REJO Solidifica Presença Global com Destaque na InterTabac 2024

  • REJO Introduz Dispositivos de Aquecimento Inovadores REJO AF1 e REJO Mate Air
  • Anuncia Planos de Expansão Global na InterTabac 2024
  • Assinatura do Memorando de Entendimento com um grande parceiro da República Tcheca

DORTMUND, Alemanha, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A REJO, uma marca pioneira na indústria de tabaco de aquecimento sem queima (HNB), teve um impacto significativo no evento InterTabac deste ano, solidificando ainda mais sua posição como fornecedora global pioneira em soluções inovadoras de tabaco.

Como principal evento mundial da indústria do tabaco, a InterTabac serve como uma plataforma fundamental para os participantes da indústria mostrarem seus mais recentes produtos e tecnologias. A participação da REJO ressaltou sua crescente influência global e compromisso com o avanço do futuro do tabagismo.

Comprometimento com o aprimoramento da experiência de fumar 
Na InterTabac 2024, o estande da REJO foi um ponto focal de atenção, atraindo multidões com suas exibições vibrantes e apresentações de produtos de ponta.

A mensagem da marca se concentrou na sua missão de aprimorar a experiência de fumar, oferecendo alternativas por meio de tecnologias avançadas. A missão da REJO de fornecer produtos HNB diversificados e de alta qualidade e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir substancialmente os produtos químicos nocivos atraiu os participantes, e elogios de especialistas do setor e de consumidores.

A REJO enfatizou os valores fundamentais da inovação, alta qualidade e um profundo respeito pelas ricas tradições do tabaco, ao mesmo tempo em que adotou os avanços modernos. O slogan “Abrace o Futuro da Mudança” é um resumo da abordagem inovadora da REJO, posicionando a marca não apenas evoluindo com os tempos, mas também moldando o futuro do setor.

Sobre REJO AF1 e REJO Mate Air 
Um grande destaque da participação da REJO na InterTabac foi a introdução dos seus dois novos produtos: REJO AF1 e REJO Mate Air. Esses dispositivos representam os mais recentes avanços na tecnologia HNB, com design e funcionalidade de ponta que atendem às necessidades dos fumantes modernos.

O REJO AF1 é um dispositivo de aquecimento de última geração projetado especificamente para sticks granulares, proporcionando um encaixe ideal com seus próprios sticks granulares de tabaco de marca OICES e sticks granulares de ervas TOZE. Utilizando a tecnologia avançada de aquecimento por fluxo de ar quente, o REJO AF1 garante que cada grânulo de tabaco seja aquecido de forma uniforme e completa. Este método preserva o aroma natural do tabaco, reduzindo a produção de produtos químicos nocivos, proporcionando uma experiência de fumar mais rica e mais satisfatória.

Três cores principais do novo Dispositivo de Aquecimento REJO AF1

O REJO Mate Air é outra adição inovadora à linha de produtos da REJO, ideal para usuários que priorizam a portabilidade sem comprometer o desempenho. Este dispositivo compacto e leve está equipado com tecnologia avançada de aquecimento redondo para produzir nuvens densas e sabor encorpado. Seu design elegante e recursos fáceis de usar o tornam uma excelente escolha para usuários novos e experientes de HNB.

Série completa do novo Dispositivo de Aquecimento de Ar REJO Mate

Aumento do alcance global 
Além de introduzir seus produtos mais recentes, a REJO anunciou planos de expansão global, marcando um marco importante no crescimento internacional da marca.

A REJO já estabeleceu uma forte presença no Sudeste Asiático, introduzindo os produtos de sticks aquecidos HOMER e SIU na Malásia e na Indonésia, onde a demanda por produtos de aquecimento que não queimam está aumentando.

Com base nesse impulso, a REJO agora está pronta para lançar novos produtos na Europa e nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, com essas regiões identificadas como mercados-chave para a inovação do HNB. Um passo significativo nessa estratégia foi a assinatura do Memorando de Entendimento (MOU) com um importante parceiro da República Tcheca durante a InterTabac 2024, fortalecendo a presença da REJO na Europa, juntamente com sua crescente presença na Itália.

Essa estratégia se concentra em atender à crescente demanda por produtos de tabaco de risco reduzido, oferecendo dispositivos personalizados e sticks aquecidos que atendem às preferências locais. Por meio de campanhas de marketing localizadas e parcerias com distribuidores regionais, a REJO visa solidificar sua presença no mercado e se estabelecer como uma marca líder nessas regiões.

Popularidade no Evento 
A popularidade da REJO na InterTabac 2024 foi inegável. O estande da marca estava constantemente repleto de atividades, enquanto os visitantes se reuniam para experimentar os novos produtos em primeira mão. Profissionais da indústria, representantes da mídia e consumidores estavam ansiosos para saber mais sobre as ofertas da REJO, com muitos elogiando o compromisso da marca com a inovação e a qualidade.

A recepção positiva no evento é um testemunho da crescente influência da REJO no mercado global de HNB. A capacidade da marca de atrair um público tão diversificado e engajado destaca seu forte posicionamento no mercado e o apelo da sua gama de produtos. A estreia bem-sucedida do REJO AF1 e do REJO Mate Air consolida ainda mais a reputação da marca como líder do setor.

Visitantes Concentrados no Estande da REJO

Olhando para o Futuro 
Com uma vitrine de sucesso na InterTabac 2024 e o iminente lançamento de novos produtos nos principais mercados internacionais, a REJO está preparada para um crescimento e sucesso contínuos. O foco da marca em inovação, qualidade e satisfação do consumidor, sem dúvida, impulsionará seus esforços de expansão, garantindo que ela permaneça na vanguarda da indústria HNB.

Com a contínua expansão da REJO dos limites do que é possível com a tecnologia do tabaco, sua presença em eventos como o InterTabac serve como um forte lembrete do compromisso da marca em moldar o futuro do tabagismo. Consumidores e profissionais do setor podem esperar inovações e iniciativas empolgantes da REJO, que continua a liderar o mercado global de HNB.

Sobre a REJO 
A REJO é uma fornecedora global de produtos de aquecimento sem queima de qualidade, juntamente com seus próprios dispositivos de aquecimento de marca e sticks aquecidos, reconhecidos pelas tecnologias inovadoras e capacidades operacionais globais.

Para mais informações sobre a REJO e seus produtos, visite

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9234964

REJO consolide son implantation mondiale avec une présence remarquée lors du salon InterTabac 2024

  • REJO dévoile les appareils de chauffage innovants REJO AF1 et REJO Mate Air
  • Annonce ses plans d’expansion mondiale lors du salon InterTabac 2024
  • Signature d’un protocole d’accord avec un partenaire majeur de la République tchèque

DORTMUND, Allemagne, 23 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — REJO, une marque pionnière de l’industrie du tabac chauffé sans combustion (HNB), a eu un impact significatif lors du salon InterTabac de cette année, renforçant ainsi davantage encore sa position de fournisseur mondial pionnier en matière de solutions innovantes pour les produits du tabac.

Événement mondial de premier plan pour l’industrie du tabac, le salon InterTabac constitue une plateforme incontournable pour les acteurs de l’industrie qui souhaitent présenter leurs derniers produits et technologies. La participation de REJO a souligné son influence mondiale croissante ainsi que son engagement à faire progresser l’avenir de l’industrie des produits du tabac.

Engagée à améliorer l’expérience des utilisateurs de produits du tabac
Lors du salon InterTabac 2024, le stand de REJO a été au centre de toutes les attentions, attirant les foules grâce à une mise en avant dynamique et à ses présentations de produits de pointe.

Le message de la marque était axé sur sa mission visant à améliorer l’expérience des utilisateurs de produits du tabac en proposant des alternatives basées sur des technologies avancées. La mission de REJO, qui consiste à proposer des produits HNB diversifiés et de haute qualité tout en réduisant considérablement les produits chimiques nocifs, a trouvé un réel écho auprès des participants, suscitant ainsi les éloges des experts du secteur et des utilisateurs.

REJO a mis l’accent sur les valeurs fondamentales d’innovation, de haute qualité et de profond respect des riches traditions du tabac, tout en adoptant les récentes avancées technologiques en la matière. Le slogan de l’entreprise « Embrace the Future of Change » résume l’approche avant-gardiste de REJO qui se positionne en tant que marque qui non seulement évolue avec son époque, mais qui façonne également l’avenir de l’industrie.

Présentation du REJO AF1 et du REJO Mate Air
L’un des moments forts de la participation de REJO au salon InterTabac a été le dévoilement de ses deux nouveaux produits : le REJO AF1 et le REJO Mate Air. Ces appareils représentent les dernières avancées de la technologie HNB, avec une conception et des fonctionnalités de pointe qui répondent aux besoins des fumeurs modernes.

Le REJO AF1 est un appareil de chauffage de pointe spécialement conçu pour les bâtonnets granulaires et offrant une combinaison idéale grâce à ses bâtonnets granulaires de tabac de marque propre OICES et à ses bâtonnets granulaires à base de plantes TOZE. S’appuyant sur une technologie avancée de chauffage par flux d’air chaud, le REJO AF1 garantit que chaque granule de tabac est chauffé de manière uniforme et complète. Cette méthode préserve l’arôme naturel du tabac tout en réduisant la production de substances chimiques nocives, offrant ainsi aux utilisateurs une expérience plus riche et plus satisfaisante.

Les trois couleurs principales du nouveau dispositif de chauffage REJO AF1

Idéal pour les utilisateurs qui privilégient la portabilité sans compromettre les performances, le REJO Mate Air apporte lui aussi une contribution novatrice à la gamme de produits REJO. Cet appareil compact et léger est équipé d’une technologie de chauffage ronde avancée qui permet de produire des nuages denses et de générer une saveur corsée. Son design élégant et ses fonctionnalités conviviales en font un excellent choix pour les utilisateurs de produits HNB, qu’ils soient débutants ou expérimentés.

Série complète du nouveau dispositif de chauffage REJO Mate Air

Un rayonnement mondial renforcé
Outre la présentation de ses derniers produits, REJO a annoncé ses projets d’expansion mondiale, marquant ainsi une étape majeure dans la croissance internationale de la marque.

REJO a déjà établi une forte présence en Asie du Sud-Est, en introduisant les produits de bâtonnets chauffants HOMER et SIU en Malaisie et en Indonésie où la demande de produits chauffés sans combustion est en hausse.

Forte de cette dynamique, REJO est désormais prête à lancer de nouveaux produits en Europe et aux Émirats arabes unis, ces régions étant identifiées comme des marchés clés pour l’innovation en matière de produits HNB. La signature d’un protocole d’accord (MOU) avec un partenaire majeur de la République tchèque lors du salon InterTabac 2024 a constitué une étape importante de cette stratégie, car elle renforcera l’ancrage de REJO en Europe parallèlement à sa présence grandissante en Italie.

Cette stratégie vise à répondre à la demande croissante de produits du tabac à risque réduit en proposant des appareils et des bâtonnets chauffants sur mesure qui répondent aux préférences locales. Grâce à des campagnes marketing localisées et à des partenariats conclus avec des distributeurs régionaux, REJO vise à consolider sa présence sur le marché et à s’établir en tant que marque leader dans ces régions.

Popularité de la marque lors de l’événement
La popularité de REJO au salon InterTabac 2024 a été indéniable. Le stand de la marque a été constamment animé par l’activité des visiteurs qui affluaient pour expérimenter directement les nouveaux produits proposés. Les professionnels de l’industrie, les représentants des médias et les consommateurs étaient tous impatients d’en savoir plus sur les offres de REJO, et un grand nombre d’entre eux ont salué l’engagement de la marque en matière d’innovation et de qualité.

L’accueil positif qui lui a été réservé lors de cet événement témoigne de l’influence croissante de REJO sur le marché mondial des produits HNB. La capacité de la marque à attirer un public aussi diversifié et engagé souligne la solidité de son positionnement sur le marché et l’attrait de sa gamme de produits. Le lancement réussi du REJO AF1 et du REJO Mate Air renforce davantage encore la réputation de la marque en tant que leader du secteur.

Les visiteurs affluent au stand REJO

Regard vers l’avenir
Avec une présentation réussie lors du salon InterTabac 2024 et le lancement imminent de nouveaux produits sur les principaux marchés internationaux, REJO est en bonne position pour assurer la poursuite de sa croissance et de sa réussite. L’accent mis par la marque sur l’innovation, la qualité et la satisfaction des consommateurs stimulera sans aucun doute ses efforts d’expansion, lui permettant ainsi de rester à l’avant-garde de l’industrie des produits HNB.

Alors que REJO continue de repousser les limites du possible en matière de technologies du tabac, sa présence à des événements comme le salon InterTabac rappelle avec force l’engagement de la marque à façonner l’avenir des produits du tabac. Les consommateurs et les professionnels du secteur peuvent s’attendre à des innovations et à des initiatives passionnantes de la part de REJO, qui continue de mener la charge sur le marché mondial des produits HNB.

À propos de REJO
REJO est un fournisseur mondial de produits HNB de qualité qui propose également ses appareils de chauffage et bâtonnets chauffants sous marque propre, reconnus pour leurs technologies innovantes et leurs capacités opérationnelles mondiales.

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations sur REJO et ses produits, rendez-vous sur le site

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9234964

Bitget comemora seu 6º aniversário, ultrapassando 45 milhões de usuários

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Bitget, principal bolsa de criptomoedas e empresa Web3, comemora orgulhosamente seu 6º aniversário com um marco significativo — ultrapassando 45 milhões de usuários em todo o mundo, superando seus concorrentes e se tornando a quarta maior bolsa de criptomoedas em volume de operação. A plataforma se orgulha de ser a bolsa de crescimento mais rápido, com 400% de crescimento de usuários desde o ano passado.

Em 2024, a base de usuários da Bitget quase triplicou, impulsionada pela inovação contínua, experiência aprimorada do usuário e um forte compromisso com a segurança. Em 2024, a Bitget apresentou um crescimento significativo na África (1.614%), no Sul da Ásia (729%) e no Sudeste Asiático (216%). Os produtos de ganho (poupança) na Bitget mostram um aumento acentuado, um aumento de mais de 600% do 3º trimestre de 2023 para o 3º trimestre de 2024. A plataforma também registrou um aumento de 50% no tráfego e uma entrada líquida de ativos da ordem de US$ 700 milhões no primeiro semestre de 2024.

Além do seu crescimento empresarial, a Bitget continua comprometida com iniciativas impactantes de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC), como #Blockchain4Youth e #Blockchain4Her. A iniciativa #Blockchain4Youth levou educação sobre blockchain a mais de 13.000 estudantes universitários de mais de 60 universidades, como a Universidade de Zurique e a Universidade Nacional de Taiwan. Com a iniciativa #Blockchain4Her, a Bitget apoiou mulheres empreendedoras no segmento de criptomoedas, colaborando com organizações globais como SheFi e Women in Web3.

O crescimento consistente da Bitget resulta de sua inovação contínua promovida pelos melhores engenheiros e equipes de produto do setor. Com uma forte força de trabalho de mais de 1500 talentos, a Bitget oferece soluções inteligentes de criptomoedas de classe mundial para seus usuários com facilidade de navegação e custódia com a mais alta segurança. Os 45 milhões de usuários em nossa bolsa, carteira e serviços Web3 são a prova da força do nosso crescente ecossistema CeDeFi”, disse Gracy Chen, CEO da Bitget.

Para comemorar o aniversário, a Bitget está organizando vários eventos de engajamento de sua comunidade global, incluindo desafios interativos com o tema “6” em seu estande durante a Cúpula Token2049 de Singapura, onde atua como patrocinadora principal. Além disso, em parceria com a RaveDAO, a Bitget também é coanfitriã do Nightopia, um grande evento paralelo ao Token2049 que conta com a participação de DJs famosos como Don Diablo.

A Bitget também premia os líderes do setor por meio do Smart Awards, que contribuíram significativamente para a promoção pública de blockchain e criptomoedas. Os prêmios também homenagearão os projetos e operações mais inovadores que contribuíram de forma notável para o desenvolvimento do setor. Em apoio à diversidade, a Bitget fez uma parceria com a SheFi para coorganizar o SheFi Summit e o Blockchain4Her Awards, promovendo a participação feminina no mercado de criptomoedas.

Para comemorar, a Bitget lançou uma página dedicada ao aniversário, com uma carta aberta do CEO, concursos e prêmios, incluindo um PS5, caixas de aniversário de edição limitada e uma cota de 20.000 USDT, reconhecendo o papel decisivo da comunidade e dos funcionários da Bitget em seu sucesso. Durante as comemorações, também será apresentado um novo anúncio da marca, com o tema “Smart Steps, Big Leaps” (Passos inteligentes, Grandes saltos).

O sucesso da Bitget tem sido significativamente influenciado por sua introdução contínua de produtos inovadores que atendem às necessidades crescentes de sua base de usuários. Em 2024, a plataforma introduziu 425 novas ofertas, expandiu suas plataformas Launchpad e Launchpool e lançou o PoolX, anunciando mais de 60 projetos e atraindo 350.000 participantes em três meses. O recém-lançado Bitget Pre-Market em 2024 atraiu mais de 35.000 traders em apenas três meses. Enquanto a Bitget comemora seu sexto aniversário e ultrapassa 45 milhões de usuários, ela continua focada em aumentar sua presença, inovar e disseminar a soberania financeira em todo o mundo.

Para saber mais sobre a jornada da Bitget, clique aqui.

Sobre a Bitget

Fundada em 2018, a Bitget é a principal bolsa de criptomoedas e empresa Web3 do mundo. A bolsa Bitget, que atende a mais de 45 milhões de usuários em mais de 100 países e regiões, tem o compromisso de ajudar os usuários a negociar de forma mais inteligente com seu recurso pioneiro de copy trading e outras soluções de trading. Anteriormente conhecida como BitKeep, a Bitget Wallet é uma carteira de criptomoedas multicadeia de classe mundial que oferece uma variedade de soluções e recursos Web3 abrangentes, incluindo funcionalidade de carteira, swap, NFT Marketplace, navegador DApp e muito mais. A Bitget inspira as pessoas a adotarem as criptomoedas por meio de colaborações com parceiros confiáveis, incluindo o lendário jogador de futebol argentino Lionel Messi e os atletas nacionais turcos Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campeão mundial de luta livre), Samet Gümüş (medalhista de ouro no boxe) e İlkin Aydın (seleção nacional de vôlei).

Para mais informações, acesse: Site | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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Alerta de risco: Os preços dos ativos digitais podem flutuar e sofrer volatilidade de preços. Invista somente o que pode perder. É possível que o valor de seu investimento seja afetado e que não atinja suas metas financeiras ou não consiga recuperar seu investimento principal. Procure sempre uma consultoria financeira independente e considere sua própria experiência e situação financeira. O desempenho no passado não é uma medida confiável do desempenho no futuro. A Bitget não se responsabiliza por quaisquer perdas incorridas pelo usuário. Nada do que aqui foi dito deve ser interpretado como aconselhamento financeiro. Para mais informações, consulte nossos Termos de Uso.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993245

Intesa Sanpaolo is the World’s Leading Bank for Diversity and Inclusion in the 2024 “Ftse Diversity & Inclusion Index – Top 100”

Ranking seventh globally among the top 100 companies, Intesa Sanpaolo is the only Italian bank in the FTSE Russell index

Mr. Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo

MILAN and TURIN, Italy, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intesa Sanpaolo has been ranked the world’s leading bank among the 100 most inclusive and diversity-sensitive workplaces in the FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index – Top 100, the FTSE Russel (formerly Refinitiv) international index. The Group ranks seventh globally among all companies, and is the leading banking group worldwide as well as the only Italian bank in the index.

The analysis by FTSE Russell assesses more than 15,500 listed companies worldwide, using 24 parameters that fall into four key categories: gender diversity, inclusion, people development and controversies. FTSE Russell is a leading global provider of benchmarking, analytics and data solutions.

Inclusion in the FTSE Diversity & Inclusion Index – Top 100 underlines the commitment of Intesa Sanpaolo, led by CEO Carlo Messina, to promoting diversity and inclusion as essential components for growth. It also reflects the Group’s commitment to promoting an inclusive workplace, that welcomes and values all forms of diversity, supported by a process of continuous measurement, evaluation and enrichment of the results obtained.

“Society, the business world, and especially the banking sector are experiencing rapid, transformative changes driven by new technologies.

“At Intesa Sanpaolo, we believe that the human factor – the talent and dedication of our people – is more important than ever to face these new realities. That’s why we invest significant effort, resources, and innovative programs in our employees, aimed at building a bank that nurtures the best talents with a focus on inclusivity and appreciation for the richness of human capital in terms of gender and other forms of diversity.

“This recognition from such a prestigious index is both an honor and an encouragement to keep advancing in this direction.”

Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo

Media Relations Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo
Intesa Sanpaolo, with over €422 billion in loans and €1.35 trillion in customer financial assets at the end of June 2024, is the largest banking group in Italy, with a significant international presence. It is a European leader in wealth management, with a strong focus on digital and fintech. The Group will provide €115 billion of Impact lending by 2025 to support communities and the green transition, together with a €1.5 billion program (2023-2027) to help people in need. The Bank’s network of museums, the Gallerie d’Italia, hosts its owned artistic heritage and cultural projects of recognized value.

X: @intesasanpaolo

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993416

Bitget Introduces Multi-Asset Margin Mode for USDT-M Futures, Enhancing Capital Efficiency

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, is excited to announce the launch of the USDT-M Futures in Multi-Asset Mode, available to all users starting on September 23, 2024, at 16:00 (UTC+8). This new feature allows users to trade USDT-margined futures by using non-USDT assets as margin, offering greater flexibility and capital efficiency.

Bitget Introduces Multi-Asset Margin Mode for USDT-M Futures, Enhancing Capital Efficiency

Bitget Introduces Multi-Asset Margin Mode for USDT-M Futures, Enhancing Capital Efficiency

In single-asset margin mode, only USDT is used as collateral, whereas multi-asset margin mode allows users to leverage a variety of cryptocurrencies for USDT-M Futures trading. Bitget’s Multi-Asset Margin Mode now supports BTC, ETH, SOL, XRP, PEPE, USDC, BGB, and USDT as collateral. This means users can utilize their existing assets directly for margin trading without needing to convert them into USDT. Bitget will continue to update the list of supported assets as market conditions change, providing users with more trading options.

“At Bitget, we are dedicated to offering top-tier trading solutions that meet the diverse needs of our users. The introduction of the Multi-Asset Margin Mode is a significant step toward enhancing our users’ trading experience, empowering them to maximize the utility of their assets while providing more flexibility in managing their portfolios. This is just one of many innovations we are implementing to improve the trading experience and deliver secure, efficient solutions for our expanding global community,” commented Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget.

To utilize the Multi-Asset Margin Mode on the Bitget platform, users simply need to follow a few steps. First, switch the margin mode to multi-asset in the margin section of the trading page. Next, by transferring coins from their spot account to the USDT-M Futures account as margin, users can adjust their leverage according to their risk tolerance and trading strategy.

As one of the largest derivatives trading platforms in crypto, Bitget is renowned for its high liquidity, low fees, and stability, supporting over 300 cryptocurrencies. The futures trading volumes of major assets like BTC consistently rank Bitget among the top two in the industry. Additionally, to help users trade smarter, Bitget supports tools such as copy trading and AI bots in the derivatives market, enabling the optimization of trading strategies and the automation of trading operations.

This new mode enhances the capital efficiency of users by allowing them to trade without needing to liquidate or convert their preferred cryptocurrencies. Bitget remains dedicated to continuous innovation and to meeting the demand for more flexible derivatives products, empowering its 45 million users to manage and diversify portfolios in a rapidly evolving market.

For more information on Bitget Multi-Asset Margin Mode, please visit here.

About Bitget
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 45 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
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Risk Warning: Digital asset prices may fluctuate and experience price volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The value of your investment may be impacted and it is possible that you may not achieve your financial goals or be able to recover your principal investment. You should always seek independent financial advice and consider your own financial experience and financial standing. Past performance is not a reliable measure of future performance. Bitget shall not be liable for any losses you may incur. Nothing here shall be construed as financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993415

Bitget and Foresight Ventures Invest $30 Million in TON Blockchain to Accelerate Growing Telegram-based Projects

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, and Foresight Ventures, a leading Web3 investment firm, have announced a strategic investment of $30 million into TON (The Open Network) Blockchain. This investment will be allocated through the acquisition of TON tokens and aims to accelerate further the adoption of Tap-to-Earn, GameFi, and new emerging trends within the TON ecosystem.

Bitget and Foresight Ventures Invest $30 Million in TON Blockchain to Accelerate Growing Telegram-based Projects

Bitget and Foresight Ventures Invest $30 Million in TON Blockchain to Accelerate Growing Telegram-based Projects

The TON-based projects present a strong use case for mass adoption through the Telegram ecosystem, which has seen substantial growth in recent years as it expands its offerings for Web3 startups. According to a recent TON report from Bitget Research, TON Blockchain, which benefits from Telegram’s 950 million users, has rapidly become one of 2024’s fastest-growing blockchains. It has experienced over tenfold growth in on-chain transactions, ecosystem TVL, and DEX trading volume, with viral dApps like Catizen, DOGS, and Tomarket amassing millions of users.

The commitment to TON Blockchain comes at a time when Bitget has witnessed remarkable growth in its user base. By focusing on ecosystem development and expanding its services, Bitget has grown its global user count to 45 million in Q3 2024, almost doubling in the past 12 months. This surge is partly attributed to the increasing demand for innovative projects, particularly those driven by platforms like TON.

In 2024, Bitget Wallet contributed to the TON ecosystem with TONNECT 2024, a major online event aimed at accelerating the growth of emerging dApps in the TON ecosystem. Thanks to TON’s growing user interest in Bitget’s decentralized wallet, Bitget Wallet continuously topped the charts amongst all apps in Nigeria taking over world-famous apps such as TikTok and WhatsApp on Apple’s App Store.

“As Bitget continues to BUIDL around The Open Network, our investment in the TON ecosystem provides a solid foundation for driving initiatives that align with our vision. By integrating our expertise in crypto infrastructure with TON’s decentralized architecture, we are well-positioned to strengthen the development of innovative products and solutions. Together, we are bringing the crypto industry closer to mass adoption than ever before.” commented Gracy Chen, CEO at Bitget.

“The surge of the TON ecosystem represents the biggest growth opportunity in the cryptocurrency market this year, and in the next 3 to 5 years. Over the past six months, TON’s TVL has increased 18-fold, reaching $350 million.” Forest Bai, Co-Founder and CEO of Foresight Ventures, stated: “The ecosystem currently boasts over 1,000 dApps, with many applications having millions of users. We hope to continue supporting developers within the TON ecosystem by providing investment, incubation, and marketing support.”

With the $30 million investment, Bitget and Foresight Ventures will engage more deeply in the future development plans of TON Blockchain, supporting the emergence and go-to-market of more blockbuster dApps on TON.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 25 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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About Foresight Ventures
Foresight Ventures is the first and only crypto VC bridging East and West. With a research-driven approach and offices in the US and Singapore, we are a powerhouse in crypto investment and incubation. Our premier media network includes The Block, Foresight News, BlockTempo, and Coinness. We aggressively invest in the most daring innovations and are dedicated to partnering with visionary projects and top teams to help them succeed, reshaping the future of digital finance and beyond.

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A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993269

Bitget célèbre son 6e anniversaire et franchit les 45 millions d’utilisateurs

VICTORIA, Seychelles, 23 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 de premier plan, est fière de célébrer son 6e anniversaire, qui marque une étape importante : le dépassement des 45 millions d’utilisateurs à travers le monde, dépassant ainsi ses concurrents et devenant la quatrième plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies en termes de volume de transactions. La plateforme se targue d’être la plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies à la croissance la plus rapide, avec une augmentation de 400 % du nombre d’utilisateurs depuis l’année dernière.

En 2024, la base d’utilisateurs de Bitget a presque triplé, alimentée par une innovation constante, une expérience utilisateur améliorée et un engagement ferme en matière de sécurité. En 2024, Bitget a enregistré une croissance substantielle en Afrique (1614 %), en Asie du Sud (729 %) et en Asie du Sud-Est (216 %). Les produits Earn (épargne) sur Bitget affichent une forte hausse de plus de 600 % entre le 3e trimestre 2023 et le 3e trimestre 2024. La plateforme a également connu une augmentation du trafic de 50 % et un afflux net d’actifs de 700 millions de dollars au premier semestre 2024.

En plus de sa croissance commerciale, Bitget reste engagé dans des initiatives de responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) à fort impact telles que #Blockchain4Youth et #Blockchain4Her. L’initiative #Blockchain4Youth a permis à plus de 13 000 étudiants de plus de 60 universités, telles que l’Université de Zurich et l’Université nationale de Taïwan, de se former à la blockchain. Grâce à #Blockchain4Her, Bitget a pu soutenir des femmes entrepreneurs dans l’espace des cryptomonnaies en collaborant avec des organisations mondiales telles que SheFi et Women in Web3.

« La croissance constante de Bitget est le résultat de l’innovation permanente des meilleurs ingénieurs et équipes produit de l’industrie. Grâce à des effectifs de plus de 1500 talents, Bitget fournit des solutions de cryptomonnaies intelligentes de classe mondiale à ses utilisateurs, en garantissant une grande facilité de navigation et une sécurité optimale. Les 45 millions d’utilisateurs de notre plateforme d’échange, de notre portefeuille et de nos services Web3 révèlent tout le potentiel de notre écosystème CeDeFi en pleine croissance », a déclaré Gracy Chen, PDG de Bitget.

Pour marquer cet anniversaire, Bitget organise une série d’événements visant à impliquer sa communauté mondiale, notamment des défis interactifs sur le thème du « 6 » sur son stand, à l’occasion du Singapore Token2049 Summit, dont il est le principal sponsor. En outre, en partenariat avec RaveDAO, Bitget coorganise Nightopia, un événement parallèle majeur de Token2049 faisant appel à des DJ renommés tels que Don Diablo.

À travers les Smart Awards, Bitget récompense également les leaders de l’industrie qui ont su faire progresser de manière significative la promotion publique de la blockchain et des cryptomonnaies. Les prix récompenseront aussi les projets et les opérations les plus innovants qui ont contribué de manière notable au développement du secteur. Pour soutenir la diversité, Bitget s’est associé à SheFi pour coorganiser le SheFi Summit et les Blockchain4Her Awards, afin de promouvoir la participation des femmes dans l’espace des cryptomonnaies.

Dans le cadre de ses célébrations, Bitget a lancé une page anniversaire dédiée, comprenant une lettre ouverte de la PDG, des concours et des prix, notamment une PS5, des coffrets anniversaire en édition limitée et une part de 20 000 USDT, en reconnaissance du rôle crucial de la communauté et des employés de Bitget dans son succès. Sur le thème « Smart Steps, Big Leaps » (Des pas intelligents, de grands bonds en avant), une nouvelle campagne publicitaire sera également dévoilée à l’occasion des festivités.

Le succès de Bitget est dû en grande partie à l’introduction continue de produits innovants qui répondent aux besoins en constante évolution de sa base d’utilisateurs. En 2024, la plateforme a introduit 425 nouvelles inscriptions, élargi ses plateformes Launchpad et Launchpool et lancé PoolX, recensant plus de 60 projets et attirant 350 000 participants en l’espace de trois mois. Le nouveau pré-marché de Bitget, lancé en 2024, a attiré plus de 35 000 traders en seulement trois mois. Alors que Bitget célèbre son sixième anniversaire et dépasse les 45 millions d’utilisateurs, l’entreprise reste concentrée sur l’expansion de sa présence, le développement de l’innovation et la propagation de la souveraineté financière dans le monde entier.

Pour en apprendre davantage sur le parcours de Bitget, rendez‑vous ici.

À propos de Bitget

Créée en 2018, Bitget est la première plateforme d’échange de cryptomonnaies et société Web3 au monde. Au service de plus de 45 millions d’utilisateurs répartis dans plus de 100 pays et régions, la plateforme Bitget s’engage à aider les utilisateurs à trader plus intelligemment grâce à sa fonctionnalité révolutionnaire de copy trading et à d’autres solutions de trading. Anciennement connu sous le nom de BitKeep, Bitget Wallet est un portefeuille crypto multi-chaînes de classe mondiale qui offre un ensemble complet de solutions et de fonctionnalités Web3, avec notamment des fonctionnalités de portefeuille, des services de swap, un marché NFT, un navigateur DApp, etc. Bitget incite les particuliers à adopter les cryptomonnaies grâce à des collaborations avec des partenaires crédibles, notamment le légendaire footballeur argentin Lionel Messi et les sportifs nationaux turcs Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (championne du monde de lutte), Samet Gümüş (médaillé d’or de boxe) et İlkin Aydın (équipe nationale de volley-ball).

Pour en savoir plus, consultez : Site Internet | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993245

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Forest Whitaker, UN Agency Heads and other dignitaries join survivors and advocates for ending child violence in New York, during the UN General Assembly

NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, UN Agency Heads and other dignitaries met survivors and advocates for ending violence against children in New York on Sunday night (22 September). They are in New York for the UN General Assembly, where world leaders have come together for its 79th session (UNGA 79).

They met survivors, public figures and Government leaders from around the world, including Sweden, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Georgia, Canada, Iceland, Brazil and the UK to discuss the urgent issue at an intimate event, hosted by Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organisation and organised by Project Everyone, on the fringes of the UN General Assembly. They heard survivor testimonies as well as reflections and commitments from leaders.

This high-level gathering comes days after survivors, advocates and allies released an open letter (17 September 2024), which demands urgent action from world leaders ahead of the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, taking place in Colombia this November.

Signatories of the letter include public figures Forest Whitaker, Shudu Musida and Will Poulter, who also attended the special event.

According to World Health Organisation each year one in two of all children globally – over 1 billion – experience violence such as corporal punishment, bullying at school, online violence and sexual abuse. Other significant forms of violence include gang violence, child marriage and child labour.

Evidence shows that breakthrough solutions to end all forms of violence against children include providing parenting support, implementing school-based interventions, offering child-friendly social and health services, adopting protective laws, and ensuring a safer internet for children. Countries that implement these evidence-based strategies can reduce violence against children by up to 50%.

As MC of the event Will Poulter, Actor and Ambassador for The Diana Awards anti-bullying programme, said:
“Violence takes many forms – both physical and psychological – and each leaves a lasting impact on those who experience it. With one billion children around the world experiencing such violence, the statistics are staggering, but they represent real lives, and it’s our collective responsibility to ensure that these children are protected.”

View the full letter HERE.

L-R: Dr. Daniela Ligiero, CEO of Together For Girls; H.E. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium; Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex; Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation; Shudu Musida, UNFPA Regional Champion; H.R.H. Queen Mathilde of Belgium; Forest Whitaker, Actor and Activist; H.R.H. Princess Mabel van Oranje; Bryanna Mariñas, Survivor; Will Poulter, Actor; Dr. Etienne Krug, Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organisation; Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director.

In image 1 L-R: Dr. Daniela Ligiero, CEO of Together For Girls; H.E. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium; Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex; Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation; Shudu Musida, UNFPA Regional Champion; H.R.H. Queen Mathilde of Belgium; Forest Whitaker, Actor and Activist; H.R.H. Princess Mabel van Oranje; Bryanna Mariñas, Survivor; Will Poulter, Actor; Dr. Etienne Krug, Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organisation; Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director.

L-R: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex.

In image 2 L-R: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organisation and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Enquiries: Chris Bull (Goodness PR) / +44 7760 273 160

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9234630

Mouhoun/Regional Council of Burkinabe Employers: El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré at the controls

The economic operator of Dédougou, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré, was elected, on Saturday, September 21, 2024 in Dédougou, president of the regional council of Burkinabe employers of Boucle du Mouhoun, for a renewable five-year term. This was during the constitutive general assembly, under the chairmanship of the high commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo.

The landscape of the Boucle du Mouhoun economic sector is experiencing a new structure which is the regional council of Burkinabe employers.

Its missions include, among others, representing the national council of Burkinabe employers in the region, organizing private sector players and defending their material, moral and professional interests.

It was through a constitutive general assembly that the actors of the Boucle du Mouhoun region set up, on Saturday September 21, 2024 in Dédougou, their regional council of Burkinabe employers.

With 17 members, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré was elected president by consensus by his peers.

he meeting was attended by the High Commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, representing the regional authorities, the Vice-President of the Employers’ Association in charge of the regions, Hamidou Ouédraogo and the President of the Statutory Committee of the Employers’ Association, Augustin Bambara.

The ceremony was sponsored by the Honorable Member of Parliament Nonyessa Bonzi and the Minister in charge of Urban Planning represented by his technical advisor.

For the Vice-President in charge of the regions, Hamidou Ouédraogo, the establishment of the regional council of Burkinabe employers in Boucle du Mouhoun marks an important step in the organization of the private sector in the region and is part of the decentralization of the national council of Burkinabe employers, in accordance with article 74 of its internal regulations.

“The regional councils of Burkinabe employers constitute a cornerstone of this strategy of the national council,” he said while inviting the Boucle du Mouhoun c
ouncil to work in cohesion and emulation.

Hamidou Ouédraogo asked members to remain economic VDPs despite the security and humanitarian crisis our country is experiencing.

The High Commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, praised the spirit of consensus that dominated the election, which demonstrates unity in this council.

He did not fail to provide advice to the new structure to successfully carry out their socio-economic development mission in the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

Addressing the audience, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré expressed his gratitude to all those who participated in the election by consensus, which demonstrates the unity and understanding of economic actors for the good of Burkinabe employers.

“I trust everyone for the success of our common mission which is the development of the private sector in our region with six provinces and known for its agro-sylvo-pastoral and fishing potential,” he said.

With the installation of its regional council of Burkinabe employers,
Boucle du Mouhoun thus becomes the 7th region to install its regional office, which is part of the national dynamic aimed at bringing together economic and private sector players in each region and better responding to local realities and challenges.

The ceremony saw a strong mobilization of the population and economic players from the different provinces, which demonstrates the importance of the new structure for the economic future of the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Plot against state security: audios to be made public soon

Security Minister Mahamadou Sana said on Monday that audio recordings of Burkinabe businessmen and civil society leaders involved in a destabilization plot will soon be made public.

“The intercepted communications revealed the involvement of several economic operators in the plot,” declared the Minister in charge of Security Mahamadou Sana before assuring that the recordings of these communications will be broadcast to the public in the coming days.

Other civil society leaders participating in the discussions via a WhatsApp group called “IB get out” are also involved in this vast enterprise, added Minister Sana.

Source: Burkina Information Agency