Government targets to create five million jobs through MSMES sector in three years

The government targets to create five million jobs through the Macro Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs) in the next three years Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Co-operatives and MSMEs Development Wycliffe Oparanya has revealed.

Mr Oparanya disclosed that currently 15 million Kenyans are employed in the MSME sectors and the government has plans to move the number to 20million in the next three years.

‘The government employs about 1 million civil servants and the big companies in the country has the capacity to employ only 2million people. Our best bet of employment creation is in the MSMEs where currently 15million Kenyans are employed. The president instructed me to ensure that 5million more Kenyans get employed through the sector in the next three years’ Oparanya stated.

The CS who was speaking in Bondo, where he handed over Sh32million Uwezo fund cheque for groups in Siaya county said the government funds like Uwezo, Woman Enterprise,Youth and hustler funds are aimed at creating jobs opportu
nities in the MSME sector contributing to the overall targeted 20 million people employed in the sector.

Oparanya encouraged business groups which have benefited from the government funding to form cooperatives so that they can benefit from bigger loans for expansion from the Kenya Industrial Estates. (KIE)

‘A lot of questions have been asked about groups which have reached the Uwezo funds ceiling of Sh 500,000. I want to encourage them to form companies which can the borrow between one and twenty million shillings from KIE,’ Oparanya explained

The CS added that business entities which successfully pay KIE loans and need more funds for expansion qualify for higher loans of up to Sh500million from the Kenya Development Cooperation (KDC) under the ministry of trade.

‘I don’t want to see people idling saying they have no jobs yet there is a lot of government funds that can be used to spur economic development and create opportunities to earn a living. A beneficiary of the government funds creates employment
opportunities when he hires people to help in the business and also domestic workers to take care of their homes when they are at work.’ The CS said.

Oparanya on that note encourage Mps who are yet to form Uwezo fund committees to do so immediately for the benefit of their constituents saying about 15 constituencies have not yet formed Uwezo committees to do so for more development in their areas.

Cooperatives PS in the state department of MSMEs Hon Susan Meng’eni . who accompanied Mr Oparanya on her part encouraged the timely repayment of the government funds by the business groups to improve individual members credit score.

Mang’eni said the government is currently digitizing registration of all business groups where it will be possible to monitor the performance and credit rating of each individual member.

‘I know that as some group members repay back loans there are others who pull them back.With the ongoing digitization of groups registration we will be able to weed out such members from group’ she s

The Ps on the other hand said the government will soon launch the Hustler Fund National Credit score where individual borrowers will be rated based on their borrowing and repayment habits.

She said that individuals with excellent credit score will not only use the scores to access hustler fund business loans but will also not be required to provide collaterals and security to access loans from financial institutions in the country.

‘Individuals in Siaya county currently owes the hustler funds about Sh700 million. This is a personal loan to benefit people who do not have property or titles they can use to get loans from banks. The good credit ratings for the people who repay back the money is the security they will use to access loans from the banks so repay back the money to improve your credit rating in the soon to be launched hustler fund national credit score’ Mang’eni added.

Area MP Dr Gedion Ochanda who hosted the event asked the cooperatives CS to provide NG-CDF kitty with money for administrati
on of Uwezo Fund saying the current allocation does not have provision for the administration of the funds which is a burden to MPs.

‘There is a law that simply says NG-CDF shall support the administration of Uwezo fund yet there is no allocation for the same.We have to find funds from elsewhere to pay committee members during meetings and Uwezo fund staff making administration of the fund hectic for Mps’ Ochanda said.

Ochanda attributed the exemplary performance in loan repayment to the groups in Bondo constituency joining a SACCO which doubled the money received from Uwezo funds making it possible for them to venture in businesses with hire returns.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Narok residents challenged to take advantage of library services to broaden their knowledge

As the world commemorates World literacy day, Narok residents have been challenged to take advantage of the Kenya National Library Services (KNLS) to boost their knowledge in their preferred fields.

Librarian in charge of the Narok County library Ms. Anne Katei said the library is well equipped with a variety of materials from all fields of study, but lamented that only a small portion of the residents volunteered to study in the library.

She reiterated that the services at the library are free of charge for children but a monthly subscription of Sh20 is paid by adult learners, who are allowed to carry a maximum of two books to read at the comfort of their homes.

Ms. Katei underscored literacy is not just about reading and writing but a fundamental skill that empowers individuals to participate fully in society, make informed decisions and contribute to personal and societal development.

‘The international literacy day reminds us that literacy is not only a basic human right but also a key driver of pers
onal growth, economic prosperity and social harmony,’ she said,

While noting that this year’s theme is ‘promoting multilingual education; literacy for mutual understanding and peace’, Ms Katei underscored this will help a great deal in building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.

She said promoting literacy does not only build a bright future for individuals but also contributes to the foundation of sustainable and peaceful societies.

On her part, the Narok County Government chief officer in charge of sports, youth affairs and Gender Ms. Pesi Ntari challenged adults who did not have a privilege of joining school to join adult learning centers to get basic education.

‘The adults too need basic education to help them interpret simple instructions like doctor’s prescription and M-pesa messages among others,’ she said.

She continued that having a literacy society empowers the community to explore every opportunity that comes on their way hence spurs growth in the society.

The event was he
ld at the KNLS premises in Narok town where schools that participated in the event received reading materials from Book aid international.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Embu Governor Pushes for Streamlining of Bursary Programmes

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire has thrown her weight behind the push to streamline government bursaries to curb cases of duplication and multiple-funding of some students.

She said the uncoordinated issuance of various bursaries has seen some students cunningly or by default secure multiple allocations locking out other needy cases.

Governor Mbarire said the various bursary schemes should be centrally coordinated where data of all students is stored and can be fished out for clarification purposes to get rid of such irregularities.

‘We need to have a way of bringing all these bursary programmes together in a way that each speaks to the other,’ she said

She said by doing so, it will be easy to know who has benefited from which fund to avoid cases of duplication and ensure every child gets a chance to get the much needed education.

Speaking on Friday while disbursing county bursary cheques amounting to Sh. 100 million to school heads for 35, 188 students across the county, the Governor proposed adoption of
National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) as a reference platform.

‘The government should devise a way of bringing these funds together through NEMIS to identify which child has benefited and from which scheme,’ she said.

She at the same time called on school heads to ensure they do receipting for the money received for bursaries to avoid audit queries.

‘There is no way for the county to prove that there is money we spent on bursary if we don’t get documentary evidence in the form of a receipt,’ she said.

She gave the school head two weeks to file the receipts while cautioning those who will fail to do so, that their schools will be denied bursaries in the next financial year.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Leaders call for urgent school safety reforms

Nambala MP Geoffrey Mulanya has urged the government, through the Ministry of Education, to prioritize schools’ safety compliance policies under the strict adherence to safety measures in schools.

The appeal comes following the Hillside Endarasha Academy fire that has claimed 21 lives and left 12 pupils injured on Thursday night.

Speaking at Nambale Urban Primary school during ground breaking of two classrooms the legislature gave a passionate appeal to the Ministry of Education who issue compliance certificates to private boarding schools to be held accountable for the mess.

‘We must hold all who issue compliance certificates to schools accountable in case of any tragedies in schools. Some private schools collude with DQSO to get certificates without meeting standards,’ Mulanya noted.

He outlined among the safety measures that include standards for building materials, classroom sizes, window dimensions, ventilation, and the number of students allowed in a given space.

‘We compromise everything in our s
chool right from construction of classrooms. Some MPs follow-up with contractors during CDF tenders and demand for kick-backs,’ he added.

Speaking in a different function within Nambale Town, the Nambale township MCA Ken Ruppia challenged the national government to revert all bursaries back to the Ministry or under one funding body for transparency and accountability.

Ruppia has warned that some legislatures were using NG-CDF to settle political scores and gain political mileage at the expense of genuine beneficiaries who drop out of school.

‘It’s a pity that some politicians use a bursary which is meant for learners from humble families to settle political scores. While some pilfer the kit to flex their political muscles,’ added Ruppia.

The sentiment comes amid national calls for the government to amalgamate all the bursaries under one kitty to help mitigate corruption and disadvantaged learners from humble backgrounds.

‘It’s prudent and right time that all monies meant for bursaries were put under one
kitty for sanity and end duplication which leads to corruption in most CDF and county offices,’ noted Ruppia.

Residents of Nambale constituency condoled with parents from Nyeri who have lost their loved ones.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Education CS to push for school safety guidelines to become law

As investigations into the cause of the night fire at Hillside Endrasha Academy in Nyeri entered day two, Education Cabinet Secretary, Julius Ogamba has said that the ministry is considering upgrading the school safety regulations into law.

The CS noted that whereas the safety guidelines and policies set by the Ministry are sufficient, it is the laxity on the part of those entrusted to oversee their strict enforcement that is exposing learners to risks. Migosi also blamed the lack of legal obligations and lenient disciplinary actions on the offenders to the frequent lapses which have resulted in tragedies involving children.

‘Perhaps as a country it has reached that time when we look at the rules and regulations and find out if it is time to take them a step further and make them laws so that there are penalties that are attached. Because we cannot continue like this as a country,’ said Migosi.

‘If we find that the policies are there but people are not doing what they are supposed to be doing because ther
e is no penalty, then I am prepared under the recommendations of the working party that we are using to make reforms to in the Education sector, to move them up into laws so that there are penalties for failing to do what one is expected to do as opposed to a disciplinary action and people are losing lives,’ he said.

Migosi spoke after visiting the scene of the Thursday night tragedy which left 18 pupils of the school dead and several others injured.The CS said that the investigations which are currently being conducted by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation will also establish whether the school complied with the Ministry’s recommended safety regulations. He also said that the Education ministry will also be conducting an internal self-audit to identify the policy gaps.

The CS’s remarks come a day after Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua appealed to County and Sub-County Directors of Education to continuously inspect all public and private schools in order to safeguard the security of learners. While
calling on Kenyans to remain patient as investigators continue to unravel the incident, the DP said that the findings will inform the government’s next course of action.

‘The issue of safety in schools continues to be a very emotive matter and again saddening as it is an awakening call for us especially education officers who are supposed to make inspections to see to it that there is safety of the children in these facilities.Again after the report is concluded it will inform our next course of action,’ said the DP in his address on Friday evening.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Garissa university freshmen, parents assured of security

Garissa University has assured its new students and parents of adequate security to keep them safe during their 4- year study at the facility noting that enough measures had been put in place to make sure that the events of the 2015 terror attack do not reccur.

Rising from the scars of the attack, the institution is now an oasis of tranquility, resurgence and aspirations.

Currently, apart from a perimeter wall that has been erected around the university, the institution is manned by armed police officers’ day and night.

There is also a completely gazetted police post. There are also scanners which are used for detection where students, staff and visitors are required to produce their identity cards when entering the compound.

The university has admitted 900 new students for various courses pushing the number of total students to at least 5,200.

Speaking during the orientation of the new students, the University vice chancellor Professor Ahmed Warfa said that apart from the establishing a police post at
the facility, the university is also building more hostels within the facility where students can always be safe.

‘We have assured the students that they are going to have a peaceful 4-year study here. We will provide them with enough security, enough accommodation, and enough water supply because we are up to the task,’ Warfa said.

‘The new funding model is going to help our students to pay their school fees which will ease the burden of the parents,’ he added.

The University which is the only one in the region that was given a charter by former President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2017 has a fully-fledged police station with strict access into the institution.

Source: Kenya News Agency

PS Rono Assesses NCPB Depot Eldoret for Its Readiness to Receive Maize and Fertilizer for Storage

The Principal Secretary (PS) State Department for Crop Development, Dr. Paul Rono has visited the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) Eldoret to inspect its readiness to receive maize for drying and storage for this harvest season and fertilizers for next planting season

Speaking at NCPB Eldoret the Ps requested farmers who still have maize from the last season to sell it to cereals noting that they have asked the cereals to sell the maize that is in the stores so as to get more space to purchase the next batch.

He said the Ministry has started to give out the tenders so that suppliers can apply and the evaluation will be going on soon to identify which suppliers will supply quality fertilizers and seeds so that they can be available for farmers to purchase them early.

He revealed that the government has arranged that from November fertilizers and seeds for the next planting season will be received in every store across the country.

‘In this short rainy season farmers in Uasin Gishu have been able
to take almost 100,000 fertilizers and that is a good progress as we depend on Uasin Gishu for maize,’ said Rono.

He added: ‘The government has bought a lot of maize from Uasin Gishu, almost 700,000 bags and we have paid the farmers Sh1.5 billion and there is still remaining money that we are still going to use to buy more before the end of the year,’ he noted.

‘I want to thank farmers in Kenya as for now we have received 70 million of 90kg bags which is the highest ever and we are likely to get more going forward in this harvest season and this will help the government to sort out the issue of hunger,’ he added.

‘We have started distributing sunflower to 41 counties and we will be distributing 20,000 kilos of sunflower seeds to Uasin Gishu and the identified farmers should come and collect the seeds to plant after they harvest their maize,’ he said.

‘We have also distributed driers to assist farmers in terms of post-harvest losses we noticed that this country lost close to 30 percent of our produce as a
result of post-harvest related challenges and the government has distributed 100 driers to all our key depots, ‘he said.

He revealed that 20 dryers have been distributed to assist farmers to dry up cereals in the region.

‘We want to make sure going forward we put both fertilizers and seeds in one stop shop to enhance efficiency of government distribution of farm input,’ said Rono.

‘We will still distribute fertilizers at the cost of Sh2500 per 50kg bags as pronounced by the government and I want to encourage farmers going forward that they prepare their farms as the government will do what it entails to ensure there is market for their produce at the same time we will facilitate them also in terms of production and harvest,’ noted the PS.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Young Mothers, Youths from Moroto Slum in Tudor Trained on How They Can Access Funds to Start Businesses

Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Organization in partnership with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports is stepping up advocacy efforts for youths to register groups to benefit from funds from the government and Non-Government Organizations.

The program targets hard-to-reach youths in the slum areas. It is being undertaken in Tudor Moroto, Bangladesh, Kadzandani and Mwakirunge.

The Organization has partnered with the Department of Youths under the Youth Talk program to amplify the voices of the youths in society.

On Friday, it held a one-day sensitization meeting for young mothers and Youths in Tudor that incorporated Equity Bank and TechnoServe Organization through its Blue Biz Program.

‘We realized that there was a great challenge in Tudor. We sought the help of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Creative Economy not just to elevate a single family or a single home where we mapped our Youths Talk cohort one participant but we help the whole community,’ said Derrick Ouko, SFCG Communi
cation Officer

‘I think it is a great deal, it is something that will continue and be sustainable if we strengthen the social safety nets of this locale,’ he added.

SFCG Program Officer Wahida Mohammad said the program has a couple of trainings including public speaking, journalism and peace building.

The young women and youths were trained on how they can register and access funds. The youths are empowered to break the cycle of poverty.

‘Drug abuse is very rampant among the youths as young as eight years, early sex is worrying because it is below eight years, some are molested but it’s being covered up. They later end in drug abuse due to stress,’ said Mohammad.

Maryaam Suleiman, a Moroto Slum Youth Champion and a beneficiary of the program says she has empowered the youths and raised the status of the slum. She can now conduct health and mental health talks.

‘Most of the youths in our slum have mental health issues but they don’t know. When we conduct the mental health talks we support them through co
unselling. We also do advocacy,’ she stated.

Mombasa County Director of Youth Affairs Richard Rwoti said they gave the youths guidelines on how they can form groups and get government funds like the Uwezo Fund, Women Enterprise Fund, Youth Enterprise Fund and National Government Affirmative Action Fund.

‘They will get assistance not only from the government but other organizations too that fund groups,’ stated Rwoti.

He noted that there is an increase in the absorption of funds and many groups are applying for government fund. The youths before they are given fund are trained on entrepreneurship.

‘The businesses that the youths have started are thriving some bought TukTuks, film production, salon and other income generating ventures,’ said Rwoti.

On her part, Wangari Theuri, Senior Program Manager of BlueBiz Program said they aims to create a pathway to dignified and fulfilling work for young people in the coastal region with the objective of alleviating poverty.

They mainly focus blue economy value cha
in like sea weed, plastic recycling, aquaculture and mariculture.

Over the past one year, with support from other partners the program has supported more than 800 young people in the region to access entrepreneurship skills, access to finance and access to leadership

‘We aim to amplify our support to the young people by again bringing on board more than 3000 in the next quarter,’ said Theuri.

She added that they have a youth advisory council that supports them to structure their program to incorporate the challenges of the young people to tailor services that support them to increase their yields, revenue and create jobs.

‘What is key for us is that you have to be a young person with a focus on young women in the community because we believe they are the one who are most affected by the high poverty level in the society,’ said Theuri.

The program has faced a setback of not attracting financial disadvantaged young women. ‘I would encourage them to apply for these opportunities because it is there for thei
r taking,’ she advised.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Government to Build Modern Fish Landing Facilities to Boost Fishing Business in Lake Victoria

President William Ruto recently brought fresh hopes to the Lake Victoria fisher folk when he gave out the government’s commitment to install modern fishing facilities worth millions of shillings long the lake.

During his successful tour of the Luo-Lake region counties, the President announced the state’s plans to build several fish landing kits and improve sanitation along the Lake, all the way from Muhuru and Aneko beaches in Migori County to Ngegu, Dunga and Osieko beaches in Homa bay, Kisumu and Siaya counties respectively.

The President electrified the urge of fishermen to redouble their efforts in fishing business by getting assurance that all the myriad problems that dogged their usual chores, one of them, lack of fish storage facilities, would soon come to an end.

For many years, lack of proper storage facilities and modern fishing techniques had become the single most problems blocking fishermen in the region from penetrating the international markets.

Others have been the current big shortage in
fish stock in Lake Victoria, increased arrests and harassment of Kenyan fishermen by authorities from Uganda and Tanzania over alleged tress pass offenses and, the intensive exploitation by middle men.

Lack of modern fishing techniques for post-harvests and use of illegal fishing gears have resulted in a remarkable decline in fish quality and production from the fresh water Lake.

In Migori County alone, fishermen from the Lake’s Muhuru, Aneko, Sori and Migingo beaches have always cried about the stringent consumer requirements by the European Union (EU) on the quality of fish extracted from the Lake.

The EU has in past years slapped a ban to Kenyan fish to access its markets on reports that the product from the country lagged far below the recommended standards

‘Requirements for high quality fish at both local and world markets and, limited access to storage facilities are locking out most fishermen from venturing into large scale fishing business,’ said a beach management unit (BMU) official, Mr. Willis

Speaking by phone from Muhuru bay, Mr. Okello said the assurance by the National Government to install high-tech cold rooms along the beaches to help them preserve their daily fish catch would boost their efforts to export quality fish to the international market.

Improved road infrastructure to all the Lake beaches, as also promised by the Kenya Kwanza Government, would also open up fishing business in the region, said Mr. Okello

President Ruto announced an elaborate road construction from Mbita to Sori to Magunga and to Muhuru Bay, a ring road connecting the Lake shores to Migori town and to Nairobi, in a move to open up accessibility from the Lake region.

Over and above, Okelo now wants the National and County governments to seriously provide cleaning facilities to help improve sanitation on all the beaches to meet the EU standards.

But speaking from the area early this week, the group of fishermen said despite the government’s efforts to help the area meet the EU health standards, there are s
till gray areas that need to be corrected.

‘The problem of irresponsible open defecation is still going to affect the fish quality if not addressed soon. Lack of good toilets within the lake beaches is leading to massive pollution of the lake thereby,’ said Mr. John Owiyo, another BMU official from Migingo Island.

Mr. Owiyo also claimed the local fishermen are earning very little from their business as a result of unscrupulous middlemen who take advantage of the high perishability of their fish catch.

‘The middlemen, mainly of the Somali Origin, usually wait until very late in the afternoon when they come with their refrigerated trucks to buy our fish at throw away prices,’ he said.

The fisher communities also want the Kenya government to stop the Tanzania and Uganda authorities from arresting and snatching from them their fish catch and fishing gears worth millions of shillings every day on flimsy accusations of trespass into foreign waters.

The fishermen said fishing activities remains undisputed their
economic backbone and should be supported at all costs to thrive by the two levels of governments.

Last year Migori County produced fish worth over a one billion despite the numerous hurdles facing this sector.

Source: Kenya News Agency

State appeals for patience as investigations into the Hillside Endarasha Academy fire tragedy begin

The Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) officers have started piecing together forensic information that will reveal what transpired at the Hillside Endarasha Academy on Thursday night as the State appealed for time to conduct investigations.

In his address after visiting the scene of the fire tragedy, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said that the head of State, Dr William Ruto, had ordered expeditious investigations into the incident that claimed the lives of several pupils and left scores of others with injuries with the DP adding that the findings of the inquest would be made public.

‘We have specialized teams from the DCI who are working here for now and that is why we are asking to be given time. The president has ordered expeditious investigations and that is going on and when the report is ready as a government we shall make it public. At this point we don’t want to impute guess work, we just let the investigators do their work,’ said Gachagua.

Initial reports indicate that the fire broke
-out on Thursday night at the boy’s dormitory that housed 152 pupils. According to the DP, a total of 70 students from the institution remain unaccounted for while another 27 were in hospital.

‘There were 311 pupils who were in the boarding school. One passed on in the hospital and indeed, 86 their whereabouts are known. We still have 70 kids that are unaccounted for but that doesn’t mean they are perished or they are injured, the word is they are unaccounted for,’said Gachagua.

The DP has at the same time appealed to parents who picked up their children from the school and members of the neigbouring community who gave refuge to pupils escaping the night inferno to make a report to the number 1199.Gachagua said that the National Government Administration Officers and the Red Cross were teaming up in tracing the missing children.

‘I am appealing to each and every parent who took their child from here to report to the Red Cross and the school so that we know where that child is. We are asking community membe
rs who have given comfort to those children to report the same. That will help us to account for each and every child,’ he said.

This as emotions ran high on Friday evening after parents were finally allowed access to the scene of the Thursday night fire tragedy. The parents had spent the better part of Friday holed up in one of the classrooms where the Red Cross Society provided counseling. At one point, the anxious parents most of whom had not been reunited with their children had threatened to match the scene which had been cordoned off by the investigating team.

‘We are about to embark on another painful exercise of allowing parents to visit the scene. We are taking them there to help them begin the process of closure,’ said Gachagua.

The county government also re-organised its medical services department to help coordinate rescue operations and provide treatment of the victims. According to Nyeri governor, Mutahi Kahiga,the Mount Kenya sub-county hospital was designated as the trauma and accident ce
ntre for the incident. Kahiga said that Naro Moru Level IV hospital would be used by the DCI officers for any forensic investigations.

The County Government and the Red Cross Society are working together to take everyone through counselling. There is also Triage being done to see whether the pupils who need urgent medical attention. We have put on high alert our doctors and our ambulances are on standby to help contain the situation,’ said Kahiga.

Source: Kenya News Agency