Tunisian-Jordanian cooperation in education field discussed

Tunis: Cooperation between Tunisia and Jordan in the field of education and ways of benefiting from Jordan’s experience in teaching Arabic were the focus of a meeting held on Monday between Minister of Education, Salwa Abassi, and Jordanian ambassador in Tunis, Abdullah Abu Rumman, accompanied by Chief Executive Officer of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Osama Obeidat.

The Minister of Education stressed the deep bonds of brotherhood between Tunisia and Jordan and the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the field of education and teaching.

In this context, she praised the effective role played by the Queen Rania Academy in training teachers and modernising Arabic language teaching programmes.

For his part, the Jordanian Ambassador to Tunisia stressed his country’s commitment to strengthening cooperation with Tunisia in the field of education and teaching.

«The Queen Rania Teacher Academy is a successful model for promoting skills and teaching programmes using modern and innovative metho
ds,» he pointed out.

The CEO of the teacher academy gave an overview of the programmes and modern tools introduced to teach the Arabic language, stressing the importance of promoting cooperation and exchange of experiences between schools in the two countries.

The Minister of Education also pointed out that Tunisia is working to develop Arabic language teaching methods based on international best practices, in particular Jordan’s experience.

During the meeting, the two parties explored the possibility of organising joint training sessions and teacher exchange programmes between the two countries, in addition to launching an educational TV channel and a web radio station in Tunisia.

They agreed to set up committees to study cooperation and monitoring mechanisms.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Most Tunisians refuse abortion for no reason or for economic reasons (Survey)

Tunis: Most Tunisians oppose abortion for no reason or for economic reasons, according to the latest survey by the pan-African research network Afrobarometer, carried out by the Tunisian institute “One to One for Research and Polling”.

Presented on Tuesday, the results of the “Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health” survey show that 88% of a sample of 1,200 Tunisian adults interviewed between February 25 and March 11, believe that abortion is justified when the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s health or is the result of rape or incest (66%), but never for economic reasons (50%) or any other reason (71%).

Youssef Meddeb, CEO and co-founder of One to One for Research and Polling, said the survey also revealed that 33% of respondents believe that women and girls in their community “sometimes” (20%) or “often” (13%) terminate their pregnancies.

83% of respondents agree that girls should be able to continue their studies if they become pregnant or parents, that they should be able to make their
own decisions about marriage (81%) and childbearing (59%), and that young people should be provided with sexuality education to help them make informed decisions (55%), he added.

The survey also found that 16% of respondents say that female students ‘often’ or ‘always’ face discrimination, harassment or sexual advances from their teachers.

41% say that women are ‘often’ or ‘always’ sexually harassed in public spaces, and 66% believe that ‘much more’ needs to be done to protect women and girls from sexual harassment.

Participants in this conference said that lack of information, limited access to health services, social norms, insecurity and lack of financial resources are all factors that undermine the situation of women in Tunisia, despite current legal and institutional achievements.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Cabinet discusses preparations for return of Tunisians abroad in summer season

Tunis: A Cabinet Meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Kasbah, discussed the preparations of various ministries to ensure the return of Tunisians abroad in the best conditions during the summer season.

These include mobilising all resources to facilitate the issuance of travel documents and improve services at airports, seaports, and land border crossings, said a Prime Ministry press release.

The meeting emphasised the “need to ensure a good reception for Tunisians abroad and to mobilise all resources to streamline travel procedures.”

The Ministry of Social Affairs will “review legal texts on social security for Tunisians abroad” and “work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad to raise awareness among the Tunisian Diaspora about their rights, enshrined in the various agreements signed with their host countries.”

The meeting was attended by Interior Minister, Khaled Nouri, Finance Minister, Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia, Social Affai
rs Minister, Kamel Madouri, Minister of Communication Technologies, Nizar Ben Neji, Tourism Minister Mohamed Moez Belhassine, Secretary of State to the Interor Minister in charge of National Security, Sofiane Ben Sadok, Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Mounir Ben Rjiba, Director General of Border Police and Foreigners, Imed Zoghlami, and Director General of Customs, Zouheir Mejri.

The meeting particularly addressed the implementation of decisions made during the cabinet meeting held on April 23 regarding the preparations for the return of Tunisians abroad during the summer season.

The April 23 meeting had approved a series of measures in favour of Tunisians abroad, including the allocation of 500 tickets at reduced prices to poor families, the creation of an outdoor area for travellers at the port of La Goulette and the doubling of the number of check-in desks (from 18 to 36) for the return of Tunisians abroad.

The measures approved by the Cabinet also
included the creation of a special area within the General Directorate of Borders and Aliens Police for obtaining travel documents for the Tunisian diaspora and the opening of passport offices at Tunis-Carthage airport and the ports of La Goulette and Zarzis.

The services of the Tunisian Customs have also been called upon to reduce waiting times for travellers, while ensuring that corridors are allocated to travellers without baggage and that an exchange office is opened at the port of La Goulette.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Health Minister stresses Tunisia’s commitment to international treaty on pandemic preparedness and response

Tunis: Health Minister Ali M’rabet delivered Tunisia’s speech at the 77th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA), which is currently being held in Geneva, Switzerland.

He highlighted Tunisia’s commitment to universal noble values and the establishment of an international treaty on pandemic preparedness and response, embodying the call made by President Kais Saied and several international leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister underlined the importance of the global health challenges and the efforts of the World Health Organisation (WHO) member states to address them through the adoption of the the organisation’s 14th work programme for the period 2025-2028.

He also stressed the importance of negotiations on the treaty on pandemic preparedness and response, and the revision of health regulations, as well as the review of international health emergencies, in particular the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Health Minister reiterated Tunisia’s firm position calling for a
ceasefire, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, and the lifting of the unjust blockade imposed on them.

Minister M’rabet called on the World Health Assembly to adopt the draft resolution on social participation for UHC, health and well-being, proposed by Tunisia, France, Norway, Brazil, Thailand and Slovenia, which enshrines the recommendations outlined in the WHO’s guide for community participation, drawing on the leading experiences of several member states in this field, including Tunisia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Gabes: New research laboratory at ENIG

Gabes: A new research laboratory has been set up at the National Engineering School of Gabès (ENI): the Mechanical Modelling, Energy and Materials Laboratory.

This brings the total number of laboratories at the University of Gabes to 19, compared to 4 in 2017.

These research laboratories at the University of Gabès are divided into 8 laboratories at the Faculty of Science of Gabes (FSG), 7 other laboratories at the National Engineering School of Gabes (ENIG), a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Applied Biology of Medenine (ISBAM), another laboratory at the Higher Institute of Water Science and Technology of Gabes (ISSTEG), a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Management (ISGG) and a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Gabes (ISAMG).

During this academic year, the University of Gabes created a second doctoral school in “exact and natural sciences” at the Faculty of Science in Gabes, as part of its efforts to create a multidisciplinary sectoral platform for training and research, o
perating within the framework of the LMD system (Licence-Master-Doctorate).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tremor of 3 degrees near Gulf of Hammamet

Tunis: An earth tremor measuring 3 degrees on the Richter scale was recorded on Tuesday at 8:07 am (local time) near the coasts of the Gulf of Hammamet, the National Institute of Meteorology said.

The epicentre was located 36.39 degrees latitude and 11.33 degrees longitude, preliminary analysis show.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Palestinian cause and irregular migration focus of 36th AIPU Conference’s final statement

Tunis: The final statement of the 36th conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU), held on May 26-27 in Algiers, highlighted the challenges posed by irregular migration and its negative social and economic repercussions in many Arab countries,

The participants commended the efforts made by Tunisia to reduce irregular migration and called for the root causes of this phenomenon to be addressed under a comprehensive regional approach based on solidarity. They further affirmed support to Tunisia’s position in refusing to become a platform of transit and settlement for irregular migrants.

Speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) Brahim Bouderbala said during the examination of the draft final statement, that Tunisia has always opted to address the issue of irregular migration within the framework of a global regional approach in order to ensure stability and increase employment opportunities for young people, reads an ARP press release.

In its final statement, AIPU also praised the
UN General Assembly resolutions upgrading Palestine’s rights in the world body as an observer state.

The settlement of the Arab-Zionist conflict will only be possible after the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian State with Al-Quds as its capital, and the implementation of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and the relevant international resolutions on Palestine and its resilient people.

The AIPU further called on the international community and all international organisations, especially the Security Council, to spare no efforts to assert the voice of the Palestinian people and put an end to their suffering.

To this end, the AIPU pointed to the need to comply with the principles of international law and refrain from adopting double standards in the application of Security Council decisions, particularly when it comes to crimes perpetrated by the Zionist entity.

The participants also called on their governments to stop all forms of military, political and economic support for the Zionist entity.

As sugg
ested by the Tunisian delegation, the AIPU issued a statement on the dramatic developments in Gaza and the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist entity against Palestinian civilians in Rafah.

Arab MPs strongly condemned the brutality of the massacres committed under the eyes of the whole world, warning of the dangers facing more than one million displaced Palestinians in Rafah.

The AIPU also condemned the US administration’s support to the Zionist entity and for covering up its crimes and flagrant violations.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Model wastewater treatment plant inaugurated in Bent Saidane, El Fahs

Zaghouan: The wastewater treatment plant in Bent Saidane, El Fahs, Zaghouan governorate, implemented as part of the AQUAYCLE project financed by the European Union through the ENI CBC Mediterranean Basin Programme, was inaugurated on Tuesday by Minister of the Environment, Leila Chikhaoui, and local governor, Mohamed El Euch.

In Jougar, a village located in El Fahs, the minister also inspected the process of the rural wastewater treatment plant, which is also based on innovative techniques using aquatic plants developed by the Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies (CITET), according to the director general of CITET.

In a statement to TAP, Leila Chikhaoui said the ministry had decided to build the model plant in residential areas with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants, which cannot be served by traditional sewage treatment plants.

She stressed that the new plant is based on a wastewater treatment system using plants that absorb pollutants and modern four-dimensional technologies, adding that
this experience has achieved significant results in other countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Kais Saied leaves for People’s Republic of China

Tunis: President Kais Saied left on Tuesday for a visit to China, at the invitation of the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

The President was seen off by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani, the first delegate and acting governor of Tunis, the secretary general of the Tunis municipality and acting mayor, and members of the presidential office, according to a statement issued by the presidency.

Saied’s state visit to China will last until June 1. He will be the guest of honour at the opening session of the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on May 30.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Over 300 Million Children Are Victims of Online Sexual Exploitation


LONDON, May 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Over 300 million children are subjected to online sexual exploitation and abuse globally, with several parts of Africa identified as areas of concern. These are among the conclusions by university researchers behind the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis.

With files containing sexual images of children are reported worldwide once every second, the authors stated that pupils “in every classroom, in every school, in every country” are victims of this “hidden pandemic”.

The statistics appear in a ground breaking report the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. It indicates that one in eight, or 12.6%, of the world’s children have endured past year experience of non-consensual taking, sharing, and exposure to sexual images and video, amounting to about 302 million young people.

Additionally, 12.5% of children globally (300 million) were subject in the past year to online solicitation, including unwanted sexual talk, non-consensual sexting, and unwanted sexual questions or act requests by adults or other youths. Offences can also include “sextortion” and abuse of AI deepfake technology.

One child grooming survivor campaigning for change emphasised the need for stronger regulation to hold tech platforms accountable, especially with the increasing difficulty of detecting offenders due to the roll-out of end-to-end encryption on popular social media apps.

Childlight’s new global index, Into the Light, found the Middle East and North Africa receive the highest Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) hosting alerts per population size – nine per 1,000 people, more than any other region. The prevalence of online solicitation is highly reported by children in East and Southern Africa and West and Central Africa, at 20.4% and 18% respectively, compared to the 12.5% global average.

While these African regions receive fewer CSAM hosting reports, their lower internet availability suggests they may become future hotspots as more countries come online.

Childlight CEO Paul Stanfield, a former Interpol Director, stressed the urgency of treating the issue as a global health emergency. “Child abuse material is so prevalent that files are on average reported to watchdog and policing organisations once every second. This is a global health pandemic that has remained hidden for far too long. It occurs in every country, is growing exponentially and requires an urgent global response. Children can’t wait.”

Debi Fry, professor of international child protection research at the University of Edinburgh, who led the Childlight project, stated: “The world needs to know these atrocities are affecting children in every classroom, in every school, in every country. These aren’t harmless images: they are deeply damaging.”

Interpol’s executive director, Stephen Kavanagh, said: “Online exploitation and abuse is a clear and present danger to the world’s children, and traditional law enforcement approaches are struggling to keep up. We must do much more together at a global level.”

Newton Kariuki*, a 22-year-old Kenyan man who was sexually abused as a child, adds: “It pains me so much that children still face abuse. For me it affected me so much. Sharing with anyone, even with my parents at first was hard, but I had to get justice. Guidance and counselling are important. It is what has helped me to overcome the stigma and negative feelings I had in me.”

Timothy Opobo, Executive Director of The AfriChild Centre in Uganda, emphasised the need for more data and investment in research to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation effectively. “Building the evidence base through rigorous research is crucial to ending harmful social norms and beliefs that don’t work in the best interests of the African child,” he said.

Among the key findings based on original research and analysis of 125 studies and over 36 million reports are:

  • The Middle East and North Africa receive the most alerts about CSAM per head of population.
  • Eastern and Southern Africa report the highest prevalence of online sexual extortion.

If you or someone you know needs support for child sexual exploitation and abuse, or if you are concerned that you might hurt a child, please visit Child Helpline International or brave movement or Stop it now

Notes to editors

A copy of the full report, video clips, photos and an infographic (all free to use) are available at this Dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0pty9kmxhe1w59d40kfvr/ANTWduJsRUje1lHKKu39_2c?rlkey=yo453zr3klnrangcspf6jc7ye&st=7tguck3i&dl=0
*Survivor name changed to protect identity

Childlight is funded by the Human Dignity Foundation

For information and interview opportunities please contact Jason Allardyce at Jason.allardyce@ed.ac.uk.

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