NG-CDF completed projects uplift communities

Kilgoris Member of Parliament Julius Sunkuli has launched two completed projects under the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF), marking a significant progress in Trans Mara.

The projects include the opening of a vital link road between Isokon and Epurkel areas, as well as the handing over of the newly constructed Chief’s Office at Isokon Location.

Speaking during the commissioning ceremony, Sunkuli proudly stated that the Chief’s Office is the first of its kind since the establishment of Trans Mara south sub county.

‘For the first time, locals now have a dedicated office to reach their Chief, instead of having to visit them at home in search of services,’ said Sunkuli.

The MP emphasized the importance of the NG-CDF, noting that it is the only fund that the community truly feels has had a direct impact on development.

Sunkuli vowed to defend the CDF in the National Assembly, ensuring it remains separate from other government funds.

He said the newly opened link road, built throu
gh the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERA) will ease movement and transportation. He expressed optimism that more roads will be developed in the constituency in the near future to enhance connectivity.

Echoing the MP’s sentiments, Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Trans Mara South sub county, Muhammed Jubat praised the construction of the Chief’s Office, stating that it is the first one ever built in Trans Mara South Sub- County.

Cecilia Sapalan, KERA Kilgoris Constituency, also praised the government’s efforts, noting that the new link roads would greatly assist locals in transporting their produce to nearby town centers.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Baricho Parish marks 100 years of existence

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on today, Sunday joined the faithful at Our Lady of Sorrows Baricho Parish, in Kirinyaga County, for Holy Mass and centenary celebrations to mark 100 years since the Parish was founded.

Missionaries established the Parish founded on evangelization and social economic transformation of the community. The celebrations were led by Catholic Diocese of Murang’a Bishop James Wainaina.

Gachagua is accompanied by leaders among them Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Machakos residents wait with bated breath as landslide keeps expanding

Patrick Munyao, a village elder from Kyondu village, Mung’ala sub location in Mumbuni North of Machakos County recalls the landslide started as a small crack in the earth back in the 80s and has been expanding gradually spreading fear throughout the community about the looming catastrophe.

Munyao’s face conveys a tale of fear and anxiety, as he together with village mates share their anxiety and recount how the two-kilometre-wide landslide has robbed them of their freedom of movement, joy and peace of mind over the years.

He says they have been having sleepless nights since the landslide has been expanding and deepening to 100 meters over the years, which has caused them to suffer major losses such as cattle which slipped over, trees and farms that were swallowed up by the landslide.

The village elder said the situation keeps getting worse during the rainy season adding that the landslide has caused cracks on most farms making it dangerous for anyone cultivating food or business and appealed for help from
the local leaders to seek ways to resolve the problem permanently.

‘We are living in fear and we plead with the government to come to our aid because the cracks have reached nearby houses and farms. Something should be done to stop them from crumbling,’ lamented Munyao.

Nyumba Kumi Chairman of Kyondu village, 41-year-old Daniel Kithome recalls his youth as a jovial period when they freely played around the village and usually hopped over the crack when going to school, until the crack became the landslide that has deprived them of everything they valued.

He adds that his father died after he slipped into the landslide one night and the family retrieved his body at the bottom and since then, he refers to the landslide as the monster that swallows’ cattle, humans, trees, farms and houses.

Kithome, who doubles up as vice-chairman of Kyondu funeral association, said that one of his neighbors recently slipped into the landslide and broke his legs adding they have been calling on local leaders to intervene but
nothing has been done so far.

He laments that the landslide has brought about the destruction of their natural habitats such as the trees and vegetation which has resulted in soil erosion and also made other villagers vacate their homes which has caused a significant impact on the social and economic livelihoods of the community members.

The Nyumba kumi leader shares that one of their neighbors who bought land and was already halfway through building his house, felt the crumbling landslide increase and kept approaching his house, he packed up and left for good and adds that sadly that now no one wants to invest in their village.

Kithome is apprehensive about his family’s future and with the investments he has, he wonders how far the crumbling landslide will reach. He said they have to supervise their children and cattle to keep them from playing near the edge and slide off into the ravine.

‘I am afraid for my children, businesses have gone down and now no one wants to buy land in our village. We ask the C
ounty and National governments to come to our aid before it’s too late since it has already caused psychological traumas in our community,’ cried Kithome.

Ruth Mutheu says she came to the village in the 80s and all was good especially the farms, water and roads were all in good condition but as the landslide kept on expanding it destroyed the roads and farms

She notes that the village road that they used commonly was connecting them to other villages, schools and other amenities but the crack that has spread to become the major landslide, has denied them the freedom and basic requirements that a community needs to grow.

‘We have to slide through the trees to get to the other side and it’s dangerous especially if one comes home late from work and it’s so dark one cannot risk sliding into the landslide and our children cannot play or move about freely hence we need help urgently,’ said Mutheu.

Mutheu notes that the cracks have spread to all the farms in the village and most nights especially during the rain
y season they can hear the crumbling of the landslide which spreads fear through the whole community adding they are afraid it will catch up with them in their homes anytime if the leaders don’t intervene

According to the Mung’ala Assistant Chief Jackeline Syokau, the landslide has been there for a long time and she has already reported to the relevant authorities and is hopefully waiting for them to play their part.

She further added that they had been working with area Member of County Assembly (MCA) Gideon Kavuu, who passed away a year ago and they are awaiting his replacement for the interventions to prevail.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Blogger calls for arrest of people who sexually abused him over a Social Media post

A Mombasa-based blogger Bruce John alias Chawa 001 is calling on the Police to apprehend people who allegedly abducted, sodomized and assaulted him over a social media video which infuriated a County Official.

Friends of the blogger protested along Moi Avenue in Mombasa CBD to the Regional Police Headquarters, presenting their grievances to Mombasa Police Commander Peter Kimani.

The Police Commander assured them of a thorough probe into the matter that was reported at Bamburi Police Station.

Because of the sensitivity of the case, the doctors who treated the blogger didn’t want to go on record on the matter preferring to hand over their report to the Police.

Speaking at a private hospital in Kisauni Sub-County where he is getting treatment the blogger said he has had excruciating pain since Thursday after the beastly act.

He recounted that around 8am he was awakened by bangs on the door before ten people stormed his single room in Bamburi with ten other people waiting outside. His neighbours were taken
aback and asked them about the mistakes he had committed.

The blogger said the men masqueraded as Police Officers claiming they had come to pick him up to meet the County Official in a hotel in Nyali to apologize.

He said his abductors did not take him to meet the official but interrogated him until they reached the Nyali Bridge where his hands and legs were tied and he was put in a gunny sack

‘They squeezed my throat and ordered to face downwards not to attract attention in case they encounter police roadblocks,’ narrated John in his hospital bed.

They travelled for a long distance before he was removed from the gunny sack and his abductors told him off for criticizing the devolved government on social media platforms. He was surrounded and assaulted by 20 men.

‘Two street boys wearing balaclavas were paid to sodomize me. They undressed and sodomized me in turns. I urinated as a result of pain. Some youths were taking videos,’ he recalled.

‘I pleaded with them to leave me alone. They warned me not to r
eport my ordeal lest they share the videos,’ he added.

Ruth Kache, Bruce’s sister urges the government to expedite investigations to bring the known suspect to book.

Michael Nato, a human rights activist said Bruce could have been arrested and charged instead of the degrading treatment he was subjected to. He linked Bruce’s experience to forceful disappearance.

‘Our call to the police is for the culprits to be immediately arrested and charged,’ stated Nato.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County set to spend Sh300 million for a modern market

The County Government of Trans Nzoia is set to spend Sh300 million for the construction of a modern market at Kiminini Centre.

The exercise will be undertaken in collaboration with the national government through the State Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Speaking during a site identification exercise, County Executive Committee (CEC) Member in charge of Lands, Physical Planning, and Housing and Urban Development Janerose Mutama said once completed the market will provide a conducive and efficient environment for the business community.

Emphasizing the noble task, the surrounding communities have to play, Mutama singled out cooperation as an essential element which will see completion of the project on time as she assured that their concerns and aspirations will be factored during the implementation phase of the project

She stated that the integrated plan for the market has been completed and approved by relevant authorities, the CEC acknowledged that the existing layout might require adjustm
ents to accommodate essential infrastructure.

While suggesting that public land outside the market may be needed to accommodate all the facilities, Mutama called for support from the public when need arises.

State Department for Housing and Urban Development regional representative Richard Tuta challenged residents to support the project even if it meant relocating temporarily, as he promised long term benefits to stretch for generations.

Trans Nzoia Deputy County Secretary George Kisaka, highlighted the economic benefits that the new market would bring to the region particularly for farmers and traders.

‘Construction of this market is expected to have a significant positive impact on the local economy as it will provide a modern and efficient trading platform for residents and business persons,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency