Family Mourns Death Of Son Killed In Protests, Urges State To Dialogue With The Youth

A family in Mombasa is seeking justice after their 20-year-old son tragically lost his life during the anti-finance bill 2024 demonstration.

Emmanuel Giggs Tatta a second-year student at the Meru National University lost his life after inhaling tear gas lobbed by the anti-riot police officers who were trying to disperse protestors at the Mwembe Tayari bus stage.

Paul Tatta, father of the deceased said his son didn’t have any underlying health condition but found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Paul travelled to Mombasa to collect fees from his dad and was not in the demonstrations.

The father said he was informed that a tear gas canister fell near him and he started complaining of chest pains before he fainted.

‘I was called from work and rushed him to hospital where he was pronounced dead. I want justice for my son because he is the first and the only boy child,’ said the father. ‘He was teargassed and faint.’

He urges the President to dialogue with the young people who have nothing to los
e but their parents.

‘I have painstakingly educated him only to lose him at 20 years. They would kill me I have lived enough but not a child of 20 years,’ said Emmanuel’s Father.

He described his son as an obedient child and well-grounded in religion as he was a staunch member of the Christian Union.

Daniel Nzamba, Uncle of the deceased said they are saddened by yesterday’s events and their hearts are bleeding as they didn’t expect the death.

Nzamba said Emmanuel had a lot of potential, he was sent home to look for fees his father is a Juakali worker living from hand to mouth and has been paying fees in instalments.

‘Emmanuel is one kid that the family had a lot of expectations in. He was very humble and we all knew he would lift the parents from the juakali life to at least a substantial way of living,’ said Nzamba, appealing to the government to dialogue with the young people.

On his part Director of Muslim for Human Rights (MUHURI) Khelef Khalifa termed the incident as painful for the family.

‘We ar
e all hurt to lose a 20-year-old university student for no apparent reason. Police and the government should learn to respect lives. They have yet to learn the values of lives,’

‘For police to use live ammunition aiming demonstrators it means they aim to shoot and kill, why. What crime have they committed this is not the first or the last case,’ said Khalifa.

He added that the President should use state machinery to nab and take to court people they suspect are funding the demonstrations.

‘If anybody was funded to cause chaos that is a criminal offence take him to court we will see that person,’ he said.

Chairperson of the Coast Civil Society Network for Human Rights (CCSNH) Zedekiah Adika urged the President not to assent to the Finance Bill, 2024 regardless of the timelines.

‘We should not sink the nation because we feel we have to do what we think. Take time and listen to the voices of Kenyans,’ said Adika, calling for thorough investigations on what transpired on Tuesday.

‘The deaths, abductions and
arrests must be done through and in line with the law. What holds us as a nation is the constitution, let’s follow the law.

Do not do writs that will sink this nation including all institutions of security, if you have to call in the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) it must follow the law,’ stated Adika.

Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Coast Representative Elizabeth Wanjeri urge the government and its agencies to be measured in dealing with unarmed protestors.

‘We ask the government that it is high time that they address the issues and stop using a lot of force on the protestors,’ said Wanjeri.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Western Region Leads In Alcohol Consumption And Mental Health- NACADA

Western Kenya region is leading in Alcohol Consumption and Mental Health, National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA) Regional Manager- Western Sarah Koske has revealed.

Speaking during the commemoration of the International Day Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse at Malaba Township Primary School, Koske said the latest research that was carried out in 2022 puts the region in the lead with 23 percent out of eight.

‘The region has overtaken Central region, which led in 2017’s research. We have taken the cup; it’s here with us. What are we going to do with the cup? Do we celebrate? She posed.

To make matters worse, Western region is leading in chang’aa consumption and traditional brew (busaa), an indication that we have taken all the cups!’

She added: ‘In the next three years, when the next research will be conducted, we need to wake up and work together to reverse this embarrassing scenario. Taking children to school is a problem, and so, is running families.’

Mental Health, which is also leading in the regi
on, is mainly caused by excessive drinking of alcohol and drugs and substance abuse. This problem needs concerted efforts as Busia County and the region as a whole.

The sentiments which were echoed by Amagoro Assistant County Commissioner Titus Kiptoo Kosgei who noted that in Teso North alone they destroy 500 litres of illicit liquor daily, adding that the subcounty leads in Changaa, and Kangara consumption.

‘Teso North is leading in the county in production, smuggling and consumption of illicit liquor. We destroy over 500 litres of changaa daily not forgetting sacks of bhang we intercept being smuggled daily,’ said ACC Kiptoo.

He urged local administration and police to remain vigilant to save the future generation owing to the fact that the region is leading in production and consumption.

Already NACADA has set up its office in Busia County just as a mitigation measure in support of the fight against drug abuse the evidence is clear invest in prevention.

Ken Marau is now the newly appointed NACADA coun
ty coordinator, who promised to work closely with all stakeholders in the fight against drugs and substance abuse.

According to Marau the setting up of NACADA office in Busia is the greatest milestone whose main focus is on prevention to make Kenya a drug-free nation.

Malaba Municipality Manager Francis Asoyong thanked NACADA for choosing Malaba to host this year’s International Day Against Alcohol and Drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

The municipal manager said the venue of the event was timely, considering that the town is a porous border and the gateway to East and Central Africa.

St. Thomas Amagoro Archdeacon Rev. Ben Oriama urged parents to give guidance to their children and act as their role models to discourage them in engaging in alcohol and drugs and substance abuse.

CECM for Trade, Industry, Investment and Cooperatives Olakachuna Omuse, who was the chief guest, said the county government has already submitted tenders to complete the construction of a rehabilitation centre in Butula in the co
ming financial year.

‘The county government of Busia has already set up a rehabilitation centre in Butula in an effort to save the youthful generation,’ said CECM Omuse.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nandi County Unveils Sh 9 Billion Budget

Nandi County Government has unveiled a Sh9 billion budget for the financial year 2024-2025.

The budget was presented before the County Assembly by County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Finance Hillary Serem who said the budget mainly is focusing on Wards thus operationalisation of the Equitable Development Act 2023.

The law that creates the Ward Fund stipulates that all development resources should be decided at the 30 electoral wards and puts MCAs at the centre of development.

Serem noted that out of Sh2.6 billion meant for development, Sh1.1 billion is going to the Ward-level to finance various development projects which members of the public have prioritised during public participation.

He said Ward representatives are the patrons of the committees and the implementation of the development programmes will now shift from the governor’s office to the committees and MCAs.

‘Every ward has respective priority projects ready for implementation as captured in the County Integrated Development plan and
approved by the controller of budget,’ he said

The Finance CECM said the county has projected 12 percent increase in revenue collection to Sh600 million adding that they are hopeful to attain that target or even surpass it due to the measures they have put in place.

‘We have agreed with land rates in multinational tea estates who used to pay Sh100-400 per acre are now paying Sh1,600 per acre. We are looking up to a brighter future in form of revenues for Nandi County,’ he said.

Serem noted that top financial allocation went to the Roads department which received Sh460 million followed by Education, Health and Water as per the prioritisation by the people.

He said the focus will also include completion and operationalisation of County flagship projects among then a dairy processing plant, coffee milling plant, multi-million mother and child hospital, a textile mill among others.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Dairy Board Urged To Sensitize The Public On Milk Regulations

Kenya Dairy Board (KDB) has been called upon to sensitise members of the public about the regulations in force on milk handling before enforcing arrests for violators.

This follows recent arrests and prosecution conducted by KDB in conjunction with local administration on milk vendors violating the regulations in Loitoktok.

While addressing a public meeting in Loitoktok town during the launch of Loitoktok Dairy mini plant, Kajiado Governor, Joseph Ole Lenku however emphasised the importance of adherence to the milk regulations which are intended to ensure safety of milk and health of the users.

Ole Lenku however said his government supports the initiative of regulating handling of milk to ensure safety for consumers.

Governor Ole Lenku appreciated the Loitoktok Dairy Cooperative Society for being a pace setter in value addition of agricultural produce, adding that this is the way to go in farming.

He further said the cooperative has aligned with national government’s goal in its programme of national liv
estock value chain targeting milk, meat and hides and skins.

The county boss highlighted that in order to fast track quality production, his government has embarked on moderated pastoralism, a programme aimed at improving quality of cows for milk and meat production.

He pledged his continued support to cooperative societies through facilitating trainings as well as provision of necessary financial and infrastructural support to enhance production.

Ole Lenku further noted that the county government will continue connecting the cooperatives with donors and opportunities through its agriculture affiliated programmes.

Loitoktok Deputy County Commissioner, Antony Maina challenged the local community to consider improving the quality of their animals through moderated pastoralism to improve the quality and quantity of milk and meat.

The DCC also noted that by reducing the number of animals it will also help them to be left with manageable herds of livestock even when a dry spell strikes.

Source: Kenya News A

Delegates Convene For African Conservation Forum In Kenya

The Africa Conservation Forum of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has officially opened in Nairobi with a call to enhance efforts towards involving communities and young people in conservation programmes.

About 700 delegates from across Africa including eight African Environment Ministers are attending the forum, themed ‘African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating Transformative Responses to the Biodiversity and Climate Crisis in Africa’.

In his opening address today, Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua, emphasised the importance of placing local communities at the centre of conservation efforts.

‘For conservation to be truly effective and sustainable, we must ensure that local communities are not only involved but are also the primary beneficiaries,’ Mutua said.

He also called for the empowerment of youth to enable them benefit from conservation activities.

Dr Mutua attributed the increasing problem of human-wildlife conflict in Kenya to inadequate resource
s for conservation initiatives among other challenges.

He called for innovative approaches and partnerships to bolster Africa’s conservation efforts.

‘Kenya, with its rich biodiversity, is actively implementing the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, focusing on locally-led and appropriate solutions for nature and people,’ he stated.

The forum serves as a strategic platform to influence the global sustainability agenda, climate change policies, and biodiversity conservation efforts.

Dr Mutua encouraged delegates to share information and knowledge, build partnerships, and connect key stakeholders from across Africa to address pressing environmental issues.

The opening ceremony was attended by Salim Mvurya, Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Zakaria Njeru, Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, Ms Sylvia Museiya, Principal Secretary, State Department for Wildlife, Razan Al Mubarak, President of IUCN and Dr Grethel Aguilar, Director General of IUCN
among other dignitaries.

During the three-day forum, participants will discuss urgent conservation challenges and explore transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crises in Africa.

The event aims to foster collaboration and innovative solutions to safeguard Africa’s natural heritage for future generations.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Elders, Clergy Condemn Damage By Protesters, Call For Peace

Council of Elders and religious leaders in Uasin Gishu county have condemned the destruction of property and disturbance of peace occasioned by recent protests over the finance bill 2024.

In a press briefing in Eldoret town after going across the town to examine the level of damage, the elders and the members of clergy expressed concern over the occurrence as they said it is unprecedented as they called on the youth to embrace peace and if there is any issue with the law they should seek advice from parents and embracing peaceful interventions through courts and peaceful consultations without causing rampage on the streets that resulted to destruction of public property and life.

Alexander Mursi chairman Miyot council of Elders, Uasin Gishu said though peaceful demonstration is a constitutional right, people must not misuse such freedom to cause chaos and violence to disrupt peace through burning other people’s properties and causing loss of lives.

‘We condemn what happened in our town yesterday, we don’t
want such things to happen again in Uasin Gishu, as elders we want peace in our midst, we call our children called Gen Zs, that the path they have chosen is not the right direction, it is dangerous we condemn that and advise you to stop immediately,’ exclaimed Mursi.

In his remarks, Bishop Luka Maiyo of the African Inland Church (AIC) expressed heartfelt condolences to those who lost their love ones as he complained that they have brought up in churches and villages but the aftermath of the protests has revealed to them that there is a missing link in the way the children are brought up in terms poor moral upbringing.

‘We saw peaceful demonstrations and a little while violence erupted, we are saying sorry for the families who lost their beloved ones, losing young ones is losing future blessings, we wish quick recovery to the injured,’ he noted.

He urged the youth that Whenever they do not disagree with any bill or have any concern with authorities, they should use other forums allowed by the law to express
their interests, and embrace peaceful dialogue.

The demonstrations saw a public library, vehicles and other public and private property destroyed across the municipality of Eldoret.

‘What does the bill have to do with our library, critical building infrastructure in the county, we condemn such incidents with the strongest terms possible, we pray for peace and calm. Let us walk the journey together supporting each other,’ said Bishop Maiyo.

Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK), Eldoret, bishop, Dr. Christopher Ruto, noted that they have been speaking to many youths in their congregations from time to time to love the nation and always focusing on peace by indulging in lawful activities that create a humble environment that fosters development.

‘Our concern always as church leaders is that we should love our nation and also youth should love your nation. By bringing out issue that are very critical especially to young people like employment and others to the mainstream public, if it is the matter with the bill, w
e want them to write in a way that the same matter can be taken on board, we don’t want anyone to ignore them, because they are part of the larger population within us,’ he said.

‘We want economic zones to be opened up so that we have many opportunities for the youth to earn a living and live a better life to fulfil their dreams. We want to have a youth culture that also respects our heritage, we do not wish to have a culture whereby we keep on destroying that which we have also inherited from previous generations,’ explained the bishop.

He further affirmed the church’s active role in sensitizing the people on peace, blessed are the peacemakers, we want the youth to be part of the peace makers in this country.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Calmness Witnessed In Nanyuki After The Finance Bill Withdrawal

Nanyuki Town in Laikipia County on Thursday witnessed calmness as businesses operations continued smoothly as usual unlike on Tuesday when rowdy Anti Finance Bill 2024 youths paralysed business.

A spot check by KNA at various places in Nanyuki Town revealed businesses were open with no sign of chaos as witnessed on Tuesday by anti-finance bill protestors.

President William Ruto withdrew the bill on Wednesday ahead of Thursday’s anticipated demonstrations.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ministry Equipping Youth With Knowledge, Skills To Drive Sustainable Development

The government is equipping the young generation with the requisite knowledge, skills and values to drive resilience and sustainable development in the wake of challenges posed by climate change phenomenon.

State Department for Higher Education and Research Principal Secretary Dr. Beatrice Inyangala has said the education curriculum, teacher training, research, innovation and community engagements are all part of integrating climate education including the science of climate change and the social dimensions of impacts of climate change.

Speaking during the official opening of the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice at Chuka University yesterday, Dr. Inyangala said the Ministry of Education is investing in the training of educators to effectively deliver knowledge, practical skills and technologies in climate adaptation, sustainability and resilience.

‘Universities and research institutions are at the forefront of climate research, developing innovative solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change

We have adopted a whole-of-government approach to stimulate partnerships between schools, universities and local communities to implement practical projects that promote environmental conservation and climate resilience,’ Dr. Inyangala said.

The Fourth Cohort of the annual Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice has brought together a variety of climate justice actors, civil servants, diplomats, researchers and innovators, civil society, activists, scholars, community level activists, youth leaders and students majorly drawn from Africa, Latin America, USA, Europe and Asia representing over 87 countries in the world.

The International Symposium will engage the attendees in a two-week intensive training and discussion.

‘It is gratifying to note that the youth are right at the center of this timely discussion, a discussion that focuses on their future in a world that is grappling with the impact of a climate crisis as well as other geo-political and socio-economic intricacies,’ Dr. Inyangala said.

The P
S noted that climate change is not only an environmental issue and that it is a matter of justice, equity and human rights acknowledging that impacts of climate change are being felt by countries which have contributed least to the problem particularly developing nations like Kenya.

She said that the country had made significant milestones, indicating that Kenya has over the years emerged as a leader in climate action both in Africa and globally.

‘From prolonged drought, to unpredictable weather patterns, the effects of climate change are sadly very severe and have far reaching consequences on our livelihoods. Our commitment to sustainable development and environmental conversation cannot be over emphasized,’ Dr Inyangala said.

The International Symposium hopes to tap into the potential of the youth voices, innovations and transformative solutions, embedded in emerging technologies to green the world and is a cornerstone for the drive for change, serving as an incubator for innovative ideas and interactive
experiences that foster a deeper understanding of climate justice and inspire collective action.

Present at the ceremony included Jacqueline Amongin – Member of Parliament (East Africa Legislative Assembly), Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Kenya, Sultan Hjiyev, Chuka University Vice Chancellor Prof Henry Mutembei and Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) Executive Director Mithika Mwenda.

Source: Kenya News Agency

DP Commends KESSHA, Emphasizes Flexibility In Education System

The Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua has applauded the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) for playing a critical role in providing state agencies with valuable information that guides strategic interventions, especially as the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is underway.

This collaboration, he said, ensures that the education sector can effectively address emerging challenges and improve the quality of education for secondary school students across Kenya.

Speaking at the 47th Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Annual National Conference, the Deputy President emphasized the importance of flexibility in the education system, noting that significant challenges will arise in the future if the system is not adaptable.

Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) has been noted to be the best for the coming generations as it is designed to be student-centered, flexible, and inclusive.

‘This conference is focused on 3 pathways of the CBC system including social scie
nces, arts and sports, and science and technology, engineering and mathematics. With a particular focus on the 3 pathways, we want an education that generates job creators and not job seekers,’ added the DP.

In addition, the DP said that the government has identified junior secondary and senior secondary schools as a crucial stepping stone of modeling the student in professionally desired ways and hence the government has various representations of the national government in better preparation for the rollout of senior secondary school.

He also highlighted that the government is investing more in expanding Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions across the country to complement universities by providing a seamless transition from secondary schools for students who are firmly established in their chosen pathways.

By increasing the number of TVETs, the government seeks to ensure that students have diverse options for higher education and skills development, aligning with their int
erests and career goals.

‘Since we want the TVETS to deliver, we are set to employ 2,000 more tutors in the 2023/2024 financial year to bridge the capacity gap,’ said Gachagua.

Furthermore, he noted that the government has continued to invest in the TVETS because of their potential to create jobs, especially in the formal sector of our economy which employs over 83% of the people.

The Deputy President also observed a moment of silence for the lives lost during the ongoing protests in the country. This comes after protesters were shot dead after storming and setting ablaze the parliament just after MPs passed the financial bill 2024/2025.

The Principal Secretary for Education, Belio Kipsang urged the school heads to look at situations that will allow the younglings to be part of decision-making in a way that they would want to influence the future.

‘We do not want them to think that we as adults are influencing their future but that we are guiding them into what they can be and do better for this country
and humanity,’ he said.

Kipsang declared that the government acknowledges the diverse talents, interests, and aspirations of learners that offer multiple and personalized pathways or roots that give them opportunities to pursue their uniqueness in learning and life and are adaptive to learning.

‘As we adapt these pathways, it is important that they are tailored to the learning of individual students,’ he added.

Kipsang urged the School Heads to be at the forefront to prepare the young ones to be responsible and accountable for every action they take for the betterment of humanity into the future.

‘Let us give our children an opportunity to map and be part of the mapping of the future. I urge all of us that the education and leadership that we provide in our schools should be student-centered, flexible, and inclusive of nurturing all learners’ potential because they are not the same, we have those living with disabilities and require special ways of being taught and dealt with, he said.

He stated that the
Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) emphasizes the acquisition of competencies and skills. Unlike the previous system, which focused on memorization and knowledge retention, the CBC prioritizes the practical application of knowledge. The future of education lies in what students can do with what they know, preparing them for real-world challenges and opportunities

‘Pathways ensure that we identify the competency and skills of our learners, map out learning objectives, we create modular learning and activities that we can be able to re-enter. It is age-appropriate. It integrates assessments and checkpoints to monitor learners’ progress,’ he said.

He pledged that going into the new year, the government is going to invest heavily in laboratories and science-based learning areas in day schools because they constitute 72 percent of the learning environment in the country.

He addressed the delay in capitation allocation as he pledged that it shall be Sh. 22,000 moving forward.

Source: Kenya News Agency

National Heroes’ Council To Honour Kiptum

The National Heroes’ Council will construct a centre in Elgeyo Marakwet which will use sports to promote peace in honour of fallen athlete Kelvin Kiptum.

A member, Hussein Kadida, said the council aimed at having a structure where the youth could meet and engage positively saying it was not enough to disarm people physically but more importantly, there was need to disarm their minds.

Speaking in Iten when the Council paid homage to the late Kiptum, Kadida said owing to the fact that people from different backgrounds come to Iten to train, this could be used to bring peace by having a facility where sporting activities could be accompanied by peace building activities.

He however said the establishment of the centre should not be left to the Council alone but should be supported by other interested actors to ensure it is a success.

The Council CEO Charles Wambia said his organization would sign a memorandum of understanding with the county on areas where they could work together as per their mandate in pro
moting the county.

He presented the late Kiptum’s widow Asenath Rotich with a certificate and medal from the Head of State.

Area Governor Wisley Rotich thanked the Council for recognizing and honouring peace builders within the county saying this has given them more energy to promote peace.

He called on the National Treasury to increase funding to the Council to enable them go round the country and honour people who contributed positively to the society saying this would help in inspiring the youth.

‘We should have other Kenyans from different communities who have excelled in various sectors like sports, business, agriculture being honored to inspire our young people,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency