REVO ZERO and Grupo Édora join forces to accelerate the green hydrogen revolution

This strategic partnership will expedite the deployment of a first-of-its-kind green hydrogen refueling network across the U.S. and Europe.

REVO ZERO and Édora sign agreement.

Harry Hobbs, Global Business Advisor and Board Member at REVO ZERO, Rafael Martín, CEO of Grupo Édora, and Ruben Creus, CEO and Founder at REVO ZERO, sign the agreement.

HERNDON, VIRGINIA, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — REVO ZERO Corporation, a zero-emissions technology company, and Grupo Édora, a leading European renewable energy developer, announce Grupo Édora’s strategic investment in REVO ZERO to accelerate the deployment of a green hydrogen generation and refueling network in the United States and Europe.

Under the terms of this strategic investment, Grupo Édora has acquired a stake in REVO ZERO, and the two companies will collaborate on developing, financing, and deploying green hydrogen projects globally. REVO ZERO’s innovative modular approach to hydrogen generation and dispensing and Grupo Édora’s renewable energy infrastructure expertise will accelerate the roll-out of a first-of-its-kind hydrogen refueling network in the United States and Europe. The deployment of scalable green hydrogen technology will significantly reduce the cost of generating, transporting, and supplying hydrogen for the transportation industry.

“We are excited to partner with Grupo Édora,” said Ruben G. Creus, CEO of REVO ZERO. “Their experience in renewable energy development and commitment to sustainability makes them the perfect strategic partner for us to achieve our goals. This partnership will enable us to create the first private global hydrogen refueling network quickly and economically.”

“This strategic investment in REVO ZERO will advance Grupo Édora’s international expansion into the United States,” Rafael Martín, CEO of Grupo Édora, said. “We are already evaluating multiple solar projects in the southern corridor of the United States, from Florida to New Mexico, that will produce green energy for hydrogen generation and energy storage.”

The partnership will accelerate the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure for commercial closed-loop environments like airports, municipalities, and universities and will eventually serve the consumer market by providing public access to green hydrogen refueling. The network deployment will set the stage for REVO ZERO to deploy its proprietary pFC Technology vehicles, which utilize a plug-in battery and hydrogen fuel cell to achieve a range of up to 700 miles and refuel time of around 7 minutes.

In addition, Martín, a vehicle enthusiast and owner of one of the most impressive exotic vehicle collections in Europe, is joining the REVO ZERO vehicle engineering team as a special advisor. Martín’s input will be invaluable in helping REVO ZERO shape the future of the zero-emissions automobile industry.

This partnership is a significant milestone in making green hydrogen a reality for the transportation industry. The two companies are well-positioned to lead the way in this emerging industry, and their partnership will help accelerate the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Savannah White
Communications Director

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9236461

REVO ZERO and Grupo Édora join forces to accelerate the green hydrogen revolution

This strategic partnership will expedite the deployment of a first-of-its-kind green hydrogen refueling network across the U.S. and Europe.

REVO ZERO and Édora sign agreement.

Harry Hobbs, Global Business Advisor and Board Member at REVO ZERO, Rafael Martín, CEO of Grupo Édora, and Ruben Creus, CEO and Founder at REVO ZERO, sign the agreement.

HERNDON, VIRGINIA, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — REVO ZERO Corporation, a zero-emissions technology company, and Grupo Édora, a leading European renewable energy developer, announce Grupo Édora’s strategic investment in REVO ZERO to accelerate the deployment of a green hydrogen generation and refueling network in the United States and Europe.

Under the terms of this strategic investment, Grupo Édora has acquired a stake in REVO ZERO, and the two companies will collaborate on developing, financing, and deploying green hydrogen projects globally. REVO ZERO’s innovative modular approach to hydrogen generation and dispensing and Grupo Édora’s renewable energy infrastructure expertise will accelerate the roll-out of a first-of-its-kind hydrogen refueling network in the United States and Europe. The deployment of scalable green hydrogen technology will significantly reduce the cost of generating, transporting, and supplying hydrogen for the transportation industry.

“We are excited to partner with Grupo Édora,” said Ruben G. Creus, CEO of REVO ZERO. “Their experience in renewable energy development and commitment to sustainability makes them the perfect strategic partner for us to achieve our goals. This partnership will enable us to create the first private global hydrogen refueling network quickly and economically.”

“This strategic investment in REVO ZERO will advance Grupo Édora’s international expansion into the United States,” Rafael Martín, CEO of Grupo Édora, said. “We are already evaluating multiple solar projects in the southern corridor of the United States, from Florida to New Mexico, that will produce green energy for hydrogen generation and energy storage.”

The partnership will accelerate the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure for commercial closed-loop environments like airports, municipalities, and universities and will eventually serve the consumer market by providing public access to green hydrogen refueling. The network deployment will set the stage for REVO ZERO to deploy its proprietary pFC Technology vehicles, which utilize a plug-in battery and hydrogen fuel cell to achieve a range of up to 700 miles and refuel time of around 7 minutes.

In addition, Martín, a vehicle enthusiast and owner of one of the most impressive exotic vehicle collections in Europe, is joining the REVO ZERO vehicle engineering team as a special advisor. Martín’s input will be invaluable in helping REVO ZERO shape the future of the zero-emissions automobile industry.

This partnership is a significant milestone in making green hydrogen a reality for the transportation industry. The two companies are well-positioned to lead the way in this emerging industry, and their partnership will help accelerate the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Savannah White
Communications Director

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9236461

LYB garantit sa capacité énergétique pour atteindre son objectif d’électricité renouvelable pour 2030



HOUSTON et ROTTERDAM, Pays-Bas, 25 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LyondellBasell (LYB) a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir signé un accord d’achat d’électricité avec Eneco N.V. Cet accord porte la capacité totale d’électricité renouvelable garantie de LYB à 100 % de son objectif d’approvisionnement en électricité renouvelable.

« Agir pour le climat fait partie intégrante de notre stratégie de création de valeur pour nos parties prenantes, l’environnement et la société. Je suis donc ravi que ce dernier accord nous permette d’atteindre notre objectif d’électricité renouvelable pour 2030, une fois que tous les projets seront opérationnels », a déclaré Peter Vanacker, PDG de LyondellBasell. « Les accords d’achat d’électricité constituent un levier essentiel dans nos efforts visant à réduire nos émissions absolues de gaz à effet de serre pour les scopes 1 et 2. »

Environ 15 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (scopes 1 et 2) de LYB en 2020 proviennent de sa consommation d’électricité. L’objectif de l’entreprise de se procurer au moins 50 % de son électricité à partir de sources renouvelables d’ici à 2030 est basé sur les niveaux d’approvisionnement de 2020.

Dans le cadre de l’accord d’achat d’électricité de 15 ans signé aujourd’hui, LYB obtiendra 25 mégawatts (MW) de capacité de production d’électricité renouvelable auprès du parc éolien offshore Hollandse Kust West VI (HKW-VI) situé dans la mer du Nord, aux Pays-Bas.

Chaque année, Eneco fournira environ 103 gigawattheures (GWh) d’énergie éolienne offshore à LYB, à partir de 2027, soit l’équivalent de la consommation d’électricité annuelle de quelque 28 500 foyers européens. Le parc éolien offshore comptera parmi les plus grands de ce type aux Pays-Bas.

À propos de LyondellBasell

Leader de l’industrie chimique mondiale, LyondellBasell crée des solutions pour un mode de vie durable au quotidien. Grâce à une technologie de pointe et à des investissements ciblés, nous œuvrons pour une économie circulaire à faible émission de carbone. Dans toutes nos activités, nous cherchons à créer de la valeur pour nos clients, nos investisseurs et la société. En tant que grand producteur mondial de polymères et leader des technologies des polyoléfines, nous développons, fabriquons et commercialisons des produits innovants et de haute qualité pour des applications variées allant du transport durable à la sécurité alimentaire en passant par l’eau potable et les soins de santé de qualité. Pour plus d’informations, visitez ou suivez @LyondellBasell sur LinkedIn.

Déclarations prospectives

Les déclarations contenues dans ce communiqué concernant des sujets qui ne sont pas des faits historiques constituent des déclarations prospectives. Ces déclarations prospectives sont basées sur des hypothèses de la direction de LyondellBasell qui sont considérées comme raisonnables au moment où elles sont formulées et sont soumises à des risques et incertitudes significatifs. Les résultats réels pourraient être sensiblement différents de ceux annoncés en fonction de facteurs tels que la disponibilité, le coût et la volatilité des prix des services publics ; notre capacité à atteindre nos objectifs en matière de développement durable, y compris notre capacité à réduire nos émissions et à atteindre la neutralité carbone nette dans les délais fixés dans nos objectifs ; notre capacité à nous procurer de l’énergie à partir de sources renouvelables ; et la construction et l’exploitation réussies des projets décrits dans ce communiqué. D’autres facteurs susceptibles d’entraîner des résultats sensiblement différents de ceux décrits dans les déclarations prospectives figurent dans la section « Facteurs de risque » de notre formulaire 10-K pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2023, disponible à l’adresse, sur la page des relations avec les investisseurs, et sur le site de la Securities and Exchange Commission à l’adresse Rien ne garantit que l’une des actions, l’un des événements ou l’un des résultats des déclarations prospectives se produira, ni, le cas échéant, quel impact ils auront sur nos résultats d’exploitation ou notre situation financière. Les déclarations prospectives sont valables uniquement à la date à laquelle elles ont été formulées et sont basées sur les estimations et les opinions de la direction de LyondellBasell au moment où elles sont faites. LyondellBasell décline toute obligation de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives si les circonstances, les estimations ou opinions de la direction venaient à changer, sauf si la loi l’exige.

Pour toute demande des médias, veuillez contacter​
Media Inquiries
LyondellBasell Media Relations
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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9236445

Quantexa reconhecida como líder no IDC MarketScape para plataformas mundiais de inteligência de decisão 2024

Avaliação independente destaca os recursos de unificação de dados, IA e escalabilidade da Quantexa

LONDRES, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Quantexa, líder global em soluções de inteligência de decisão (DI) para os setores público e privado, foi reconhecida como líder na IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Decision Intelligence Platforms 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc. nº US51047423, agosto de 2024). A IDC define as plataformas de inteligência de decisão como tecnologia que ajuda as organizações a desenhar, projetar e orquestrar decisões automatizando total ou parcialmente as etapas do processo de tomada de decisão. O relatório IDC MarketScape é uma leitura vital para os compradores de tecnologia porque é uma das avaliações mais rigorosas e respeitadas da categoria emergente de inteligência de decisão (DI). Espera-se que a categoria valha US$ 496 bilhões até 2030.1

O relatório observou: “A Quantexa, fundada em 2016, é uma empresa de software de IA, dados e análises que fornece uma plataforma de inteligência de decisão que oferece um sistema de decisão automatizado em escala empresarial, em tempo real e combinável, com foco na explicabilidade e transparência. A plataforma aproveita a resolução de entidades e os recursos de gráficos de conhecimento para criar uma visão unificada de entidades e recursos contextuais para aprendizado de máquina. A Quantexa também oferece soluções pré-embaladas para agregar valor comercial específico à vertical adicional ao fluxo de trabalho de decisão. Os usuários tendem a ser dos setores bancário e governamental, no entanto, o fornecedor destacou os clientes nas verticais de seguros, saúde, tecnologia, mídia e comunicações.”

O relatório também observou: “Investimento e financiamento contínuos na tomada de decisões com sua base central em recursos de IA/ML incluindo o lançamento de recursos de GenAI.”

Vishal Marria, fundador e CEO da Quantexa, disse: Acreditamos que ser reconhecido no IDC MarketScape reflete nossa dedicação à inovação e a confiança que nossos clientes depositam em nós para ajudá-los a usar dados, análises e IA para obter resultados mais rápidos e melhores em ambientes de tomada de decisão complexos e em constante mudança. Nossa missão é capacitar nossos clientes a tomar as decisões certas com os dados certos para proteger, otimizar e expandir suas organizações. Empresas e agências governamentais estão enfrentando desafios crescentes quando se trata de conectar dados em escala e garantir qualidade e precisão. Ser capaz de construir uma base de dados confiável é fundamental para o sucesso seguro das iniciativas de IA, tornando operacionalmente eficiente e criando fluxos de receita – e estamos fornecendo a inovação necessária para permitir que nossos clientes naveguem nessas frentes.”

Megha Kumar, diretora de pesquisa do IDC MarketScape, acrescentou: A capacidade da Quantexa de integrar diversas fontes de dados e extrair insights significativos de conjuntos de dados complexos usando avanços na resolução de entidades e gráficos de conhecimento serviu como um diferencial importante. Seu compromisso com a inovação de IA em toda a plataforma, juntamente com um forte foco nas necessidades do cliente, os posiciona como líderes na formação do cenário emergente de inteligência de decisão.

Para ler o trecho do IDC MarketScape para plataformas mundiais de inteligência de decisão, visite aqui.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de IA, dados e análises pioneira em inteligência de decisão para capacitar as organizações a tomar decisões operacionais confiáveis com dados contextualizados. Usando os mais recentes avanços em IA, a plataforma de inteligência de decisão da Quantexa auxilia as organizações a descobrir riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, unificando dados em silos e transformando-os no recurso mais confiável e reutilizável. Ela resolve os principais desafios em gerenciamento de dados, inteligência do cliente, KYC, crime financeiro, risco, fraude e segurança, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A plataforma de inteligência de decisão da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional com mais de 90% mais precisão e resolução de modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Um estudo sobre a plataforma de inteligência de decisão da Quantexa, realizado de forma independente pela Forrester TEI descobriu que os clientes obtiveram um ROI de 228% em três anos. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa tem agora mais de 750 funcionários e milhares de usuários da plataforma trabalhando com bilhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo.

Sobre o IDC MarketScape
O modelo de avaliação de fornecedores do IDC MarketScape foi projetado para fornecer uma visão geral da adequação competitiva dos fornecedores de tecnologia e serviços em um determinado mercado. A pesquisa utiliza uma metodologia de pontuação rigorosa baseada em critérios qualitativos e quantitativos que resulta em uma única ilustração gráfica da posição de cada fornecedor em um determinado mercado. O IDC MarketScape fornece uma estrutura clara na qual as ofertas de produtos e serviços, recursos e estratégias e fatores de sucesso de mercado atuais e futuros dos fornecedores de tecnologia podem ser comparados de forma significativa. A estrutura também fornece aos compradores de tecnologia uma avaliação de 360 graus dos pontos fortes e fracos dos fornecedores atuais e potenciais.

Consultas da imprensa
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight


C: Adam Jaffe, vice-presidente sênior de marketing corporativo
T: +1 609 502 6889

[1] Dados de mercado proprietários obtidos pela Quantexa a partir de um estudo encomendado do Gartner.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993783

Africa CDC and IAVI Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Vaccine and Antibody Research Capacity in Africa

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and IAVI, a nonprofit scientific research organization, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance the continent’s disease-fighting capacity, pandemic readiness, and supply resilience by expanding capabilities for locally driven research, development, manufacturing, and supply of priority vaccines and antibodies and to strengthen Africa CDC-led initiatives with expert support and shared resources.

The new partnership brings together IAVI’s expertise in vaccine and antibody development and access and the extensive network and expertise of Africa CDC to tackle urgent public health challenges and promote long-term health security. Key initiatives under this MoU include supporting the development of vaccines and antibodies for regional health priorities, such as Lassa fever and HIV; fostering a sustainable supply and demand ecosystem for priority products including monoclonal antibodies in the region; strengthening African research and development capacity; and exploring regional stockpile strategies for licensed and investigational products to ensure rapid responses during health crises.

"This cooperation is a key step in IAVI’s mission to improve global access to biomedical innovations and safeguard public health. It goes beyond R&D; it’s about creating a vibrant health innovation ecosystem that meets current and future needs across Africa," said Mark Feinberg, M.D., Ph.D., IAVI president and CEO.

The MoU exemplifies the action-oriented partnerships called for under the New Public Health Order, driving forward the continent’s vision for redefining global health architecture, and making Africa and the world better prepared for future health threats.

These initiatives can be advanced thanks to IAVI’s funders and in collaboration with IAVI partners, including Wellcome, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Accelerate the Development of Vaccines and New Technologies to Combat the AIDS Epidemic (ADVANCE) program.

** ENDS **

About IAVI

IAVI is a non-profit scientific research organization dedicated to addressing global, unmet health challenges including HIV, tuberculosis, and a range of emerging infectious diseases. Its mission is to translate scientific discoveries into affordable, globally accessible public health tools. Read more at

IAVI Media Contact

Ethel Makila
Director, Communications, Advocacy, and Policy
+254 71 904 3142


Quantexa est reconnu comme leader dans l’IDC MarketScape pour les plateformes mondiales d’intelligence décisionnelle 2024

Une évaluation indépendante met en évidence les capacités de Quantexa en matière d’unification des données, d’IA et d’évolutivité

LONDRES, 25 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, le leader mondial des solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle (DI) pour les secteurs public et privé, a été reconnu en tant que Leader dans l’IDC MarketScape : Worldwide Decision Intelligence Platforms 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc n° US51047423, août 2024). IDC définit les plateformes d’intelligence décisionnelle comme une technologie qui aide les organisations à concevoir, à mettre au point et à orchestrer leurs décisions en automatisant totalement ou partiellement les étapes du processus décisionnel. La lecture du rapport d’IDC MarketScape est capitale pour les acheteurs de technologies, car il s’agit de l’une des évaluations les plus rigoureuses et les plus respectées de la catégorie émergente de l’intelligence décisionnelle (DI). La valeur de cette catégorie devrait atteindre 496 milliards de dollars d’ici 2030.1

Le rapport indique : « Quantexa, fondée en 2016, est une entreprise de logiciels d’IA, de données et d’analyse qui propose une plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle fournissant un système de prise de décision automatisé, composable et en temps réel à l’échelle de l’entreprise, avec un accent sur l’explicabilité et la transparence. La plateforme exploite les capacités de résolution d’entités et de graphes de connaissances afin de créer une vue unifiée des entités et des fonctionnalités contextuelles pour les besoins de l’apprentissage automatique. Quantexa propose également des solutions clé en main pour ajouter au flux de décision une valeur commerciale supplémentaire spécifique à la verticale. Les utilisateurs ont tendance à relever des secteurs bancaire et gouvernemental, mais le fournisseur a mis en avant des clients dans les secteurs de l’assurance, de la santé, de la technologie, des médias et des communications. »

Le rapport souligne également « des investissements et des financements continus dans la prise de décision principalement basée sur les capacités d’IA/ML, y compris sur le déploiement des capacités GenAI. »

Vishal Marria, fondateur et PDG de Quantexa, a déclaré : « Nous pensons que le fait d’être reconnus dans le rapport d’IDC MarketScape reflète notre engagement pour l’innovation ainsi que la confiance que nos clients nous accordent lorsqu’il s’agit de les aider à utiliser les données, les analyses et l’IA pour obtenir des résultats plus rapides et de qualité supérieure dans des environnements décisionnels complexes et en constante évolution. Notre mission consiste à permettre à nos clients de prendre les bonnes décisions avec les bonnes données afin de protéger, d’optimiser et de développer leurs organisations. Les entreprises et les agences gouvernementales sont confrontées à des défis croissants lorsqu’il s’agit de connecter des données à grande échelle tout en garantissant leur qualité et leur exactitude. La capacité à créer une base de données fiable est un facteur essentiel à la réussite des initiatives d’IA, à l’efficacité opérationnelle et à la création de nouvelles sources de revenus. Nous fournissons l’innovation nécessaire afin de permettre à nos clients de surmonter ces difficultés. »

Megha Kumar, directrice de recherche chez IDC MarketScape, a ajouté : « La capacité de Quantexa à intégrer différentes sources de données et à extraire des informations utiles à partir d’ensembles de données complexes en utilisant les avancées en matière de résolution d’entités et de graphes de connaissances a constitué un facteur de différenciation clé. Son engagement envers l’innovation en matière d’IA sur l’ensemble de sa plateforme, associé à une forte concentration sur les besoins des clients, lui assure un positionnement de leader dans la définition du paysage émergent de l’intelligence décisionnelle. »

Pour lire l’extrait du rapport d’IDC MarketScape pour les plateformes mondiales d’intelligence décisionnelle, cliquez ici.

À propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels d’IA, de données et d’analyse, qui innove dans le domaine de l’intelligence décisionnelle afin de permettre aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables à l’aide de données en contexte. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aide les organisations à découvrir les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en unifiant les données en silos et en les transformant en une ressource fiable et réutilisable. Elle résout les principaux défis liés à la gestion des données, à la veille client, à la connaissance du client, à la criminalité financière, aux risques, à la fraude et à la sécurité, et ce tout au long du cycle de vie du client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Une étude TEI de Forrester commandée indépendamment sur la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa a révélé que les clients avaient constaté un retour sur investissement de 228 % sur trois ans. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 750 employés et des milliers d’utilisateurs de la plateforme travaillant avec des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde.

À propos d’IDC MarketScape
Le modèle d’évaluation des fournisseurs d’IDC MarketScape est conçu de manière à fournir un aperçu du niveau de compétitivité des fournisseurs de technologies et de services sur un marché donné. L’étude utilise une méthodologie de notation rigoureuse basée sur des critères qualitatifs et quantitatifs qui aboutissent à une illustration graphique unique de la position occupée par chaque fournisseur sur un marché donné. IDC MarketScape fournit un cadre clair dans lequel les offres de produits et de services, les capacités et les stratégies, ainsi que les facteurs de réussite actuels et futurs des fournisseurs de technologies peuvent être comparés de manière judicieuse. Ce cadre fournit également aux acheteurs de technologies une évaluation à 360 degrés des forces et des faiblesses des fournisseurs actuels et potentiels.

Demandes de renseignements des médias
Contact : Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E-mail :


Contact : Adam Jaffe, vice-président senior du marketing d’entreprise
Tél. : +1 609 502 6889
E-mail :

[1] Données de marché exclusives obtenues par Quantexa à partir d’une étude commandée par Gartner.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000993783

China, Nigeria to foster peace through cultural entertainment

China and Nigeria have stressed the need to foster peace through cultural and entertainment initiatives.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the two countries made the call in Abuja at the 5th National Entertainment and Peace Summit, with the theme, ‘Cultivating A Culture of Peace’.

Speaking at the gathering, Mr Yang Jianxing, the cultural counselor of the Chinese Embassy, highlighted the relationship between entertainment and peace.

The relationship, he said, helps to alleviate negative emotions and provides relaxation, and promotes a sense of unity among different people in spite of their diverse backgrounds.

He observed that in spite of being from different countries, people are fundamentally the same and share common human emotions and experiences which can either create conflict or foster peace.

‘We believe that entertainment can help alleviate negative emotions by providing relaxation and a means to forget temporary sadness.

‘Therefore China places great importance in people to people c
ommunication and friendship through cultural exchange for global peace.

Yang also spoke of the significance of the entertainment industry in fostering mutual communication and understanding between Nigeria and China.

He said that cultural exchange through entertainment can be a powerful tool for future collaborations.

‘The collaboration between China and Nigeria aims to cultivate a culture of peace and promote cultural diplomacy, further contributing to global efforts for a more peaceful world,’ he said.

Amb. Nsikan Paul, the Executive Director, Drum Majors for Peace reiterated his commitment to promoting peace, inclusivity, and social cohesion through entertainment, dialogue, youth development, and the creative industry.

See also Don urges leveraging China-Nigeria media cooperation to strengthen bilateral relations

He also noted that peace is more than just the absence of conflict;It is a condition of harmony that must be cultivated by intentional acts and efforts.

‘Today, as we come together under th
e banner of peace, we are reminded of the immense power of creativity in shaping a better world.

‘Through positive entertainment and meaningful dialogue, we aim to build sustainable cities and communities that are inclusive, fair, and resilient; aligning our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals 1, 2, 11, 16 and Goal 17.

‘We are dedicated to providing young people with platforms to discover, develop, and maximize their potential, empowering them to become responsible and patriotic citizens.

‘We are especially proud of our joint effort to promote peace via the arts, as evidenced by our win as the Grand Prize winners of the Energy China Dance Competition, sponsored by the Chinese Cultural Center and Energy China Nigeria,’ he said.

The summit was organised by the Drum Majors for Peace in partnership with the China Cultural Center in Nigeria to commemorate World Peace Day, 2024.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NGO, Afropop singer partner to combat drug abuse among youths

An NGO, the Vanguard Against Drug Abuse (VGADA) and renowned Afropop musician, Daud Suleiman popularly known as ‘Hi-Speed’ have agreed to work together to curb the menace of substance abuse among young people across the country.

This was one of the agreements reached at a meeting when the music icon paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Director of VGADA, Dr Hope Omeiza in Abuja.

Speaking, Omeiza said that the scourge of drug abuse had continued to destroy lives, youths, families and communities among others.

He said that the partnership aimed to counter the glamorisation of drug use prevalent in social media and mainstream platforms.

This, he said, where celebrities often promoted substance abuse as a means to creative inspiration.

He, however, emphasised the importance of engaging critical stakeholders and global ambassadors to address this pressing issue.

He added that Hi-Speed, as a global youth icon, had demonstrated his commitment to the anti-drug abuse campaign through his music and community o
utreach programs.

He also added that in 2022, his brand organised a massive concert in North Central states, specifically targeting COVID-19- affected areas, to spread awareness about the dangers of drug abuse.

‘Most of our activities revolve around young people, who are disproportionately affected by drug abuse. To change the narrative, we must explore innovative prevention avenues.

‘Hi-Speed’s influence is crucial in showcasing that success can be achieved without substance abuse. He’s an exemplary role model, proving that one can rise to stardom without indulging in drugs or alcohol.

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‘He is one person I know personally and I can tell you that even down to alcohol, he is someone who does not take any of these substances.

‘And we believe that by collaborating with Hi-Speed, VGADA seeks to inspire young people to make informed choices and shun drug abuse.

‘We hope that Hi-Speed’s message will resonate with the youth and encourag
e them to emulate his positive example,’ Omeiza concluded.

Earlier, Hi-Speed expressed concern over the growing trend of drug abuse among young people and pledged to leverage his music and influence to combat the menace.

He stressed that as role models, entertainers have a responsibility to promote positive values and discourage harmful behaviours.

The musician, however, pledged to utilise his music, social media, and concerts to sensitise his fans about the dangers of drug abuse.

Hi-Speed, with almost two decades of experience in the music industry, emphasised that success could be achieved without indulging in illicit substances.

‘I’ve been in this industry since 2007 doing my music without engaging in drug abuse. I’ve been doing fine, and my fans should know that they can also achieve their goals without drugs.

‘Most of our fans see us as mentors and emulate what we do on screen. It’s time for us to use our platforms to fight against drug abuse and promote healthy lifestyles.

‘I’ll use my platforms
to tell my fans that they can achieve their dreams without drugs. I want to inspire them to make positive choices.

‘As youth, you can be whatever you want to be without doing drugs, you can be whoever you want to be without involving in illicit drugs, ‘he advised.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Association intensifies preparation for bodybuilding world championships in U.S.

The Nigeria Natural Bodybuilding Association (NNBBA) says preparations are in full swing for Nigerian bodybuilders to excel in the upcoming African qualifiers for the World Natural Bodybuilding Championships billed for the United States.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the 2024 World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) championships will be held in Boston, U. S. from Nov. 23 to Nov. 24.

While the Africa qualifiers for the world championships is scheduled for October 26 in Lagos.

NNBA President, Arinze Oraekwuotu, at a news conference on Wednesday in Abuja, stressed the need for Nigeria to secure a spot at the world championships.

‘As we launch the NNBBA, we are also excited to announce Nigeria’s participation in the upcoming Africa Qualifiers for the World Natural Bodybuilding Championships in the USA.

‘This is a tremendous opportunity for our athletes to test their mettle against the best from across Africa and secure a spot at the world championships,’ he said.

Oraekwuotu said the as
sociation was committed to developing grassroots talent and athletic potential across the continent.

‘The NNBBA is dedicated to promoting natural bodybuilding across Africa, and we are committed to enhancing Africa’s presence in international bodybuilding competitions,’ he said.

The NNBA boss called on corporate organisations, government agencies and individuals to partner with the association in achieving its goals and fostering a fitness culture in Nigeria.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

ECOWAS urges member states to promote gender equality in trade

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has called on member states to mainstream gender into their trade policies to achieve the objectives of the African Continental Trade (AfCTA).

ECOWAS Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Mrs Massandje Toure-Litse, made the plea at the opening of a regional meeting on trade and gender in Abuja on Tuesday.

She said that promoting inclusive sub-regional trade by empowering women in business was in line with regional approaches and guidelines, as well as international best practices.

Toure-Litse described international trade as a powerful driver for wealth creation and development with women representing about 50 per cent of the global workforce facing barriers to participating in it.

‘Women-owned businesses often struggle to access export markets, and women workers are overrepresented in low-wage, low-skilled sectors.

‘Trade policies frequently overlook gender-specific needs and perspectives, exacerbating existing inequalities,’ the commi
ssioner said.

She said that addressing these disparities was crucial for promoting inclusive and equitable trade practices, unlocking the potential of women entrepreneurs and workers, and ensuring that international trade benefited all.

‘However, increased trade supported by discriminatory trade policies is acknowledged to be a catalyst for the possible widening of the inequality gap between men and women involved in trade.

‘According to UN Women, it is estimated that 70 per cent of informal cross-border trade in Africa is conducted by women traders.

‘I am pleased to note that ECOWAS has already developed several community texts and initiatives to promote gender-inclusive trade.

‘These efforts align with our commitment to deepening regional integration and accelerating development through inclusive trade,’ the commissioner said.

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The commissioner urged participants to share their expertise and constructively discuss the is
sue of gender mainstreaming in trade to enrich the ECOWAS draft action plan on trade and gender.

‘A well-crafted action plan will definitely contribute to achieving the Vision 2050, AfCTA, the AU Agenda 2063 as well as the Sustainable Development Goals,’ she said.

Toure-Litse said the entry into force of AfCFTA had culminated in great opportunities for increased intra-African trade, and solicited necessary steps for it to provide equal opportunities for men and women.

‘In this regard, the regional AfCFTA implementation strategy aims to achieve objectives such as gender equality and structural transformation of state parties.

‘Specifically, the strategy aims to contribute to the positive gender and youth impact of AfCFTA through women and youth-led-business activities, employment and social protection as well as informal cross-border traders,’ she added.

Declaring the event open, Nigeria’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Doris Uzoka-Anite, said that mainstreaming gender in regional trade policies aimed at
creating a prosperous and equitable trade policy.

Represented by the ministry’s Director, Special Duties, Dr Simon Ozomo, the minister said that gender trade mainstreaming was in line with the Federal Government’s trade facilitation policy and relevant community texts.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria