912,880 packets of sanitary pads distributed in Bungoma

Bungoma County Women Representative Catherine Wambilianga has flagged off the distribution of 912,880 packets of sanitary pads across the county.

Speaking on Monday at Kapsokwony DEB Primary School, Wambilianga said the sanitary pads will be distributed to all schools, both Primary and Secondary Schools.

Wambilianga said that the sanitary pads will be distributed depending on the vulnerability of the community living around the schools, with the most vulnerable getting more.

The County women representative noted that the programme was previously done by the Ministry of Education, but after women representatives visited President William Ruto, it was decided that it should be run by the office of women representatives through the Ministry of Gender Culture and Social Services.

Wambilianga said that the move was meant to keep the girl child in school even during their monthly periods.

The County women representative called upon the girl child to say no to sex and concentrate on education, stating that it’
s the only tool that can make them equal.

She further cautioned teachers against selling the sanitary pads or distributing them to the community.

‘These sanitary pads are meant for school-going girls,’ she noted.

Wambilianga called upon other stakeholders to come on board to support the education of the girl child.

On the other hand, Sub County Kenya Primary Schools Association (KEPSA) Chairlady Cheruto Komen challenged the county women representative to also consider looking for a package for the boy child.

Komen noted that the boy child also undergoes numerous challenges and should also be put into consideration.

‘Failure to which population of the boy child will start reducing in schools more so in Mt. Elgon Sub County,’ she noted.

She proposed that if they can also be provided with boys’ inner pants so that as they distribute sanitary pads to the girls, they can also give boys the inner pants.

Komen also proposed the introduction of porridge to the early child development classes across the sub-co

She noted that most of the children come from vulnerable families, and teachers go through difficulties while teaching them.

In attendance were Deputy County Commissioner Nicholas Kijuba, Sub County Education Officer Kennedy Machacha, and Assistant County Commissioner Josphat Kipyator.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Artisans to be assessed and certified for Affordable Housing Programme

The government has developed a framework that will see artisans with uncertified skills and competencies assessed and certified through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) construction sites and primary Jua Kali Associations worksites.

Through a National Framework of Engagement by various State Departments and government agencies, the move will enable the assessed and certified youths to take advantage of employment opportunities such as those that will be available through the Affordable Housing Programme.

Those involved are the State Departments for TVET, Housing and Urban Development, Labour and Skills Development, State Department for MSMEs, and Kenya National Federation of Employers.

In the arrangement, the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) will coordinate implementation of the policy through awareness creation, sensitisation, and organising capacity-building forums.

According to KNQA Director General Dr. Alice Kande, the Kenya National Qualificatio
ns Framework (KNQF) provides for articulation of the various levels of qualifications and clear progression pathways for the various forms of certification, including recognition of prior learning.

The national rollout of RPL is a timely conduit towards realising the Kenya Kwanza Government Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) with a view to increasing the supply of housing units from the current 2% to 50%, translating to 250,000 for the next five years from the current 50,000 units per year.

The AHP is also expected to create over 500,000 new employment opportunities for young people graduating from the TVETs in the next five years, directly into the construction sector and indirectly through production of building products.

The initiative will further strengthen the Juakali industry’s capacity to produce high-quality construction products.

‘KNQF is a comprehensive system that organises all forms of learning-formal, non-formal, and informal-across educational and training sectors. The distinct KNQF levels
are defined by level descriptors covering knowledge, skills, and competencies,’ said Dr. Kande.

The KNQF encompasses three sub-frameworks: Academic, TVET, and Industry. Qualifications are placed within a level by mapping their learning outcomes against the level descriptors. The framework’s primary aims are to enhance access, equity, quality, and relevance in education and training throughout Kenya.

Already Kenya is implementing the recognition of prior learning policy across various institutions following its launch in March this year by the government.

Implementation of RPL in Kenya is being implemented through the ‘Whole of Government Approach’ where all relevant players are working collaboratively to enhance its effectiveness.

RPL policy is a revolutionary approach aimed at dignifying the Jua Kali workforce. This policy seeks to formalise informal skills, transforming them into recognised qualifications and opening up both local and international employment opportunities for artisans.

This strategic
focus will create pathways to employment, empowering millions of Kenyans while enhancing economic development through skills recognition and opportunities.’

The RPL policy aims to ensure recognition of knowledge, skills, and competencies that have been acquired through practical work and the award of certificates.

The implementation of the policy is a bridge to facilitate transition from informality to formality as well as facilitating multi-entry/exit between the education system and the labour market.

Kenya’s education and training sector is regarded as one of the best in Africa, as evidenced by the fact that Kenya has led in developing and implementing policies, standards, and procedures for the management of accreditation of institutions, qualifications, and quality assurance on the continent.

This framework brings together Basic Education (BE), Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), University Education (UE), industrial training, and lifelong learning to enable better coordination and ha
rmonisation of qualifications across the various sectors.

KNQA prides itself on creating an enabling environment for lifelong learning, fostering quality of qualifications, and creating international recognition and comparability of qualification systems.

The African Union and the European Training Foundation (ETF) are implementing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF-II) project to support the implementation of ACQF as a continental policy instrument.

The project aims to contribute to transparency, comparability, and recognition of qualifications, collaboration between National Qualifications Frameworks, and promotion of lifelong learning in Africa.

The project supports referencing of National Qualifications Frameworks to African Continental Qualifications Framework; develops and operationalises innovative tools such as the qualifications and credentials platforms, the RPL campaign, and skills data focus (labour market intelligence tools) through training, dialogue, and peer-to-peer sha
ring forums.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Angolan Head of State meets with US Secretary of State

The Head of State, João Lourenço, on Tuesday in New York City, held a meeting with the United States of America Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, just hours after the announcement of US President Joe Biden’s visit to Angola.

The meeting took place at the UN headquarters, on the sidelines of the 79th United Nations General Assembly.

Joe Biden will pay an official visit to Angola from 13 to 15 October, at the invitation of President João Lourenço.

The Lobito Corridor, its full development and expansion, will be one of the major priorities in conversations between the presidential delegations of Angola and the United States of America, as well as an assessment on the need to strengthen climate security, the transition to clean energy and international peace and security.

The White House reports that President Biden will travel to Luanda to discuss increasing collaboration on shared priorities, including strengthening economic partnerships that keep American companies operating in Angola competitive.

indicates that Biden’s visit celebrates the evolution of the US-Angola relationship and highlights the United States’ ongoing commitment to African partners and demonstrates how collaboration to resolve shared challenges brings benefits to North Americans and Africans.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Police wants dynamic fuel smuggling investigation

The Interior delegate in Lunda-Norte, Gerson Miguel, called on the related bodies on Wednesday to be more dynamic in investigating fuel smuggling and the exploitation and illicit trafficking of diamonds, with a view to effectively combating these crimes.

The official made this recommendation during a meeting with the governor of Lunda-Norte, Filomena Miza, and the members of the Consultative Council of the Interior Delegation, as part of his fact-finding visit to the Interior bodies, emphasising that the fight against fuel smuggling and illegal diamond mining is a priority for the institution, as it represents a ‘threat’ to the economy.

He also pointed out that the proliferation of petrol stations along national roads 180 (Dundo-Nzangi) and 225 (Dundo-Malanje), with a total of 16 pumps – 11 on the EN-180 and 5 on the EN-225 – has boosted fuel smuggling in the district.

He called on the population to collaborate, especially the traditional authorities, in reporting these crimes, with a view to facilitating
the intervention of the defence and security agencies, especially along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The provincial commander of the National Police reiterated that the Interior Ministry’s bodies in Lunda-Norte will continue to redouble their efforts to meet society’s expectations regarding public security, prioritising prevention and neighbourhood policing.

He added that the Interior Ministry has been carrying out various operations, especially in the outlying neighbourhoods, with a view to raising the level of security for citizens.

The officer pointed to the continued disorganised growth of neighbourhoods without urbanisation and public lighting as an obstacle to combating crime, especially at night.

On the other hand, the official defended the need to build a prison in the municipality of Cuango, to serve the southern part of the province, which includes the municipalities of Cuango, Caungula, Capenda-Camulemba, Cuilo, Lubalo and Xá-muteba, and to relieve the overcrowded Cacanda j

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Head of State engages in several bilateral contacts in New York

President João Lourenço on Tuesday made several contacts with counterparts and other entities in New York, aiming to reinforce bilateral partnerships.

After speaking at the 79th UN General Assembly, the Angolan Head of State continued his parallel agenda by meeting with the President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, with whom he discussed the state of cooperation.

With the same objective, he met with his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto.

A few moment later, João Lourenço met with the President of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat.

Previously, João Lourenço and Nangolo Mbumba, President of Namibia, met at the UN headquarters to evaluate bilateral cooperation.

This was followed by a meeting with his Mauritian counterpart, Prithvirajsingh Roopun, and Côte d’Ivoire’s VP, Tiemoko Meyliet Koné.

The President’s second day of work ended with a reception for the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, hours after the White House announced the visit of US President Joe Biden to Angola.

Source: Ango
la Press News Agency

Angolan Presidente defends more equal and peaceful world

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, spoke Tuesday at the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA, where he defended, among other things, the reform of the UN and the prevention and resolution of conflicts in the world.

In his speech, the Angolan Head of State emphasised the need for urgent reform of the UN Security Council and the international financial institutions that emerged from Breton Woods, in order to give a voice to the countries of Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent.

João Lourenço conveyed Africa’s desire to help build a new international financial architecture, spoke of Angola’s progress in the fight against corruption and the priorities of the National Development Plan.

He also spoke of the Angolan government’s actions to improve the national social framework and to create factors that boost the development of industry and agriculture, particularly by taking the path of electrifying the country.

Here are some key phrases
from the President’s speech:

‘We are firmly committed to leaving no-one behind, to acting together to promote peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations.’

‘Today we are witnessing an attempt to undermine, ignore or even replace the role and importance of the United Nations in the great issues that afflict humanity, particularly those that have to do with universal peace and security.’

‘The imperative of multilateralism must prevail as the only framework truly capable of safeguarding the common interests of all humanity, within which we must reaffirm our resolute commitment to diplomacy, inclusive dialogue and the use of peaceful means to resolve conflicts.’

‘We are putting to the benefit of peace in Africa the experience gained by Angola in resolving its internal conflict, which after several decades was definitively resolved through an inclusive dialogue between the warring parties.’

‘We are very seriously concerned about the situation prevailing in Sudan, where
a violent war is raging with humanitarian consequences of dramatic proportions in the face of a certain apathy on the part of the international community, which should seek to converge its efforts and act in coordination with the African Union in order to promote and achieve lasting peace.’

‘We have learned from our own conflict that there is no peace without dialogue and no peace without concessions on both sides. This is a path that cannot be neglected in the context of all efforts to resolve the serious security crises facing the world today.’

‘I would like to take this opportunity to call once again for an end to the embargo against Cuba and the sanctions against Zimbabwe, the current President-in-Office of our regional economic community, SADC, because they are unfair and inhumane, because they increase the suffering of their peoples and greatly hinder the economic and social development of those countries.’

‘We need to analyse where we have failed and what collective measures we should take to make t
he United Nations’ intervention more active in the search for solutions that contribute to the prevention of conflicts, the strengthening of peace and world security, the strengthening of trade and international cooperation, to guarantee the prosperity of nations and the well-being of the peoples of our planet.’

‘We intend to be part of the construction of a new international financial architecture, in which closer collaboration between states is required, with a view to effectively combating the illicit flow of capital and the recovery of assets, which is often incomprehensibly hampered by the countries that hold the funds under their control.’

‘The Republic of Angola has established partnerships at international level to guarantee the operationalisation of the Benguela Railway, the mineral and commercial ports of Lobito as part of the great transnational transport and logistics project of the Lobito Corridor.’

‘Interested investors now have the opportunity to sell electricity produced in Angola to custom
ers in the mining areas of the DRC and Zambia, as well as to the SADC countries in general, especially the largest industrial and domestic consumer, South Africa.’

‘The Republic of Angola is a hospitable country, open to the world and always available to act as a proactive partner to help increase global cooperation, in favour of development and the implementation of joint and complementary actions that help respond to the permanent challenges of combating international terrorism and other threats to peace, world security and sustainable development.’

‘We will therefore continue to fight with all our might for the recovery of the assets embezzled from the public purse and which are sorely needed for the construction of school, hospital, energy and water and road infrastructures, among others.’

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Angolan authorities prepare dignified reception for Joe Biden

The Angolan head of state, João Lourenço, reacted positively Wednesday in New York City, USA, to the confirmation of the official visit of US President Joe Biden to Angola from 13 to 15 October.

On the sidelines of a meeting with the US authorities, João Lourenço guaranteed a dignified reception for the first US President to visit Angola.

‘This is very good for our country and from now on we are going to start preparing the reception of this organisation properly,’ he stressed.

During this trip, the ‘Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment’ project will be formalised, which includes Angola and the G7 (group of the seven largest Western economies), and which aims to create the first freely accessible transcontinental rail network in Africa.

The project, known as the Lobito Corridor because it starts in the Angolan city of Lobito, aims to link the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, passing through the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.

Last May, Angola and the US signed financing agree
ments in Dallas for the development of the Lobito Corridor, worth 1.3 billion dollars.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre also indicated that the two statesmen should address strengthening democracy and civic engagement, intensifying action on climate security and the transition to clean energy, and strengthening peace and security.

‘President Biden’s visit to Luanda celebrates the evolution of the relationship between the US and Angola, underlines the United States’ continued commitment to African partners and demonstrates how collaboration to solve shared challenges is beneficial to the people of the United States and the entire African continent,’ he said.

This will be Joe Biden’s first trip to Africa since arriving at the White House in January 2021.

Source: Angola Press News Agency