Kourittenga: Mgr Julien Kaboré celebrates a thanksgiving mass for his appointment as Apostolic Nuncio

A thanksgiving mass was celebrated on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Notre Dame des GSces Cathedral in Koupéla, by Mgr Julien Kaboré, appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana on June 29, 2024, by Pope Francis.

It was through biblical readings and songs of praise that the thanksgiving mass of the Apostolic Nuncio of Ghana, Mgr Julien Kaboré, was celebrated on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at the Notre Dame des Gce Cathedral in Koupéla.

The Catholic faithful and parents congratulated Bishop Julien Kaboré on his appointment and asked God to accompany him so that he can accomplish the mission that Pope Francis has entrusted to him.

Bishop Julien Kaboré received episcopal ordination on Saturday, September 14, 2024, in St. Peter’s Basilica from the hands of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See.

“These are feelings of immense joy that animate the whole family,” rejoiced Jean Kaboré, a member of the Apostolic Nuncio’s family.

The religious community of the Archdiocese of Koupéla gave than
ks to the Lord and are proud, because the Lord has shown good grace to the Archdiocese of Koupéla in general.

“We have followed him since the minor seminary and we have seen that he has the faith to serve the Lord,” she said.

The Apostolic Nuncio of Ghana, Julien Kaboré, also gave thanks to God while imploring his support for the success of his mission.

“We do not deserve what we receive and this is yet another reason to give thanks to God. A Christian never has fear in his stomach. This means that in the Gospel the Lord tells us do not be afraid. If we are afraid it means that we do not have faith. This is a word from our father. This is the reign of Christ, of God and it is peace, joy, understanding, harmony. Everything we have said in the church is so that our society, our world today can live in peace, harmony and serenity,” maintained Bishop Julien Kaboré.

He is the very first Bishop of Burkina Faso to be appointed Apostolic Nuncio.

Ordained priest in 1995 by Mgr Dieudonné Yougbaré at the Notre Dame
des GSces Cathedral in Koupéla, Mgr Julien Kaboré was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana 29 years after his ordination.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sissili: The food and nutritional situation at the center of discussions in Léo

The members of the Technical Committee of the Provincial Food Security Council (CT-CPSA) met on Friday, September 20 in ordinary session in Leo to discuss the food and nutritional situation in the said province. This meeting, the first of its kind in 2024, was chaired by the provincial director in charge of Agriculture, Yaya Tabouret.

The search for food and nutritional security is the leitmotif of the Ministry in charge of Agriculture in all these actions, through its decentralized services. It is with this in mind that a session of the Technical Committee Provincial Food Security Council (CT-CPSA) of Sissili took place on Friday, July 20, 2024 in Léo.

For the representative of the regional director in charge of Agriculture for the Centre-West, Roland Nestor Sandwidi, this meeting is being held as a prelude to the preparations for the general assembly of the regional food security council under the theme: “Contribution of the agro-pastoral and fisheries offensive to achieving the food and nutritional situ
ation in Burkina Faso.

The participants were entitled to a communication on the situations of the agro-pastoral, food and nutritional campaign of the province made by Arnold Kaboré of the provincial directorate of Agriculture of animal and fisheries resources of Sissili.

According to Mr. Kaboré, the rainfall data are below expectations compared to the same period of the past campaign.

The communicator, however, clarified that the distribution in time and space is satisfactory.

He indicated that the province of Sissili experienced a normal start to the 2024-2025 wet season agricultural campaign with dry sequences recorded in the 3rd decade of July and the 1st decade of August.

In his opinion, there is hope for a good campaign if the rains continue until mid-October.

“The food situation of households is passable and we are seeing availability of food but prices remain high,” he noted.

The session allowed participants to formulate recommendations relating to food and nutritional security in the Sissili pr

This involves, among other things, strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the development of micro-projects to support IDPs and vulnerable people in the province, seeking funding for the regular holding of CT-CPSA sessions, and capitalizing on humanitarian interventions in the province of Sissili.

The prospects include, among others, the provision of phytosanitary products effective against caterpillars to the provincial directorate of Agriculture, an increase in the quantity of inputs from producers and the subsidization of basic foodstuffs.

The provincial director of agriculture, animal and fisheries resources, Yaya Tabouret thanked everyone for their full participation in the discussions.

Mr. Tabouret asked for everyone’s involvement for the successful implementation of the recommendations to the great delight of the populations of the Sissili province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga: The commune of Kando holds its workshop for the restitution of the communal development plan

The commune of Kando, in the province of Kouritenga, Centre-East region, held a restitution meeting of the diagnostic report for the update of its Municipal Development Plan (PCD), on Thursday, September 19, 2024 in the said commune. The workshop was financed by the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) and the participation of the commune’s stakeholders.

The objective of the diagnostic restitution workshop, held on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at the Kando town hall, was to discuss with the stakeholders and verify the veracity of the information collected for the success of its Municipal Development Plan (PCD).

The head of the mission for the implementation of the Kando communal development plan, Boureima Zongo, said he was satisfied with the results of the workshop.

“The objective was to see with the actors of the commune, if the information collected is true and allows to identify the commune of Kando. This was done and validated by the technical service and the populations”, he indicated.

The President
of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Kando, Arana Paré, welcomed the contributions and amendments of the various participants for the development of the document.

“It was a very fruitful exchange and we can only be pleased. Amendments and contributions were made that will really be necessary for the development of the document. It is also asking that the various partners take ownership of the document for the smooth running of the commune of Kando,” he suggested.

Moussa Nounkoubri, an agent at the regional directorate in charge of the Economy of Tenkodogo, welcomed the initiative and said he was convinced that the document that will be adopted will be of quality.

“Given the active participation of the stakeholders in the workshop, we have no doubt that the report will bear fruit. It will allow the stakeholders to work clearly and it will be a reference document for all,” he added.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Spanish farmers demand measures against Ukrainian grain

Supporters of the Spanish agricultural organization Union de Uniones de Agricultores y Ganaderos have staged a protest rally. They are demanding that the authorities take measures against the increase in grain imports from Ukraine.

“We are already in front of the European Commission to demand that fair prices for grain be set and imports from Ukraine be regulated,” the organization said in a message posted on the social network X.

According to the statement, excessive imports of agricultural products create “unfair competition with European production, especially grain from Ukraine.” According to farmers, this also affects their income.

The organization decided to send a letter to European leaders with its demands and proposals to resolve the situation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sourou: The first authorities of the province discuss with the population on the security situation

The first authorities of the province of Tougan exchanged on Friday, September 20, 2024 in Tougan with the population on the security situation prevailing in the said province. This meeting chaired by the high commissioner of the province of Sourou, Désiré Badolo who had at his side, the President of the special communal delegation (PDS) of Tougan, Ouiougou Tiendrébeogo and the commander of the 52nd Commando Infantry Regiment (RIC) based in Tougan .

From the outset, the chairman of the session, who is also the high commissioner of the Sourou province, Désiré Badolo, indicated that the objective of this meeting is to allow the populations to have accurate information on the current issues of concern.

According to Mr. Badolo, the meeting allowed participants to ask questions directly to the authorities and have their concerns answered.

To this end, they exchanged frankly with the population, everything that allowed them to gather suggestions for the return of peace in the province.

The first official of th
e province called on the populations of the Sourou province to pay their taxes for the development of the locality.

“We ask the populations, especially the taxpayers of the city of Tougan, to fulfill their tax obligations, in order to be able to support the local authorities in all the initiatives that contribute to securing the city,” he urged.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

A vast plot against the security of the Burkinabe state was being hatched from Ivory Coast, official

Minister of Security Mahamadou Sana announced Monday evening on national television that Burkinabe civilians and soldiers living in Côte d’Ivoire have tried several times to destabilize the institutions of Faso with the help of foreign powers.

According to him, recently these individuals have paid for the services of several terrorist groups who, after having massacred populations in Barsalogho on August 24, 2024, were preparing to attack the Koulouba presidency, the drone site, the Ouagadougou airport and the Combat Forces in position in Mangodara (Cascades), from Côte d’Ivoire.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SOS Jeunesse et Défis advocates for education on sexual reproductive health and climate change

The SOS Jeunesse et Défis association is organizing, from September 23 to 25 in Tintilou, the summer university on reproductive sexual rights and health and climate change for the benefit of young people.

‘Issues of rights and sexual reproductive health are among the major concerns of young people. It is always good to have a framework to talk about them, share experiences and propose solutions,’ said Harouna Ouédraogo, executive director of SOS Jeunesse et Défis.

For him, sexual reproductive health and climate change are important subjects that deserve to be discussed by young people in order to find solutions.

Mr. Ouédraogo spoke on Monday morning in Tintilou, in the rural commune of Komki-Ipala, on the occasion of the summer university organized by the association SOS Jeunesse et Défis as part of the Share-Net project.

For three days, around twenty young people from different locations in the country will be able to discuss their experiences in sexual reproductive health and climate change, while prop
osing solutions to address them.

“This summer university, aimed at young people aged 18 to 24, aims to strengthen the commitment and leadership of young people and to increase the interventions of leaders on sexual and reproductive health and climate change,” said the director of the association.

For the ceremony’s patron, Dr Ginette Hounkanrin, climate change is an element that exacerbates issues related to sexual and reproductive health.

‘Issues of sexual and reproductive health rights are often linked to gender inequalities but also to climate change issues,’ said Dr Hounkanrin.

The godmother hoped that these issues could occupy an important place in the priorities of governments.

Marteen Van Den Bosch from the Dutch embassy in Burkina Faso believes it is important to strengthen the socio-economic prospects of the population.

“Becoming a parent involves enormous responsibilities. If a person is not prepared, it could have an impact on their life,” the diplomat explained.

Leila Salou, participant, th
anked SOS Jeunesse et Défis for the initiative.

“It is a framework to enable us to strengthen our capacities and play our part as a relay for this nation,” noted Ms. Salou.

Following the discussions, a reforestation session will be held in the village of Tintilou.

Since April 2021, SOS Jeunesse et Défis has been organizing training and information sessions for young people in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Terrorist attacks in Bamako: Activist Imothep Bayala points the finger at internal complicity

Africanist activist Imhotep Bayala believes that the recent terrorist attacks in Bamako are the result of internal complicity

“To succeed in carrying out the act that we saw, it took a boulevard of traitorous citizens. Because being able to accommodate people whose intentions are not totally under control, however generous our hospitality may be, it imposes on us a minimum of lucidity and vigilance. You cannot receive a stranger into your home without a minimum of questioning,” he analyzed on RTB

Imothep Bayala is the coordinator of the movement ‘Two hours for us, two hours for Kamita’

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma: Popular shareholding explained to the Defense and Security Forces

The Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of the Eastern region, appropriated the mechanisms and projects of popular shareholding, on Friday, September 20, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

ogenous development is the hobbyhorse of the current leaders of the country of upright men to achieve its socio-economic and political sovereignty.This is how popular shareholding was born, the official launch of which took place on June 12, 2023. Since then, financial mobilization has been around 17 billion CFA francs with less than 3,000 subscriptions.

“This financial mobilization is not satisfactory,” said the secretary general of the cooperative, the technical partner of APEC, Sanoussa Sawadogo.

This gave rise to discussions on Friday, September 20, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of the region, to increase the financial base.

“Upon registration of the Head of State and his hierarchy, this mission undertook to discuss with the FDS to explain to them the vision of popular shareholding and its pro
jects and the added value of popular engagement,” stressed Mr. Sawadogo.

He added that APEC aims to mobilize 100 billion CFA francs to invest in four areas of activity, namely agriculture, industry, mines and a purchasing center to support the products.

According to the secretary general of the cooperative, the mission also aims to share information with the FDS who do not have enough time because of the fight against terrorism they are leading on the front and to encourage their support for this policy.

“I had some gray areas on popular shareholding but after these discussions with this mission I understood the benefit that we can draw from this policy based on endogenous development,” said Warrant Officer Eric Poda, at the territorial gendarmerie brigade of Fada NGourma.

He said he would relay the information received on APEC to other soldiers in order to encourage their support for the Head of State’s policy.

“With these discussions, everything is clear about APEC. I will commit to making my subscript
ion and those of my family members because I now see the benefits that can be gained,” said police warrant officer Ragmègré Idé Zida, at the Republican Security Company (CRS) of Fada NGourma.

The mission explained the mechanisms and subscription to the FDS and urged them to subscribe especially their offspring in order to guarantee them a bright future.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ioba: Capacity building for facilitators of child and youth development centers

A training on discipleship organized by the cluster of evangelical churches of Dano in partnership with the NGO Compassion International Burkina Faso, brought together the facilitators of the child and youth development centers (CDEJ) from September 17 to 19, 2024 in Dano.

This training took place at the Dano Evangelical Church of Christ. It focused on discipleship which is a strategy to bring a person to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

This person commits to walking according to the principles of Jesus as set forth in the Bible. Seventy-four participants including church project management committee leaders, pastors and monitors of child and youth development centers (CDEJ) saw their capacity strengthened in the spiritual teaching of children.

The training focused on the play-centered model with children. It took place in three stages: the theoretical phase, the practical phase with the instructors and the practical phase with the participation of 150 children.

It was Pastor Yacouba Gano
u of the Awana structure (English acronym) which means in French “a tested man is not ashamed” who led the work of the present session.

According to him, this capacity building will enable participants to be able to evangelize children and especially to make them disciples of Jesus Christ through games. “Awana is very much focused on games and whoever talks about children talks about games. That is why we use games to interest children and announce the good news of Jesus Christ to them,” explained the trainer.

Pastor Ganou congratulated the Dano cluster and their partner, the NGO Compassion International, for the mobilization of 74 facilitators from 14 CDEJs. He also expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained by the instructors in the practical phase with the children.

For the animator of the Baptist Church of Bolembar, Koumbassior Hien, the game models learned during the three days of training will improve their teaching in the CDEJ. He wishes to receive training on the curriculum in order to be
tter transmit spiritual messages to children and young people.

As for the secretary of the organizing committee, Modeste Somé, the present session was initiated to give more enthusiasm to the activities of the CDEJ. “The model centered on games will create more liveliness and desire among the animators, the children and even the parents,” stressed Mr. Somé.

This will further motivate children to become disciples of Jesus, he continued. He finds that this training came at the right time with relevant themes and concrete examples especially in the spiritual field.

The secretary of the organizing committee thanked the NGO Compassion International for its support in favor of children.

The practical phase with the children took place in competition with four teams formed for the occasion. At the end of the games, all the teams received awards in the presence of the focal point of the NGO Compassion International in Dano, Lacina Toé.

The Dano cluster brings together the evangelical churches of the provinces of
Bougouriba, Ioba and part of Tuy.

Source: Burkina Information Agency