patient posting double cancer.

‘There is a patient right now who was managed for thyroid cancer and has presented for screening. It turns out to be a potential case for b
reast cancer. This is a double cancer in a single patient,’ said Dr. Mwenga.

An administrator at Medistar Hospital Kericho Edmund Ruto said patients with diabetes and hypertension were screened and found to have defaulted on their drugs.

A patient, Hezbon Ruto, commended AGC for organizing the free medical camp revealing that he was able to get free drugs for his diabetes and hypertension ailments.

Hospitals present during the medical camp included Siloam Hospital, Eldoret Hospital, South Rift Hospital, Bliss healthcare, Medistar Hospital Kericho, Tenwek Hospital and Kericho Outpatient Medical Centre.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Floods Ravage Kisumu County As Homes, Businesses Submerged

Residents and traders in Kisumu County are counting massive losses after their homes and businesses were marooned by floods after River Nyando burst its banks leaving a trail of destruction.

The latest flood crisis has caused extensive damage to residential areas, trading centers, public institutions and critical infrastructure in Nyando, Kadibo, Muhoroni and Nyakach Sub Counties.

The surge in River Nyando’s waters has been exacerbated by the increasing back flow from Lake Victoria and persistent heavy downpours in higher grounds like Nandi County.

As floods intensify, the situation in the lakeside county has deteriorated, compounding the challenges for the displaced locals who are already struggling to recover from previous crises.

A multi-agency response team composed of the National Government Administrative Officers, Coast Guard, the Kenya Red Cross Society, St. Johns and County Emergency Disaster Management Unit have been activated to evacuate the over 600 families marooned in their homes and busines
s premises in Nyando Sub County.

The overflow also impacted transportation, as evidenced by the temporary traffic disruption at Nyando Bridge in Ahero market. However, the situation at the bridge has since stabilized, as the movement of vehicles has resumed.

Farmers in Kibigori Sub location, Chemelil reported significant agricultural losses after the floods washed approximately 600 acres of maize and bean crops.

A spot check by Kenya News Agency (KNA) showed that healthcare facilities had not been spared, with Bunde Dispensary marooned and Ahero Sub-County Hospital partially submerged with wards and offices adversely affected.

Ahero and Muhoroni towns were completely flooded, severely impeding commercial activities, while areas like Ombeyi, Kabonyo Kanyagwal, Ombaka, and Sango Rota have experienced mass displacement due to flooding.

Moreover, feeder road networks like Ahero-Bunde-Kosida-Kasuna road were rendered impassable and the bridge at Homa Lime in Muhoroni Sub-County collapsed.

The dyke spanning f
rom Ahero Police Station to Magina – an approximately 5-kilometer stretch along both sides of River Nyando, has been washed downstream, worsening the crisis.

In a statement issued by Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o on Sunday, confirmed that the County had mobilized a multi-agency team to swiftly rescue the affected families.

‘We are working closely with the National government through our Multi-Agency committee to help our people. We sincerely thank the Coast Guard and the Kenya Red Cross Society whose teams are already at Ahero to help in the rescue mission.’

Nyong’o affirmed that a command center had been established at Ahero Sub-County Hospital to coordinate rescue operations and provide medical aid while the Kenya Defense Forces had deployed helicopters and manpower for aerial rescue missions.

Numerous schools, including St. Anne’s Primary, Ahero Girls Secondary, Karanda Primary and Secondary, Kosida Primary, Okanja Mixed Day Secondary School, Odino Primary, and Onjiko Boys, have been flooded.

Nyando Deputy
County Commissioner Elijah Maranga reported that the floods had caused minimal damage to public utilities like schools and hospitals. However, he noted that Ahero Police Station was severely affected, with water levels reaching waist-high in officers’ residences.

‘No major damage to public utilities like schools has been occasioned. However, Ahero Police Station is the most affected as the water level is to the waist level in houses used by officers,’ Maranga said.

He added that the compound of the Nyando Assistant County Commissioner’s office was partially submerged, impacting service delivery.

Additionally, government offices, including those of the OCS, Nyando Sub County Police Commander, Sub County Director of Criminal Investigation, and Base Traffic, have been marooned.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Journalists Urged To Uphold Objectivity And Impartiality In Reporting

Scribes have been urged to strictly adhere to the media ethics which include objectivity and impartiality and to observe the media law in their day to day agenda setting role in the society.

Further, journalists were also urged to refrain from sensationalizing stories in order to effectively inform educate and entertain the public.

Speaking during the commemoration of the World Press Freedom Day celebrations in Kericho County, the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers Executive Secretary (Kericho County) Mary Rotich who was the chief guest called for unity of purpose among the journalists saying their working together as professionals in covering stories within the county would make positive impact.

Ms. Rotich further observed that journalists played a critical role in promoting cohesion and integration within communities and organizations by airing the issues affecting them.

‘If journalists can play their role well in highlighting real issues affecting the society, we can go far. This day renews
the call for all media practitioners to re-evaluate how they gather, process and disseminate information for the good of the society,’ added Ms Rotich.

Audrey Chemutai who represented the Kericho Press Club emphasised on the importance of journalism and the freedom of expression for journalists in covering pertinent issues such as climate change which has been cited as the main cause of the floods being experienced in the country.

‘All journalists in Kericho County should join the Press Club to ensure that there is unity and togetherness amongst us. The club gives us a home to come together and relate as one family,’ Chemutai said.

Journalists from all the six sub counties in Kericho County gathered for the World Press Freedom Day at ACK Holy Trinity for the commemoration of the day.

In 2024, World Press Freedom Day marked annually on May 3, was dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis and its consequences.

According to
the United Nations, journalists encounter significant challenges in seeking and disseminating information on contemporary issues, such as supply-chains problems, climate migration, extractive industries, illegal mining, pollution, poaching, animal trafficking, deforestation, or climate change.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Over 600 People Marooned As Floods Wreak Havoc In Kisumu

Over 600 people have been marooned by floods in homes, business premises and on the roads after River Nyando broke its banks worsening the flood situation in Kisumu County.

Ahero bridge on the busy Nairobi-Kisumu road has been flooded disrupting transport from Kisumu to Nairobi, Kisii, Homa Bay and Migori.

Seven villages in Ombeyi location have been submerged in water, with the bridge near Homa Lime in Muhoroni Sub-County destroyed.

Ahero Police Station, Ahero Girls High School, Ahero Sub-County Hospital and Ahero market have been marooned by the flood waters with the situation exacerbated by the increasing backflow from Lake Victoria.

Several roads in Muhoroni, Nyakach, Nyando and Kadibo sub counties have been rendered impassable hampering rescue efforts.

The Kenya Coast Guard and Kenya Red Cross teams have moved to the affected areas to help rescue the affected families.

Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o on Sunday sent an appeal to the national government to mobilize air support to help rescue the
people marooned by floods in their homes.

‘We have appealed to state departments with helicopters including the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) to intervene and help us rescue the affected people,’ he said

The county government, he added, was making arrangements to hire boats to assist those marooned by floods to move to safer grounds.

Nyong’o asked people living near River Nyando and River Miriu to move to safer grounds because the rivers were expected to swell further given the ongoing rains.

He said the county government which has already distributed food and non-food items worth Sh4.8 million to the over 15, 000 displaced people was marshalling more support to reach out to more victims.

Other interventions in the pipeline, he said, included medical camps to support the affected families.

He appealed to well-wishers to donate food and non-food items to assist the displaced people.

‘We appeal to well-wishers willing to donate food and non-fo
od items to visit our collection centre at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Sports Complex in Kisumu,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Water Levels Low In Turkwel Multipurpose Dam

Kerio Valley Development Authority Managing Director Sammy Naporos has said Turkwel dam, with a water capacity of 1614 million cubic meters, would only spill over once it reaches a maximum level of 1150 meters above sea level.

Naporos reported that as of Saturday morning, the water level at the dam was recorded at 1135.65 meters above sea level, leaving a remaining 15 meters before reaching full capacity

He emphasized the need for caution, especially for residents living in lowland areas prone to flooding, as several rivers, including the Muruny, Weiwei, and Lomut, flow towards Lake Turkana, potentially causing flooding.

‘No one should cross or drive in swollen rivers, which might cause loss of life and property,’ cautioned Naporos, underlining the importance of safety measures during such challenging times.

In response to the heightened risk posed by strong waves, Naporos suspended fishing activities in the 60-square-kilometer Turkwel Dam.

‘The beach management unit should stop fishing in the evening du
e to strong winds, and if they fish during the daytime, they should wear life-saving jackets,’ he advised.

The MD also urged residents living in high-risk areas to remain vigilant, especially with the Meteorological Department’s forecast of more heavy rains.

He encouraged people to find shelter in safer locations to minimize the potential flooding risk due to the heavy rainfall

The MD who was accompanied by West Pokot sub county Deputy Commissioner Wycliffe Munanda made the remarks when they inspected the water level of Turkwel Dam and assessed its structural stability amid heavy rains in the area.

The decision to inspect the dam’s water levels was prompted by extensive flooding in the country, which has resulted in significant destruction, prompting officials to enforce preventive actions.

An advisory issued by the KVDA managing the dam on Saturday regarding potential flooding was further explained, stating that the water levels at the dam remained low and the dam’s structural integrity was still sound.

DCC Munanda emphasized the importance of ceasing any additional fishing activities in the dam and highlighted that strict enforcement of the law would be carried out against individuals caught fishing during strong winds.

Furthermore, he assured the presence of the police at the dam to guarantee the safety of residents and the effective implementation of evacuation protocols.

‘While there are no dams in West Pokot County overflowing or at an alarming rate, some rivers are swollen, displacing a number of people,’ he noted.

Munanda emphasized the adoption of a multi-agency approach to raise awareness among residents residing in landslide and flood-prone areas, urging them to relocate to safer locations.

While he stated that the current situation does not allow the dams in the region to overflow he however emphasized the significance for residents to exercise caution during the rainy season, advising people to relocate from hazardous areas.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Disaster Managemen
t in West Pokot, Mr. Martin Lotee reiterated the concerns raised by DCC Munanda regarding the devastating effects of landslides in certain areas of the county.

CECM Lotee emphasized the importance of vigilance for residents living in risky, landslide-prone locations like Sonday, Parua, and Muino Kopro.

‘As a county, we are also trying our best to help those affected. Some have been hospitalized, and in Kopro location, some livestock were killed by landslides, and human beings were injured,’ he stated, emphasizing the urgent need for proactive measures to mitigate further risks.

Residents echoed concerns about the challenging conditions brought about by the heavy rains.

John Longiroi, a fisherman, conveyed the struggles experienced due to rough waves, explaining, ‘We were concerned because of the disasters happening in various areas of the country as a result of the continuous heavy rainfall.’

Mark Choge, a member of the community in Riting village, recognized the increasing water levels and observed that
some people had chosen to relocate to more secure locations in fear of floods due to heavy rainfall witnessed in the region.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Committee To Monitor Tree Planting Exercise Launched In Trans Nzoia

A committee to spearhead and monitor tree planting activities in Trans Nzoia County has been officially launched.

Speaking during the inauguration of the committee at the County headquarters, Trans Nzoia County Commissioner Gideon Oyagi said there was need to document all the tree planting activities in the region, explaining that this would be a crucial element to ensure the county target of planting 11.9 million trees is achieved before the end of the year.

As he rallied for cooperation of all stakeholders, Oyagi reminded that the responsibility of environmental conservation should not be squarely left to the government but it should be embraced by all Kenyans.

‘Any impact on the environment affects all of us, therefore I don’t see why matters environmental conservation should be left to the government alone. It should be a duty of each and every Kenyan. We urge the public to take a front seat to ensure the effects of climate change won’t cause more havoc,’ he reminded.

The CC reminded government office
rs to be realistic and honest when documenting and reporting services delivered to avoid duplication.

The constituted committee comprises of Heads of Departments, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) and private partners.

Immediately after being launched, the committee put in place a series of continuous tree planting activities to help ensure achievement of the 11.9 million county target.

Some of the strategies rolled out require each and every government agency or department to outline a day, place and number of trees they would facilitate to plant.

Deputy County Commissioner Nicholas Kijuba said there should be synergy and deliberate plans to drive forward the national 15 billion tree planting initiative.

He challenged the public and all stakeholders to ensure that the planted trees are protected for posterity, to avoid the efforts and resources being put in place going to waste.

Addressing the Committee, Trans County Forester Eli Tinda revealed that out of the 11.9
million County target, the initiative has so far seen 2.8 million trees being planted.

Tinda said the county has enough tree seedlings to help achieve the intended target as he singled out mobilization as the only challenge.

‘The County has a total of 81 tree nurseries out of which 56 are private and the rest are public. The public nurseries have about 1,645,000 seedlings whereas the private nurseries have 3, 748, 000,’ he said.

One Acre Fund representative Henry Wanjala revealed that 2,152,934 seedlings of different tree species are in their nurseries across the county, where each seedling goes at five shillings.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Coastal Residents Urged To Be Vigilantly On The Predicted Tropical Cyclone

Residents of Mombasa have been urged to exercise caution and avoid engaging in ocean-related activities as the region experiences powerful winds along its coastline.

Following the meteorological update predicting the arrival of Tropical Cyclone ‘Hidaya’, the coastal region has been alerted for heavy rains, towering waves, and fierce winds.

Authorities have issued warnings advising residents to stay away from the ocean and refrain from water-based activities until the weather conditions improve. This precautionary measure aims to ensure the safety and well-being of the community amidst the strong winds sweeping across the coastal area.

Speaking at Nyali Beach during World Press Freedom Day, Chairman and Founder of the Mombasa Walk Movement Idris Abdulrahman said that it was important to safeguard both the community wellbeing and the region’s ecological integrity amidst the prevailing strong winds along the coast.

‘We want to create more awareness about World Press Freedom Day and our environment,’ he said
as he called upon journalists to intensify spreading awareness about the detrimental impact on marine life because of littering along the coastline

As World Press Freedom Day themed ‘journalism in the face of environmental crisis’ continues to be marked, hundreds of journalists and residents of Mombasa turned up for a 10km from Nyali Center to Nyali Beach where participants also engaged in beach cleaning exercises and a football match between Coast Media FC and Mombasa Walk Movement.

As early as 6am, they gathered for a 10km walk from Nyali centre heading through the links road to Nyali beach.

Journalists and residents of Mombasa under the umbrella of the Mombasa Walk Movement turned up for the annual event to sensitize the public on the freedom of the press as they discharged their duties.

After the walk, the journalists under the banner of Coast Media FC participated in a beach cleaning exercise at Nyali Beach. The activity was meant to raise awareness of conserving the environment along the beach.

li sub-county police commander Daniel Masaba has asked residents to be cautious of the Hidaya Cyclone.

The event’s climax was a football match between Coast Media FC and Mombasa Walk Movement where Coast Media FC won by 2-1 in both ladies’ and men’s categories.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Algerian and Tunisian National Civil Protection Schools sign twinning agreement

Tunis: A twinning agreement between the Algerian and Tunisian national civil protection schools was signed Saturday, during the working visit paid by Director General of the National Civil Protection Office and the delegation accompanying him to Algeria from April 29 to May 6.

According to a press release issued by the civil protection spokesperson, the aim of this visit is to implement the results of the Tunisian-Algerian joint technical committee in the field of civil protection, which was held in Tabarka, Jendouba governorate, from April 21 to 25.

The twinning agreement is part of an effort to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the field of civil protection training in order to ensure the safety of citizens.

The Director General of Civil Protection and the accompanying delegation visited the headquarters of the General Directorate of Civil Protection in Algiers, where they were briefed on the activities and mission of the National Coordination Centre and the management of various disast

They also visited the National Civil Protection Museum before heading to the national training and intervention unit of the civil protection of Dar El-Beida in Algiers.

The Tunisian delegation attended the graduation ceremony of the 16th class of medical lieutenants and the 47th class of civil protection officers, chaired by the Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning, Brahim Merad, and attended by the Director General of the Algerian Civil Protection, Colonel Boualem Boughlef.

The team from the Tunisian Civil Protection Unit is participating in the joint exercise “SEIMEX 2024” with Algerian civil protection units in Bouira, Algeria, with the aim of strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two countries in the field of civil protection, exchanging experience and best practices in the management of accidents and disasters, and building capacity and skills in dealing with emergencies.

The exercise will help to strengthen the organisational and operational capabil
ities of the participating units and improve the joint response to emergencies and disasters. It includes the implementation of several scenarios that simulate realistic situations to address potential civil protection challenges.

According to a press release from the spokesperson for civil protection, women from Tunisia and Algeria participated in this joint exercise “with the utmost professionalism and dedication.”

This participation ‘reflects the two countries’ commitment to promoting equality and enhancing the role of women in various fields, including civil protection,’ said the same source.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

22 sea border crossings thwarted, 10 migrant smugglers and middlemen arrested (National Guard)

Tunis: The National Guard district of Sfax and the Central Coast Guard district thwarted 22 illegal sea crossings and rescued a significant number of ‘crossers’.

The General Directorate of the National Guard said in a statement on Sunday that 10 suspects, including migrant smugglers and middlemen, were arrested and a significant number of tools and equipment used for this purpose were seized.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

OIC summit in Banjul: Tunisian delegation officially expresses reservations over conference documents on Palestine

Tunis: At the end of the 15th summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Banjul, Gambia Sunday, the Tunisian delegation officially expressed its reservations about the references in the conference documents to the “June 4, 1967 borders”, the “two-state solution” and “East Al-Quds”, based on Tunisia’s firm position, its unconditional support for the Palestinian people in their struggle to regain their legitimate, inalienable and indivisible rights, and its support for their right to establish their independent state on the entire territory of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The final communiqué of the summit included several paragraphs related to Islamic cooperation in various fields, especially political, economic and cultural, the situation of Muslim minorities in some non-OIC member states, the Banjul Declaration and the resolution on the Palestinian cause and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, according to a Foreign Ministry press release.

The final communiqué welcomed the holding of the
consultative meeting between the leaders of Tunisia, Algeria and Libya in Tunis on April 22 at the invitation of the President of the Republic, Kay Saied. During this meeting, the three Heads of State reaffirmed their common will to intensify consultation and coordination in order to strengthen the elements of security, stability and development throughout the region and to enhance its resilience.

They also stressed the importance of exchanging analyses, assessments and information on the phenomena of terrorism, trafficking in human beings, drugs of all kinds and organised crime, which threaten the security and stability of the region, in order to serve the interests of the three countries.

The final communiqué also welcomed Tunisia’s hosting of the 10th edition of the OIC Halal Products Expo from October 8 to 12, 2024, and urged member states and private sector institutions to actively participate in this exhibition.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar headed the Tunis
ian delegation at the summit, representing President Kais Saied. The summit was attended by 57 Islamic countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse