Centre Holds Symposium To Enhance Science And Mathematics Education

The Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) has organized a symposium for science and mathematics teachers in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) and Secondary Schools from four counties to share best classroom practices and improve the quality of education.

The symposium, held at CEMASTEA’s centre in Karen provided a platform for close to 32 teachers drawn from Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu and Nairobi counties to share ideas and collaborate on learner centred strategies to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education as the country transitions to the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

Under CBC, 60 percent of learners will pursue the STEM pathway in Senior School.

CEMASTEA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jacinta Akatsa said the symposium will empower the teachers to come up with innovative ways to simplify concepts that may seem abstract in STEM subjects.

‘With technology teachers can be empowered to help their students to visualise abstract concep
ts and make the lessons interesting so that the learners do not lose interest in STEM subjects,’ said Akatsa.

Speaking when she opened the symposium, the CEO noted that innovative teaching methods can spark and sustain the interest of students in STEM and reiterated CEMASTEA’s commitment in capacity building teachers to enhance best classroom practices.

‘The symposium will give teachers an opportunity to document their lessons, critic each other and identify the gaps and areas that need improvement,’ she said.

‘The symposium also offers teachers a platform for collaboration and networking where lessons are recorded and put in a repository so that other teachers can get access to the materials and apply the methodologies used in their teaching,’ added Akatsa.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Director for Quality Assurance and Standards Dr Reuben Nthamburi said CBC requires teachers to adapt learner centred strategies that will make students actively participate hence equipping them with critical skills th
at are essential in the current dynamic world.

Nthamburi noted that CBC aligns with vision 2030 that aims to make Kenya an industrialised country and improve the social economic welfare of the citizens.

‘For Kenya to achieve industrialisation we need a broad based curriculum. We need people who have a background in Science and Mathematics. Under CBC 60 percent of the learners will choose the STEM pathway,’ he said.

The director noted that the symposium will enhance the teachers’ skills and help them come up with innovative pedagogical approaches for STEM subjects under CBC.

‘Teacher professional development constitutes an integral part in CBC and this symposium will allow the participants to exchange ideas on the best classroom practices,’ added Nthamburi.

He said that the platform will deepen the content knowledge of the participants and improve their delivery skills as teachers and hailed CEMASTEA for organising the symposium.

Nthamburi who represented the commission’s CEO Dr.Nancy Macharia called on
the teachers to integrate innovative teaching pedagogies learnt in the symposium and cascade the same to other teachers.

‘It is also my hope that CEMASTEA will help address some of the gaps identified,’said the director.

Jemima Wangui, a teacher from Matasia Girls in Kajiado County said the symposium has given her new insights and practical skills on how to adapt learner centred pedagogies and ICT integration.

‘This is the first teacher symposium I have attended, one of its kind and an eye opener. I have learnt how to use inquiry based learning that gives more prominence to the learner,’ said Wangui.

She added, ‘I will also come up with innovative ways to teach some of the concepts through use of locally available materials for the learners to understand. I’m grateful for this opportunity and I’m confident that the strategies learnt will lead to better outcomes.’

Source: Kenya News Agency

JOOTRH Launches Prime Care Center To Offer Specialized, Affordable Medical Services

The Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH) has launched a new Prime Care Center (PCC) to offer specialized and high-quality medical services at more affordable rates.

The PCC is equipped with advanced medical equipment to conduct specialized procedures, complex diagnostic tests, and treatments for chronic illnesses, all at subsidized prices.

Kisumu Governor, Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, who presided over the launch, disclosed that the new center is designed to cater to the advanced medical needs of patients from the region.

‘I urge all residents to utilize this facility because it is your hospital,’ he emphasized. ‘Whether you are a civil servant, a business owner, or simply seeking specialized care, the PCC is designed to meet your needs.’

Prof. Nyong’o acknowledged the difficulties locals face, even those with insurance, in accessing specialized healthcare in private hospitals, where insurance limits are quickly exhausted.

He stressed that the JOOTRH Prime Care Center aims to address
the high cost of treatment in private facilities by providing high-quality specialized services at more affordable rates.

Speaking at the same event, Deputy Governor Dr. Mathew Owili, noted that JOOTRH, a level-five hospital in the Nyanza region, previously operated without a dedicated amenity wing. This issue has now been resolved with the inception of the Prime Care Center.

‘JOOTRH must compete with Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital due to the specialized services it offers,’ said Dr. Owili.

County Executive Committee Member for Medical Services, Public Health, and Sanitation, Dr. Gregory Ganda, stated that the new center would provide healthcare services in a private setting, targeting individuals with insurance covers that are quickly depleted in private hospitals.

He added that highly skilled and experienced doctors and nurses have been deployed to the PCC to provide professional medical care.

Dr. Ganda also announced plans to establi
sh a primary care facility in the Kondele area of Kisumu Central Sub-County, allowing JOOTRH to focus on specialized services.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Murang’a Assembly Calls For Resolving Of Hitches Facing The County Health Care Programme

Murang’a county assembly has passed a motion compelling the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for health to iron out challenges facing implementation of the county health care programme.

The MCAs on Tuesday said some challenges like delayed remittance of funds to the programme dubbed Kang’ata care need to be resolved immediately so as to ensure beneficiaries listed in the health cover scheme don’t miss medical care.

In a report tabled by the chairperson of the assembly’s committee for health services Boniface Mbau, it was revealed that beneficiaries of the programme have been complaining that their cards have no funds thus being turned away from health facilities.

Mbau highlighted that as of February this year, some residents included in the Kang’ata care programme complained they could not access affordable medical care since their cards had no funds and some of their names were missing from the list.

He added that use of the cards is causing delays in referrals to patients who seek specialized tr
eatment to facilities out of the county.

‘Mr. Speaker, the last expense funds which is one of the components of the programme has been delayed for up to six months before disbursement leading to extra expenses to the family affected,’ said Mbau who is also MCA for Muthithi ward.

The Kang’ata care programme was established by the county government at the beginning of last year to provide Universal Health coverage for indigent and vulnerable households in the county.

The programme with more than 20, 000 beneficiaries covers outpatient and inpatient services, optical and dental treatment and last expense.

According to Chairperson, the CECM for health should have a clear list of the beneficiaries as per ward.

Seconding the motion, Kangari MCA Moses Mirara said there is need to create a structure of management on the roles and responsibilities on running the programme.

‘Currently, the programme is not independent. The people running the Kang’ata care are not defined. There are no structures of management. We
want the roles of various officers running the programme to be made clear,’ Added Mirara.

On her part, nominated MCA Sharleen Wambui said that hospitals benefitting from Kang’ata Care should provide an audit on quarterly basis so as to ensure funds utilized are accounted for and residents benefit from the healthcare scheme without challenges.

‘Performance reports of all the four areas covered by the medical scheme should be submitted quarterly so as to monitor the implementation of the programme,’ remarked Wambui.

To improve its effectiveness, Gaturi ward MCA, Gathee wa Njeri recommended that the youth especially those who are vulnerable and with disabilities be included in the Kang’ata Care programme as majority of the beneficiaries are the elderly.

‘The programme should also consider including youth who are from poor backgrounds and who need support to access affordable medical care. This will ensure inclusivity,’ he noted.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Global Fund HIV Grant Program Records Significant Progress In Kilifi Over Three Years

The Global Fund HIV Grant Program, managed by the Kenya Red Cross society, has made significant strides in HIV prevention in Kilifi over the past three years.

As the program comes to a close, partners are celebrating the notable reduction in HIV prevalence, which has dropped from 4% three years ago to 2.5% this year.

In a press briefing as the partners were celebrating this milestone, Kenya Red Cross Regional Program Coordinator Salim Ahmed highlighted the program’s achievements. He emphasized that the initiative targeted specific high-risk groups in line with the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework’s goals, which include reducing HIV prevalence and mortality rates and combating stigma and discrimination.

‘Today we have come together as partners to reflect and celebrate the milestones that we have achieved in the past three years. From the data that was presented, you could see great improvement; the county government also noted that HIV incidents have gone down’, he said.

Ahmed explained that the program focu
sed on young people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission, discordant couples, men in high-risk settings, and other vulnerable populations.

The program, which ran from July 2021 to June 2024, saw a marked decrease in HIV incidents. Ahmed credited the success to the collaborative efforts of various partners, including KANCO, AMKENI, MZAZI Foundation, OMARI Project, JIINUE, and Connect to Retain.

Ahmed further revealed that among the methods used by the partners to ensure the success of the program included using peer educators, expert patients, and peer champions to mentor other young people and patients living with HIV/AIDS.

Despite the conclusion of this grant cycle, Ahmed announced that a new grant has been secured to continue the program, although on a smaller scale due to reduced funding.

‘Although this particular grant is coming to a cycle, we already have a new grant that was signed yesterday. Kenya Red Cross was granted funds for the next cycle wh
ich means that we will definitely continue supporting these organizations at community level’, Ahmed remarked.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County Embarks On Cross Border TB Outreaches

The Turkana County Department of Health and Sanitation has commenced its cross-border tuberculosis (TB) screening outreaches, in conjunction with the Centre for Health Solutions (CHS), targeting the migratory populations along the Kenyan-Ugandan border.

Using the One Health approach, the first integrated outreach was conducted in Lokipoto, Letea Ward – Turkana West Sub-county. This outreach marked the first one under the USAID-funded Tuberculosis Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA); with CHS as the implementer.

During the three-day outreach held at Lokipoto Dispensary, TB screening was provided using X-ray and sputum samples. Other medical services included outpatient care, antenatal care (ANC), and immunization services.

By the end of the outreach, 540 individuals sought human health services, with 264 screened for TB. Some of the ailments treated malaria, skin diseases, and common infections while the lab services were able to conduct ANC profiles. Additionally, 29,098 livestock were vaccinated and

Director of Preventive and Promotive, Dr Bonventure Ameyo, stated that community-level screening would increase case notifications, assisting in reducing TB cases in the county.

‘The next step is to further intensify defaulter tracing to address multi-drug resistant TB and, of course, the spreading of the disease,’ he said.

He emphasized that the completion of treatment and increased case notification should be key focus areas of the TB program.

Dr. Irungu Karugah of CHS noted that community-level contact tracing would also lead to more TB patients being identified and enrolled for treatment.

Under the program, 13 health facilities along the border have been engaged to plan for future outreaches, according to Dr. Job Okemwa, the County Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lung Diseases Coordinator.

Other partners who supported the activity included the International Rescue Committee-Core Group Partners’ Project, the Kenya Red Cross Society, and the USAID Imarisha Jamii Program.

Source: Kenya News Agenc

Residents Applaud Improved Roads

Residents, including motorists and pedestrians in Nakuru East constituency, have expressed satisfaction with the enhanced road connectivity, comfortable walkways, and improved security facilitated by projects like Free Area Loop Road and Mashindano Road.

These developments have not only smoothed traffic flow but also boosted access to business premises, thereby contributing

to economic growth.

Led by Nakuru’s City Manager Gitau Thabanja, a technical team today toured the area to gather valuable insights from residents regarding the completion of key infrastructure and road projects in the area.

Thabanja said the engagement highlighted the positive impact of these developments and provided a platform for residents to make recommendations for further improvements.

The residents commended the county officials for an improved quality of life with reduced congestion. However, they also suggested additional enhancements such as more pedestrian crossings, improved drainage systems, and dedicated cycling lanes.
The City Management assured them of their commitment to incorporating the suggestions into future projects.

During the exercise, Thabanja emphasized the crucial role of resident feedback in guiding future developments. By actively considering and implementing feedback, the city aims to sustain its successful development journey to meet the evolving needs of its population.

Source: Kenya News Agency

A Section Of Mau Mau Road Closed

The MauMau road -Kamahindu- Matimbei section in Lari sub-county, Kiambu County has temporarily been closed to pave the way for the construction of a concrete pavement along this route.

The 500-meter permanent concrete pavement will take a period of two months for the construction works to be completed.

It is designed to withstand road traffic and weathering actions while ensuring comfortable and safe riding conditions as well as low costs and damage to the environment.

Lari MP Joseph Mburu Kahangara advised Vehicles to use the Kagwe girls road to join the Matimbei – Githunguri road near Gituraini junction.

The road construction and several others are taking place concurrently after the recent launch by area MP.

‘Fixing Our Roads Campaign` in Lari constituency aimed at smoothening road transport and also opening up the drainage systems.

He noted that bush clearing, upgrading, gravelling and compaction of the two main roads in Kambaa location is currently ongoing at the Kambaa-Bathi-Nyamweru-Githirioni,
a 10KM road and Kambaa-Kwa Hosana-Makimei-Kimuti-ini-Kamahindu a 7KM road strip.

‘These two main roads will open up the whole of Kambaa location benefiting over 8000 residents and it will ease movements to and from Kambaa as well as connect the area with Kirenga and Nyanduma wards,’ Kahangara said .

The MP added that he is committed to ensuring that all areas in his constituency are well connected to a good transport network and have a good drainage system.

The residents have for a while decried the poor state of the roads, calling upon the leadership of Governor Kimani Wamatangi to upgrade the road networks and infrastructure.

‘Two years ago most of the roads in Lari Constituency were impassable during rainy season but under the administration of our MP Mburu, the road network in Lari Constituency has improved,’ Martha Wanjiru Mbugua, a resident of Lari stated

Source: Kenya News Agency

Night Fire Razes 30 Wooden Houses In Nyeri Blue Valley Estate

More than 30 families in Blue Valley estate in Nyeri were on Tuesday night forced to spend the night in the cold after a night fire razed down their wooden houses.

According to the sub-county police commander, Charles Chacha, police have already launched investigations to establish the actual cause of the fire which broke out at around 7 pm in one of the wooden houses before it spread to the neighbouring houses.

‘We received a call from the landlord informing us that his timber houses were on fire. The police, fire department, the Kenya Power and Lighting Company intervened and with the help of members of the public, we were able to contain the situation,’ said Chacha.

Speaking to KNA, Chacha confirmed that no injuries were reported during the incident. However, he said property valued at Sh900,000 was destroyed in the fire.

‘The fire department managed to put out the fire but nothing was salvaged. The landlord says that the total value of damage is approximately Sh 900,000,’ said Chacha.

Source: Kenya
News Agency

Kwale Launches Solar Powered Water Schemes To End Perennial Scarcity

Kwale county government has launched solar powered water schemes in rural areas to enable residents’ access clean potable water for domestic and agricultural use through irrigation.

Governor Fatuma Achani says the solar powered water projects will increase access to safe drinking water, improve hygiene and basic sanitation across the coastal county.

The Governor said the solar water initiatives are being executed following wide consultations with residents at the grassroots level to unlock economic opportunities.

Achani noted that the solar water projects and pumps will also support improving agriculture and attaining food security in the county, noting that food security is top of her agenda through improvement of agricultural production.

‘This new solar powered water scheme seeks to provide sustainable access to clean and safe drinking water for the community which is a vital resource that has long been scarce in rural and far flung parts of our county,’ she said.

Achani spoke when she led the groundbr
eaking ceremony for the installation of two solar water projects at Mlongotoni and Bodo areas in Ramisi Ward of Msambweni Sub County and handed over Mkonjwe borehole to residents of Mkonjwe Dzombo ward for use.

She said the county will support the implementation of renewable sources of energy to power water sources for the vulnerable communities.

‘We are working tirelessly in setting up the best infrastructure in matters of addressing water scarcity to the residents of our county, ‘she said.

The Governor revealed that the two solar water projects consist of solar pumping and distribution systems, motorised boreholes and their accessories and 10,000 litre tanks capacity and security fences.

Achani vowed that her administration will continue to engage residents in the implementation of projects that have positive bearing on their lives and reaffirmed her commitment to ensuring the timely completion of projects across Kwale.

The coastal county boss pointed out that the new investment in the water sector wou
ld make potable water available to all residents.

She said provision of safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene are fundamental to improving the living standards of the people and expressed her commitment to ensuring that Kwale county residents have access to safe and reliable water supply near them.

‘We will continue to drill boreholes in the lower region of Kwale and construct dams in the drought prone areas of Kinango and LungaLunga Sub-Counties to make Kwale a self-reliant region in food production through irrigation of food crops,’ Achani said.

Christin Mwadele, a resident of Mlongotoni Village commended the county for the solar water project saying that it’s a game changer for the locals who had to walk long distances in search of the precious commodity.

‘I want to thank our Governor for the water project as it will reduce the burden of women who have to walk long distances in search of water putting them at risk of being attacked by wild animals in search of water,’ Mwadele said.

Source: Ken
ya News Agency

Youth Asked To Tone Down Violent Protests

Lurambi Member of Parliament Titus Khamala has castigated the youth for engaging in violent protests, looting and destruction of properties in the name of expressing their displeasure with the government and leaders.

The MP said, from the protests, legislators have already learnt, self-reflected and humbled themselves and asked the youth to now retreat and embark on nation building as their concerns are being addressed by government.

‘Our young people, you have spoken loud and clear, and we have heard you. This country is one country, one people under God,’ he said.

Speaking in Kakamega, Khamala told the Gen Z to instead mobilize themselves, register for IDs and register as voters to vote for their preferred leaders come 2027 if they feel let down by the current crop of leaders.

‘So don’t kill me, don’t burn my home, don’t burn buildings, don’t raid people. Even those who voted, Yes, are Kenyans; if you don’t want them to speak in your forums, you can stop them but you don’t have to rough them up or beat
them because they are your brothers and sisters and they are Kenyans too,’ he added.

The MP spoke as a section of youth, people with disabilities and business persons called for an end to protests which they said have turned violent and destructive.

During the protests on Tuesday, some shops in Kakamega were broken into, the protesting youth destroyed property, and stole items. They also attempted to break into a mobile phone store on Dharau Street while the owners were inside.

Traders said they have incurred huge losses as the protesters did not spare even the small traders selling vegetables and other items.

The presence of police officers did not deter them from accessing some business premises, as they engaged in hide and seek and diversion tactics while some positioned themselves to loot.

Some protesters snatched phones from people with a section of journalists reporting that they lost their phones while documenting the protests in Kakamega town.

Barthez Wechuli, the Chairman of Navakholo Disabilit
y Initiative Group, asked the government to find a way to end the protests.

He said people with disabilities are facing challenges especially when caught in the midst of protests as they cannot move fast to seek safety using wheelchairs, white canes or the crutches or even with a guide.

Another youth, James Otieno said despite the protests leaders have not come out to listen and talk to them to understand their concerns and try to give them direction.

‘It is fine, President William Ruto has withdrawn the Finance Bill 2024, but now, he has not given us direction as youth because there are things we still feel have not been addressed and he is the leader whom we expect to bring us together as youth, to understand what we are fighting for,’ he noted.

Meanwhile those injured are asking for contributions to cater for hospital bills and medication at the Kakamega General Hospital.

One of the patients, Joseph Mwalo, who is at the hospital says he was going home when he was accidentally shot on his left leg as h
e was trying to avoid the protesting mob.

He says he needs at least Sh35 000 for medication which he cannot afford with medics asking for cash deposit to commence treatment.

Simon Wandera says he was caught in the midst of the protests and escaped with gunshot wounds on his legs, he appealed to willing Kenyans and the county administration to support his medication.

Nifa Adema from Sichirai says she was washing clothes at home when a stray bullet pierced her palm. She appeals for help to undergo surgery.

She says she is a single mother who is the sole breadwinner for her children noting that she is unable to raise Sh15 000 to start medication yet she relies on washing clothes to make a living.

Source: Kenya News Agency