Teachers, Learners Welcome STEM On The Wheels In Uasin Gishu

Teachers and learners across various primary schools in Uasin Gishu County have praised the Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) STEM Outreach Mentorship Programme in the county.

The programme aims at enhancing learners’ and teachers’ creative and innovative skills through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to enable as many learners as possible to choose the STEM pathway from Grades 10 to 12 that would spur the country into industrial development.

The programme enables learners to find solutions to address real-life problems in society.

CEMASTEA, a state corporation under the Ministry of Education with the mandate to do STEM education, is conducting outreach activities across the counties dubbed STEM on the Wheels, which is well equipped with the basic apparatus needed and models in order to help learners in grades 7 and 8 discover themselves in various learning areas that they have been undertaking in areas of science, technology, engineerin
g, and mathematics.

In Uasin Gishu, the team visited four schools across four sub-counties. The schools were Kapsoya Primary School in AinabKoi Sub-County, Ainabtich Primary (Moiben), Kidiwa Primary (Soy), and Kipkaren Road Primary in Kapseret Sub-County.

The teachers expressed gratitude for the outreach, noting that it has enhanced the learners’ potential, especially in STEM subjects, after they realised and knew what they were required to do in regard to STEM subjects, that is, Integrated science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry, Mathematics and ICT.

Madam Beverly Langat, head of the institution, Kapsoya Comprehensive School, pointed out that they have learnt that every learner has potential if given the opportunity to participate.

She observed that teachers must prepare very well in terms of reading and understanding the concepts so that it becomes easier for learners to understand while at the same time ensuring they have the right apparatus and teaching aids for the learners to appreciate the practica
l experience which they will be able to connect to real-life situations outside the classroom.

‘Today has been a good session whereby the teachers prepared first, having all the teaching aids, all the apparatus, and the tools, and involving the learners in the learning process,’ noted Madam Langat.

‘For example, in physics, there was a generator where the learners were really able to operate it to see that they were able to give light in correlation to the common energy transformations in everyday life,’ she added.

In his remarks, Ainabtich Comprehensive School principal, Mitei Joseph, lauded the CEMASTEA, noting that their content was very good because everything is practical, unlike what they usually do, which is pure theory due to lack of equipment, to enable learners to appreciate the practical aspect of STEM and build up a positive desire to pursue the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects.

‘CEMASTEA has brought to us something of great benefit, in the areas of mathematics, scien
ces, and ICT. Practicals were being done, and students interacted with the equipment which they had never interacted with, and that is exactly what we really need, especially in our junior schools at this point in regards to the CBC curriculum,’ noted Mr. Mitei.

He indicated that what they have received from CEMASTEA is exactly what they have been missing, as most of their schools do not have the equipment that the Centre brought to take the learners through with, adding that they are not the same as the ones they usually acquire locally from shops.

‘Especially things like the microscopes-we have not been having them, ICT equipment, and others-we really feel like the government must invest in this. CBC is about imparting skills and knowledge, and the only way we can do that is by equipping the schools with all the necessary equipment to ensure we are headed in the right direction,’ he complained.

He underscored that through the training and mentorship outreach programme, they have really learnt that having
the required materials and equipment is very key in teaching STEM subjects and promoting uptake by learners, and at the same time, they discovered that they can still utilise the local materials to use in class to enable students to relate what they are learning with what they usually see in real life.

On his part, Samuel Abuga, a teacher at Kapsoya Primary, noted that the students are eager to learn more about integrated science, but the time is limited, as he requested more of these outreaches by CEMASTEA to bolster learners practical experience in STEM, which will go a long way in boosting their attitude in terms of taking up these sciences.

‘They are enjoying a lot; they are getting to understand what they are supposed to do on these subjects, which are about practicals; they are getting to touch and doing it practically; subjects like mathematics and integrated science are tangible things; the experience is good; and they are really eager to get new experience,’ he said.

He expressed interest in learn
ing more, especially in the ICT area, which he said will enable him to improve on his teaching experience through integrating ICT concepts in delivering content to students through the use of ICT components like computers and projectors to teach.

The learners were taught how to make integrated science, math, and ICT simpler by making use of locally available resources like the use of abacus in math, the separation of mixtures in chemistry, using onion bulbs to appreciate and learn cell physiology using a light microscope, and others.

‘In ICT, we learnt about computer programming and how to make a game on a computer; in chemistry, we have learn how acids and bases apply in our daily lives; in physics, I have learnt that there is a small generator called a dynamo; in mathematics, I have learnt how to make mathematics simpler by using an abacus; and in biology, we learnt how to observe a cell of an onion by using a microscope. I want to thank CEMASTEA for coming to our school to teach us more about STEM,’ said
Medal Gracia Chemutai, a grade 8 learner.

Kelvin Alusimbia said, ‘We learnt many things from the CEMASTEA. In chemistry, we learnt about immiscible liquids, homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures, the application of acids and bases in real-life situations; in physics, we learnt about dry cells, how to generate electricity, and how the dynamo is used in generating electricity; in biology, we learnt about the field of view of a plant cell, how the microscope is used, parts of the microscope, and many others.’

He noted that they now have more knowledge of STEM than they had before, noting that if they have the same activities every week, they will be good to go with the STEM pathway.

Brine Kibet, a Junior Secondary School (JSS) learner from Ainabtich Primary, alluded to the fact that the state corporation’s outreach activity has enabled them to acquire practical STEM experience to become creative and innovative, through using locally available resources like a small generator called a dynamo to generate elect
ricity and many others to solve real-life problems in their communities.

In an interview with KNA in Eldoret, during the CEMASTEA STEM on Wheels training and mentorship outreach in Uasin Gishu, Madam Beatrice Macharia, the Team lead, pointed out that the programme is very important because it is really exposing learners to what they should be exposed to with regard to the CBC curriculum.

She noted that through STEM activities, the teachers are able to connect their learners from the theoretical work in class to the practical work.

Madam Macharia explained that the Centre’s main work is in-service education and training for teachers, especially with the junior schools, to help the students during this transition as they move to join junior schools.

‘Through this programme, we are bringing the STEM activities to the various schools in the counties, which have already been in other counties. We come with our bus ‘STEM on the Wheels’ with all the requirements so that they interact with our activities, mainly
hands-on, to become creative and innovative,’ she noted.

She lauded the programme, which has also attracted the interest of teachers who have felt that they should also take part in it. Even if it is intended for learners only, they also need to understand the same activities because they are the ones dealing with the learners.

‘They have been attending our sessions; the beauty is that in some areas, instead of CEMASTEA teams explaining, they will even take over and explain to their learners because they feel they may have done the same work theoretically, but with CEMASTEA, we have come with activities like models and apparatus that they have been unable to make, and they have been teaching theoretically,’ alluded Madam Macharia.

The Team Lead hinted that teaming up with teachers during the STEM activities plays a crucial role in helping them a lot in terms of improving thinking, creativity, and innovativeness to come up with their own activities and utilising local resources to teach different concepts.

oting that the government, through the Ministry of Education, targets 60 per cent uptake of STEM in senior school, Madam Macharia indicated that preparation must start early, which is why CEMASTEA has begun the preparation by training teachers of JSS and engaging with the learners with the STEM activities so that they become creative and innovative.

She called on teachers to devise creative and innovative ways of teaching to nurture students to realise that STEM subjects are very simple in order to enable them to have a positive attitude towards them.

‘This way, we are trying to pull up that number of 60 per cent to be able to take the STEM pathway. One of the things in ensuring that the learners take the STEM pathway is that the teachers themselves must embrace STEM first, because the main issue is normally an attitude, like many people always say and feel like these are tough subjects. That is an attitude problem,’ she explained.

Noting that STEM is an area that everyone should concentrate on, Madam Mach
aria called on teachers to try and campaign by mentoring learners that these are the simplest subjects they can easily handle and do very well because it is about themselves and what they are doing every day in their daily lives.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Lender Donates Laptops For Registration Of Boda Boda Operators

Boda boda chairmen from 31 counties are set to receive laptops to help in the registration of members and digitisation of records.

The Sh3 million drive by Watu Credit targets to ensure a proper record of all boda boda operators in the selected counties and, at the same time, assist in the management of Savings and Credit Cooperatives records.

Watu Credit Sales and Marketing Manager Victor Kiptenya said the move was informed by the need to help the sector grow and weed out criminals who are giving it a bad name.

‘Boda boda is a very key sector in this country. As Watu Credit, we have financed over 500,000 boda boda’s, and that is why we are keen to support the sector’s growth,’ he said.

The donation, which also comes with furniture for bodaboda offices, will gradually be scaled up to cover all 47 counties.

Speaking in Kisumu during a handover ceremony for boda boda chairmen from Bomet, Kericho, Migori, Kisii, Homa Bay, Siaya, Kisumu, Busia, Vihiga, Busia, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, and Trans Nzoia counties, Kip
tenya said the gadgets will help the sector leadership keep an up-to-date record of all their members for security reasons and economic empowerment.

‘With these laptops, they are able to register all the bodaboda operators in their areas of jurisdiction so that, at the click of a button, the information can be accessed. They will also be able to easily update their SACCO registers, among others,’ he said.

The lender has, so far, a database of 17,000 chairmen overseeing 26,000 stages who are targeted for the exercise.

Bodaboda Safety Association of Kenya Deputy President John Tirop lauded the initiative, saying it was set to streamline operations in the sector.

Tirop said criminals were hiding in the sector, adding that the development of a proper database for all bodaboda operators nationally, will help in taming the runaway crime involving the two-wheelers.

‘With proper registration and a database, it will be very easy to identify and provide information at the click of a button whenever there are conce
rns,’ he said.

This will also help track rogue members who run away with lenders and Sacco money.

‘This is going to restore sanity in this sector. I am therefore appealing to all members who have taken loans from our sacco’s or boda’s on credit to pay their debts,’ said Tirop.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Lender Donates Laptops For Registration Of Boda Boda Operators

Boda boda chairmen from 31 counties are set to receive laptops to help in the registration of members and digitisation of records.

The Sh3 million drive by Watu Credit targets to ensure a proper record of all boda boda operators in the selected counties and, at the same time, assist in the management of Savings and Credit Cooperatives records.

Watu Credit Sales and Marketing Manager Victor Kiptenya said the move was informed by the need to help the sector grow and weed out criminals who are giving it a bad name.

‘Boda boda is a very key sector in this country. As Watu Credit, we have financed over 500,000 boda boda’s, and that is why we are keen to support the sector’s growth,’ he said.

The donation, which also comes with furniture for bodaboda offices, will gradually be scaled up to cover all 47 counties.

Speaking in Kisumu during a handover ceremony for boda boda chairmen from Bomet, Kericho, Migori, Kisii, Homa Bay, Siaya, Kisumu, Busia, Vihiga, Busia, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, and Trans Nzoia counties, Kip
tenya said the gadgets will help the sector leadership keep an up-to-date record of all their members for security reasons and economic empowerment.

‘With these laptops, they are able to register all the bodaboda operators in their areas of jurisdiction so that, at the click of a button, the information can be accessed. They will also be able to easily update their SACCO registers, among others,’ he said.

The lender has, so far, a database of 17,000 chairmen overseeing 26,000 stages who are targeted for the exercise.

Bodaboda Safety Association of Kenya Deputy President John Tirop lauded the initiative, saying it was set to streamline operations in the sector.

Tirop said criminals were hiding in the sector, adding that the development of a proper database for all bodaboda operators nationally, will help in taming the runaway crime involving the two-wheelers.

‘With proper registration and a database, it will be very easy to identify and provide information at the click of a button whenever there are conce
rns,’ he said.

This will also help track rogue members who run away with lenders and Sacco money.

‘This is going to restore sanity in this sector. I am therefore appealing to all members who have taken loans from our sacco’s or boda’s on credit to pay their debts,’ said Tirop.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Barchok Pledges To Support Special Needs Education

Bomet Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok has made a commitment to fully support special needs children by supporting special needs institutions.

Barchok said the County Government of Bomet was keen on ensuring the implementation of deliberate plans to provide for the needs of children who are abled differently.

He was speaking when he visited Korara Special School in Bomet East Sub County, where he said the institution had exemplified hard work by posting excellent results.

The Governor said the County Government of Bomet had supported the school by providing foodstuffs, bursaries, learning materials, assistive devices, sanitary towels, water tanks, and other necessary interventions.

The management of the school requested the County Government of Bomet for intervention towards the purchase of land for expansion, the construction of an Early Childhood Development and Education class, and the deployment of a teacher for the same.

Barchok heeded the request before officially opening two ablution blocks, one for
boys and another for staff, which are both compliant for people with disabilities.

The Governor was accompanied by the County Executive for Education Agnes Ngeno, Education Chief Officer Dr. John Keter, his Social Services counterpart Pauline Korir, and Area Member of County Assembly Stephen Chang’morik.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Barchok Pledges To Support Special Needs Education

Bomet Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok has made a commitment to fully support special needs children by supporting special needs institutions.

Barchok said the County Government of Bomet was keen on ensuring the implementation of deliberate plans to provide for the needs of children who are abled differently.

He was speaking when he visited Korara Special School in Bomet East Sub County, where he said the institution had exemplified hard work by posting excellent results.

The Governor said the County Government of Bomet had supported the school by providing foodstuffs, bursaries, learning materials, assistive devices, sanitary towels, water tanks, and other necessary interventions.

The management of the school requested the County Government of Bomet for intervention towards the purchase of land for expansion, the construction of an Early Childhood Development and Education class, and the deployment of a teacher for the same.

Barchok heeded the request before officially opening two ablution blocks, one for
boys and another for staff, which are both compliant for people with disabilities.

The Governor was accompanied by the County Executive for Education Agnes Ngeno, Education Chief Officer Dr. John Keter, his Social Services counterpart Pauline Korir, and Area Member of County Assembly Stephen Chang’morik.

Source: Kenya News Agency

UNDP-Arab Region: mechanisms to reinforce integrity in water sector reviewed

Tunis: The strategic importance of strengthening the water sector Integrity in the Arab region was highlighted by participants of a regional conference organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tunis on June 10-11, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries.

The theme ”Water Sector Integrity in the Arab Region: Risks, Solutions and Stakeholder Roles” was picked for the conference . It brings together an anti-corruption agencies, financial and administrative control bodies from 10 Arab countries, in addition to leading experts from regional and international organisations, specialist research centres and civil society organisations.

It offers the participating organisations the opportunity to share their expertise and experiences on best policies and practices that can contribute to enhancing transparency, accountability and the prevention of corruption in this crucial sector. Therefore, allowing them to play their role in achieving sustainable dev

The conference also offers a specialised platform to deepen research on the different roles of stakeholders in this field and encourage their cooperation in the public and private sectors, with civil society, international financial institutions, development partners and the United Nations.

Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Abdelmomen Belati said “transparency, monitoring, oversight and , accountability are among the most important pillars of water sector governance.”

Belati also stressed that “the Department of Agriculture is working on integrating these fundamental principles into the mechanisms and procedures adopted to manage the water sector, in order to improve its performance and ensure its sustainability”.

The ministry, he added, also supports cooperation and partnership mechanisms with all stakeholders to contribute to building a resilient, sustainable and inclusive agriculture capable of ensuring food security for present and future generations. ”

UNDP representat
ve in Tunisia Céline Moyroud, said “this conference will be the first in a series of regional conferences that the organisation will hold this year across the region to support Arab countries and strengthen integration between anti-corruption efforts and efforts to achieve sustainable development, through effective sectoral approaches with a tangible impact on the quality of public services and economic competitiveness.”

On the second day of the conference , a report on the management of corruption risks in the water sector in Tunisia will be released, focusing on two areas: financial benefits and licenses for groundwater research and exploration. This will be the first report of its kind to be developed on the water sector in the Arab region, using a specialized methodology developed by UNDP for this purpose.

The conclusions of this report will serve as a basis to improvr water sector’s governance systems in Tunisis in compliace with of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, thus strengthening t
he efficiency and performance of the sector.

The conference will also result in a series of regional recommendations to strengthen the integrity of the water sector and establish a common ground for reinforcing bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes between Arab countries, UNDP and international partners.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

UNDP-Arab Region: mechanisms to reinforce integrity in water sector reviewed

Tunis: The strategic importance of strengthening the water sector Integrity in the Arab region was highlighted by participants of a regional conference organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tunis on June 10-11, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries.

The theme ”Water Sector Integrity in the Arab Region: Risks, Solutions and Stakeholder Roles” was picked for the conference . It brings together an anti-corruption agencies, financial and administrative control bodies from 10 Arab countries, in addition to leading experts from regional and international organisations, specialist research centres and civil society organisations.

It offers the participating organisations the opportunity to share their expertise and experiences on best policies and practices that can contribute to enhancing transparency, accountability and the prevention of corruption in this crucial sector. Therefore, allowing them to play their role in achieving sustainable dev

The conference also offers a specialised platform to deepen research on the different roles of stakeholders in this field and encourage their cooperation in the public and private sectors, with civil society, international financial institutions, development partners and the United Nations.

Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Abdelmomen Belati said “transparency, monitoring, oversight and , accountability are among the most important pillars of water sector governance.”

Belati also stressed that “the Department of Agriculture is working on integrating these fundamental principles into the mechanisms and procedures adopted to manage the water sector, in order to improve its performance and ensure its sustainability”.

The ministry, he added, also supports cooperation and partnership mechanisms with all stakeholders to contribute to building a resilient, sustainable and inclusive agriculture capable of ensuring food security for present and future generations. ”

UNDP representat
ve in Tunisia Céline Moyroud, said “this conference will be the first in a series of regional conferences that the organisation will hold this year across the region to support Arab countries and strengthen integration between anti-corruption efforts and efforts to achieve sustainable development, through effective sectoral approaches with a tangible impact on the quality of public services and economic competitiveness.”

On the second day of the conference , a report on the management of corruption risks in the water sector in Tunisia will be released, focusing on two areas: financial benefits and licenses for groundwater research and exploration. This will be the first report of its kind to be developed on the water sector in the Arab region, using a specialized methodology developed by UNDP for this purpose.

The conclusions of this report will serve as a basis to improvr water sector’s governance systems in Tunisis in compliace with of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, thus strengthening t
he efficiency and performance of the sector.

The conference will also result in a series of regional recommendations to strengthen the integrity of the water sector and establish a common ground for reinforcing bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes between Arab countries, UNDP and international partners.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunindex closes Monday’s session up 0.62%

Tunis: Tunindex closed Monday’s session up 0.62% to 9,652.65 points with a relatively low volume of TND 4.4 million, said broker Tunisie Valeurs.

MPBS shares were the best performers after rising by 5.9% to TND 5.610, feeding the market with a capital of TND 145,000.

ASSURANCES MAGHREBIA VIE also rose by 3.6% to TND 5.7, trading for only TND 12,000.

TUNIS RE shares fell by 4.3% to TND 6.4, generating only TND 9,000.

STB shares fell by 2.8% to TND 3.150, with TND 65,000 traded over the session.

ATTIJARI BANK shares were the most traded. The share price rose by 1.8% to TND 54.4, feeding the market with a capital of TND 752,000.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunindex closes Monday’s session up 0.62%

Tunis: Tunindex closed Monday’s session up 0.62% to 9,652.65 points with a relatively low volume of TND 4.4 million, said broker Tunisie Valeurs.

MPBS shares were the best performers after rising by 5.9% to TND 5.610, feeding the market with a capital of TND 145,000.

ASSURANCES MAGHREBIA VIE also rose by 3.6% to TND 5.7, trading for only TND 12,000.

TUNIS RE shares fell by 4.3% to TND 6.4, generating only TND 9,000.

STB shares fell by 2.8% to TND 3.150, with TND 65,000 traded over the session.

ATTIJARI BANK shares were the most traded. The share price rose by 1.8% to TND 54.4, feeding the market with a capital of TND 752,000.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Economy Minister holds working session with AfDB high-level delegation

Tunis: A working meeting was held on Monday in Tunis between Minister of the Economy and Planning, Feryel Ouerghi, and a high-level delegation from the African Development Bank (AfDB) currently visiting Tunisia.

During this meeting, Minister Ouerghi reviewed the main reforms undertaken by the Tunisian government in order to accelerate growth, maintain financial balance and improve social conditions, according to a press release from the ministry.

The reforms focus mainly on improving the business and investment climate, implementing programmes to reform and develop the management of public enterprises, expanding digitalisation and reforming the administration to improve its performance.

The Minister also outlined the key development orientations for the next decade, highlighting such areas as the green economy, renewable energy, infrastructure, human and social development, regional development, digitalisation, and addressing the impacts of climate change and food security.

She said Tunisia looked forward
to the AfDB’s continued support for these priority reforms and policies, which are in line with the Bank’s strategy for the next ten years.

The head of the AfDB delegation affirmed that this visit was part of the regular review of the progress of projects financed by the Bank, while gaining an in-depth understanding of Tunisia’s reform programmes and development objectives for the coming period.

She reiterated the AfDB’s commitment to strengthening its cooperation with Tunisia, one of its key partners.

The delegation will conduct field visits to inspect ongoing projects in the governorates of Kairouan, Zaghouan and Bizerte, with a particular focus on the agricultural sector, infrastructure and some private pilot projects financed by the AfDB under the “Souk At-tanmia” initiative.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse