Head of State meets German ambassador in Tunis at end of his mission

Tunis: President Kais Saied met on Friday at Carthage Palace with the German Ambassador to Tunisia, Peter Prgel, at the end of his mission.

The President of the Republic praised the relations of friendship and cooperation between Tunisia and Germany in many fields at the bilateral level and within the framework of the European Union, according to a Presidency statement.

He stressed Tunisia’s keenness to continue developing them to the highest levels.

For his part, the German ambassador expressed his gratitude to the Tunisian leadership and people for the support and care he received during his tenure.

He stressed his country’s willingness to develop its relations with Tunisia at all levels for the benefit of both peoples.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Mohamed Boughaleb case: SNJT denounces banning journalists from covering hearing

Tunis: Journalists were banned from covering the hearing in the case of journalist Mohamed Boughaleb at the Tunis Court of Appeal on Friday, said the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT).

Journalists were denied access to the courtroom by the security guards on the instructions of the court’s president, reads a SNJT press release published Friday.

This ban “is another attack on press freedom and reflects the desire to bring journalists to trial behind closed doors,” SNJT added.

To this end, the SNJT called on the judicial authorities to review their decision to prevent journalists from entering the courtroom in cases that arouse public interest.

Article 117 of the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure stipulates that hearings are public, unless the court decides to hold them behind closed doors, either on its own initiative or at the request of the Public Prosecutor or one of the parties, in order to safeguard public order, morality or the inviolability of family secrets.

The SNJT also reiterat
ed its refusal to use Decree-Law no.54 “to criminalise the press,” calling on the Tunisian judiciary to refer solely to Decree no.115 when prosecuting journalists.

Boughelab was sentenced to six months in prison at first instance in a case brought against him by an official at the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Hatem Zoghlami appointed head of General Directorate of Prisons and Rehabilitation

Tunis: Hatem Zoghlami, a third rank judge, has been appointed head of the General Directorate of Prisons and Rehabilitation, replacing Imed Aouji, who was dismissed, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice on Friday evening.

Aouji was appointed to head the directorate, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, in mid-September 2023.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Two officials of capital’s municipality dismissed after President’s visits Thursday (Interior)

Tunis: The Ministry of the Interior announced on Friday evening the dismissal of the acting head of the Tunis municipality and the director general of roads, green spaces and parks in the capital’s municipality.

The ministry attributed the decisions to the numerous shortcomings of the two departments and their equipment, as well as the negligence of municipal officials in carrying out their duties.

On Thursday, President Kais Saied visited the Tunis Municipality’s equipment and cleanliness departments and met with a number of officials at the Tunis Municipal Palace, urging them to assume their responsibilities, quickly remedy the situation and redouble their efforts to meet the needs of citizens.

The President of the Republic also visited the Tunis Municipality’s Department of Health and Environmental Protection and the adjacent municipal park, where he inspected the facility’s shortcomings.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ASF Sousse to represent Tunisia at UNAF Zone 1 Qualifiers

Tunis: Tunisia’s reigning champions the Association Sportive Féminine de Sousse will participate in the North African Football Union (UNAF) Zone 1 Qualifiers for the 2024 CAF Women’s Champions League set for August 22-31 in Algiers.

The tournament also involves CF Akbou (Algeria), AS FAR (Morocco) and Toutnkhamon (Egypt).

The tournament will take place in the shape of a mini-championship. Top finishers will represent Zone 1 at the final tournament.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

IHF Women’s Junior (U20) World Championship: Tunisia finish 24th

Tunis: Tunisia conceded defeat Friday to Guinea (23-24) at a placement game of the 2024 IHF Women’s Junior World Championship (June 19-30 in Skopje, North Macedonia), finishing 24th.

The team lost on Thursday to Serbia’s (26-27) at a first placement match for places 21 to 24.

Last Tuesday, the Tunisians finished second in Group A of the President’s Cup, after beating Iranians (26-23) and losing to the Brazilians (24-26).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Spiking temperatures continue on Friday

Tunis: High temperatures continue on Friday with highs ranging between 31°C and 36°C near coasts and 37°C and 43°C elsewhere, except in the southwest and the far south where they are expected to hit 45°C to 48°C with Sirocco winds.

The weather is a bit cloudy to sometimes cloudy in the afternoon in northwestern hights with scattered showers.

The wind is blowing east relatively strong near northern coasts, light to moderate elsewhere save in the southwest.

The sea is choppy in the region of Serrat and the Gulf of Gabès, a bit choppy elsewhere.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Interministerial Network for Ecological Transition officially launched

Tunis: The Interministerial Network for Ecological Transition to monitor and evaluate the 2035/2050 National Strategy for Ecological Transition was officially launched at the 2nd National Conference on Ecological Transition (NCET) held Friday in Tunis.

Made up of representatives of the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minsitry and various ministries, the network aims to inform, raise awareness, communicate about and monitor the implementation of the measures of this strategy, Deputy Director of the Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies (French: CITET) Ahmed Herzi said.

The creation of this network was one of the main recommendations of the 1st edition of the NCET, held in June 2023, he added. Participants had insisted on the mobilisation of all stakeholders from all sectors and funding so as to implement the 53 measures included in the National Strategy for Ecological Transition.

This strategy is based on the promotion of human well-being, in its tangible

and intangible aspects, t
he achievement of social equity and intra- and inter-generational justice, protection of the environment in all its components, and continuous and progressive quest for sustainability and circularity in all its dimensions.

Taking the floor, Environment Minister Leila Chikhaoui said the five pillars of this strategy are governance and financing, climate change, sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, including the fight against desertification and drought resilience, the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns and the fight against all forms of pollution, and development of culture, science and knowledge in the service of ecological transition.

A proposed charter to be signed by all municipalities and to be supported by UN-Habitat Tunisia was also presented during this event.

Head of UN-Habitat Tunisia Aida Robbana said this charter will be proposed to the 350 municipalities in order to align their actions with the National Strategy for Ecological Transition.

The mu
nicipalities’ commitment should focus on three points, namely governance and financing, climate change and natural resources and ecosystems, she highlighted.

This event provided an opportunity to define the building blocks for the implementation of the National Strategy for Ecological Transition over the coming years, starting with the decade 2025/2035.

This conference takes place every year and provides an opportunity to review the results achieved in relation to the previous edition and identify efforts still to be made by all stakeholders in order to speed up the implementation of ecological transition.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunindex closes Friday’s session down 0.15%

Tunis: Tunindex closed Friday’s session down 0.15% to 9,726.08 points with a reduced volume of TND 4.5 million, said broker Tunisie Valeurs.

UNIMED shares were the best performers after rising by 5.5% to TND6.750, generating a capital of TND 132,000.

Poulina Group Holding shares also performed well. The share price edged up 3.7% to TND 9.090 with a volume of TND 90,000.

Tunisair shares fell by 2.5% to TND 0.380, trading for only TND 2,000 over the session.

SOTIPAPIER shares also dropped by 2.4% to TND 4.550, generating only TND 15,000.

SAH LILAS shares were the most traded. The share price rose by 1.9% to TND 8.830, feeding the market with a capital of TND 1.4 million.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse