Fortrea Launches AI Innovation Studio to Galvanize Technology and Human Solutions to Improve Clinical Trial Delivery

DURHAM, N.C., June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced the launch of its artificial intelligence (AI) Innovation Studio, signaling a strategic investment in reshaping the execution of clinical trials today and into the future.

The studio will develop and deploy AI and machine learning (ML) technologies to drive speed, agility, quality and enhanced patient safety in the clinical research process by equipping and empowering people to focus on the critical human element of clinical trials.

“Patients around the world are waiting for novel, life-changing treatments. With AI, we now have the power—and the obligation—to help deliver solutions to them faster,” said Fortrea’s Chief Information Officer Alejandro Martinez Galindo.

“Fortrea’s AI Innovation Studio will enable enhanced technological capabilities that will allow AI-enabled systems to perform cutting-edge processes—such as trial simulations, predictive analytics and pattern recognition—as well as repetitive, administrative, ‘machine-friendly tasks’. This frees up people to contribute human creativity and connection to the clinical trial of tomorrow and focus on what counts: the patient.”

Fortrea’s AI Innovation Studio aims to:

  • Partner across Fortrea and with our customers to provide technology solutions for bespoke site and sponsor innovation strategies;
  • Develop net new, greenfield technology innovations that holistically improve the delivery of clinical trials for sponsors, sites, patients and our teams; and
  • Support existing infrastructure and operations with enhanced technology to enable new, improved ways of working and create best-in-class user experiences.

Technologies under development in the studio include smartphone-enabled data collection; specialized large language models for text comprehension and generation; symbolic AI with real-valued logic (i.e., building decision logic using real-world scenarios and data); mixed reality and augmented intelligence; advanced data mining and predictive analytics; and digital twinning.

Strategic application of these technologies is expected to result in meaningful advancements in patient recruitment and retention, protocol creation/optimization, risk-based quality monitoring and overall delivery speed and quality. These technologies can also deliver an improved patient experience and greater productivity for Fortrea customers, sites and employees.

Developments from the AI Innovation Studio will be critical to Fortrea’s clinical technology platform, which is being designed to integrate clinical trial technology into a consumer-grade, location-agnostic, omni-channel, persona-based experience accessible thorough a single screen.

“Fortrea is focused on a future vision of the CRO industry, allowing us to build TO the future rather than FROM the past,” said Brian Dolan, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. “We are exercising great care and consideration to the responsible and ethical development and deployment of AI, prioritizing doing the right thing for the right reasons and protecting patient safety and privacy, and the intellectual property of our customers.”

About Fortrea
Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) is a leading global provider of clinical development solutions to the life sciences industry. We partner with emerging and large biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostic companies to drive healthcare innovation that accelerates life-changing therapies to patients. Fortrea provides phase I-IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology and consulting services. Fortrea’s solutions leverage three decades of experience spanning more than 20 therapeutic areas, a passion for scientific rigor, exceptional insights and a strong investigator site network. Our talented and diverse team working in more than 90 countries is scaled to deliver focused and agile solutions to customers globally. Learn more about how Fortrea is becoming a transformative force from pipeline to patient at and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

Fortrea Contacts:
Hima Inguva (Investors) – 877-495-0816,
Jennifer Minx (Media) – 919-410-4195,
Kate Dillon (Media) – 646-818-9115,

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Tunisia sends food aid plane to Palestinian people

Tunis: A Tunisian military aircraft filled with 14 tonnes of food for the Palestinian people departed Thursday from El Aouina military airport in Tunis to El Arish International Airport, Egypt, Minister Adviser to the President of the Republic Mustapha Ferjani said.

This aid delivery, on President Kais Saïed’s instructions, is designed to respond to a pressing need for food amid a war and blockade-induced hunger in Palestine, the official further told TAP.

The move was coordinated with Egypt and carried out through the Tunisian embassy in Cairo. Aid deliveries will continue over the coming days to support the Palestinian people, Ferjani added.

The dispatch of food aid is intended to help ease the severity of the blockade endured by the Palestinian people, the official said. Tunisia will keep on providing un limited support to the Palestinians in their heroic fight against war crimes and the destruction committed by the Isreali occupation forces.

Tunisia reiterates full condemnation of violations and crime
s committed in Gaza, famine being one of its most horrific forms claiming victims among infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly.

The official reminded of Tunisia’s firm stances expressed on several occasions by President Kais Saïed. Emphasis was laid on Tunisia’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people so that they can recover their rights and establish their independent State on the whole land of Palestine with Al-Qods as capital.

President of the Tunisian Red Crescent Abdellatif Chabo (CRT) Abdellatif Chabou said the food aid was sent on the President of republic’s instructions to support the Palestinian people as the food insecurity worsened.

The CRT also made available large quantities of a medicine that will be dispatched to the Palestinien people in the coming days.

Chabou said measures had been taken as part of coordination between the Tunisian and Egyptian foreign ministries, Tunisia’s embassy in Egypt as well as the Tunisian, Egyptian and Palestinian red crescents to accelerate th
e , entry of aid to Gaza.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Meeting to present the new individual appraisal system for civil servants

Tunis: The Prime Ministry, in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), organised a meeting on Thursday in Gammarth (northern suburb) to present “the new individual appraisal system for civil servants”.

According to the organisers, this meeting is part of the process of reforming the civil service in several areas, including special projects in the field of human resources management, such as the training and evaluation of civil servants.

A plan has been put in place to develop a new appraisal system based on objective criteria to meet the needs of the administration and civil servants.

In a statement to TAP news agency, Hassen Massoudi, President of the General Committee of the Civil Service, said that this project aims to introduce a new evaluation system after a thorough diagnosis of the current system, which is marred by several shortcomings and malfunctions.

He stressed that the modernisation of the administration has now become an absolute necessity and the common deman
d of all stakeholders in this field.

“The current assessment of civil servants is often based on the awarding of a professional grade, which is sometimes not objective.

New assessment methods have therefore been envisaged, including an ‘annual interview’ between the civil servant and his or her line manager, during which a series of objectives are defined,” he explained.

At the end of the year, an assessment will be made of how the objectives have been achieved, the employee’s qualifications and skills, and the result will be used to determine whether the employee needs training in a particular area, he added

The “new individual appraisal system for Civil Servants” project was launched in 2021 and is expected to be implemented in 2025.

The legal framework for this project is currently being prepared.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Efforts underway to improve services provided to Tunisians abroad (Foreign Minister)

Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, stressed the need to coordinate efforts to improve services for Tunisians abroad.

Speaking at a press conference at the ministry’s headquarters on Thursday, the minister called for the difficulties faced by Tunisians abroad to be addressed and for procedures to be simplified for those wishing to invest and set up projects in Tunisia.

The efforts made by the Ministry throughout the year are essentially aimed at restoring the confidence of Tunisians living abroad.

In this context, Nabil Ammar pointed out that a National Forum for Tunisian experts abroad will be held on August 7 and 8, as part of the efforts to strengthen relations with Tunisians abroad, given their large number and the skills they possess.

This forum will be an opportunity to make Tunisians aware of the importance of their role in the country’s development, he said, adding that some 400 Tunisian professionals have expressed their willingness to participate in t
his event.

He also announced that the Ambassadors’ Conference will be held on July 31 to discuss a number of practical solutions to improve services for Tunisians abroad.

The Foreign Minister also denied reports of the closure of the Tunisian consulate in Toulon, France, adding that a consulate had been opened in Montpellier.

Three other consulates will be opened as soon as possible in Bologna (Italy), Montreal (Canada) and Dubai (United Arab Emirates), he added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Slim Chiboub taken into custody

Tunis: The investigating judge at the judicial anti-terrorism division decided on Thursday to detain businessman Slim Chiboub in connection with a case of suspected terrorism involving a lawyer.

Division spokeswoman Hanene Gaddès told TAP that investigations into the case were ongoing.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

October 6, 13 or 20 possible dates for next presidential elections, says ISIE member

Tunis: The date for the first round of the upcoming presidential elections will be October 6, 13 or 20, 2024, member of the Independent High Electoral Authority (ISIE) Najla Abrougui said on Thursday.

She added that the deadline for the President of the Republic to issue the writ for the elections is July 20.

In a statement to the TAP news agency, Abrougui pointed out that the commission began discussing on Wednesday the draft revision of the ISIE’s decision No. 20 of 2014, dated August 8, 2014, regarding the regulation of the rules, procedures and methods of campaign financing, pending its subsequent approval.

The ISIE member confirmed that the Commission’s Board had unanimously agreed to adopt the criminal record (Bulletin No. 3) as a prerequisite for running for the presidential elections, in order to verify that potential candidates enjoy their civil and political rights and are not involved in any of the electoral crimes stipulated in Articles 161 and 163 of the Electoral Code. The latter carry prison
sentences for obstructing voters from exercising their right to vote or receiving foreign funding.

Regarding endorsements, Abrougui said that ISIE board members unanimously agreed to adopt the requirement to collect endorsements from 10 districts, with a minimum of 500 endorsements per district.

As for parliamentary endorsements, it was agreed to limit the number of endorsements to 10 from members of the Assembly of People’s Representatives, 10 from members of the National Council of Regions and Districts, or 40 from other elected councils (local, regional and district councils).

She added that the ISIE will prepare a template for the candidate endorsement paper, which will be published on the commission’s website to prevent manipulation or fraudulent endorsements.

The commission will also develop an application to monitor endorsements, especially as Tunisian courts are still examining 236 cases related to fraudulent endorsements in the 2014, 2019 and 2022 legislative elections.

The commission will work
to ensure that candidates do not receive foreign, suspicious or anonymous funding, she added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Fire brought under control in Manouba

Manouba: A fire that swept through four farms in El Habibia locality (Djedeida delegation), destroying 4 hectares of thatch and reeds, was brought under control Wednesday by civil protection officials.

Civil protection units from the Tebourba district, backed up by Manouba civil protection personnel, intervened to subdue the blazes which destroyed a quantity of hay in a barn in one of the local farms, said Regional Civil Protection Director in Manouba Salem Youssfi.

The causes of the fire are still unknown, he added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Social investment positively influenced by number of development associations and number of projects financed (study)

Tunis: A study by the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) on the role of the solidarity and social economy in the regions (Kasserine governorate as an example) has shown that social investment has a positive impact on the number of development associations and the number of projects financed, thus contributing to the social inclusion of marginalised groups, job creation and the reduction of social inequalities.

At a conference held in Tunis to present the results of this study, Sana Nakir, Professor of Sociology at the Higher Institute of Applied Studies in Humanities of Tunis and author of the study, explained that the solidarity and social economy plays a crucial and fundamental role in the creation of economic and social value, as an alternative cooperative model in which support institutions and social enterprises participate in local development and the social stability of regions.

She pointed out that the study began with a survey of the main strengths and weaknesses of development s
upport institutions in the Kasserine region and an analysis of institutions linked to the social economy, which are divided into three main types: mutual societies, cooperatives and associations.

The speaker noted the existence of several institutions and development support structures in this governorate, classified as the poorest in the country with three delegations where the poverty rate exceeds 50%, “which makes it a very suitable context for the social economy”, she said.

She added that the main problem or weakness is the absence of a structure dedicated to the direct support of solidarity and social enterprises, or of a banking institution offering specific financing and support to these enterprises.

The study focused on development associations that aim to improve and promote sustainable economic and social development and improve living conditions, using a structural methodology based on artificial intelligence.

It concluded that social investment in the Kasserine governorate is positively influe
nced (90%) by the number of development associations (13) and the number of projects funded, thus contributing to the social inclusion of marginalised groups, job creation and the reduction of social inequalities in the region.

Sana Nakir praised the wealth of associations in Kasserine, active in various fields such as culture, the arts, science and the environment. However, she noted the lack of targeted and effective action by associations in certain areas, such as the fight against poverty.

A second study, on a cooperative model in Kasserine, the “Al-Wafaa” agricultural services cooperative, showed that this model, which brings together 187 farmers, has succeeded in improving value chains at all levels: economic, social, technical, commercial, financial and managerial.

In economic terms, the project has helped to generate wealth, increase production and productivity and create jobs (20 women out of 35 workers), thereby strengthening women’s economic empowerment.

From a commercial point of view, the div
ersification of production and capturing new markets and customers (the Italian market) have been achieved following the renewal of packaging.

She added that the modernisation of production tools and the reorganisation of workplaces had improved commercial and financial indicators, increased profitability and generated significant profits, as well as improving management.

Sana Nakir stressed that agricultural cooperatives in the region have contributed to revitalising the regional economy, improving indicators, reducing social inequalities, reducing the cost of raw materials and facilitating competitiveness, while achieving the main objective of improving people’s living conditions.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Minister of Employment and Vocational Training meets Lebanese Labour Minister

Tunis: Lebanese Labour Minister, Moustafa Bayram, on Thursday expressed his country’s desire to develop areas of cooperation and partnership between Tunisia and Lebanon and to exchange experiences and expertise, especially good practices in the field of short-term training.

During a meeting with the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Lotfi Diab, in Tunis, the Lebanese minister said that short-term training specialisations are in demand in the labour market, especially in the fields of digitalisation, technology, tourism and Lebanese cuisine, praising the benefits of Tunisian experience in the field of vocational training and education.

Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Lotfi Diab, presented the main features of the Tunisian Government’s priorities in the field of employment and vocational training and the components of the national system of public and private vocational training.

He recalled that education and training are essential components of the national system for the deve
lopment of human capital and contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the institutional fabric and to meeting economic and social challenges at local, national, regional and international levels.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

IHF Women’s Junior World Championship- Tunisia to play for 23rd place

Tunis: The Tunisian women’s handball team lost on Thursday to their Serbian counterpart (26-27) in the first placement match for places 21 to 24 at the 2024 IHF Women’s Junior World Championship, held in Skopje (Macedonia).

Following this defeat, the women’s national team will play on Friday for 23rd place against Guinea, who were beaten in their turn by Argentina (26-31). Argentina and Serbia will battle it out for 21st place.

On Tuesday, the Tunisians finished second in Group A of the President’s Cup, after beating the Iranians (26-23) and losing to the Brazilians (24-26).

The Tunisians had failed to qualify for the Main Round by finishing third in Group B of the Preliminary Round, after a win over Chile (46-28) and two defeats to Switzerland (26-34) and Egypt (24-25).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse