Molo DCC Urges Locals To Plant And Nurture Trees

Molo Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Ngura Mwamachi has urged the local residents to plant and monitor the growth of the trees in a bid to fully tap into the social, environmental and economic benefits.

Speaking during the 61st Madaraka day celebrations that were held at Nguzu River primary grounds at Sachang’wan, Mwamachi observed that trees enhance local ecosystems and therefore this should not be a one-time event but a continuous effort.

‘Trees play a vital role in combating climate change, providing oxygen and improving air quality. Therefore, it is essential that as a community, engage in tree planting regularly to ensure a sustainable environment,’ stated Mwamachi.

The DCC announced plans to plant more trees at Keringet in the neighbouring Kuresoi South Sub-County later this month, thus reinforcing the commitment to tree planting.

He emphasized that tree planting should be integrated into daily life, encouraging residents to plant trees at home as part of a continuous process rather than waiting u
ntil during national or local functions to do it with officials.

He advised the locals to closely monitor the planted trees through having the right seedlings for the area, watering, adding manure, among other necessities until the trees can sustain themselves.

If this is not observed keenly then according to Mwananchi, the millions of trees planted in various part of the country will be a great loss.

‘ Let us endeavour have the zeal to create a culture of environmental responsibility and active participation in conservation efforts,’ said the DCC.

In the last national tree planting exercise, over 22,000 seedlings were planted at Kibunja and Jogoo forest sites Koibatek forest in Baringo county that boarders Molo sub-county.

Since last year’s president William Ruto’s directive of planting 15 billion trees by 2032, the ministries, non-governmental agencies, Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGA), communities have come on board by setting their target to achieve this goal.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kisii County Urged To Review Liquor Licensing

Kisii County Commissioner Joseph Kibet has appealed to the county government officers to only issue licenses to liquor outlets that conform to the provisions of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act.

Speaking during the Madaraka Day Celebrations in Etago Sub County, Mr. Kibet decried the high number of bars that were being operated without the required licenses, especially within residential areas and around educational institutions.

‘I am urging the county to refrain from looking at the aspect of revenue collection and instead, review and implement the regulations of setting up a liquor business during the licensing process,’ he said.

The CC noted they had intensified the war on illicit brew and drug abuse adding that since they began the initiative, they had conducted 989 raids in the county and closed down 31 outlets over illegal operations.

Further, the security agencies had destroyed 72,393 litres of chang’aa, 149,343 litres of Kangara, 1,092,970 litres of Busaa, 17 bags of fake tobacco, 544 kilograms of
bhang and arrested 204 persons.

Kibet called for collaboration between the county and national governments to ensure they address the security and development needs of the citizens in order to improve their livelihoods.

He encouraged the public to take advantage of the community policing structures to link the security agencies and the community in order to ensure a safe and secure environment for all.

In addition, the County Commissioner told the residents to conduct public arrests for perpetrators of crime and hand them over to the police for re-arresting so that the law can take its cause.

Kisii Governor Simba Arati also lamented the increasing number of youths indulging in drugs and substance abuse.

In a speech read on his behalf by the County Public Service Board Chairman Elijah Obebo, Arati said that drug peddlers had become rampant at the Kisii bus park and in all urban areas, preying on youth with marijuana, heroin and all other dope.

‘If this situation is not checked in time, we are ultimately
losing a critical component of the productive population,’ he noted.

The Governor said the county is working to have the Kiamwasi rehabilitation centre operational and appealed to the national government security team to urgently rein in the vice.

‘This will help to free our youth from the bondage of drug abuse and usher them to a state of discipline and self-reliance through the various government empowerment programmes as envisioned in the spirit of Madaraka,’ he added.

Other guests who attended the 61st Madaraka Day celebrations in Kisii included the Departmental Heads from county and national governments, representatives from the Judiciary, members of Kisii County Assembly and the clergy.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Madaraka Day Celebrations Marked In Mombasa With Focus On Fighting Drug Abuse

Mombasa County Commissioner Noor Mohamed assured residents that the government is steadfast in fighting drugs and substance abuse in the county.

Speaking during Madaraka day celebrations at Mama Ngina waterfront in Mombasa, Mohammed said that about 800kilograms valued Sh24million, on heroine 1,627 grams valued at Sh4.9 million, Cocaine 251 grams valued at Sh800,000.

He said they have also poured alot of illicit brew and arrested 464 burglars with many fined Sh5,000 or jailed for 7days.

He noted that the government through the ministry of lands has started the digitization of land records for Mombasa County.

The County Commissioner said they have done the digitization of land records for Mombasa sub county.

He added that land search will now be done online which will ensure efficient transaction of land in the county and reduce land conmanship and disputes.

He also stated that on the registration of persons, vetting for identity cards has been removed and it is now upon chiefs to identify and confirm the
legibility of a person’s origin.

On matters of tree planting, the CC said that the county is still going on with planting of trees.

‘We want to ensure Mombasa is a safe city filled with peace and harmony,’ he said.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir said his government is also committed to ensure children study in a safe environment.

Nassir said that he will ensure all ECDE schools will be free starting July, 2024.

He said the reward of gaining independence and devolution is ensuring that children get quality education.

He asked parents who have not picked bursary allocation cheques awarded by the county government to follow up and cash them.

He reiterated that his decision to ban muguka was based on the carelessness of traders who sell the stimulant to school going children.

He said that he will personally drive the force against drug and substance abuse in Mombasa, as the governor.

‘When I am done with Muguka, I will head to the bar owners who operate close to schools, residence and places of wors
hip. We must make sure that Mombasa is free from drugs,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Rehabilitation Works For Molo Bus Park Complete

The rehabilitation works of Molo bus park in Molo town to a tune of Sh23 million shillings has been completed by the Nakuru County government.

This was reiterated by the County Secretary, Dr. Samuel Mwaura who said that the completion of the project will provide a dignified business environment for the traders in Molo municipality and enhance efficiency and safety of public transportation as well.

Speaking during a tour to assess its readiness for matatus to return to the terminus ahead of the official commissioning by governor Susan Kihika, Mwaura noted that the bus park that has been equipped with commuter shades, well demarcated parking spaces, clear road markings, flood lights among other utilities should be well utilized for the benefit of all.

Earlier, the County Secretary revealed that they had met with all matatu operators and were in agreement to start using the bus park as from tomorrow adding that any operator flaunting the rules regarding the use of the park will face the wrath of the law.

further observed that the operators were well informed concerning the pickup and drop-off points of public service vehicles and therefore they ought to adhere to that to promote order in the flow of traffic.

The facility also features 40 parking slots, bitumen-standard spaces and can comfortably accommodate 20 saccos.

Mwaura was accompanied by the County’s CEC for trade, Stephen Kuria who lauded the effort by the county government to construct the park urging the business people to continue conducting their businesses in the designated areas within the park in a bid to help promote economic growth.

The area MCA and deputy speaker of the Nakuru County Assembly Joseph Ngware who was also present during the tour shared similar sentiment with Kuria saying that with the installation of flood lights the business people ought to take advantage of it since they will be able to work for longer hours and participate greatly in the growth of the economy.

Source: Kenya News Agency

State Beefs Up Security, Warns Criminal Gangs In Kericho

The Kericho County Commissioner, Mr. Gilbert Kitiyo, has disclosed that the recent series of criminal acts within the Kapsoit and Kipsitet areas, where a boda boda rider lost his life and two other people were injured, have been linked to a terrorist gang operating between Kisumu City and the Oyugis area in the Nyanza region.

Mr. Kitiyo said that the gang terrorising the residents of Kericho was not from the locality and was in police uniform.

Mr. Kitiyo, who was addressing this year’s 61st Madaraka Day celebrations, whose theme was ”agriculture and food security,’ at Kipsitet Market in Kericho today, assured the residents that the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) was in pursuit of the gang, and soon the culprits would be arrested and prosecuted.

The CC, who read the president’s speech on Madaraka Day, appealed to the public to assist the authorities in the area by volunteering vital information on matters of security, saying that the police or security officers cannot fully provide security to
all people without their input as the criminals are living in their midst.

On illicit brews, the CC said that the vice was still rampant in the area and urged the members of the public to avoid taking the brews since they were harmful to their health, noting that many are in need of rehabilitation in a bid to regain their past health.

Mr. Kitiyo publicly read out the names of the notorious illicit brewers in the area and warned them that the long arm of the law would soon catch up with them if they did not abandon the graft. He directed the chiefs and their assistants to follow the individuals who were behind illicit brewing.

While answering the local residents’ appeal for the formation of Soin sub-county independently from Soin Sigowet sub-county, Mr. Kitiyo urged them to follow the normal procedures through a request from the leaders meeting and forward the request for consideration.

On climate change, he emphasised on the presidential directive to grow more than Sh15 billion of trees in the next 10 yea
rs in order to mitigate climate change in the country.

He added that communities should jointly work in unionism to grow more trees.

On teenage pregnancies and early marriages, the CC revealed there have been incidents of school-going girls having been impregnated by boda boda riders, forcing them to drop out of school.

He warned the culprits that they will soon be apprehended and charged according to the law.

The Kericho Governor, Dr. Erick Mutai, who spoke at the celebrations, said that in the financial year 2022-2023, a total of Sh514,777,680 was used to open up 181 kilometres of new access roads to motor-able standards across all 30 civic wards in the County, while maintaining another 307.8 kilometres of previously done access roads totaling 488 kilometres during the period under review.

‘The construction of the County Aggregation and Industrial Park at Soin Sigowet Sub-County will unlock the industrial potential of this previously marginalised region of Soin Sigowet and its environs and will ease th
e transportation of goods and raw materials because the proposed Standard Gauge Railway will have a station in the area.’ Dr Mutai.

Dr. Mutai said that to alleviate the poor living conditions of vulnerable members of our society, he has invested and distributed over 300,000 tea seedlings, 400,000 coffee seedlings, and over 20,000 avocado seedlings to over 10,000 vulnerable families. Further, coffee farmers have benefited from the construction of the coffee warehouse at Kipkelion coffee mill, constructed by the county government of Kericho.

The event was attended by, among others, the Women Representative Kericho Ms. Beatrice Kemei, the area MP, Mr. Justice Kemei, Deputy Governor Eng Fred Kirui, and Kapsoit MCA Paul Chirchir Tarimbo.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Parents Advised To Register Their Children With NCPWD

Parents of children with disabilities have been urged to register children with disabilities to be able to access appropriate support and services.

Speaking during Madaraka day celebrations at Gitura primary school in Igembe south sub county, the coordinator of disabled persons in Igembe south David Gikundi noted that registration of these children with national council for persons with disabilities (NCPWD) will ensure they receive necessary medical and education support.

Gikundi further maintained that children with disabilities require specialized educational programs and essential health care like regular check-up and physiotherapy to manage their disabilities and enhance their overall wellbeing which sometimes is a burden to many parents.

‘It is very crucial for children with disabilities to be registered rather than hiding them. This will help them access resources and support tailored to help them lead fulfilling lives,’ he said.

He noted that some parents are shy about registering their children du
e to misconceptions associated with disabilities.

Gikundi encouraged parents to demystify the myths and misconceptions associated with disabilities and register their children to benefit from assistive aids, bursaries, sponsorship programs, HELB grants among other government and well-wisher’s support.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County Commissioner Commends Ending Of Garissa-Isiolo Border Conflicts

Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo has commended residents of the Border towns of Garissa County and Isiolo for stopping a long border conflict.

The Borana from Garba-Tula in Isiolo County and their Aulihan counterpart from Lagdera in Garissa County have had a long history of bloody border clashes dating back to 2015 where hundreds have been killed and thousands of families displaced.

Hundreds of livestock have also been either killed or stolen in the process.

Efforts by the government to try and restore sanity in the troubled areas have time again been unsuccessful as killings and destruction of property continue to be reported after a period of lull

However, the situation has changed with no incident reported for almost a year now.

Elders and community peace committees from both sides have been working together to ensure that any lost livestock are safely returned to their owners without conflicts.

Speaking in Modogashe town during Madaraka day celebrations, the County Commissioner said that
peace and security had been achieved as a result of the peacefully co-existence between residents from the two neighbouring counties.

He said that both leaders and residents have a role to play in ensuring that the peace and security is not only achieved but maintained.

‘Security situation has improved significantly in the county. If we look back from where we were a few years back and where we are at now, theres a big difference and the small issues remaining we are still working on them,’ Mwabudzo said.

‘We are a peaceful country and I would not like us to keep facing conflicts. Security is a responsibility of every one of us because as security agencies, we also need you to give us information from the most interior parts of the county so that we act on it,’ he added.

He said that going forward, the government will work closely with other NGOs to address the issue of stealing animals with a view of finding a permanent solution to it noting that it was one

On his part Lagdera MP Abdikadir Hussein while
thanking residents from both sides for maintaining peace said that there was need for the on the government to ensure that the peace committees are activate in sub counties and villages to avert any inter-clan clashes caused by scramble over resources.

He further urged the CS interior Kithure Kindiki to deploy enough security officers in all the areas that have had trouble in the past.

‘While we are happy and thank God that our people are now peacefully co-existing and going about their day to day business without having to worry about insecurity, we call on the government to remain alert and proactive. We don’t want to a reactive government which only waits for something to happen before they act,’ he said.

Drought has always been synonymous with conflicts between the two neighboring communities as they tend to fight over the little available resources like water and pasture.

Source: Kenya News Agency

A multi-agency security team from Thika East, Kiambu County has seized over 700 litres of counterfeit brew from an illegal distillery in Muguga, Gatuanyaga area that had been set up as an animal feed manufacturing plant.

Among the items seized are hundreds of branded cartons:ased Platinum Distillers and Thika’ two cousins distillers.

Thika East Deputy County Commissioner Hellen Chege said the proprietor and owner of the building where the brews were seized, managed to escape during the night operation.

‘It’s when we got a tip off that the plant that residents thought was manufacturing animal feeds was manufacturing killer brews. We then swung into action in the wee hours of the night, broke into the factory and managed to confiscate the brews and empty bottles. However, the owner fled when he heard us breaking the door,’ Ms Chege said.

She said the proprietor took advantage of the closure of the main alcohol distillers that were awaiting approval after the government announced war on illicit brews, to tap into that market.

She warned those engaging in the illegal business that they will have themselves to blame as the security operators will continue with the war on illicit liquor.

Ms Chege told those who want to engage
into the business to follow due process and apply for licenses genuinely instead of engaging in dirty tricks.

Among the brands that the suspect faked, she said include Trace, People, Magic Smart, Fighter, Red ice, Network among others.

The area sub-county Police commander Andrew Sora said his officers have intensified a manhunt for the distillery owner as he is well known in the neighbourhood.

He said the raids will continue until they dismantle illicit brew business in the Sub County.

Platinum Distillers CEO Onesmus Muturi confirmed that one of his popular brands ‘Smart’ had also been faked by the suspect.

‘These illegal illicit distillers are taking advantage of the vacuum created while we are waiting for government approvals to continue with our operations. We urged the government to speed up the issuance of licenses to genuine alcohol manufacturers,’ Muturi said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Migori Leaders Root For Serious Cooperation Between National And County Governments

Madaraka Day celebrations at the Migori County Stadium were marked by calls for enhanced cooperation between national and county government

Leaders led by Principal Secretary, State Department for Protection and Senior Citizens affairs, Joseph Motari, emphasised the importance of unity and cooperation for progress of the county

Motari advocated for democratic engagement among political factions in Migori, who have lately been involve in fracas, stressing the need for a peaceful coexistence.

‘I call upon politicians from all corners of Migori to come together and work closely for the sake of peace and unity for the benefit of our people,’ said the PS.

The official who also welcomed the New County Commissioner for Migori Mr Kisilu Mutua urged leaders to respect one another to foster a peaceful environment within the county.

The PS highlighted the importance of enrolling eligible residents into the cash transfer funds, assuring that payments for new entrants would be made by end of June.

He announced ongoi
ng household registration efforts and revealed government plans to automate entry into these funds, streamlining the process and ensuring timely assistance to those in need.

With the theme of today’s Celebration geared towards Agriculture, PS Motari underscored the significance of agriculture in achieving food sustainability for the nation and more to the locals.

He encouraged Migori residents to embrace farming so as to be able to feed themselves and also do more tree planting initiatives as a way of combating climate changes.

Migori County Commissioner Mr Kisiru Mutua who made his first public appearance pledged his commitment to working collaboratively with the county government to ensure the residents get all services they require.

He called on other leaders to support the current regime, emphasizing the need for peace and stability, noting that those with different opinion to exercise tolerance.

‘We are mandated to support elected leaders deliver to local residents. Those with different political op
inion to exercise tolerance and accommodate the current office holders,’ he said.

The commissioner reassured Migori residents that his office would remain impartial, steering clear of local politics and ensuring fairness for all.

He urged the governor to convene peace meetings to reduce political tensions and encouraged respect for elected leaders, advising others to adhere to their roles until the next election cycle.

Migori County Governor Dr. Ochilo Ayacko while making his remarks addressed the negative image of Migori as portrayed by many, lamenting that it is the local misunderstandings that portray the county as violent.

He reiterated Migori’s commitment to working with the national government, urging an end to such stigmatization and called on the President to extend the support demonstrated during his recent USA tour.

‘As Migori leaders we collectively push for enhanced coordination and unity, the county looks forward to a future of sustained growth and prosperity, driven by cooperation and mutua
l respect,’ said the governor.

The governor also enumerated existance of projects the county has accomplished during his short time in the office that include the establishment of a trade industrial park, the construction of 10 modern markets and cattle rings, and the operationalization of Lichota Airstrip.

On matters public service, he announced the resolution of court battles, leading to the full functionality of the county public service board, and secured funding for workforce development and new administrative infrastructure.

In finance, the county has paid 700 million in pending bills and resumed contractor services, including those from KEMSA.

This, he said, has led to the healthcare improvements in the county with a steady supply of medicine by the drug supplier KEMSA, in addition to advancements in constructing an ultra-modern hospital wing.

Other notable initiatives he mentioned included the creation of seven ESP markets and the renovation of ultra-modern markets.

Also in the education sector,
Dr. Ayacko announced the construction of 140 ECDE classrooms and the provision of 250 million for bursaries

However, Governor Ayacko expressed concern over the late disbursement of funds from the exchequer and called for adequate funding for all county governments.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Government Distributes Over One Million Sanitary Towels In Kakamega

The National Government has commenced distribution of 1 049 280 Sanitary towels to primary school girls in Kakamega.

The Sanitary towels will be distributed to all girls in Public Primary and Junior Secondary Schools across the county.

Speaking during the Madaraka Day Celebrations County Commissioner Meru Mwangi said the exercise is part of efforts by the government to ensure government 100 per cent enrollment, 100 percent retention and 100 per cent completion of school.

According to the County Director of Gender Vincent Okeya each girl will receive eight packets of the Sanitary towels.

He said the program is meant to end period shame and enable girls to attend schools and concentrate in class.

‘We don’t want our girls to remain behind in education due to menstrual health and hygiene. The program will cushion them from absenteeism and hence improve on school performance,’ he noted.

The Director said the targeted girls in primary school are those from class 5 to class 8 and teachers will be in charge of
issuing the pads.

Source: Kenya News Agency