Over 1500 People In Kirinyaga Get Free Eye Treatment

Over 1500 people with eye complications in Kirinyaga County have benefitted from free treatment and cataract surgeries during a medical camp held at Kimbimbi Sub-county Hospital.

This came even as medics raised concern over a rise in number of people having eye complications in Mt. Kenya region which they attributed to increase in non-communicable diseases.

During the three-day medical camp organized by the County Government of Kirinyaga, Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) and Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB), 36 people underwent cataract surgeries to remove clouding of the lens of the eye.

One of the patients had lived with cataract on both eyes which had caused clouded vision for five years making it difficult for the patient to see clearly.

Patients were issued with glasses, medication and white canes for free.

Speaking during the medical camp, County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Medical Services, Public Health, and Sanitation George Karoki blamed the rise in eye
ailments in Mt. Kenya to increase in non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cancer and hypertension.

‘This particular trend of rise in non-communicable diseases is causing a big problem of the eye. We are very grateful for this particular support from these organizations because it has helped us reach out to more people who had not gotten treatment for eye problems,’ he said.

He emphasized that Governor Anne Waiguru has prioritized healthcare as one of her deliverables and this was what informed the initiative to set up an ultra-modern eye unit at the Kerugoya County Referral Hospital.

‘We have invested in establishing a state-of-the-art eye clinic complete with staff, an ophthalmologist, and a fully equipped theatre for eye problems,’ he added.

Karoki urged residents to undergo regular eye checkups, noting that early detection and diagnosis could lead to quicker treatment and prevent further complications.

The Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB) lauded efforts by the County Government for its efforts to
offer specialized eye treatment so as to help in the eliminating avoidable blindness.

KSB Chief Executive Officer Samson Waweru said establishment of an eye unit at the Kerugoya County Referral Hospital has ensured people facing eye problems do not have to travel to Nairobi for specialist treatment.

Waweru said about 10 million Kenyans were at a risk of getting blind, however, 85 to 90 percent of those who were likely to go blind have treatable cases if they are screened earlier.

He said the lead cause of blindness in the country is uncorrected deflective errors, cataracts, trachoma and other lifestyle diseases.

‘The statistics of visually impaired people according to the 2019 census stands at 334,000 legally blind individuals across the country. But the concerning statistics from the Ministry of Health is that 10 million Kenyans could wake up tomorrow to find themselves blind. This means that one out of every four Kenyans could face blindness, which is why this medical camp is crucial, as 85-90% of these
cases are treatable,’ he emphasized.

REREC Board Director Mark Nderitu explained that while REREC’s primary mandate is rural electrification, and that their involvement in the medical camp was part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.

‘REREC is running 322 electrification projects across nine counties in the Mt. Kenya region, targeting to electrify over 15,500 households. In Kirinyaga, REREC has 20 projects aiming to electrify 1,250 households,’ he said.

Nderitu said expansion of electricity connection to unreached areas would help eliminate use of firewood for cooking and kerosene for lighting in homes.

Studies have linked inhaling of smoke that comes from cooking with firewood, charcoal, and kerosene as a health risk and major contributor to respiratory diseases, natal complications, eye problems, heart diseases.

He expressed gratitude to the Kirinyaga County Government for partnering with REREC, saying, ‘We are pleased with the massive turnout and the opportunity to impact the lives
of the community.’

Lydia Mugo, a 78-year-old resident of Murinduko area in Mwea East, expressed her gratitude for the camp.

‘I have never seen a free eye medical camp offering surgeries. We are thankful to have these free services through the Kirinyaga County Government and REREC. I have been attended to and my eyes can now see clearly,’ she said.

Stephen Njeru, a 70-year-old from Kanjo Sub-location, shared his relief after undergoing a cataract surgery at the camp.

‘I had cataract issues and needed surgery and medication. I struggled for over 3 years and was told I needed Sh70,000 for treatment.

‘Yesterday, I came to this medical camp, had the surgery done for free and now though the eye hasn’t healed completed, I have started seeing clearly images than before. I can see well, and the problem is gone. I am grateful,’ Njeru stated.

Source: Kenya News Agency

NGAOs Lauded For Leading The Fight Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Alcohol

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) Nyanza Regional Manager Esther Okenye has commended the National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) for spearheading the fight against drug abuse and illicit alcohol in the region.

Speaking during the commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Kisii, Ms. Okenye said the region currently ranks 5th nationally in the use of alcohol and drugs, a significant improvement from the 3rd position, according to statistics from NACADA.

She noted that despite an increase in population over the recent years, the consumption of alcohol and abuse of drugs had declined.

‘If all of us come together to kick out the brewing in our homes and let it be a regulated trade, we will go a long way in fighting illicit alcohol,’ the Regional Manager said.

Okenye noted that Kisii County had established a Technical Working Group (TWG) composed of different organizations to support the prevention of alcohol a
nd drug abuse within the county.

She said that in line with this year’s theme of ‘The Evidence is clear, invest in prevention,’ the partners were investing in prevention to curb the danger of wiping out members of the society.

The Regional Manager decried the increasing use of bhang among the student population saying that while the national average stands at 1.9 percent, the number of students using the substance stood at 3 percent.

As such, she pointed out that they were keen on working with the young people to share prevention messages with their counterparts so that they could join in the fight against illicit alcohol and drug abuse.

Violet Moke from the Kisii County Department of Social Services said they are committed and devoted to working with other stakeholders in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse in the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kakamega County Assembly Approves Sh17.8 Billion Budget Estimates

Kakamega County Assembly has approved a Sh17,861,292,915 budget estimates for the 2024/2025 financial year.

Out of the estimates, Sh11,911,267,174 has been allocated for recurrent expenditure which is equivalent to 66.7% while Sh5,950,027,741 has been allocated for development expenditure representing 33.3% of the whole budget.

Personnel Emoluments will take a total of Sh6,857,312,177 of the recurrent expenditure while operations and maintenance will consume Sh5,053,312,177.

Among the allocations, the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Public Works and Energy has been allocated Sh1,625,022,499 while the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives has been allocated Sh845,401,196 and Sh845,384,817 was allocated to the Ministry of Water, Environment, Forestry and Natural Resources.

In the approved budget estimates, the Ministry of Trade, Industrialization and Tourism and that of Education, Science and Technology have been allocated Sh604,700,000 and Sh486,500,000 respectively.

The O
ffice of the Governor has been allocated Sh10,000,000, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning will receive Sh 56,000,000 while the ICT, E-Government and Communication Ministry has been allocated Sh100,000,000.

The County Assembly has been allocated Sh1,482,723,167 for the 2024/2025 financial year that will cater for salaries and other expenses.

While moving a motion to support the report of the budget estimates, the Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Appropriations Gildon Shioso who is the Member of County Assembly for Butsotso South urged the County Government to prioritize settling pending bills to comply with the Public Finance Management(PFM)Act.

According to the report, Kakamega County will receive Sh13.4billion Equitable share from the National Government and is projected to realize Sh2.2billion Own Source Revenue(OSR) collection.

The budget estimates also include a balance of Sh1.09 billion from the Equitable Share of 2023/2024 which is being carried forward together with conditional gr
ants of Sh794Million and Sh303billion from the Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP).

Additionally, the County Government will receive Conditional Grants amounting to Sh1,152,425,312, this includes Sh250,000,000 from the County Aggregation and Industrial Park Program (CAIPP) Sh. 127,500,000 Community Health Promoters Program (CHPP).

Others are Roads Maintenance Levy Fund (RMLF) of Sh235,244,397, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) for Primary Health Care of Sh16,038,750, and Sh37,500,000 for the Second Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP II) and Sh151,515,152 for the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP).

Source: Kenya News Agency

Institute Carries Out Assessment To Uphold Professionalism In Procurement

The Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM) is keen on entrenching professionalism in supply chain and procurement in the public sector.

KISM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kenneth Matiba said the institute has embarked on a robust process of conducting targeted compliance assessments to streamline the sector and ensure that people practicing in the field adhered to the laws and regulations.

Matiba noted that recent evaluations done by the institute revealed that many practitioners were not registered with KISM as stipulated by the Supplies Practitioners Management Act, 2007.

‘Many practitioners are not registered by the institute contrary to the provisions of the law. This exercise aims at strengthening compliance and bringing sanity to the profession,’ he said.

Speaking in Machakos during the launch of the KISM Lower Eastern Regional Chapter, the CEO called on all stakeholders, both State and non-State actors to join the unified and integrated approach to centre professionalism in the provision of
procurement and supply chain services.

‘The supply chain sector plays a very critical role in the development of the country and that is why we are calling upon all stakeholders to make professionalism the core of service delivery,’ added Matiba.

A member of the KISM Council Jennifer Cirindi said besides enhancing professionalism, the institute was also keen on decentralising its services to enhance service delivery to the members and other stakeholders.

‘Every office that governs public expenditure has been devolved to all the 47 counties and for the benefits of all Kenyans we are decentralising our services to ensure that the professionalism of procurement is felt across the country,’ said Cirindi.

She disclosed that so far, eight regional chapters had been established across the country in the last one month to complement the KISM headquarters in delivery of services.

The council member said the chapters included Northern Kenya, Coast, Lower Eastern, Northern Eastern, Mt. Kenya, Central and South Rift
, Nyanza and Western regions.

Cirindi added that some of the services to be offered at the regional level included registration of members, engagement of procurement entities and mentorship.

‘These chapters will also ensure continuous professional engagements where members can organise customer responsive programmes besides offering mentorship to young people joining the profession,’ said the council member.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Narok Presents A Sh15.7 Billion Budget

The Narok County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Finance David Ole Muntet has tabled a budget of Sh15.7 billion for the financial year 2024/2025.

The budget is Sh1 billion more as compared to the previous year’s budget when the CECM presented a Sh14.7 billion budget.

The county projects to get Sh9.332 billion from the National Government transfers as equitable share and conditional grants from the National government of Sh. 162 million.

In the budget period 2024/2025, the County Government projected to collect Sh4.654 billion from local revenues sources, Maasai Mara park fee is expected to be the main source of the local revenue collection as it is targeted to generate Sh. 3. 420 billion.

‘In this regard, the county has already put in place viable revenue raising strategies for enhancing revenue collection in critical revenue streams with a view of ensuring that the revenue target is met,’ he said.

He added that the County would also seek to engage the private sector through public private
partnership in order to boost the financing of capital intensive programmes.

‘To raise additional funds, the County Government may seek external borrowing provided the National government guarantees, and the approval of the county assembly is obtained,’ he said.

Muntet said 34 percent of the budget to pay the salaries of the employees, 33 per cent will be used in the operations of the county while 33 percent will be used in development.

Health sector got the lion share of Sh3.3 billion that will be used to buy drugs and improve infrastructure in the public hospitals.

Education sector will receive Sh2.1 billion that will be used to help in building classrooms, giving bursaries to the less fortunate students and help persons with disability.

The road sector will get Sh1.6 billion that will be used to improve the road network within the county and agriculture sector will receive Sh1.1 billion to boost both livestock and crop farmers.

Source: Kenya News Agency

State Allocates Sh7.4 Billion For Junior Secondary Schools’ Infrastructure

The Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu has announced the allocation of Sh7.4 billion to enhance educational infrastructure by constructing more classrooms, laboratories and procure science related learning materials in preparation to receive more students in Junior Secondary Schools across the country.

Speaking at the 47th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) National Conference held at Sheikh Zayed Hall, Mombasa, Machogu noted that this development aimed at accommodating the growing number of students in line with improving the quality of science education across the country.

‘Already, we are providing Sh3.5 billion to primary schools for building 1,000 additional classrooms countrywide. A further Sh3.9 billion, to be topped up by the National Government-Constituency Development Fund, has also been provided for the construction of classrooms at the constituency level through NG-CDF,’ noted the CS

The CS urged the principals to work closely with the government to guarantee success
in the education sector.

‘The roll out of the CBC especially in senior schools requires we all work together with you principals as the primary actors. The government is committed to providing you with all the support possible to guarantee success,’ said the CS.

On his part, the Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Shariff Nassir highlighted the tremendous support that the County Government is currently offering to schools in an effort to ensure that every child enjoys their right to education.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Government Asked To Increase Funding For Research Institutions

The National Research Fund (NRF) Chairman Prof Ratemo Michieka has called on the government to allocate more funds to research institutions to boost the country’s development.

Speaking during the official opening of the third Meru University of Science and Technology International Conference (MUSTIC), Prof Michieka said that every country should fund its research institutions for its benefit.

‘Nobody or any country can support research institutions other than the nation where such institutions are. It is therefore imperative and very important that developing nations eject more funds into research arena to get things done for that country,’ he said.

He added that the government should push ahead with this agenda which would generate employment opportunities for its citizens.

‘If there is a big factory that has been researched in a given institution, such could probably take in 600 or 700 persons who could be employed comfortably having had research and developed an innovation that can take that number of
people,’ said Prof Michieka.

He said at the moment, the government was releasing two percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to research institutions but this could be increased for more benefits to the country.

He added: ‘If you want to know how research contributes to the development of a country, go to the development index of developed countries and check on the amount of money paid in research. You will then realise that it is much more than what we give in Kenya’.

He said the theme of the conference; ‘Science in Service of Climate Action’, revolves around the question of whether after the floods and varying climatic conditions witnessed lately, shall we again witness the same?

‘What can climate teach us, how can we educate the citizens on how to mitigate and stop the devastating effects of climate change as it keeps on coming every four to five years in time,’ posed Prof Michieka.

He exuded confidence that after the conference, Kenyans would get good reasons as to why they should not probably s
tay close to the rivers and try to avoid activities that could affect the climate and micro-environment within a particular area.

The University’s Vice-Chancellor Prof Romanus Odhiambo said the conference’s theme was informed by the fact that everyone knows what we have gone through as a country including the terrible floods witnessed about two months ago.

As a university, they decided to dedicate the whole world to discussing scientifically, the mitigation, resilience, and the science behind climate change, he said.

‘As a country, we encourage you and as President William Ruto has been saying, we have to be sensitive about climate change issues in the whole country,’ he noted.

‘When we talk about climate mitigations, planting trees is one of them that we as Kenyans have to do, and also inculcate this ideology amongst our young people, and all Kenyans so we can succeed in this,’ said Prof Odhiambo.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Uzinduzi Wa Miradi Katika Sekta Ya Afya Pokot Magharibi

Serikali ya kaunti ya Pokot Magharibi imechukua hatua katika kuzindua miradi iliyokamilika kwa lengo la kusaidia wananchi mashinani

Gavana Simon Kachapin alisema katika maono yake ya kuhudimia wananchi miaka mitano ijayo ni kuhakikisha kwamba wananchi katika kaunti yake wanapokoea huduma kwa ukaribu.

‘Siku ya leo nimeweza kuzindua miradi minne katika wadi ya Chepareria ikiwamo zahanati ya Senetwo, Propoi na chumba kuu cha uzazi katika maeneo ya Ywalateke,’ kasema Kachapin.

‘Ninashukuru kwa sababu hii ni baadhi ya maono yangu katika kutumikia wananchi wa Westp Pokot miaka tano ijayo,’ kaongeza gavana.

Alisisitiza kuwa lengo kuu la shirika la Afya Ulimwenguni linaeleza kuwa ni lazima wananchi wapate huduma kwa ubali usiopita zaidi ya kilomita 5 huku lengo lake likiwa kuafikia ipasavyo.

‘Tuko na jukumu kama magavana kuhakikisha kwamba wananchi wanapata huduma kwa ukaribu kwa sababu ni jambo ambalo limefanyiwa ugatuzi,’ alisema Gavana.

Kachapin alitaja kuwa kuna miradi zaidi ya 42 ambayo anapanga kuzindua h
ivi karibuni ili kuhakikisha kwamba maeneo yote ya mashinani wanapokea huduma kwa ukaribu.

Gavana aliahidi kuwa watashirikiana na serikali kuu kuhakikisha sera wanayopeana wanaitekeleza kwa kikamilifu.

Amerai wenyeji kutumia nafasi hii katika kuhakikisha kwamba miradi hii inatumika kwa njia inayohitajika akitaja kuwa kujifungua nyumbani ni jambo ambalo halikubaliwi na ni hatari mno.

‘Ningependa kina mama wetu watumie nafasi hii haswa katika kupokea mafunzo kuhusu lishe bora na hata mbinu mwafaka ya kulea watoto wadogo,’ Gavana aliongeza.

Naibu wake Chifu Japheth Rutto alitoa shukrani zake kwa Gavana katika kuwaletea chumba kuu cha uzazi akisema kuwa awali ilikuwa tu zahanati huku kina mama wakilazimika kutembea mwendo mrefu kutafuta huduma.

‘Wazo la Gavana la kuleta chumba cha uzazi sehemu hii limekuwa la manufaa mno,’ Chifu alisema.

Alisifu utendakazi wa Gavana akieleza kuwa tangu ugatuzi uanze, serikali ya kaunti imerahisisha mambo mengi haswa katika sekta ya afya.

Alisihi wananchi wote kutangamana n
a Gavana na pamoja na serikali ya kaunti katika kushirikiana kwa pamoja ili wapate kusonga mbele kimaendeleo.

Aidha wakazi walieleza kuwa idadi kubwa ya watu katika maeneo ya Ywalateke ndio iliyochochea kujengwa kwa hospitali sehemu hio

Alitoa shukrani zake kwa serikali ya kaunti kwa kuitikia wito wa wananchi katika kuwajengea zahanati ambayo itasaidia watu wengi sehemu hio.

Aliomba serikali kuendeleza juhudi za kuongeza madaktari ambao watasaidia katika kutoa huduma kwa haraka na kwa njia inayofaa.

Hata hivyo kina mama walitoa shukrani zao wakieleza kuwa kina mama wengi walikuwa wakijifungua mitaani ambayo ni hatari, wakihimiza kila mmoja atembee kule zahanatini kwa minajili ya kupata huduma.

Aidha wameomba madaktari kuajiriwa ikiwamo wale wa Lishe Bora ili kuwapa mafunzo kina mama kuhusu ulezi bora na pia mbinu bora ya kunyonyesha watoto. Zaidi, kina mama wanataka kujengewa maabara ambayo itatumika katika kupima damu

Source: Kenya News Agency

FLLOCA Water Projects In Makueni County Vandalised

Makueni’s Department of Lands, Urban Planning and Environment County Executive Committee Member (CEM) Nicolas Nzioka has lamented over the rampant vandalism of Financing Locally Led Climate Action Programme (FLLOCA) water projects in Makueni County.

Nzioka said that the vandalism of the water projects was like a punishment to the people and animals while adding that the individuals involved in this theft were enemies of the county.

‘The rampant vandalism of the water projects is causing unnecessary agony to people and animals that are supposed to benefit from the projects. You punish the entire system,’ said Nzioka during a sensitisation of Makueni County Environment Committee at a hotel in Machakos on Friday.

In this regard, he said there was a need to form networks and ensure the incidences of vandalism were reported to the police so that the culprits would be arrested and prosecuted.

The CEM disclosed that Kiusyi water project in Ilima Ward, water pipes were removed and many people who depended on it t
o get water for domestic use and watering animals were suffering.

The two day workshop that started on Thursday was funded by FLLOCA who wanted the CEC members to understand their role in the programme.

On environment, Nzioka said that it was imperative for parents to inculcate issues of environment in their children so that they could develop good attitude as they grew.

He further said that there was need for concerted efforts to ensure the environment was clean while warning those polluting the rivers that their days were numbered.

Speaking at the same workshop, Makueni County Commissioner (CC) Mr. Henry Wafula warned those involved in the vice that they risked prosecution.

Wafula also put on notice chiefs and their assistants warning that they would face dire consequences if projects in their area of jurisdiction were vandalised

‘Chiefs and their assistants should work closely to ensure no vandalism of government projects take place,’ Wafula warned.

‘I urge chiefs and their assistants to ensure no v
andalism occurs in their area of jurisdiction,’ said Wafula.

Meanwhile, he administrator pointed that Kibwezi and Mbooni West were leading in defilement cases though they were reducing.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Coast Clerics Urges Youth To Call Off Further Protests To Pave The Way For Dialogue

Christian and Muslim Clerics have urged the youth to halt protests to give dialogue a chance amid infiltration of the protests by criminals who robbed and caused mayhem.

The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) House of Bishops said peaceful protests from the youth resulted in the withdrawal of the Finance Bill, 2024 albeit it came with a huge price as citizens lost their lives, injuries, and alleged abduction.

‘As a church, we condemn the violence meted out against the protestors who comprised mainly of young persons, the Gen Z,’ said Rev. Alphonce Baya at the ACK Diocese of Mombasa.

The bishops commiserated with families that had lost their loved ones during the protests and also condemned cases of lawlessness from marauding youth who robbed and stole from citizens on the streets, matatus, private cars and looting of private properties.

‘These incidences of criminal activities affect the well-being of individuals. We call for justice, peaceful measures by the law enforcement agencies and make every part of Ke
nya safe once more,’ said Rev. Baya.

He urged the youth to call off the strike as continued picketing destroys the conducive environment for businesses and hurts the country’s delicate economy.

‘In addition to tarnishing the collective spirit of our nation, remember when Kenya our common home burns, we run the risks of burning in it. We call for calm and peace even as we engage each other,’ explained Rev. Baya.

Rev. Baya termed the recently witnessed protests as cumulative anger because of leadership failure since the country attained its independence. ‘It has reached the ‘boiling point’. The country needs servant leadership,’ he noted.

He added that the ACK church in Mombasa has regulated its platform so as not to be misused by politicians to drive their agenda.

To stop the return of violence, Bishop of ACK Malindi Diocese Rev. Reuben Katite encouraged the Head of State to initiate the dialogue with Gen Z and for parties in the dialogue to approach all issues with humility, transparency, truthfulness an
d goodwill for peace to prevail.

The bishops called for a realignment of the executive and legislative arms of the government leadership priorities to the aspirations of their constituents.

‘Prioritizing the needs of Kenyans is essential to alleviate the complaints we are currently hearing,’ said Rev. Katite, adding that all voices should be given attention.

The ACK Bishops further urge leaders and citizens to be the mediators and advocates of peace for the nation’s stability.

Speaking separately, the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) echoed ACK Bishop’s sentiments calling for the stop of protests.

CIPK Organizing Secretary Mohamed Khalifa urged parents to advise their children to halt the protests for dialogue to commence not to destroy the country.

‘The protests started peacefully but it was later hijacked by criminals led to the looting of properties, injuries and destructions,’ said Khalifa, adding the Head of State should be given time to dialogue with the youth.

CIPK National Treasur
er Sheikh Hassan Omar urged Kenyans to maintain peace not to destroy the country that will take years to build.

Source: Kenya News Agency