AMR-Burkina launches the 2nd edition of the Peace Cup in the North

The Rural World Association (AMR-Burkina) launched Sunday on the field of sector 2 of Ouahigouya in the North region, the 2nd edition of the Maracana football cup, noted an AIB journalist.

As part of the implementation of the Community Recovery and Stabilization Project for the Sahel (PCRSS-Burkina), AMR was selected as a facilitating partner for the implementation of project activities in the Sahel and Northern regions.

The AMR, by organizing the Maracana football tournament under the theme “Sport, factor of peace and social cohesion”, aims to promote the bonds of fraternity and living together between communities. In his speech before the match, Salif Sawadogo, head of mission of PCRSS-North on behalf of the national coordinator of AMR, indicated that sport and in particular football helps to rebuild the social fabric because it is a factor of mobilization, distraction, mixing, strengthening of bonds of friendship, peace and social cohesion. “I call on the youth of the municipalities concerned by the tou
rnament to get involved in this activity in fair play, in a spirit of social cohesion and return of peace.”

For the launch of this 2nd edition of the peace tournament, the team of “Kamo” and that of the “administrative building” of Ouahigouya crossed the crampons in the presence of several of all ages coming from the different localities. At the end of a very pleasant match, the two teams separated on a score of 1 goal each.

The High Commissioner of Yatenga Tasséré Nacoulma who presided over the ceremony, congratulated both teams for the fair play that prevailed throughout the match before inviting those who are competing to give their best to achieve the objectives of the tournament. Mr. Nacoulma made a special mention to the AMR and its financial partner, the PCRSS, for the organization of the competition.

This sporting activity will pit youth teams from the nine (09) northern communes covered by the PCRSS, namely Gourcy, Arbollé, Ouahigouya, Ouindigui, Yako, Titao, Barga, Thiou, Namissiguima. The compet
ition having been launched, the final is scheduled to be played in early October 2024 in Yako in the Passoré province.

The activity chaired by the High Commissioner of Yatenga Tasséré Nacoulma, had at his side the regional and provincial officials in charge of sports and leisure.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zoundwéogo: holiday students trained in visual arts professions

Around fifty students from the communes of Gogo and Guiba (Zoundwéogo province) took part, on September 21 and 22, 2024 in Manga, in an art drawing learning session, as part of the ‘Vacation Camp: a seminar, a tree, a skill’ program.

The Zak La Yilguemdé association (AZLY) wants to take advantage of the school holidays to give students skills in professions with a view to developing resilience in them, as well as the ability to help each other and share experiences with their classmates.

For this purpose, it organized a visual arts training session on September 21 and 22, 2024 in Manga.

Fifty students from high schools and colleges in the communes of Guiba and Gogo, in the province of Zoundwéogo, benefited from this practical training.

“The activity is part of the “Holiday camp: a seminar, a tree, a skill” program, the implementation of which benefits from the technical and financial support of the Dutch foundation Kinderpostzegels,” said Emile Pengdwendé Ouédraogo, member of the AZLY association.

g these two days, the aim was to show participants the techniques for making drawings on a board using local cereals such as rice, peanuts and corn, explained trainer Abel Bouda, from the Piero Marinoni Women’s Center in Manga.

‘They made several types of drawings, such as hearts, the map of Burkina Faso and doves that symbolize peace,’ he explained. Despite the relatively short duration of the training, Abel Bouda said he was satisfied with the learners’ results. ‘In principle, it would have taken about two weeks to assimilate the techniques, but I am very satisfied because in two days, they were able to understand the fundamental principles and even made beautiful paintings,’ the trainer explained.

“Delighted”, student Sawadogo Samiratou from the Gogo departmental high school said he was now able to reproduce pieces of paintings thanks to the knowledge and skills he had acquired. This is also the case for student Nikiema Joachin from the Guiba departmental high school who also claims to now be able to pro
duce quality art paintings.

“I thank the trainer and the AZLY association for giving me this opportunity and I intend to share with my schoolmates what I have learned, so that they also know how to make pretty pictures with simple cereals,” he confided.

The holding of this training seminar on plastic arts is part of the implementation of the project “At school with complete peace of mind”, which aims to enable children to help each other to maximize their success. The initiative is mainly based on three strategic axes: education, child participation and resilience.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: around 400 executives from ministries and institutions equipped to develop normative acts to better serve

420 executives involved in the preparation of documents for the Council of Ministers will be trained from September 23 to 25, 2024 on the techniques for developing normative acts.

In two sessions, from September 23 to 25 and from September 30 to October 2, 2024, 420 executives will strengthen their knowledge of the techniques for developing normative acts to improve the consistency and quality of the texts and reports of the Council of Ministers.

The information was given on Monday in Ouagadougou at the opening of the first training session for executives of ministries and institutions by the general secretariat of the government, organizer of this activity.

According to the Minister of State in charge of communication, Rimtalba Jean Emanuel Ouédraogo, this activity is an opportunity for public administration executives to improve their skills in drafting various regulatory texts.

“At the end of the training, we hope to have executives who will be equipped on this entire topic, so that we can have normat
ive texts that facilitate decision-making at the level of the Council of Ministers and the Legislative Assembly,” he declared.

Minister Ouédraogo took the opportunity to urge all stakeholders to participate actively and diligently in order to appropriate the techniques for developing normative acts.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Government, Mathias Traoré, indicated that the General Secretariat of the Government and the Council of Ministers is responsible for supporting ministries and institutions in the development of regulatory texts and legislative texts.

It is in this context, he explained, that this training framework is held, the innovation of which this year is the consideration of all directors. The following

are concerned by this training: technical advisers, mission managers, study managers of the General Secretariat, agents of departments and institutions in conformity and all directors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tuy: Creation of formal board game associations encouraged

The provincial directorate of sports and leisure of Tuy organized, on Saturday, September 21, 2024 in Houndé, the community leisure day of the province. The kickoff of the games was given by the high commissioner of the province, Issiaka Segda.

The Tuy province community leisure day brought together, on Saturday, September 21, 2024 in Houndé, nearly 200 participants who competed in talent in disciplines such as pétanque, checkers, card games, ludo, scrabble and awalé.

According to the provincial director of sports and leisure of Tuy, Guénolé Zabsonré, this day is organized with the aim of promoting leisure games and encouraging the creation of formal leisure structures.

According to him, this edition is marked by the organization and dedication of the players in the world of leisure in the province.

“Last year we insisted on the organization and creation of leisure structures, but unfortunately, to this day, many have not yet followed suit,” he lamented. That is why, he continued, “we want to insist agai
n so that next edition we can have formal leisure associations that can represent the province in national competitions.”

For High Commissioner Issiaka Segda, who kicked off the competitions, board games cultivate friendship and brotherhood among participants.

He therefore urged all those involved in the leisure world to overcome the difficult context of terrorism and to enjoy this day dedicated to board games.

At the end of the competitions, the two best players in each discipline received symbolic prizes.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Passoré: An association supports women and young people to formalize themselves into cooperatives

The Association of Women in the Mining Sector of Burkina (AFEMIB) held constitutive general assemblies from September 18 to 19, 2024, to support the women’s groups of Song-Naba and Bouda to formalize themselves as cooperatives.

As part of the implementation of the 4th phase of the Project to support the strengthening of land and mining management (PARGFM), constitutive General Assemblies (GA) were held from September 18 to 19, 2024, in the commune of Yako, for the establishment of the Renaissance cooperatives of Song-Naaba and Relwendé of Bouda.

The holding of these general meetings was entrusted to agricultural and livestock technicians who also deal with rural development.

According to the explanations of the head of the departmental service in charge of Agriculture and animal and fisheries resources of Yako, Amado Maïga, the activity took place in two phases.

The first phase concerned the procedures for obtaining the receipt and the second concerned the validation of the lists of warranting and small
ruminant breeding materials for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

The activities were held on the basis of proposals made by the What You Need firm, which provides technical support to AFEMIB.

The technicians made the beneficiaries aware of the need to form cooperatives and the advantages associated with it.

The livestock technician, in his intervention, showed the women the types of documents that are required to obtain a receipt.

“You must provide, among other things, minutes of the meeting, the statutes, internal regulations, the list of members of the cooperative and an operating account,” he explained to the beneficiaries.

The cooperatives will be supported in the drafting of these documents by the technicians in charge of Agriculture and Livestock.

The various administrative procedures for obtaining receipts will also be carried out by the same technicians.

Votes were held to establish the members of the management committees and the supervisory board.

The financial implications and amounts reta
ined for the operation of the cooperatives were discussed by the participants.

At the end of the constitutive general meetings, the validation of the equipment lists followed.

According to the supervisor of the firm “What You Need”, Yacouba Sawadogo, this involves first checking the equipment and then proceeding to their validation, according to the needs expressed by the beneficiaries, in order to facilitate the implementation of income-generating activities for their financial empowerment.

These constitutive AGs were well appreciated by the spokesperson for the beneficiaries of the Relwendé de Bouda association, Bintou Tenkodogo.

She admitted that with the formalization of their association into cooperatives, they could benefit from other opportunities to finance their activities.

“For this we thank all the partners, in this case AFEMIB and the What You Need firm for their support,” she said happily.

The representative of AFEMIB, Djamila Kiéllo, for her part, said she was very satisfied with the mobil
ization and active participation of women in these AGs.

Ms. Kiéllo indicated that the equipment will be given to the cooperatives to enable them to carry out their activities properly and improve their financial situation.

“I ask women to be active in providing the necessary documents as quickly as possible to obtain their receipt,” she concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Installation and maintenance of photovoltaic solar systems: 43 young people from the Sahel trained and equipped

Forty-three young people from six municipalities in the Sahel region completed a ten-day training course in Dori on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, in photovoltaic solar system installation and maintenance techniques. This training was organized by the Association Monde Rural (AMR) as part of the Community Recovery and Stabilization Project in the Sahel (PCRSS).

This training aims to increase the resilience capacities of local authorities in the field of energy, explained the provincial coordinator of the AMR, Mr. Sofiane Bila.

According to Mr. Bila, out of a forecast of forty young people to be trained, one hundred and sixty-five candidates applied, and in total, forty-three people were selected.

The provincial coordinator added that this training allowed participants to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills on photovoltaic modules or solar panels, energy accumulators or batteries, solar charge regulators, inverters, maintenance and protection of electrical systems, sizing of a photovoltaic s
olar system and solar water pumping.

The representative of the training beneficiaries, Mr. Abdoul Aziz Maiga, expressed his sincere gratitude to the AMR and the PCRSS for this exceptional opportunity.

According to him, this new knowledge and valuable skills will enable them to actively contribute to the energy transition in Burkina Faso.

“We hope to be able to count on your support for the implementation of our future projects and to continue promoting renewable energies in our region,” concluded Mr. Maiga.

Addressing her godchildren, the beneficiaries’ godmother, Mrs. Aïcha Diabaté, warmly congratulated them for their commitment and perseverance throughout this training.

‘Today, you receive installation kits that represent much more than tools: they symbolize the opportunities available to you to put into practice what you have learned and to actively participate in a more sustainable energy future,’ said Ms. Diabaté.

On behalf of the Burkinabe government, the High Commissioner of the Séno province, Mr
. Wulfran Émile Bamas, expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for its financial support for the Community Recovery and Stabilization Project in the Sahel (PCRSS), which comes at a time when Burkina Faso is going through an unprecedented security crisis.

As a reminder, the PCRSS is an initiative of Mali and Burkina Faso, financed by the World Bank to enable the stabilization and recovery of communities in the three-border area, which have been severely affected by insecurity.

In the Sahel region, the project is being implemented in the communes of Gorom-Gorom, Dori, Djibo, Sebba, Arbinda and Gorgadji.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Launch of the Week of psycho-social support for victims of terrorism

The Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly launched, this Monday morning, the activities of the ‘Week of psycho-social and spiritual support’ for the benefit of military personnel and their families and civilian staff of the Presidency of Faso.

Organized by the military command of the Naaba-Koom 2 camp, this week is intended to be a demonstration of solidarity and compassion towards the families of soldiers who fell on the field of honor for the homeland, and an opportunity to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers and those reported missing.

According to the Commander of the Republican Guard, Battalion Chief Souleymane Zango, this week will be marked by social and spiritual activities, including the distribution of school kits to orphans and food to families, a conference for the benefit of the families of the victims and the staff of Camp Naaba-Koom 2.

“There will also be visits followed by donations to the homes of wounded and missing fighters and a
day of prayers for all religious denominations. A total of 121 families will benefit from this wave of solidarity,” said Battalion Chief Souleymane Zango.

The Minister of State, Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly hailed “a moment of collective pride for the military command of the Naaba-Koom 2 camp and its personnel, but also for the entire Army and for the Nation.”

While urging other units to follow this fine example, he expressed his satisfaction for “this very noble initiative and this surge of solidarity towards the families of our fallen brothers in arms.”

The representative of the beneficiaries, Gce Nana, expressed the joy and gratitude of all the families for the solidarity shown towards them. “You continue to show us every day that our parents were part of a big family, that of the Armed Forces of Burkina Faso,” she stressed.

And in this context of the fight against terrorism, she invited all Burkinabe “to keep the flag of Burkina Faso high for future gen

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nayala: An association offers food and medical equipment to the fighting forces of Yaba

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, the Yawagoulé Association handed over food and medical equipment to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS), Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the commune of Yaba in the province of Nayala.

Two tons of rice for the benefit of internally displaced persons (IDPs), a gasoline voucher worth two hundred thousand francs, sugar, coffee and health equipment. This is the composition of the donation from the Yawagoulé Association to the commune of Yaba for the benefit of the locality.

According to the president of the association, Daouda Go, this act is a contribution of “Yawagoulé” to facilitate the mobility and operations of the combat forces in the theater of operations.

He also indicated that the association has this year focused its efforts on health by providing pharmaceutical products to support the Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of Yaba.

He thanked the authorities for their commitment and recalled the need f
or every citizen to support the government’s efforts.

The president did not forget to thank a Belgian partner who is heavily involved in the humanitarian field for the benefit of the populations of the commune of Yaba.

High Commissioner Honoré Frédéric Paré welcomed the association’s initiative, stressing the need to mobilize around the region’s stakeholders to support vulnerable populations.

This action by the Yawagoulé Association demonstrates the solidarity and commitment of citizens to support the efforts of the State in a difficult context. He hoped that this donation would be an official invitation to the sons and daughters of the province to follow in the footsteps of the Yawagoulé Association.

As a reminder, the association had already donated food, motorcycles and walkie-talkies for the VDP and FDS.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sino-Burkinabe cooperation and control of ambulances and other vehicles in the headlines

This Tuesday’s publications echo the press release from the municipality of Ouagadougou subjecting funeral ambulance drivers and other vehicles to police control and the meeting between Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen.

“Bilateral cooperation, Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen exchange with the head of state,” states the state daily Sidwaya on its front page.

According to the public newspaper, the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, spoke on Friday, September 20, 2024, with a delegation of Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen on the challenges of strengthening China-Burkina cooperation.

The state daily specifies that businessmen from both countries discussed business opportunities on the same day, during a Sino-Burkinabe forum, chaired by Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelèm de Tambèla.

In the same vein, the dean of private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, indicates that the objective of this meeting is to allow businessmen to form partnerships to boost private investment and, by extension, economic grow

For its part, the private newspaper Le Pays, reports that according to the Minister in charge of the Economy, Dr Aboubakar Nacanabo, the People’s Republic of China is a “reliable” partner for his country, because despite the insecurity, China has remained at Burkina’s side.

In another register, the newspapers return to the press release of the special delegation of the commune of Ouagadougou.

“Commune of Ouagadougou, vehicles formerly exempted now controlled”, writes Sidwaya on its front page.

According to the colleague, the municipality of Ouagadougou, in a press release dated September 20, 2024, announced that new measures for controlling vehicles previously exempt from police control will now be scrutinized.

By the way, L’Observateur Paalga specifies that the vehicles concerned are ambulances and similar vehicles, vehicles transporting mortal remains, armored van type vehicles transporting foreign currency or other goods, mining and quarry vehicles, diplomatic corps vehicles, etc.

And the dean of
Burkinabe private dailies concludes that this measure aims to avoid “any perfidy.”

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Bookstore Gives School Kits and Scholarships to Disadvantaged Students

The HO.FI.O bookstore organized on Saturday in Ouagadougou, a caravan for the free distribution of school kits to 125 students and 10 school scholarships worth 50,000 CFA francs each, to underprivileged students.

The HO.FI.O bookstore provided a total of 125 underprivileged students with school kits and 10 of them also each received a school scholarship worth 50,000 FCFA to reward their excellent academic results.

76 of the 125 students have already benefited from the same gesture during the past school year and were renewed this year to reward the good results obtained at school. The other 49 have just joined the school kit distribution caravan for the 2024-2025 school year.

Among the 76 beneficiary students of 2023, 10 passed the CEP, including 4 at the entry into sixth grade, 1 passed his BEPC exam and entered the second grade.

For the director of the HO.FI.O bookstore, Estelle Yaméogo, the school kit distribution caravan is an initiative that aims to provide school books to children whose parents enc
ounter difficulties in taking care of their school supplies on the one hand, while promoting activities related to books and children’s education on the other hand.

Mrs. Yaméogo assured that the HO.FI.O bookstore had taken steps with the parents of the beneficiary students as well as the students themselves, to inquire about the difficulties affecting their academic peace.

According to her, it emerged from these meetings that in addition to the need for school kits, problems of schooling, supervision, school monitoring, health and income-generating activities were raised.

“Thus, the bookstore initiated literary and leisure vacations to meet these needs. In total, 10 students were able to participate free of charge in this activity, the participation fees of which amounted to 20,000 FCFA per child. It is also in this spirit that school scholarships worth 50,000 FCFA per child were established for this school year,” she confided.

Estelle Yaméogo urged the beneficiaries to “work hard at school” in order to o
btain better academic results, the only condition in her opinion to continue to deserve the bookstore’s favors such as vacation camps, kits and school scholarships.

The director of the HO.FI.O bookstore also assured parents of her willingness to always continue to support them in caring for their children.

In this sense, she indicated that a framework for supporting and monitoring beneficiaries will be set up with a library and supervisors to support the children.

The event’s patron, Aristide Pierre Yaméogo, promised to continue to support students in difficulty and urged them to work and achieve academic excellence.

It should be noted that Mr. Yaméogo has been accompanying this caravan since its first edition and has decided to fully cover the students’ school scholarships up to 500,000 FCFA.

Parents’ representative, Alizèta Ouédraogo, thanked the donors and promised to watch over the children so that they succeed at school.

The representative of the beneficiaries, Amdia Compaoré, thanked the sponsor o
f the ceremony and the HO.FI.O bookstore for their constant support over the 3 years.

“This growing generosity demonstrates your firm commitment to supporting us so that we can one day take our future into our own hands,” said Ms. Compaoré.

For her, these school kits and scholarships will help improve their academic performance and expressed the hope that this support can continue and extend to other children in need.

“As for us beneficiaries, we make a commitment before you, our parents and guests, to work well so as not to betray the trust placed in us,” she concluded.

The caravan distributing school kits for disadvantaged students is in its third edition.

This edition has included school scholarships in view of the strong concern of parents and the academic excellence of the first beneficiaries.

The HO.FI.O bookstore specializes in the sale and distribution of professional, academic, and school books, as well as scientific and educational equipment. It offers physical and digital books.

Source: Bur
kina Information Agency