Data journalism: ISCOM students introduced to the subject

Ouagadougou: Burkinabe scholarship holders from the Data Journalism Training Program of the Higher School of Journalism, Internet and Communication Professions (E-jicom) organized a master class on Saturday June 29, 2024 in Ouagadougou, for the benefit of students of the Higher Institute of Communication and Multimedia (ISCOM) with a view to sharing their experiences with them.

The second cohort of journalists, beneficiaries of the Data Journalism Training Program of the Higher School of Journalism, Internet and Communication Professions (E-jicom), based in Dakar (Senegal), conducted a master’s degree class on June 29, 2024 in Ouagadougou.

With students from the Higher Institute of Communication and Multimedia (ISCOM), they discussed the conditions for benefiting from the scholarship, the achievements, the difficulties and the prospects after certification.

On the occasion, teacher and journalist Moussa Sawadogo gave some notions of data journalism to the participants.

According to him, this journalistic
practice refers to the information (data) to be visualized and which leads to investigative journalism. ‘This allows the journalist to best play his social role with figures,’ he said.

For the focal point of the program, Lassané Yaméogo, the objective of this master class is to encourage students to already think about specialization. Questions and answers to better understand data journalism and the training program ended this meeting.

Participant Latifatou Zougmoré stressed that the data journalism course and the shared experience inspire her a lot to want to do this type of information processing. She plans to apply for the training program in the future.

Note that the program is implemented by E-jicom for the benefit of working journalists in order to promote quality journalism on development issues.

The training lasts six months, accompanied by a certificate. The 2024 class is the 2nd and includes twenty journalists from Burkina Faso, Congo (DRC), Ivory Coast, Niger and Senegal.

Source: Burkina Inf
ormation Agency

Kénédougou: The new album by the artist Djéli Lafialé presented to the press

The managerial staff of HO Production was in front of the media women and men of the city of the orchard on the evening of Saturday June 29, 2024, to present the very first musical work by the artist Djéli Lafialé, an album composed of 8 titles entitled ”AN KA BEN”, which means “Agreement” in the national Dioula language.

Djéli Lafialé, in the civil registry, is called Adama Diabaté, from a family of griots, was born in 1995 in Samogohiri, in the province of Kénédougou.

The man took his first steps in music with an album composed of 8 tracks entitled ‘AN Ka BEN’, which means ‘Agreement’ in the national Dioula language.

In front of the women and men of the media from Orodara, the aim was to present to them this new album which addresses issues related to understanding, solidarity, love and integrity.

According to the artist, Djéli Lafialé, his beginnings in music were punctuated with difficulties including the lack of financial means to support himself, the neglect towards his peers that he suffered duri
ng social events such as weddings and baptisms. The latter, he added, refused to let him perform.

In short, Djéli Lafialé was revealed to the public in 2023 during the final of the first edition of Kénédougou RAP competition organized by H. O production.

‘That day I saw in him a hidden talent that must be produced. ‘It is this dream that is being realized today,’ indicated the promoter of the said structure, Ousmane Hébié.

He launched an appeal to all those of good will for support to the artist to enable him to succeed in his musical career.

The promoter of H. O production expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the local press for their availability and support.

In the same vein, godfather Bakouto Ibrahim Ouattara and godmother Mariam Ouattara also reiterated their thanks to the women and men of the media for this collaboration.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sanguié: the population of Kordié offers 266,000 FCFA to the VDPs

A fundraiser, at the initiative of the president of the special delegation of the commune of Kordié, made it possible to raise the sum of 266,000 CFA francs to support the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) in their very beneficial tasks. It was Saturday June 29, 2024 at Kordié town hall.

The Village Development Councils (CVD) of the sixteen villages of the commune of Kordié responded to the call for solidarity launched by the PDS, Gueswendé Léopold Segueda, for the benefit of the VDP.

When counting the contributions, 9 CVDs present gave the sum of 266,000 FCFA. Those absent promised to return their donations later.

In view of this gesture, the PDS of the commune, Gueswendé Léopold Segueda, is delighted in these terms: ‘I am really pleased to see the attitude of the population who does not hesitate to lend a hand to the VDP to reassure them of its unfailing support.

And to explain the reason which prevailed for the collection of these support funds: ‘The VDP came to submit a grievance to m
e, namely support for the plastering of four combat posts that they built (in banco) in their headquarters in order to be more operational. And as the town hall does not have resources in this area, we turned to the population to contribute, added the PDS, given the risks of deterioration of the structures with bad weather.

It is therefore through the CVD that the populations of the different villages were made aware. Aware of the VDP’s patriotic commitment to watch over the commune, they did not hesitate for a single moment to make themselves useful.

Thus, each village had promised, depending on its size, to contribute 10,000 F or 20,000 F. And against all expectations, apart from Kordié center which gave 50,000 F, the others raised their shares to 25,000 F for some and 30,000 F for others.

Mr. Segueda, who had at his side the secretary general of the town hall and the head of the national police station of Kordié, while verbally thanking the CVD for this combined effort, reassured that the amount collect
ed would go for the plastering of the four posts constructed and operational matters of the headquarters, including fuel supply for patrols.

Note that a first collection, in the meantime, had made it possible to raise more than 600,000 F for the peace effort.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kadiogo: High Commissioner orders culling of stray dogs in Sector 9 due to rabies

Ouagadougou: The High Commissioner of Kadiogo province, Maurice Konaté, ordered the immediate slaughter of stray dogs and monkey cats in the Ouidi district of Ouagadougou, declared infected with rabies.

Sector 9 in district 2 of Ouagadougou was declared infected with rabies by an order from the High Commissioner of Kadiogo province, who consequently ordered a series of measures including the killing of stray dogs, cats and monkeys in the neighborhood.

According to the decree, all dogs, cats and monkeys are sequestered for 2 months and strays killed without delay by the competent services. The movement of dogs, cats and monkeys, except those on a leash, is prohibited from June 15 to July 15.

The same source specifies that dogs wearing a collar with a distinctive mark were captured and impounded for a period of 48 hours from the date of publication.

With the exception of animals bitten by a dog, cat, or monkey up to date with their vaccination, those bitten by a rabid dog are slaughtered and their corpses b
uried, indicates the decree.

Concerning animals that have been bitten and are up to date with their vaccination, they are revaccinated within 7 days.

Placed under surveillance by the services of the provincial directorate in charge of animal resources, the infected district is declared a sequestration zone by the decree.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

President Traoré will not take the oath of office again

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, will not take the oath, following the modification of the Transition Charter on May 25, 2024, granting him an additional mandate of five years from July 2, 2024.

The information was given Monday evening by the Minister of Justice, Rodrigue Bayala.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunisia says legal African migrants are welcome at home

Ouagadougou: The head of Tunisian diplomacy Nabil Nammar assured Monday that legal migrants from Burkina Faso and other African countries are welcome in his country. He called for a joint fight against mafia gangs, which profit from illegal migration.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Read the full dispatch from the Presidency of Faso

Cooperation: the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia at the President of Faso

(Ouagadougou, July 1, 2024). The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE granted an audience this Monday morning to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil AMMAR. The Tunisian minister is in Ouagadougou for the 8th session of the Burkina Faso-Tunisia joint commission.

With the Head of State, ‘I was able to discuss the commitment of both parties to boost cooperation and bilateral ties between Tunisia and Burkina Faso,’ declared Nabil AMMAR who praised the excellence of the cooperation between the two countries.

According to him, ‘these relations, which h
ave always been excellent and fraternal between people and countries, can only develop further.’ As part of the 8th session of the joint commission, he mentioned the presence of a large ministerial delegation and the president of Tunisian employers accompanied by a delegation of businessmen, “to give concrete expression to this session and raise our bilateral relations to a higher level.’

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil AMMAR also discussed international politics with President Ibrahim TRAORE. On a bilateral level, discussions focused on health repatriation and the development of health cooperation, without forgetting the migration issue.

‘All legal migrations from Burkina and other African countries are absolutely welcome; they should even be encouraged and developed in our two countries. It goes in the direction of the development of the economy of the two countries and of our relations,’ indicated Nabil AMMAR. He also called on all countries to coordinate their effo
rts to fight together against mafia gangs, which profit from illegal migration.

‘We cannot accept that our children, whether they are Burkinabè, Tunisian or other African nationalities, are the victims of these mafia networks. We must not give in to the media campaign which is carried out solely to put certain countries in difficulty, for political interests,’ concluded Minister Nabil AMMAR.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Faso Cup final postponed

Ouagadougou: The final of the 37th edition of the Coupe du Faso is postponed to a later date, announced the Burkinabè Football Federation in a press release of which the AIB had a copy.

‘The Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF) informs the sporting public that the final of the 37th edition of the Coupe du Faso is postponed to a later date,’ the Burkinabè Football Federation announced on Monday.

The supreme body of Burkinabè football added in its press release without giving details on the postponement that ‘the new date will be communicated later’.

The final of the Faso Cup between EFO and Rahimo FC was scheduled to be played on July 6 at the Issoufou Joseph Conombo municipal stadium in Ouagadougou.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Retired Colonel-Major Oumarou Sawadogo candidate for president of the FBF

Ouagadougou: Retired Colonel-Major Oumarou Sawadogo will present his candidacy for the election of the president of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF) on behalf of the Sports Union of the Armed Forces (USFA), announced the military club in a press release sent to the AIB.

‘As part of the upcoming elections for the presidency of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF), the Sports Union of the Armed Forces has the honor to inform public opinion that it will present a candidate in the person of Colonel-Retired Major Oumarou Sawadogo,’ announced the USFA press release.

The military team specifies that its candidate is ‘carrier of an ambitious project for the development of Burkinabè football’, adding that it ‘will undertake consultations in the coming days with the districts, leagues and clubs of our football in order to obtain more membership around this candidacy.

Oumarou Sawadogo is a former central director of the army sports service. He was also president of the USFA Executive Committee for 5 years.

his is not the first time that a Burkinabe army officer has run for the presidency of the FBF. Colonel Souley Mohamed, Colonel (at the time) Nabéré Traoré and Colonel Sita Sangaré chaired the supreme body of Burkinabè football.

The election of the president of the FBF is scheduled to take place on August 31.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Music: Floby releases ‘Burkina Faso’, his seventh album

Ouagadougou: Every three years, on June 30, the musician Floby releases an album. This June 30, 2024, he presented his seventh album to his music lovers entitled ‘Burkina Faso’.

The dedication of this album took place on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Ouagadougou at the National Museum. Composed of 18 tracks, this album is distinguished by its diversity and musical richness.

Among the flagship songs, we find titles like ‘Mi Gou Wama’, ‘Burkina Faso’, ‘Béni-les’, ‘Fatimata’.

The album also includes collaborations with other artists, including Audrey from Burkina Faso and Meiitod from France.

As a reminder every three years, on June 30, the artist releases an album. His very first album was released in 2006. Today he celebrates 18 years of musical career.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The slayers of the Transition act out of revenge for not having had positions, PM

Ouagadougou: The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, affirmed Monday that most of those who are fighting the Transition are acting out of revenge because they asked in vain for positions.

‘What you may not know is that, from the first hours of this regime, most of them offered their services to the current authorities in vain. Knowing their duplicity, no follow-up was given to them. Some waited in vain to be approached.

It was therefore out of spite, out of a spirit of revenge, and to satisfy base ambitions that they threw all their strength into the fight against the regime.

They have no project to propose, apart from that of putting Burkina back into the chains of servitude, and to mess around again in complete freedom with the terrorists, at the price of the blood of the Burkinabè,’ said Mr. Apollinaire Kyelem on Monday. of Tambèla.

He was speaking during the monthly raising of colors at the Prime Minister’s office.

Source: Burkina Information Agency