State Vows To Complete Stalled Infrastructure Projects

The national government is committed to completing all stalled infrastructure projects in the Nyanza region before initiating new ones, aiming to spur economic growth.

Topping the list is the tarmacking of the 63km Mamboleo-Miwani-Chemelil-Muhoroni-Kipsitet road, which commenced in 2022 but faced funding challenges.

Information, Communications and The Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo affirmed that the state has made provisions to support the actualisation of key development projects in the area. Notably, the construction of the Mfangano Island Ring Road in Homa Bay is now complete, having been launched by the head of state eight months ago.

Owalo made these remarks during a relief food distribution exercise to households affected by floods at Masara Secondary, Muhoroni Sub-County. He also highlighted the advanced planning stage for the construction of the 478-kilometer Lake Victoria ring road, which will traverse Busia to Migori Counties along the shoreline.

‘The Ministry of Roads and Tr
ansport has already approved the road project design, and the Treasury is negotiating with the World Bank to release funds for the project,’ Owalo stated. Thus, the ring road, he emphasised, which connects Kenya with Tanzania and Uganda, would transform the region’s economy by boosting tourism and regional trade.

Additionally, Owalo noted that the state is keen on investing cash by leasing five struggling state-owned sugar companies despite the process being derailed by the high court process.

The government has begun paying arrears to all cane farmers and workers at South Nyanza Sugar Company, Nzoia Sugar Company, Miwani Sugar, Muhoroni Sugar, and Chemelil Sugar Company ahead of their leasing.

‘We are bringing in private investors to rejuvenate these factories through leasing, enabling them to operate at optimum levels. This will revitalise the sugar belt economy,’ Owalo said.

At the same time, Owalo announced that his ministry, in collaboration with the National Government Constituencies Development Fun
d (NG-CDF), will roll out the construction of ICT digital hubs in all wards countrywide.

‘We are working to ensure all wards in Kenya have computer hubs where Form 4 leavers and graduates can receive digital training and connect with online work from foreign organisations. This is key to addressing unemployment among graduate youths,’ he added.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Residents Urged To Embrace TVET Education To Acquire Relevant Skills

Ndia Technical and Vocational College held its first graduation since inception in 2018 at a function held in Ndia Constituency, Kirinyaga County which saw 209 graduates awarded diplomas and certificates in various courses.

While congratulating the graduates and the institution, various speakers emphasized the vital role of technical institutions, calling on parents to enroll their children for the courses offered.

David Ng’ang’a, representing Principal Secretary, State Department for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET), said it is on the agenda of the Kenya Kwanza government to make sure all TVETs are well equipped to provide basic knowledge to learners.

He added that the incorporation of the dual trainers’ programme has given the trainees deep and real-world experience that enables them to acknowledge the gap between theory and practice.

He acknowledged good cooperation between several TVET institutions that have seen them enter into agreements with industries within their regions in ord
er to offer industrial training courses.

‘The visionary leadership of the Kenya government and NG-CDF for offering unwavering support in the establishment of this institution and their commitment in investing in education and skill development has paved the way for a brighter future for our youths’

He said the reforms recommended by the presidential working party on education will be fully implemented. ‘The education taskforce gave out a report last year and we as a ministry have embarked on implementing its recommendations that includes full roll out of competence-based education and training programs.’

Ndia Member of Parliament Mr George Kariuki who was among the guests said gone are the days when TVET was seen as a waste of time and parents preferred other learning institutions over them.

The legislator noted that the technical schools have proven to produce qualified and skilled workers in different departments and challenged residents to take advantage of the courses offered at the institution by enr
olling their children.

‘TVET is vital for fostering innovation, enhancing productivity and driving economic growth. It provides a pathway for youth to acquire skills that meet the demands of the modern labour market,’ Kariuki said.

The MP further promised to invest an additional Sh10 million from the local NG-CDF to help the school get more lecture halls and workshops along with other facilities.

Ndia Technical Vocational College principal Nicholas Muriuki said the institution opened in 2018 with 33 students adding the number has since risen to 622 students undertaking different courses. He said their programs are tailored to meet demands of the ever-evolving job market.

He revealed that they also offer fully subsidized German Language Training which commenced in March this year.

He attributed the growth to collaboration from the national government and the NGCDF office that has been allocating resources to develop it.

Anthony Wandu, Chair BOG, called on those who have acquired skills in the Jua kali se
ctor to register for exams in the institution to acquire certificates through the Recognition Prior-Learning Program.

‘Let’s continue to support this institution by bringing our sons and daughters here. If you go around today you will notice that we have opened a new workshop, and further, the government is investing more than Sh200 million in facilities. Those who have skills can register for exam and receive certificates through RPL-Recognition Prior-Learning,’ Wandu divulged.

Kirinyaga West Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) John Mbugua said the institution has transformed the area in terms of business and improvement of security.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Migori Governor Launches Modern Market Worth Sh.55m At Nyakweri Centre

Resident of Nyatike Constituency in Migori County will soon smile all the way to a modern Market whose construction kicked-off Sunday at Nyakweri trading Centre.

The Market to be put up under the Economic Stimulus Plan (ESP) programme at a cost of Sh55 million, is mainly targeted to promote the fast-growing trade in Pishori rice, that is widely grown within the lower Kuja Irrigation scheme in Nyatike Sub County.

While presiding over the ground breaking of the project, Migori Governor Ochillo Ayacko, described the forth coming facility as bringing a significant milestone for the population residing in a very remote part of the County.

He explained that the project is set to transform the local economy and boost the livelihoods of many of the residents in regards to income from the huge financial transactions that would happen within and around the structure.

The new market is expected to accommodate up to 1,000 traders upon completion in six months’ time.

The one-story building shall have amongst other fa
cilities an ATM, Mother’s breast feeding Room, Social Hall, Cold Rooms, ICT Hub and Modern Toilets.

Dr Ayacko expressed his gratitude to the family of Mzee Sije Balaa for donating the land for the market.

‘I urge others to emulate this noble gesture,’ he said.

He further explained that while the market is largely funded by the national government, the construction is overseen by the county administration.

The county is committed to shared prosperity for all its people, Governor Ayacko declared.

The County boss mentioned similar projects in Rongo, Uriri and Suna East constituencies and, hinted of plans to expand market constructions across the county.

However, he challenged the local community to maintain peace for the market to succeed in benefiting them while urging those with stalls to lease them if they lack stock to sell.

Encouraging a vibrant business environment, Governor Ayacko advised locals to promote the market by engaging in diverse trades that can attract people from far and wide.

y a unique product that can draw people to this market,’ he suggested.

The governor also announced plans to develop Ong’er Market, known for its cattle trade, and ordered the county chief officer of finance, Andrew Mwera, to resolve any outstanding issues with the landowners by Monday, the 27th.

He assured that the county would assist landowners in processing land succession.

Emphasizing the significance of unity, the governor called on all leaders in Migori, particularly local MPs, to collaborate with him to fulfill their promises to the people.

‘We must work together to deliver on our pledges,’ he urged.

Speaking at the same event, Nyatike Member of Parliament Tom Odege urged the youth to seize the opportunity and take up contracts to help build the market.

Odege stated that Modern markets play pivotal roles in boosting local economies and enhancing the quality of life for local communities.

He added that the market will provide surrounding farmers and traders with the necessary infrastructure to sel
l and buy necesary farm inputs and outputs and ensuring efficient delivery of their produce to customers.

The MP noted that the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme that has overtime been a source of pishori rice and other rice by-products will greatly benefit by having adequate warehouse within the market.

He emphasised the importance of good cooperation with the local government and criticized those who always fight the governor, accusing him of doing nothing in terms of development

‘Let’s work with the governor instead of abusing him on social media platforms,’ he said.

Highlighting the county’s commitment to improving local infrastructure, MP Odege noted that a borehole has been dug at Nyakweri Girls, and five security lights have been installed across five trading centers, courtesy of the county government.

Source: Kenya News Agency

ECDE Teachers In Elgeyo Marakwet Receive Pay Rise

Early Childhood and Development Education (ECDE) teachers in Elgeyo Marakwet County have been awarded a significant pay rise.

The salary adjustment, affecting teachers across three job groups, was announced during Governor Wisley Rotich’s recent State of the County address at the county assembly.

The governor outlined that the salaries for ECDE teachers will increase by Sh4000 per grade.

‘To motivate our teachers, we have adjusted their salaries by Sh4, 000, ensuring that the first, second, and third cohorts earn Sh18, 000, Sh16, 000, and Sh14, 000 respectively,’ Governor Rotich stated.

Governor Rotich emphasised the critical role ECDE teachers play in laying the educational foundation for the county’s children.

He revealed that there are plans to confirm more teachers and further increase their pay by a similar amount in the next financial year.

‘In the financial year 2024/2025, we will increase their take-home pay by another Sh4, 000,’ he announced, urging the county assembly members to support the fo
rthcoming bill to facilitate these changes.

In addition to the pay rise, the governor highlighted other investments in education within the county.

He noted that the county has distributed Sh15 million as capitation to ECDE centres across nine wards.

This funding is aimed at facilitating the operations of these units, including supporting school feeding programmes designed to attract and retain young learners while supplementing their diets.

Governor Rotich also spoke about the progress in technical education, noting a substantial increase in enrollment at Vocational Training Centres.

‘The population in these institutions is now at 3,800, up from 1,800 in 2022,’ he said.

This growth is attributed to the county’s strategic plan to provide practical skills to the youth.

Furthermore, the governor highlighted the success of the student airlift programme, dubbed ‘Pepea,’ which has sent more than 100 students abroad to various universities and colleges.

‘Under the airlift programme Pepea, we have managed to
send over 100 students abroad to various colleges and universities. These include students who have fully secured athletics and academic scholarships in the USA and Canada,’ Governor Rotich remarked.

Governor Rotich noted that the initiatives by his administration underscore a comprehensive approach to improving education at all levels in Elgeyo Marakwet County, ensuring that both young children and older students have access to quality education and opportunities for advancement.

Source: Kenya News Agency

PWDs Urged To Form Groups To Benefit From Government Funds

Persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Igembe South sub-county have been urged to form groups to benefit from government funds amid rising cost of living and scarcity of employment opportunities.

Speaking to KNA, an Uwezo funds officer in Igembe south sub county Casty Murithi encouraged PWDs to register in groups to access government funds and grants for financial empowerment.

She noted that there are various government funds like Uwezo that aim at providing accessible financial support to women, youths and persons with disabilities to promote business growth.

Murithi maintained that forming a group is not only geared for financial support but also to foster mutual support and shared responsibility among the members.

She said that many PWDs were unaware of many opportunities available due to ignorance and lack of organization and such governments’ funds remain underutilized.

Murithi elaborated that government funds are available to eligible groups to provide financial support and promote economic independen
ce adding PWDS are an integral part of the society and should take advantage of the funds.

She further maintained that they offer training programs to registered groups to ensure efficiency of their projects.

The chairman of Maua disabled group David Gikundi issued a clarion call to 80 group members to utilize the funds to empower themselves economically.

He maintained that the Constitution of Kenya safeguards the interest of PWDs and thus urged all government departments to bring services closer to PWDs.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Teso North Unveils Plan To Boost Education Infrastructure And Hybrid Learning

Education in Teso North constituency received a major boost after area MP Oku Kaunya unveiled a five-year strategic plan which is aimed at turning around the education sector to accommodate hybrid alongside skill-based learning.

Speaking at Amagoro Girls secondary, Kaunya said that his focus is to re-strategise and prioritise education fields in the constituency and ensure that next year, all youths irrespective of their education status get adequate skills relevant for the job market here in Kenya and overseas.

The legislature added that having a mass population of youths around who have no basic skills is hazardous and risky to the security of the constituency.

‘By next year no child will bear school dropout title in the society as we shall build more technical and tertiary institutions which will equip our youths with skills suitable for the market,’ said Kaunya.

‘As a constituency we remain committed to ensuring we address the state of infrastructure in our schools to be able to support both hybrid le
arning and basic skilled education,’ he added.

Kaunya said the launch of the strategic plan was vital for them, revealing that those behind the document had factored all their views, adding that the plan would benefit residents of the Constituency.

‘My dream is to have Teso North become a model Constituency and to put it on the map of Kenya academically to be in tandem with other areas in the country,’ the MP said.

County Executive Committee Member for ICT, Strategic Planning and Digital Economy Douglas Okiring said he has already sourced for five investors who are willing to come and invest in the county, adding that the only challenge now is to look for pieces of land.

Okiring said that it’s unfortunate that the previous regime had been operating without a spatial plan, noting that the scenario has since changed.

The CECM revealed that the over 800 acres of Nasewa land had been subdivided into two with part one being County Aggregated Industrial Park to encourage commercial farming and the second being
Export Processing Zone to attract investors to construct factories for export purposes.

KUPPET Executive Secretary Morfat Okisai, challenged the government to relook into the terms of service for JSS teachers and employ adequate and up to task teachers to serve the junior secondary schools so as not to disadvantage the learners.

Okisai noted that its regrettable to learn that JSS teacher covers 14 subjects alone per class in most schools within the sub-county.

‘Destroying a Nation only needs one to annihilate education and the state is worrying therefore the government should employ quality and adequate personnel in the field and also consider their remuneration,’ says Okisai Morfat.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Elderly In Gucha Register Bank Accounts For Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Program

Hundreds of elderly people aged seventy years and above assembled at Tendere grounds in Gucha subcounty, Kisii County, marking a significant step in the government’s ongoing efforts to support vulnerable populations through the Inua Jamii Scale-Up program.

This initiative, spearheaded by the State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, aims to provide monthly stipends to the elderly, ensuring they have the financial means to sustain themselves.

The event saw a substantial turnout of senior citizens, eager to open bank accounts necessary for receiving the Old Persons Cash Transfer (OPCT) funds. According to Faith Kemunto, the Gucha sub county children officer, these newly registered individuals are expected to start receiving their funds from the beginning of July.

‘The people will be receiving monthly stipends of 2000 shillings from the beginning of the new financial year,’ Kemunto announced, bringing hope and relief to many elderly a

Kemunto also highlighted the parallel efforts being made to register orphans and people with disabilities (PWDs). ‘We are still continuing to register the orphans and people with disabilities, and so far, we have registered 1298 across the subcounty,’ she noted, adding that this registration drive involves enumerators visiting households to ensure no eligible person is left out.

The Subcounty Children’s officer emphasized that for registration, the beneficiaries must have the original National Identification Card for the elderly, and for the orphaned children, birth certificates and death certificates of their deceased parents.

‘We intend to ensure that all elderly people in the subcounty who have attained the set age benefit from the program fully,’ Kemunto stated, adding that the initiative is designed to supplement the support already provided to current recipients, expanding the reach and impact of the program.

The registration phase is set to run up to June 2024, after which the registered
individuals will start receiving their funds. Kemunto recommended banks that are easily accessible.

She stressed the importance of cooperation from beneficiaries in providing the required information to enumerators, with the assistance of local chiefs, to ensure the operation’s success.

Assistant Chief Timothy Onsongo shared insights into the challenges previously encountered during the registration process singling out people attempting to forge documents to meet the age requirement and the elderly arriving without the necessary documentation.

‘There is therefore a need for civic education,’ Onsongo remarked, underscoring the importance of public awareness in facilitating smooth registration.

Onsongo also pointed out the problem of age disparity among applicants, where the ages stated by applicants did not match government records. ‘Some of the beneficiaries do not have the identification cards necessary for the activity,’ he added. To address this, Onsongo suggested that age amendment could be made at t
he Registrar’s office upon providing sufficient evidence.

The event was marked by expressions of joy and anticipation among the elderly attendees with Mericella Nyambeki, a 72-year-old participant, sharing her excitement: ‘I am delighted that now, after opening a bank account, I will be able to receive the funds. I will be able to buy some household items and food to sustain me and my orphaned grandchildren, and if possible, pay school fees for them.’

Her sentiments were echoed by many others who praised the process for being simple, quick, and efficient.

A toll-free line 1533 was given to beneficiaries and or caregivers and members of the public to use to engage with the programme. The toll-free line operates from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Over 5,000 Machakos Residents Benefit From Free Medical Camp

Mpesa Foundation in partnership with Zuri Health and the Machakos County Government held a free medical camp at Vota, Machakos that benefited close to 5,000 residents.

The medical camp organised over the weekend at Vota Secondary School offered a range of medical services including child health and malnutrition screening, reproductive and sexual health, eye care, dental care, breast cancer screening, blood pressure and blood sugar screening, fistula screening and general doctor consultations.

Henry Kilonzo, Senior Manager, Foundation Programmes said Mpesa Foundation was keen on bringing health closer to the people through the medical camps.

‘This is part of the medical camps conducted every month since 2013.So far we have managed to reach over 40,000 people,’ said Kilonzo.

He said the foundation has invested Sh80 million for the programme to be rolled out across the counties.

The senior manager said the medical camps through Zuri Health integrate technology and artificial intelligence in the delivery of
health care services enhancing efficiency.

Machakos Executive Committee Member (ECM) for Health Daniel Yumbya speaking at the same venue said the county government had set aside a ward at the Machakos Level Five Hospital for specialised medical care for those patients referred from the camp.

Yumbya also disclosed that besides the medical camp, Zuri Health has offered a free NHIF cover for 20 elderly persons in Machakos for over a period of one year.

‘We want to thank Zuri Health for the commitment of the medical cover. Once the cover expires the county government will extend it for another year,”he said.

Franscisca Mbinya, a resident, hailed the medical camp as an opportunity for her to seek medical attention on her diabetic condition.

Mbinya said the camp was a relief to her as she was not able to afford regular check-ups due to lack of finances.

‘This free medical camp has come to my rescue because for some time now I have not been able to access medical checkups and medications because of the expens
es,’ she said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy Fostering Coexistence Between Community And Wildlife

Protecting endangered species in Africa is crucial for maintaining bio-diversity and preserving the delicate balance of eco-systems.

Africa is known for iconic species such as African elephants, black rhinos, gravy zebra and lions.

In Kenya, these animals over the centuries have encountered numerous threats, including poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflicts.

But recently, owing to stringent laws protecting them, wildlife populations have increased significantly.

During this year’s wildlife environment day event, Lewa conservancy programs and partnership coordinator Mr John Kinoti confirmed wildlife populations have increased due to the measures put in place to protect them.

He attributed the positive trajectory to a combination of research, cut-edge technology and community engagement.

Meru sits intact in undiluted natural beauty, hosting wildlife species including elephants, gravy zebra and black and white rhinos.

Mr. Kinoti noted that the rhino sanctuary at the conservancy offers one of
the best rhinos viewing experiences in the world.

‘The sanctuary has twenty-four-hour surveillance by officers put in-charge to monitor the well-being of the rhinos.’

‘Through this effort and dedication, the rhino’s population is thriving and has increased by 38 percent over a five-year period,’ he said.

Additionally, Mr. Kinoti said that efforts to save more endangered wildlife species are also gaining momentum.

‘Through the five-year period, measures to protect the animals have been adhered to. The elephant population has increased and so far, Lewa hosts over 400 migratory elephants,’ he noted.

Mr Kinoti notified members of the public that the conservancy has monitored elephant numbers and poaching incidences and through this analysis they reduced resource-based conflicts resulting in a 12 percent increase in the elephant population, across Northern Kenya over the last five years.

‘The Lewa -Borana landscape is home to 11 percent of global population of the gravy zebra. Lewa wildlife conservancy works
with communities who live in close-quarters with these critical endangered species to ensure that they have good pasture and are not poached. Safeguarding these endangered species and the eco-system they inhabit has yielded good numbers of the gravy zebra over the last four years,’ the coordinator added.

‘Other endangered species are the large carnivores (lions, cheetahs, hyenas and leopards) and 488 registered birds.

Through collaboration with neighboring communities to prevent these species from extinction, Kinoti added, their numbers have increased rapidly.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kisumu Woman Rep Issues Sh2 Million NGAAF Cheques To Women Groups

Kisumu Woman Representative Ruth Odinga has disbursed cheques worth over Sh2 million from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) to over 40 women groups in the county to boost their projects.

The State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action Principal Secretary Anne Wang’ombe, presided over the handing over cheques worth over Sh1.3 million to 30 groups, marking a milestone in empowering women, youths, and People with Disability in the region.

Wang’ombe said the grant funds are part of financial support released by the national government through the State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action for the socio-economic empowerment of affirmative action groups.

Speaking at Kosawo Hall in Kondele Ward, the PS praised the groups from the area for exemplary management of grants. She noted that several affirmative action groups are thriving and are actively engaging in various economic activities with support from the government.

‘It is encouraging that the Kondele region has formed we
ll-established groups that are actively contributing to the region’s economic progress. The prudent utilization of funds from previous allocations has yielded tangible benefits, transforming the lives of group members for the better,’ Wang’ombe acknowledged.

She emphasized the crucial role of empowered women as key contributors to entrepreneurship and investment, ultimately attaining financial independence to ensure they take better care of themselves and their families.

Enterprise Development Coordinator, Kisumu County Office of the Woman Representative, Joshua Odhiambo, who represented Odinga at the event, reiterated that they allocated funds for economic empowerment activities like table banking. Also, the grants target groups engaging in value-addition practices.

‘The funds support a range of groups dealing in value addition of agricultural products, manufacturing, and assembly. We have seen youth groups delve into poultry farming, beekeeping, yogurt production, tailoring and peanut butter production t
hat started their ventures through the assistance of these grants,’ Odhiambo remarked.

The beneficiaries drawn from Kondele, Migosi, and Kaloleni/Shauri Moyo and Railways wards were awarded cheques valued at Sh50, 000 to 100,000 per group.

Furthermore, NGAAF has distributed checks totaling Sh700, 000 to some 10 groups in the Market Milimani ward, with plans to extend funding to an additional 50 Self-Help groups by the end of the financial year.

The Chairlady, Tawakal Group, Fatuma Yussuf, extended her gratitude after the Muslim women group based in Kaloleni estate received their first cheques of Sh50, 000 to expand their business activities.

‘We are immensely grateful for the capital injection, which we plan to allocate towards expanding our catering business by purchasing additional seats. Also, we aim to invest part of the funds into our table banking program for further growth and sustainability,’ Yussuf stated.

Yussuf noted that, as a minority interest group, their objective is to qualify for grant f
unds of up to Sh500, 000. She holds the belief that NGAAF will expedite the group’s progression towards achieving this goal.

‘As women, we juggle numerous projects and responsibilities that demand resources. We aim to empower our group members to attain financial stability, enabling them to comfortably fulfill their family’s obligations,’ she emphasised.

Source: Kenya News Agency